How to treat cervical erosion in nulliparous women and girls
Causes Why does cervical erosion occur in nulliparous women? It is considered that the general and most obvious
invasive breast cancer
Invasive breast cancer: types, diagnosis, treatment, prognosis
There are many questions regarding what invasive breast cancer is and what causes it
Bleeding after cauterization of the cervix
Discharge after cauterization of cervical erosion, what to do?
Most often, surgical methods are used to treat erosion: cauterization of the cervix is ​​guaranteed to get rid of
examination on a chair
Is it possible to go to the gynecologist during menstruation 81
Every woman with the onset of menstruation should make it a rule to visit a gynecologist at least once every
Herbs to soften the cervix before childbirth. Secret language
Pregnancy is a very difficult period in the life of every woman. Even if pregnancy passes without
at the doctor
Nodular uterine fibroids: treatment with folk remedies at home
What is it? Nodular fibroids are one of the types of benign tumors of the uterus. This
Surgery to remove a tumor in the breast
Women who have had their breasts removed tell us why they don't want to have it restored. Four stories
Breast after cancer surgery Breast conservation surgeries for cancer happen without oncoplasty (when
subserous myomatous node
Uterine fibroids - subserous node on the back wall of the uterus
Subserous myomatous node: causes of occurrence Subserous uterine myoma is also called subperitoneal because of its location
Many women answer without hesitation that swimming in the sea during menstruation is prohibited. But in 80% of cases, respondents themselves do not know why
Is it dangerous to swim with a tampon during your period?
Pads or tampons? But for the most part, preference is given to pads, although a modern girl or woman is much more
Hypertonicity of the Anterior Wall of the Uterus During Pregnancy 20 Weeks
Causes Pathological tension in the muscular layer of the posterior wall of the uterus can occur due to the following factors:
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