Mechanism of action Menovazin is a combination drug. Used externally. Available in two types:
Pimafucin is a medicinal antifungal drug based on natamycin (a substance that inhibits the growth and reproduction of fungal
Instructions for use Derinat method and dosage Prescribed to adults intramuscularly (within 1-2 minutes).
Bacterial infection is the most common cause of inflammation of the bladder lining (cystitis). Basis of treatment
Licorice root syrup (licorice) is a preparation made from plant raw materials, it is one
The therapeutic drug is an effective antiemetic. Moreover, the instructions for use of Cerucal state that
Etamsylate often forms the basis of medications used to stop bleeding. This substance affects
For a fragile young body, acute viral infections pose a serious threat. In the fight against them
Zodak tablets are considered a high-quality generic (copy) of the patented drug Zyrtec, which is also often recommended by doctors
Vaginal candidiasis or candidal vaginitis (colpitis), thrush is an inflammatory disease of the vaginal mucosa caused by