List of analogues of the drug Allohol
Cholenzym: instructions for use, indications and available analogues
Allochol refers to choleretic drugs based on natural ingredients. It has a number of positive
Albucid eye drops
Eye drops "Albucid": instructions for use, composition, analogues, reviews
Albucid eye drops belong to the pharmacotherapeutic group of antimicrobial drugs (bacteriostatic antibiotic). Action
hormonal IUD
Hormonal IUD: pros and cons. Mirena IUD
There are different methods of contraception. Some women protect themselves from unwanted pregnancy using oral contraceptives.
Medicines and drugs for headaches – Tempalgin
96 Review of the headache painkiller Tempalgin (tablets). Video on the topic and
vaccination Prevenar 13 reviews
Vaccination Prevenar 13 - why is it done, what vaccination schedule for children is provided for in the instructions for use?
Prevention of life-threatening infectious diseases is the main task of modern vaccination. It implies artificial
Natrol Melatonin sleeping pills - reviews
Melatonin for insomnia - benefits, dosages and my experience
What are the health benefits of melatonin? Research shows that small doses of melatonin help you fall asleep faster.
Viagra for potency
Viagra: a detailed guide to a drug that improves potency
In the fight against poor potency, doctors often use various medications, the most famous of which is
Symptoms of chronic renal failure, stages, treatment methods, drugs
Modern medicine manages to cope with most acute kidney diseases and curb the progression of most chronic ones.
Spazgan - instructions for use
Indications for use of Spazgan: symptoms and diseases
Modern medicine provides many drugs to combat pain, one of which is
What foods will help with iron deficiency anemia?
The role of iron in the life of the body Iron is a real “hard worker” in our body, the number of functions
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