Signs of viral infection of the cervix
What does hysterosalpingography determine? Hysterosalpingography is a method of medical examination of the uterus for internal conditions.
Hormone tests during pregnancy. Basic information, Advice for expectant mothers.
Women's health and why regular examination is important Every woman should find time for healthy
Nutrition during chemotherapy for breast cancer
A mastectomy is a type of surgical intervention when, in order to save the patient’s life, parts of the body are partially or completely removed.
Why are condoms needed for ultrasound and what are their features?
Currently, modern methods of examining patients and diagnosing diseases are becoming increasingly important.
eats yogurt
What suppositories can be used for thrush in diabetes mellitus, how to cure candidiasis?
Symptoms If there is a high concentration of glucose in the blood, you should contact a gynecologist, take a smear,
Formations in the mammary glands in women
Let's find out what a breast nodule is
Fibroadenoma Many people are interested in the size of breast fibroadenoma for surgery. Let's look into this issue
Berries for cystitis in women
Diet for cystitis: features of proper nutrition
Cystitis is an inflammatory process localized in the tissues of the bladder. The disease can develop independently
The use of folic acid for uterine fibroids
Uterine fibroids are the consequences of hormonal imbalance; excess estrogen stimulates their growth. Using an anti-inflammatory diet
The effectiveness of a proper diet for ovarian cancer
Is it so important to eat right if you have cancer? When choosing unhealthy foods with preservatives for food,
Depantol suppositories during menstruation
Depantol suppositories during menstruation: can they be used - Superfb
Features of the drug Considering the features of Depantol suppositories, it should be noted that these suppositories are combined. They
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