White discharge in women with a sour odor. White discharge with a sour odor
Vaginal discharge is a normal physiological process that should not cause concern to you.
cabbage leaf for lactostasis
How to apply a cabbage leaf for lactostasis: how to apply a cabbage compress for milk stagnation
Congestion in the mammary gland often accompanies the process of lactation. To have a slight milk retention
Early menopause
How to ease menopause, and how to help a woman during menopause?
The onset of menopause in a woman is the extinction of the reproductive functionality of her body and the transition to
Why does the stomach swell and hurt during menstruation?
Why does your stomach swell and your breasts hurt before your period?
 Premenstrual syndrome is a rife problem faced by many of the fair sex. PMS
laurel branch
How to take bay leaf if your period is late
Irregular periods are a fairly common type of problem. Then they come earlier and take the girl by surprise,
Why does it bleed after installing the IUD or after removing it?
General information The Mirena IUD is considered a highly effective means of preventing unwanted pregnancy. The active ingredient is
Calcifications in the mammary gland. What is it: single, scattered microcalcifications, dotted on mammography, ultrasound. Causes, treatment, diet
Calcifications in the mammary gland. Causes, diagnosis, consequences
It's always scary to hear an incomprehensible diagnosis. Especially if it was diagnosed by a mammologist. Calcification in the mammary gland
Signs of a burst ovarian cyst
Rupture of an ovarian cyst: symptoms, treatment and consequences of pathology
How to understand that an ovarian cyst has burst Symptoms that an ovarian cyst has burst appear instantly.
Rupture of an ovarian cyst: symptoms, treatment and consequences of pathology
How to understand that an ovarian cyst has burst Symptoms that an ovarian cyst has burst appear instantly.
A woman’s lower abdomen hurts, as before menstruation: causes and treatment. Before menstruation, cramping pain in the lower abdomen
Causes of pain in the lower abdomen a week before menstruation
Dysmenorrhea There are 4 degrees of dysmenorrhea, differing in the intensity of pain. 0 degree. Stomach ache
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