consequences of leprosy photo
Leprosy (leprosy): disease, symptoms, treatment, causes, prognosis
The peak prevalence of leprosy occurs in the Middle Ages (12–16), when the majority of the European population
Erius syrup for children reviews and instructions for use
Erius is an anti-allergy medication of the latest (third) generation with a prolonged effect. The original medicine is one
Hematogen - benefits and harms, latest research, does it increase hemoglobin or not?
How and what is hematogen made from? The main composition of the delicacy can be very surprising at first. Produce
Spirulina: health benefits, dosage and side effects
Spirulina is a single-celled blue-green algae that has lived on Earth since the beginning of life.
Low blood pressure in women: main causes, symptoms and treatment of hypotension in young and elderly women
Low blood pressure accompanies the lives of modern people. Patients simply do not pay attention to its symptoms,
What is dental periodontal disease and how to treat it
Periodontal disease - causes and effective treatment methods
11/27/2019 Dental periodontal disease is a serious disease in which the last stage of gum inflammation occurs. Often
Cushing's syndrome: causes, clinical picture, treatment, prognosis, prevention
Itsenko-Cushing syndrome is a combination of a complex of pathological changes resulting from such a very dangerous
How to treat pancreatitis at home quickly and effectively
How to treat pancreatitis at home quickly and effectively
Pancreatitis is one of the most common diseases of the human digestive system. The basis for the emergence of the complex
Immunostimulating drugs, vitamins and other means to improve immunity in adults
The average person imagines immunity in the abstract: if you get sick, you have poor immunity. But the immune system
Why frequent excessive urination in women: what to do and how to get rid of it
Expert opinions vary regarding the normal number of urinations per day for a healthy person. Average
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