Chest collection
Chest collection No. 4: components, for which cough to drink, dosage, contraindications
Treatment with the help of the collection The collections vary in composition, so for each disease you need the right
thyroxine hormone
Is L-Thyroxine really possible to lose weight, and what are the side effects?
Where does thyroxine synthesis occur? In the cells of the thyroid gland, called thyrocytes, active uptake of molecules occurs
Increased cholesterol in the blood: causes, dangers, how to treat
About a quarter of Russians are overweight. More than 18 million people die worldwide
Valerian tablets
All the subtleties and nuances of the instructions for using valerian tablets
Many people don’t even think about the purpose, benefits and harms of valerian tablets. They simply
Pulmonary fibrosis - life expectancy
Pulmonary fibrosis - what is it, causes, symptoms, treatment, dangerous or not, life expectancy
What is pulmonary fibrosis? Fibrosis is scarring; pulmonary fibrosis is an irreversible formation and
Uterine prolapse
All about uterine prolapse: causes, symptoms, stages, treatment
There are many diseases that can reduce a woman’s quality of life, provoke discomfort, and cause infertility.
signs of a concussion
The first signs and symptoms of a concussion in adults
Typically, a concussion is the result of a mechanical impact on the head, for example, a strong blow to a hard surface.
Increased levels of leukocytes in the blood of men, women, and children. Reasons and what to do
Increased levels of leukocytes in the blood of men, women, and children. Reasons and what to do
When leukocytes in the blood are elevated, the causes in women can be physiological or pathological. If
Child takes medicine
Antipyretics for high fever in children
An increase in temperature in a child is a protective reaction of the body to the effects of viruses, bacteria, toxins,
Causes of the disease: female tick passages in the epidermis of the skin under a microscope
Scabies: symptoms, photos, first signs of mite infection
What symptoms of scabies can be confused with the symptoms of what diseases? Scabies in adults Scabies in children
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