Dioxidin - detailed description of the drug
Solution in ampoules and Dioxidin ointment for a child or adult - release form, composition, side effects and price
Dioxidin is an antibacterial drug that was actively used in hospitals during Soviet times. Today it's
The causative agent of botulism
Why is botulism dangerous: symptoms and possible complications
Infection with botulism The main causes of botulism The causative agent of botulism in home canning jars The causative agent of botulism in
“Urinary incontinence in women: how to get rid of the problem in old age?”
Causes of urinary incontinence Mechanism of development of urinary incontinence Classification of urinary incontinence Diagnosis of urinary incontinence
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It is not easy to treat a cough if the sputum has a viscous consistency and is difficult to expectorate. The child is trying to free
1st trimester ultrasound screening norm
What screening shows in the first trimester of pregnancy: deciphering the indicators of the first biochemical study, abnormalities and pathologies
Every pregnant woman must undergo diagnostics such as ultrasound screening three times during the entire period.
Oftalmoferon eye drops: instructions for use
Oftalmoferon eye drops are active against various viruses that cause infectious and inflammatory eye lesions.
How to identify adenoids in a child: photos, signs and symptoms
Constant colds, difficulty breathing through the nose, an incessant runny nose - all these are accompanying signs of adenoids. WITH
Leg cramps
Cramps in legs - muscle spasm and why it is dangerous
The muscles of the legs and feet are subject to involuntary contractions called spasms or tonic cramps. This is the state
Contractubex: instructions for use, price, reviews, analogues, what it is used for
From this article you will learn: Contractubex gel – reviews, before and after photos, Contractubex
How to take Artra MSM Forte correctly
Medicines for joint diseases. Compare and choose
Analogs of the drug The following medications are similar in composition: Medicine “Condronova”. Available in
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