Black feces in an adult: causes and treatment (photo, video)

  • Normal color of stool in an adult
  • Harmless reasons
  • The effect of medications on the color of stool
  • Symptoms of diseases
  • Black feces in children
  • Symptom in pregnant women
  • What to do?
  • When should you sound the alarm?

The consistency, color and even smell of stool can tell a lot about a person’s health. This fact was taken into account by ancient healers. Therefore, if suddenly an adult’s stool suddenly turns black, this is a reason to seriously think about the reasons for such changes. Perhaps everything can be explained by quite ordinary and harmless things - for example, eating certain foods. But sometimes black feces indicate serious illnesses that require immediate medical attention. In addition, there are a number of chronic ailments and conditions in which blackened stool is in any case a dangerous and highly suspicious symptom.

Normal color of stool in an adult

The normal color of stool ranges from tan to dark brown and may vary slightly depending on a person's diet and personal characteristics. This color is ensured by the presence in the stool structure of bile processed by the intestines and undigested food particles that have made up the diet of a particular individual for the last few days. At the same time, a healthy stool should be formed.

As a rule, everyone knows what color of stool is normal for him, and therefore when it becomes unusual, it is almost impossible not to notice it.

Dark stool due to constipation

Constipation is more common in women, bedridden patients and the elderly due to decreased intestinal tone.
They can also occur due to poor nutrition, when taking medications, and after removal of the gallbladder. Constipation causes stools to become hard, dry, and dark because it takes longer for water to be absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. If there is mucus on the stool, this is a sign of an inflammatory disease of the sigmoid or rectum. The reasons for the appearance of black stool in pregnant women may be: slow, difficult bowel movements, taking multivitamin preparations and iron compounds.

If constipation continues for a long time, it can cause anal fissure. In this case, scarlet blood may appear in the stool or on toilet paper.

Harmless reasons

Often, stool turns black after eating certain foods, which give it such an unusual color. Red beets, pomegranate, prunes, black currants, red grapes, blueberries - all these and many other fruits, vegetables and berries can change the color of stool. Eating, for example, blood sausage has the same effect.

If, after analyzing his diet after discovering black feces, a person comes to the conclusion that the cause of everything is certain foods, and at the same time he feels healthy and his stool is formed, then there is nothing to worry about. It is enough to stop eating these fruits and berries, and in a maximum of a couple of days the stool will acquire its normal, familiar shade.

There is no need to worry if there are black inclusions in the stool of the usual color - these are just undigested food particles that have changed their color in the gastrointestinal tract.

A frequent cause of serious concern is the presence of inclusions in the stool that look very much like small black worms. They are usually mistaken for worms and go to doctors to get tested and begin treatment. However, most likely, this is nothing more than fiber from the banana eaten the day before. But real pinworms and helminths, like most other parasites, have a completely different color: white or yellowish.

Food influence

The main reason is food.

The following foods cause color changes faster and brighter than others:

  1. Dark-colored berries and fruits: blueberries, blueberries, black currants, chokeberries, pomegranates, blue grapes, cranberries.
  2. Beet.
  3. Licorice in all forms, including licorice candies and medicines based on it.
  4. Drinks, especially rich red wine, colored fruit punch, strong black coffee.
  5. Prunes.
  6. Dark chocolate, including in sweets and baked goods.
  7. Tomatoes, tomato pastes and sauces.
  8. Liver in all types.
  9. Blood sausage and other products using blood.

Colored discharge after eating food is not dangerous to health, except in situations where drops of blood are released after defecation.

This may indicate the presence of diseases that worsen after taking such products.

Features of eating blueberries

This tasty and healthy berry contains a coloring pigment, so blueberries may cause not only blue-black lips and fingertips, but also very dark, almost black stool.

Berry in any form causes staining - fresh, dried, in jam and compotes, even those used in dietary supplements to improve the quality of vision.

This is a physiological phenomenon that is not dangerous to humans.

The effect of medications on the color of stool

Stool may suddenly turn black after taking certain pharmaceutical medications. For example, products used to treat and prevent anemia contain iron, which gives stool its color. Many vitamin complexes, medications containing bismuth, and activated carbon can have the same effect.

If the person who discovered darkening of the stool took any medications the day before, it is necessary to carefully study the instructions for them. Once you make sure that it’s all about the drugs, you can calm down - there is no harm to the body in this case.

It is worth noting that medications containing acetylsalicylic acid (like Aspirin), as well as some anti-inflammatory drugs (Ibuprofen, Diclofinac, Indomethacin, etc.) and drugs that reduce blood clotting, cannot color stool by themselves. However, taking them sometimes causes internal bleeding. Therefore, if a patient experiences black stools (especially in the form of diarrhea) during treatment with these medications, it is necessary to immediately seek medical help.

How to help a person before the ambulance arrives

Therapy is prescribed only after the doctor can accurately make a diagnosis, making sure why the stool turned black. If you are concerned about your general well-being, you need to seek help from a specialist as soon as possible.

It happens that the disease takes you by surprise. You can’t hesitate, you need to call an ambulance. Until the doctors arrive, provide the patient with rest, do not give him anything to eat or drink except cold water. For such pathologies, doctors prescribe two methods of treatment - either the use of medications or surgery. It is important to maintain bed rest.

Symptoms of diseases

Sudden blackened stool in adults is quite often a clinical symptom of internal bleeding. In most cases, everything is explained by erosion of the blood vessel at the site of ulcer formation (most often a stomach ulcer is to blame, much less often a duodenal ulcer). That is why people suffering from peptic ulcers need to carefully monitor the color and consistency of their stool. And if they suddenly become liquid and black, this is a reason to immediately consult a doctor.

Along with blackening of the stool, patients suffering from internal bleeding also experience other manifestations of a life-threatening condition: coffee-colored or scarlet-colored vomiting and symptoms of blood loss, the intensity of which depends on its massiveness (dizziness, pallor, weakness, increased heart rate, decreased hemoglobin and arterial blood levels). pressure).

In addition to bleeding ulcers, black stool can be caused by various intestinal diseases, tumors in the stomach, and varicose veins of the esophagus. It happens that other dangerous diseases are to blame:

  • acute form of lymphoblastic leukemia;
  • esophagitis;
  • gastritis;
  • Crohn's disease;
  • hookworm disease;
  • plague;
  • histoplasmosis.


In order to find out the cause of the change in stool color with additional symptoms of abdominal pain, loss of appetite, nausea, it is necessary to conduct a coprogram (occult blood test). Black stool in an adult that contains occult blood may be a symptom of the following diseases:

  • hemorrhoids in the rectum;
  • ulcer;
  • inflammation of the small or large intestine;
  • gastrointestinal polyps;
  • hemorrhagic diathesis (bleeding of gastrointestinal tissues).

In some cases, tarry black feces with a sticky consistency may be released, which are accompanied by acute symptoms (vomiting blood, decreased blood pressure, cold sweat, loss of consciousness), and an emergency examination is prescribed:

  • collecting anamnesis (information about pain, burning, cramping in the hypochondrium, as well as previously diagnosed ulcers, pancreatitis);
  • general blood analysis;
  • urgent x-ray examination of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • emergency fibrogastroduodenoscopy;
  • occult blood test.

When bleeding of the stomach and duodenum is detected, two main types of therapy are performed: endoscopic treatment methods and surgery.

In cases where there are contraindications to surgical treatment (for example, the presence of vasculitis or hemorrhagic diathesis), endoscopic treatment methods are used aimed at eliminating the source of bleeding, restoring normal blood volume and metabolic processes in the gastrointestinal tract:

  • Thermal - include procedures such as laser photocoagulation, thermo-cauterization, electrocoagulation, plasma coagulation. Thermal methods are based on sealing sources of bleeding using laser and thermal influence.
  • Mechanical - represented by clipping, ligation of blood vessels - ligation of blood vessels with special threads or clamping with clips.
  • Injection methods, such as the administration of vasoconstrictors (adrenaline), blood thickening agents (thrombin) and other drugs (ethanol), and the use of fibrin glue.
  • Combining the use of endoscopic methods.

Surgical intervention can be prescribed for stomach ulcers, duodenal ulcers and other diseases that are accompanied by profuse bleeding, as well as for relapses.

Surgery involves the use of vagotomy (dissection of the trunk of the vagus nerve, which stimulates the secretion of gastric juice), as well as partial removal of stomach tissue if necessary.

Black feces in children

Fortunately, in children, the causes of black stool in the vast majority of cases are quite harmless. They rarely have those serious and life-threatening conditions that turn the stool of adults black.

New parents are often frightened by the color and consistency of the baby's stool, which is released during the first days of the baby's life. Almost completely black and sticky stool in newborns is called meconium, and it is normal. The color of the so-called original feces is explained by its structure: it consists of bile, hair, digested epithelial cells, mucus, amniotic fluid and water. Very little time will pass, and the baby’s stool will acquire a light yellow or mustard color, natural for such babies.

If the stool has turned black in older children, this is a reason for their parents to analyze the composition of all foods and medications that the child took the day before. If he ate blueberries, bananas, blackberries and some other fruits, vegetables and berries, a new mixture was introduced into his diet, the child was treated with certain medications (in this case, you must carefully read their instructions) or the baby was given activated charcoal, then, most likely All in all, there is no need to sound the alarm. Especially if the child feels healthy and is cheerful and active as usual.

If the appearance of black feces is accompanied by a general deterioration in the child’s condition and there are alarming symptoms (abdominal pain, nausea, weakness, dizziness, constipation or diarrhea, vomiting, etc.), then it is necessary to urgently call a doctor. In children, especially very young ones, all dangerous conditions can develop at a much higher rate than in adults.

Under what circumstances should you urgently consult a doctor?

If the cause of unusual stool in a person is bleeding or the development of a disease, it is usually accompanied by:

  • abdominal pain;
  • increase in temperature (sometimes very sharp and dangerous - up to 41˚C);
  • dizziness;
  • nausea and/or vomiting (including blood);
  • presence of blood in feces;
  • bleeding from the anus.

If you have at least one of the listed symptoms, immediately call an ambulance or try to get to the hospital yourself as soon as possible! It is especially important to do this if you are diagnosed with an ulcer, cirrhosis, hepatitis, or another disease described in the previous sections.

Remember that even a 5-minute delay can cause death, since often very dark or black-green stool is a consequence of internal bleeding.

Also, do not delay visiting a doctor if you have been experiencing symptoms for several days or the problem has occurred in a small child older than one week.

Symptom in pregnant women

Black feces in pregnant women are quite common. However, pregnancy and childbirth are not in themselves the cause of darkening of the stool. As a rule, such changes are very frightening for expectant mothers. Indeed, while carrying a child, it is so undesirable to endure any illnesses or take unnecessary medications - after all, all this can negatively affect the condition of the fetus.

Don't panic - usually, the reason for black stool in pregnant women is that they take vitamin complexes enriched with iron. In addition, women expecting a baby try to eat as many fruits, berries and vegetables, which also contain iron, as possible. Oxidized by gastric juice, this element turns stool black.

Therefore, if the appearance of black stools is not accompanied by a general deterioration in well-being and alarming symptoms, there is nothing to worry about. But if you have a history of a pregnant woman with a peptic ulcer or any chronic gastrointestinal disease, you should be wary and undergo additional examination.

Diagnostic methods

In order to identify what disease caused the change in the normal color of the stool, it is necessary to undergo a comprehensive examination. At the appointment, the doctor examines the patient, listens to his complaints, prescribes examinations and tests.

Blood and urine samples are taken and stool samples are analyzed. This is necessary in order to find out whether intestinal bleeding has led to the change in color, or whether it is caused by other reasons.

An ultrasound examination can determine the location of the lesion and the consequences of bleeding, find a diseased organ or damaged area.

To clarify the information, the doctor may prescribe an MRI or CT scan.

Volumetric layer-by-layer imaging helps to clarify important data, for example, to identify the location and size of the tumor, the presence of metastases and other abnormalities.

What to do?

Every person who discovers black feces, one way or another, begins to worry about what is causing such changes. In any case, you shouldn’t panic ahead of time and, especially, let everything take its course. The following actions must be taken:

  1. Thoroughly study your diet over the past few days. If it contained the food products discussed above (beets, currants, blood sausage, pomegranate, etc.), then most likely it was they that colored the stool an unusual black color. The reason may also be the use of certain medications (they were also discussed earlier). If a person has recently eaten regular food and not taken any medications, sudden blackening of the stool may indicate the development of a life-threatening condition. And in this case, a visit to the doctor should under no circumstances be postponed.

  1. Observe the consistency and color of the stool for several days. If the reasons are harmless and harmless (eating certain foods and taking medications), then the stool will normalize at most within a couple of days after they are eliminated. In the case when the feces turn black due to serious diseases, this will not happen. Recurring black diarrhea from time to time should be especially alarming.
  2. Pay close attention to the well-being of a person whose stool suddenly turns black. Does he look sick? What was his state of health in the last weeks and months preceding the sudden blackening of his stools? Does he suffer from chronic diseases?

If the reasons for the change in the color of stool are harmless, then the person’s well-being remains unchanged: he feels healthy and full of energy. In cases where the appearance of black stool is accompanied by constipation, bloating, anemia, vomiting, heartburn, nausea, abdominal pain and other alarming painful symptoms, the intensity of which also increases over time, we are most likely talking about serious diseases or their complications.

Why stool is black: causes and treatment

The excrement that a person excretes is an important indicator of health. The shape, color and size of feces can provide a lot of information about how the gastrointestinal tract works.

Typically, stool contains 75% water, with the remaining 25% being a combination of living and dead bacteria, fibers, mucus and various cells. Any changes in stool color or consistency may indicate a health problem.

Normal stool is medium to light brown in color, has a natural, not overly offensive odor, sinks slowly, and has a smooth consistency. Falls quietly into the water, without strong splashes, smooth and soft, and not like a cluster of pieces.

The frequency of bowel movements is also an important indicator of health. It is individual for each person, but within the normal range is considered to be from three bowel movements per week to three per day.

A number of factors can affect stool. Factors such as travel, diet, medications, hormonal problems, physical activity, surgery, and stress can affect bowel movements frequency and color. Black stools in most cases are a sign of a health problem.

Causes of dark stools

Black stools are not normal and indicate problems in the digestive system. Dark, black and shiny stool may be a symptom of bleeding in the stomach or intestines.

The most common causes of dark stools are gastritis, cirrhosis, polyps, and ulcers. Bleeding in the stomach and intestines can be caused by heavy physical labor, mental trauma of a very acute nature, alcohol abuse, overeating and the use of very spicy spices.

The use of medications such as salicylic acid, aspirin, cortisone and others can cause ulceration of the stomach lining, the result of which is transmitted through the blood.

Dark stool can be caused by Crohn's disease, iron deficiency anemia, gastritis, intestinal worms, cirrhosis, salmonellosis, duodenal ulcers, esophageal cancer, bleeding esophageal varices, portal hypertension, colon cancer, etc. It is possible that black stool is the result of certain types dietary supplements containing iron.

Dark stools are usually associated with the presence of digested blood and can therefore be an important sign of bleeding in part of the digestive system, caused, for example, by ulcers or esophageal varices.

However, black or dark stools can also occur in other, less common, less worrisome situations, such as eating iron-rich foods, taking dietary supplements, and taking certain medications.

Thus, when stool remains dark for more than 2 days, it is important to consult a gastroenterologist about a stool examination or colonoscopy, for example, to determine the cause and begin appropriate treatment.

Common Causes of Dark Stools The most common causes of dark stools include:

1 . Eating foods rich in iron Eating too much food, such as red meat or beets, increases the level of iron in the body, the excess of which is excreted from the body causing a dark color.

However, the dark-colored stool that occurs due to excessive iron intake does not usually smell like stool that is darkened by the presence of blood.

What to do: Excessive consumption of iron-rich foods should be avoided and the feces will return to normal color.

2 . Using Dietary Supplements The use of certain supplements, as well as certain medications, such as anticoagulants or anti-inflammatory drugs, may cause darkening of the stools 1-2 days after starting treatment.

What to do: If a change in stool color occurs soon after starting treatment with a medicine or supplement, it is recommended to consult the doctor who prescribed it, for example, to change the medicine.

3 . Digestive problems Dark, foul-smelling stool with blood in it may be caused by bleeding caused by stomach ulcers or esophageal varices, but it can also be a sign of more serious problems such as stomach or bowel cancer.

To check for the presence of blood in the stool, it is considered a good technique to pour hydrogen peroxide on the stool; the appearance of foam means the presence of blood. In these cases, a gastroenterologist should be consulted for tests such as colonoscopy and endoscopy to diagnose the problem and initiate appropriate treatment.

Baby's dark stool

It is normal for a baby to have dark stool when it occurs soon after birth and is called meconium. Meconium is a dark green substance produced by the fetus during pregnancy, which is eliminated from the body in the first hours of life. By the sixth day of life, there may be normal brownish stools, or rather dark brown.

However, over the course of several weeks and months, the feces will change color and texture, especially after introducing new foods such as cereal, fruits, vegetables, meat and eggs.

In some cases, children may have a small amount of blood in their stool, making it appear darker, but this is usually not serious and can be caused by a cold or milk allergy. However, if this occurs, it is important to notify your pediatrician to determine the cause and begin treatment.


Black feces themselves are a symptom of a problem. It occurs with different symptoms depending on the underlying problem. When the stool is dark as a result of bleeding, a person may suffer from acute weakness, palpitations, fainting, and darkening of the eyes.


If you have dark stools, you should visit a gastroenterologist. Fecal assessment, blood tests, etc. will help the diagnostic process.


When black stools are caused by bleeding, ulcers, gastritis and cirrhosis of the liver, it is necessary to follow a dietary diet of eating small portions for 4-5 days. Food should be easily digestible, without coarse fiber, but contain all the components necessary for health - carbohydrates, vitamins, salts, proteins and fats.

For patients with gastric and duodenal ulcers, diet is especially important during exacerbations - in spring and autumn. Avoid physical and mental stress, monitor rest and regular sleep. You should not overuse medications.

The presence of blood in the stool may seem scary, it can be a sign of serious problems such as colitis, Crohn's disease or cancer, it is usually only a sign of a problem such as hemorrhoids or anal fissure.

What could cause blood in stool?

In most cases, the presence of blood in stool is due to milder problems, such as:

1. Hemorrhoids They are most often found in people with constipation and occur due to dilation of the veins caused by the increased strain required to defecate. In addition to bleeding, it causes symptoms such as severe itching, pain during bowel movements, and swelling in the anal area.

How to treat: A good way to relieve pain is to take a warm bath for 15-20 minutes. However, to quickly treat hemorrhoids, it is necessary to use ointments and remedies, so it is recommended to consult a doctor.

2. Anal fissure Although less common, people who suffer from constipation may experience anal fissures, which are small sores that appear around the anus and bleed when you have a bowel movement. Other symptoms that may occur with a fissure are pain when trying to defecate and itching.

How to treat: To relieve discomfort, it is recommended to drink plenty of water throughout the day and eat vegetables to soften the stool. However, you should consult a proctologist to begin treatment with medications that help in treatment. In more severe cases, surgery may be required to close the crack.

3. Medical Exams Colonoscopy is a medical examination widely used to evaluate bowel problems. In this test, a thin, flexible tube is inserted through the anus to transmit images that help the doctor look into the intestines. During the examination, the tube may cause small injuries to the intestinal wall, which then bleed, causing blood to appear in the stool. Additionally, if polyps need to be removed during a colonoscopy, the risk of bleeding increases.

How to treat: This bleeding is usually normal and should not cause concern, disappearing within 24 hours. However, if the bleeding is very heavy or lasts more than 1 day, you should go to the emergency room.

More Serious Causes of Blood in Stool Although much less common, bleeding in stool may be one of the first signs of more serious problems, such as:

4. Diverticulitis This disease is most common after age 40 and occurs due to inflammation of diverticula, which are small folds in the intestinal wall. Diverticulitis can cause symptoms such as severe abdominal pain in the lower left side of the abdomen, nausea, vomiting, and even fever.

How to treat: Treatment must be prescribed by a gastroenterologist and is usually done using antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs to treat diverticulitis. However, since diverticula remain in the intestines, they can become active, so a special diet is recommended to prevent recurrence.

5. Crohn's Disease Crohn's disease is a serious and chronic problem that causes severe inflammation of the intestines due to dysregulation of the immune system. The disease can develop over many years without causing symptoms such as bloody stools, persistent diarrhea, poor appetite, severe abdominal cramps and weight loss, but when it does, it is often life-threatening.

How to treat: You should consult a gastroenterologist to determine the severity of the disease and begin treatment with antibiotics, drugs that reduce the response of the immune system and prevent further development. In more severe cases, the most affected parts of the intestine may need to be removed through surgery.

6. Cancer in the Bowel In some cases, the presence of blood in the stool can be a sign of bowel cancer, but these cases are more rare and occur with other symptoms such as sudden changes in bowel habits, extreme fatigue and weight loss.

How to treat: If cancer is suspected, it is recommended to consult a gastroenterologist to have a colonoscopy or other tests such as a CT scan to confirm the diagnosis and initiate appropriate treatment.

Yellowish stool can be the result of problems such as an intestinal infection, poor digestion, celiac disease, or a high-fat diet.

Observing the color, shape and smell of stool is important for identifying health problems, as they change depending on the functioning of the intestines and other organs.

Below are the main reasons for yellowish stools.

1. Fatty foods Eating a lot of fat interferes with digestion, especially in people who tend to eat a balanced diet.

What to do: Reducing the amount of fat and fatty foods will help change the color of your stool, which should improve in 2 or 3 days. However, if the problem persists, other causes should be investigated.

2. Intestinal Infection An intestinal infection causes symptoms such as abdominal pain and diarrhea, and stool usually appears yellowish because the intestines do not have time to absorb fat from food. The main cause of this problem is E. coli bacteria.

What to do: Drink plenty of water and consume easily digestible foods such as boiled or baked fruits, cooked white rice, fish and white meat, avoiding red meat and fried foods.

3. Liver or gallbladder problems Diseases such as hepatitis, cirrhosis or gallstones cause bile to leak into the intestines, bile which is a substance that promotes the absorption of fats. In addition to changing the color of stool, these diseases also often cause abdominal pain and yellowing of the eyes.

What to do: If you have these symptoms, you should consult a doctor to confirm the diagnosis and begin appropriate treatment.

4. Pancreatic Problems Changes in the pancreas cause poor digestion, making stools whitish or yellowish and also causing stool to float and appear foamy. The main diseases that affect this organ are pancreatitis, pancreatic cancer, cystic fibrosis or pancreatic canal obstruction.

What to do: If these changes occur, especially if they are accompanied by abdominal pain, nausea and lack of apatite, you should consult a doctor to confirm the diagnosis and begin appropriate treatment.

5. Giardiasis Giardiasis is an intestinal disease caused by the parasite Giardia and causes symptoms such as diarrhea with yellowish stools, nausea, headache, low fever and weight loss.

What to do: If you have these symptoms, you should consult a doctor and have a stool test done to confirm the presence of the parasite in the intestines and begin appropriate treatment, which is usually done with antibiotics.

6. Celiac Disease Celiac disease is a severe gluten intolerance that causes irritation and malabsorption in the intestines when the patient eats foods containing wheat, rye or barley, leading to increased fat in the stool.

What to do: It is important to see a doctor to confirm the diagnosis of the disease and begin a gluten-free diet.

7. Use of medications The use of weight loss medications that reduce the absorption of fat in the intestines, such as Xenical and Biofit, also causes changes in stool color.

What to do: If these medications have not been recommended by your doctor, you should stop using them and see your doctor for advice on how to use the medications correctly.

Thus, changes in diet, use of medications or the presence of certain intestinal problems can lead to poor digestion, which results in the fat in the diet not being absorbed, which changes the color of the stool to yellow.

The chair is green.

Green stool is most common when the bowels work very quickly and do not have enough time to properly digest bile, such as during stressful situations or irritable bowel attacks.

Additionally, the green color may also appear when you eat a lot of green vegetables such as spinach or iron-rich foods.

White feces

Whitish stool occurs when the digestive system has difficulty digesting fat and is therefore an important sign of problems in the liver or biliary tract.

What to do: It is advisable to consult a gastroenterologist to do diagnostic tests such as CT or ultrasound to diagnose the problem and begin appropriate treatment.

Changes in the color of your baby's stool Soon after birth, your baby's stool is dark greenish in color and has a sticky, rubbery structure called meconium. In the early days, the color becomes more greenish and then lighter, depending on the amount of fat and water present in the milk. In general, feces are usually watery, with some lumps.

At 6 months or when the child begins to receive a varied diet, the stool changes color and consistency, becoming more similar to the stool of a child or an adult, both in color and consistency.

What is feces made of? Most feces are made up of water and, to a lesser extent, bacteria from the intestinal flora, products that help digest food, such as bile, and leftover food that has not been digested or absorbed, such as plant fibers, grains, and seeds.


Black stool is a symptom of problems in the gastrointestinal tract, and most of these problems can only be prevented or controlled through changes in diet and lifestyle.

Eating nutritious foods such as fresh fruits and vegetables provides a range of valuable nutrients and fiber.

Artificial sweeteners, sugar, foods with many additives, high amounts of caffeine, and processed foods (convenience foods) should be avoided because they all have a negative effect on the stomach and immune functions.

You need to drink enough water every day. Intestinal microflora can be supported by introducing naturally fermented foods and drinks, such as pickles, curdled milk, yogurt, and sauerkraut.

Home Medical News

What can help differentiate the likely causes of dark-colored stools?

  • General health - if the cause is bleeding, then symptoms due to blood loss are more likely to appear - weakness, pale skin, sticky sweat, epigastric pain. If the cause of such coloring of stool is food or medication, then general health, as a rule, remains normal.
  • The duration of this symptom - if the cause is the intake of certain foods, then the stool takes on a normal color after eliminating “coloring” foods after 1-2 days. With bleeding and long-term use of “coloring” medications, the stool may be black for a long time. If the reason was due to taking medications, then the usual coloration of the stool appears after they are discontinued, which is done by the doctor at the end of the course of treatment.

Bleeding from the gastrointestinal tract

Provoke bleeding from the esophagus

Varicose veins, Mallory-Weiss syndrome, ulcers and stomach cancer, and serious trauma may occur.
Because of this, the stool becomes black or, according to medical terminology, melena

You can recognize this nature of changes by constant pain in the stomach, nausea and vomiting, general weakness and regular increases in body temperature. Particular alarm should be sounded in cases where the vomit becomes bright red or has a coffee grounds color.

. If a man has black stool, it means he is bleeding.

In case of severe and prolonged bleeding, it is necessary to call an ambulance to prevent serious consequences.

According to statistics, bleeding most often begins in the upper gastrointestinal tract, only in 10-15% - in the lower

. Half of all cases are due to diseases of the stomach, about 30% are due to diseases of the duodenum, in 10% bleeding is due to serious damage to the rectum and in 5% to the esophagus. Much less often, in only 1% of all diagnosed cases, the appearance of black stools also indicates pathology of the small intestine. Also, if you correctly evaluate the appearance of the stool, you can determine the type of disease: obvious or hidden, one-time or recurrent, acute or chronic.

What disease can black feces be a symptom of?

But food is not the only cause of black poop. Sometimes this symptom occurs when you take one of the following medications:

  • Antibiotics. Under their influence, the natural intestinal microflora often changes, and therefore the body will not be able to fully digest food. As a result, dysbacteriosis occurs and black-green stool appears.
  • Preparations containing iron. As we already mentioned, when it enters the stomach, iron oxidizes and turns black. If its particles are not digested, the feces will have a similar color. For example, such a symptom can be observed in a pregnant woman who takes vitamin complexes with iron.
  • Activated carbon. Coal is not absorbed by our body, but only helps normalize intestinal function. Therefore, the activated carbon that you drank will definitely come out along with the feces, turning them black.
  • Medicines containing bismuth, a metal used to treat ulcers. Bismuth salts may also stain stool and tongue, and a woman who is breastfeeding may experience dark discharge from her nipples (it is important to talk to your doctor about the advisability of stopping breastfeeding or changing your medication). But such side effects are considered normal and disappear after stopping the course of treatment. This happens, for example, after taking De-Nol and Vikair.

Please note that if, while taking a course of medication, only a change in the color of feces is observed among the unusual symptoms, there is really no reason to worry. But if diarrhea or constipation is added to everything else, it’s worth visiting a doctor.

Doctors associate the appearance of dark-colored stool with bleeding in the upper gastrointestinal tract (if internal bleeding occurred in the lower sections, the stool would be red or burgundy).

With such diseases, the integrity of the walls of organs is compromised, which can bleed. The main symptoms of the disease are pain and burning in the abdomen, regular heartburn, diarrhea, constipation and black stool, which may appear only occasionally.

This is a very dangerous cancer in which the process of producing blood cells is disrupted. It is more common in children and adolescents than in older men and women.

The symptoms of the disease are very vague: the child may experience weakness and fever, like a cold. The lymph nodes will certainly enlarge, and the mucous membranes of the internal organs may begin to bleed, which causes black stool.

This is a pathological condition in which the outflow of blood from the veins of the esophagus is disrupted, as a result of which they begin to expand. Under the influence of food that passes down the esophagus every day, varicose veins are often damaged and bleed.

Adults over 50 years of age are more likely to get sick. This disease occurs more often in men than in women.

If a tumor has formed in the gastrointestinal tract, it can interfere with the natural passage of food and its digestion, and therefore the patient will certainly experience problems with stool and abdominal pain. Also, the tumor may be partially destroyed and its cells will come out with feces.

More often, black stool staining occurs when tumors form on the esophagus, stomach, colon or pancreas.

Often, inflammation is a consequence of another disease that causes damage to the membranes of organs. As a result, their integrity and the entire digestive cycle may be disrupted.

Most often, Crohn's disease, a very dangerous inflammatory disease that can affect the entire digestive system from the mouth to the rectum, leads to such consequences. A person may experience associated complications: conjunctivitis, stomatitis, monoarthritis, erythema, liver dystrophy and cirrhosis, pyelonephritis, cystitis.

This is a deadly disease that develops under the influence of the plague bacillus. It can affect lymph nodes, lungs and other internal organs, causing sepsis (general infection through the blood). Usually accompanied by a very high fever.

Fistulas that can bleed can form on the surface of the body and inside organs. Fortunately, modern medicine can save even a person with the plague.


Another disease, the causative agent of which can affect all internal organs of a person, although the lungs are initially attacked. In mild forms, histoplasmosis may not reveal itself in any way; only periodically the patient’s temperature may rise.

In acute cases, the temperature can rise sharply to 40-41˚C. The disease requires immediate hospitalization.

Hookworm disease

The disease occurs when hookworm helminths settle in a person’s intestines. Parasites cause serious damage to the small intestine and can cause severe anemia.

Common symptoms of infection are itching, swelling, cough and sputum, high temperature (up to 38-40˚C). Black stool appears within 4-5 days after the helminths enter the body.

These diseases can cause severe internal bleeding. Therefore, if you or someone close to you has black stool (and possibly “coffee vomit”), call an ambulance immediately.

If you notice a symptom such as black colored feces, first think about what you ate a couple of days before bowel movement.

If in the last 2-3 days you have not consumed foods or medications that could cause the symptom, and at the same time you have no symptoms of malaise or pain, continue to monitor yourself for a few more days. If black feces do not appear again, there is no need to worry.

But if the problem returns, doctors must look for its causes. Therefore, be sure to consult a therapist for a detailed diagnosis of your health. Do this also if the symptom appeared after drinking alcohol - a healthy body should not react to alcohol this way.

But keep in mind that if you have any disease, you should not perceive the appearance of black stool as one of its “normal” accompanying symptoms. This may be not just a symptom, but a signal of a worsening of your condition or the development of a complication. Therefore, be sure to visit your doctor and tell him about this.


To prevent black stool, drink plenty of water and eat plenty of fiber. Water and fiber will soften stools and normalize digestion. High fiber foods:

  • Raspberries
  • Pear
  • Whole grains
  • Beans
  • Artichoke

Consult your doctor before following a high-fiber diet. Berries may be irritating if you have inflammation or stomach problems.

Causes of dark stool

Dark stools can appear for various reasons. The most common are the following:

  1. Haemorrhoids . The disease occurs as a result of digestive pathologies, hereditary factors, and after chemical poisoning. The patient develops mucus and blood in his stool. A person also suffers from bloating and pain in the abdomen. In addition, hemorrhoids can occur due to a sedentary lifestyle, heavy lifting, or constipation. These conditions can cause bleeding that turns the stool dark.
  2. Caltham color may occur after unsuccessful surgery on the digestive organs.
  3. Food poisoning . It is considered the most common cause of change in the color of stool. Intoxication of the body is caused by bacteria and viruses that enter the body with stale, dirty or poorly prepared foods. Poisoning occurs with signs of nausea or vomiting, stool upset, and headache.
  4. Bleeding in the digestive tract caused by a complication of a peptic ulcer. In this situation, the patient’s general well-being suddenly deteriorates, severe vomiting occurs, and the consistency and color of the stool changes. This condition is dangerous and can lead to death.
  5. Intestinal diverticulosis . Occurs with inflammation of the mucous membrane of the organ. Small protrusions called diverticula appear on the intestinal walls. Outwardly, they resemble a hernia. The main reasons for the formation of diverticulosis are constant problems with bowel movements or weakness of its muscles. The disease usually manifests itself acutely, with a change in the color of stool, a rise in temperature, and an increase in gas formation. In addition, the patient has no appetite, general health worsens, and attacks of nausea and vomiting appear.
  6. Colitis . It usually occurs as a result of a bacterial infection, severe stress, hereditary factors or chemical poisoning. The disease occurs with inflammation of the colon. Manifestations of colitis are a regular urge to defecate, dark brown stool, fever and pain in the abdomen. Often the stool becomes liquid and contains blood.
  7. Malignant neoplasms of the large intestine.

The color of stool can be affected by the consumption of certain foods. For example, if a large amount of prunes, red grapes or beets enters the intestines, the stool may become very dark, almost black. After eliminating these foods, the color of the stool returns to normal within a few days. The color of feces may also change after eating raspberries, currants or strawberries.

In addition, the use of certain medications may be the cause of dark stool. These could be iron-containing medications, activated carbon or bismuth preparations. However, a change in the color of feces is not a contraindication to the use of these medications; the doctor can simply change the dosage.

Darkening of the stool provokes the use of subsequent non-steroidal medications aimed at relieving inflammatory processes:

Excessive consumption of drinks containing alcohol also causes dark stools.

Factors that change the color of stool

The color of stool directly depends on the presence of stercobilin in the stool. This pigment is an important part of the normal composition of feces, coloring stool in the usual brown color and its shades.

Stercobilin appears in the body as a result of the breakdown of bilirubin, which is an important component of bile.

Bilirubin, entering the small intestine from the hepatic ducts, is broken down into urobilin and stercobilin.

The first pigment enters the bloodstream and then into the kidneys, and affects the color of urine. The second pigment does not enter the blood, but remains in the intestines, and therefore colors indigestible food debris entering the intestinal tract.

Bilirubin itself is formed from red blood cells and hemoglobin, which are broken down in the liver. That is why the final color of stool can tell not only about the state of the gastrointestinal tract, but also about the composition of the blood.

Normally, the brown color of feces may vary depending on the food ingested.

Ideally, the shade of stool should be similar to the color of chocolate. This color indicates a person’s excellent health and balanced diet.


Many medications can change the color of the skin, mucous membranes, tears, urine and feces. The most common medications that color stool black are iron preparations (Hemofer Prolongatum, Tardifer, Ferrogluconate, Ferronal, Sorbifer). They are used to treat mild iron deficiency anemia. Typically, a change in the color of stool occurs 2-3 days after the start of taking medications. And after the same period of time, the feces restore their normal color after stopping the use of these medications.

Physiological reasons for changes and gender characteristics

The appearance of dark-colored feces in women carrying a child does not differ from similar reasons in men.

Most often this indicates that a pregnant woman is using vitamins with a high percentage of iron. The same applies to women who do not expect to add to their family.

Most dietary supplements for beauty and health contain substances that contribute to the coloring of feces. If dark stools are accompanied by unpleasant symptoms or bleeding, an urgent examination is necessary.

Men and women are susceptible to developing stomach and intestinal ulcers, especially with heavy alcohol consumption and smoking, so in them these disorders most often cause changes in the color of stool.

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