Dehydration is one of the causes of dry mouth
Dry mouth at night or during the day - causes and treatment, elimination of symptoms
A single case of dry mouth is not a reason to panic, but
Epilepsy is one of the most common neurological diseases
Epilepsy - what is this disease and can it be cured?
Diagnostic methods How to be treated First aid Drug treatment Video Epilepsy is a chronic neurological
Where is the solar plexus located in humans?
The solar plexus hurts - how to relieve the pain, do you need to go to the hospital? Can solar plexus pain be life-threatening?
If you opened our article, then you want to know why the solar plexus hurts when
High blood pressure 160 to 90
High blood pressure: symptoms, causes, treatment. What is normal blood pressure
Hypertensive crisis Normal blood pressure Symptoms of pathology Causes of pathology First aid Effective treatment Drugs
How to choose birth control pills yourself - types of pills, features of choice by age
Combined oral medications (COCs) The drugs are based on 2 synthetic hormones: estrogen and progesterone.
Spinal hernia symptoms in women
Signs and symptoms of lumbar disc herniation
A herniated disc can occur for various reasons. This disease brings a lot of discomfort to a person: it
Differences between arterial and venous bleeding
How to identify arterial bleeding and provide first aid
Author: Inna Makarenko, general practitioner (USA, Massachusetts, Boston) The human body and mammals
Causes of reflux esophagitis, its diagnosis and treatment
How to treat reflux esophagitis? Reflux disease is a complex disease, so patients need to be careful
What does nitroglycerin help with: dosage forms and rules for taking them
Almost all adults know what nitroglycerin helps with. If there is pain in the chest, you need to
Inflammation of the lymph nodes in the neck
Causes of painful lymph nodes and other symptoms of diseases in which the lymph nodes on the neck on the left and right hurt
The human body has many lymph glands that protect against various harmful microorganisms and viruses.
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