Norm of platelets in the blood by age, reasons for low and high values, additional examinations, treatment and prevention
Formed blood cells ensure the normal functioning of the entire body. Some of them participate in adequate
Early and late signs of microstroke in women - treatment tactics and prevention
A microstroke is an acute malnutrition of cerebral structures. Variation of ischemia (oxygen starvation) of the brain.
Ovarian apoplexy
What causes ovarian rupture and what the consequences may be
Ovarian apoplexy is a hemorrhage of its cavity or rupture of an organ, which is accompanied by internal bleeding
Signs by which Addison's disease can be identified and treatment of pathology
The main symptoms of Addison's disease are lethargy, increased heart rate, abdominal pain and a bronze tint.
What do Valoserdin drops help with: instructions for use
Basic instructions The medicine should not be used by people who experience psychological reactions and
What causes painful mouth ulcers: how to identify and get rid of aphthous stomatitis
According to statistics, from 20 to 70% of people encounter aphthous disease in their lives.
Golden mustache
The healing properties of the golden mustache: Recipe for preparing products based on it - Review + Video
Chemical composition The composition of the golden mustache includes organic active substances. They have a beneficial effect
Manic psychosis: signs, treatment. Affective insanity
Terminology First you need to understand what exactly we are talking about. Therefore, you will have to understand the terminology.
Back pain in the lumbar region: why does this happen and what will help?
There is hardly a single person who has encountered at least once in his life
Eczema. Rashes.
Skin disease eczema: causes, symptoms and treatment
Eczema is a skin disease of an allergic nature, characterized by the presence of an inflammatory process and the ability to
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