COPD - lung disease: treatment and symptoms, list of drugs
What is COPD? COPD is an umbrella term for many respiratory diseases such as
Causes of adnexitis
Appendages in women. Where are they located, how do they hurt, inflammation, photos, videos, treatment
Causes of occurrence Any representative of the fair sex can suffer from this gynecological disease. No definite path
Pain in the tailbone when sitting and standing up: why does it occur and how to treat?
Pain in the coccyx does not appear so often; according to statistics, it accounts for less than one percent
flatulence and belching causes, symptoms and treatment
Why does belching occur after eating in adults: causes and treatment
Belching is the reflux of the contents of the stomach or esophagus into the oral cavity. In the majority
black berries
Black feces in an adult: causes and treatment (photo, video)
Normal stool color in an adult Harmless causes Effect of medications on stool color Symptoms
Emoxipin for eyes
Emoxipin: instructions for use, indications, reviews and analogues
Working at a computer, using gadgets, polluted environment and low-quality products are reasons for ophthalmic
the smell of discharge from gardnerellosis
Gardnerellosis in women: causes, symptoms and treatment, can men get gardnerellosis?
Gardnerella or gardnerellosis is a female disease. The causative agent of the disease is considered to be the microorganism Gardnerella vaginalis. In fact,
Causes of heel pain
Reasons why your heel hurts and is painful to step on
Today we will talk in detail about each reason why it hurts and can be painful to step on.
Photo 1
Use with caution: list of contraindications and possible side effects of the drug Noliprel
Tinnitus, nagging pain in the back of the head, rapid heartbeat - all these are symptoms of increased
Milk thistle herb
Milk thistle - medicinal properties of the herb. Uses of milk thistle
Milk thistle herb - its properties and uses This medicinal raw material is used - milk thistle
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