Oil pours into the palm
Vaseline oil: application. How to use Vaseline oil for medical and cosmetic purposes?
There are many simple and accessible remedies that turn out to be very useful in life. Among them
An effective gargle - iodinol
Iodinol is a fairly popular medicine for throat diseases, which produces a powerful anti-inflammatory effect and
Chronic stress: how to protect the nervous system from methodical destruction?
Stress is a response of the human psyche to strong emotions experienced by him, which can
This lesion most often occurs in children under 5 years of age. Breasts are additionally protected by antibodies from mother's milk, but are also at risk, especially after a cold, vaccination, or any process that was accompanied by an increase in temperature, especially a prolonged one.
Stomatitis in children - photos, symptoms, types of childhood stomatitis
Stomatitis is inflammation, damage to the mucous membrane of the mouth, tongue, and palate of the gums. Characterized by an inflammatory process in the mouth
use during pregnancy
Sulfur ointment: 105 photos of what it looks like and advice from doctors on use. The action of the ointment and its effectiveness
Effective and inexpensive. Happens? The answer to this question torments all those suffering from the disease. Universal medicine
Coloproctologist: what kind of doctor is he and what diseases does he treat?
Proctology is a branch of medicine dealing with the diagnosis, research, treatment and prevention of any diseases and pathologies.
Phthalazol: what helps and instructions for use
Few people are immune from infectious intestinal diseases. Modern medicine offers a lot of pharmacological drugs that
Causes of excessive sweating in women's armpits
A person sweats a lot - what diseases can this mean?
1 15015 Sweating is a completely normal process. It provides thermoregulation of the body, as well as
gedelix drops
Gedelix syrup, instructions for use, composition, analogues
Release form, composition of drops The drug has the form of a viscous liquid of a greenish-brown color with an aromatic
Causes of stage 1 phimosis, treatment of the disease and photo of the disease
General information Phimosis is a condition characteristic of men in which it is impossible to expose the head
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