Why does my right arm and leg go numb at the same time - how to treat numbness?
The causes of numbness in the fingers can be both natural and pathological. Unpleasant sensations accompany
Infertility due to hormonal imbalance
Hormonal imbalance in women. Causes, symptoms, treatment, drugs
Lack of menstruation is often the first sign of pregnancy. The second completely natural reason for this condition is
female discharge
Mucus discharge is like snot: when to worry and when to calm down
According to research, vaginal discharge is as physiological as the production of saliva, sweat or
location of lymph nodes on the human body
Lymph nodes on the face: location, functions, causes of inflammation
The human body contains a large number of different systems. In addition to the digestive, respiratory and circulatory systems,
What is steatohepatosis?
Steatohepatosis: causes, symptoms, treatment methods, diet
1655 Steatohepatosis is a disease in which fat accumulates in liver cells (hepatocytes). With time
Hepatoprotectors - drugs for treating the liver, the best drugs, tablets
The deteriorating environment, the stress of an urbanized society, along with bad habits and unhealthy lifestyles often
Why you always want to sleep: the main reasons
The harmful effects of daytime sleepiness on the body - alarming symptoms warn of a serious illness
It’s normal to be cheerful, active and alert during the day. But what if you
Antibiotic Alkaloid Pancef - reviews
“Pancef”: instructions for use of the suspension for children and antibiotic analogues
Is your baby sick again and the doctor has prescribed antibiotics? Any parent wants the medications they take
Signs of food poisoning in humans and first aid to the victim
The article will talk about treatment methods and ways to prevent food poisoning in adults. Perhaps, at least
Instructions for using furatsilin for gargling
Furacilin: what does it help with? Furacilin is a popular and affordable medicine. The effect of this medication
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