Detailed description of Klion-D suppositories and their use in gynecology

Very often, the female body becomes vulnerable to pathological processes that are caused by pathogenic microflora. Vaginal Trichomonas, fungi of the genus Candida can cause serious diseases, which are accompanied by pain and itching.

They create a risk of infecting a sexual partner, and at the time of birth they can infect a newborn. To eliminate these pathologies, medications are prescribed in the form of suppositories, which are used topically in gynecology and are called Klion-D.

Pharmacological effect

The antifungal effect that the drug Klion-D has is possible due to the content of two powerful components - miconazole and metronidazole.
The first active substance of vaginal tablets fights the fungus itself, by affecting the cell membrane of microorganisms. They begin to weaken and soon die. Miconazole relieves the irritating itching that accompanies all fungal ailments. This component of the drug is poorly absorbed into the blood if introduced into the vagina. Its presence is not detected either in the blood or in waste products. The advantage of miconazole is that even after 8 hours, about 90% of the substance is in the vaginal environment, providing an antifungal effect all this time.

Metronidazole Klion-D 100 acts as an antibacterial and antiprotozoal agent. It penetrates the DNA of microbes and blocks the process of cell division. With the help of this substance, the pathogen stops growth and reproduction.

Pharmacological effects of Klion-D

Due to the fact that this drug optimally combines two potent dosage forms, the therapeutic effect in the treatment of fungal pathologies of various origins is achieved very quickly.

  1. Miconazole affects pathogenic microflora at the cellular level , it destroys their membrane, after which they lose their ability to reproduce and the microorganisms die. The good qualities of this ingredient include the extent to which its use does not increase the concentration in the human bloodstream.
  2. The maximum peak of its effect is observed 8 hours after a single use.
  3. The good therapeutic effect of metronidazole is based on the ability of this chemical compound to penetrate the DNA structure of microorganisms, this disrupts the process of cell division, inhibits their growth, and prevents them from reproducing.
  4. After the period of treatment with Klion-D has expired , its half-life products are excreted along with the urine (the color of the urine may change to brown or reddish).


The cost of Klion D candles is on average 354 rubles. Prices range from 306 to 415 rubles.

Pharmacological properties



When administered intravaginally, metronidazole is absorbed into the systemic circulation. The maximum concentration of metronidazole in the blood is determined after 6-12 hours and is approximately 50% of the maximum concentration that is achieved (after 1-3 hours) after a single oral dose of metronidazole. Metronidazole passes into breast milk and most tissues, crosses the blood-brain barrier and the placenta. Communication with plasma proteins is less than 20%. Metabolized in the liver by hydroxylation, oxidation and glucuronidation. The activity of the main metabolite (2-hydroxymetronidazole) is 30% of the activity of the parent compound. Excreted by the kidneys - 60-80% of the dose of the systemic drug (20% of this amount unchanged). The metabolite of metronidazole, 2-hydroxymetronidazole, colors urine red-brown due to the presence of a water-soluble pigment formed as a result of the metabolism of metronidazole. The intestines excrete 6-15% of the dose of the systemic drug. Systemic absorption of miconazole after intravaginal use is low. Rapidly destroyed in the liver. It overcomes histohematic barriers poorly. 8 hours after using the drug, 90% of miconazole is still present in the vagina. Unchanged miconazole is not detectable in either plasma or urine.


  • increased individual sensitivity to the components of the drug and other azoles;
  • pregnancy (first trimester);
  • lactation period;
  • leukopenia (including history);
  • organic lesions of the central nervous system (including epilepsy);
  • liver failure;
  • children's age (up to 12 years).

special instructions

Impact on the ability to drive a car and other mechanical means.

If side effects from the central nervous system occur, you should refrain from driving vehicles and working with potentially dangerous mechanisms.

Storage conditions

A drug with antibacterial, antiprotozoal and antifungal effects for topical use in gynecology

Medicine "Klion-D": price

Reviews, instructions, contraindications - this is important information. But it’s no secret that many people are also guided by the cost of a particular drug. Of course, the exact figure will depend on many factors, including the manufacturer and place of purchase.

The cost of a package consisting of 10 vaginal tablets ranges from 500 to 700 rubles. It is worth noting that this amount in most cases is enough to complete the full course of treatment.

Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics

The instructions for Klion D note that when this drug is used intravaginally, metronidazole is completely absorbed into the blood.

Miconazole is not completely absorbed by tissues. After 8 hours, almost 90% of the miconazole nitrate is still in the vagina. This component of Klion D completely changes and dissolves, without manifesting itself either in the urine or in the blood.

The instructions for Klion D show that metronidazole, which is part of it, has an antiprotozoal effect and also fights various microbes and fungal formations. The drug cannot destroy only facultative anaerobes and aerobic microorganisms.

Miconazole is able to eliminate common dermatophytes, many fungi and yeasts in the body. Also, the instructions for Klion D indicate the antibacterial effect of miconazole against some gram-positive bacteria.

Reviews of Klion D show that this remedy is used to eliminate itching, which often leads to infection. Klion D suppositories are absolutely safe for the female body, because they do not change the pH of the vagina and the specific composition of the microflora.

Action with alcohol

This medicine cannot be combined with the use of alcohol.
Alcohol suppresses the effect and positive effect of Klion-D suppositories, and also, in tandem with this medicine, has a negative effect on the liver.

And very often it can cause increased side effects, ultimately serving as a reason to discontinue this medication.

Sometimes, under the influence of alcohol, a patient may experience a disulfiram-like reaction.

It is accompanied by the appearance of acute, paroxysmal pain in the lower abdomen, the occurrence of uncontrollable vomiting, the appearance of headaches, and sudden flushes of heat and blood to the face.


The drug may not be used in all cases. The most important contraindications are the first trimester of pregnancy, lactation,. This drug cannot be used for medicinal purposes in case of liver failure.

The drug is prohibited for the treatment of children under 12 years of age. Vaginal tablets are not recommended for use in cases of epilepsy or various lesions of the nervous system. With leukopenia, the content of leukocytes in the blood is greatly reduced, so drugs with metronidazole cannot be used. This will only make the problem worse. It's better to find a safer replacement.

If diabetes mellitus develops, it is better not to use the drug. Individual intolerance is also a contraindication. If a person is allergic to the active ingredients, a doctor should be consulted. When an allergy occurs suddenly, further treatment should be avoided.

Information about contraindications

This drug is widely used in modern medicine, as it is considered effective and safe. Nevertheless, some contraindications exist, and it is worth familiarizing yourself with their list before starting therapy.

  • The medicine in any form is not prescribed to patients with allergies to any of the components. Also, you should not use suppositories if a woman has a history of hypersensitivity to nitroimidazole derivatives.
  • Contraindications include leukopenia and other blood diseases.
  • The drug is not prescribed to patients with organic lesions of the central nervous system (the list of contraindications also includes epilepsy).
  • The medicine should not be taken if there is a lack of coordination of movements.
  • The list of contraindications includes various forms of liver failure, especially when it comes to the use of large doses of medication.
  • Suppositories should not be used by nursing mothers (the active ingredients and their metabolites are excreted in breast milk) and women expecting a baby (especially during the first trimester).
  • The drug is used with caution to treat patients with impaired blood microcirculation and diabetes mellitus.
  • It is worth noting that this medicine causes ethanol intolerance. That is why it is contraindicated to use alcohol during therapy.

Method of use of the combination drug

You already know that the medicine is inserted into the vagina. The dosage of the medication is determined by the doctor. Usually prescribed 1 tablet per day. The course of treatment must be at least 10 days. Before administering the product, wash your hands well. Remove the tablet from the seal and hold it under running water for a few seconds. After this, take a comfortable position and administer the drug. The use of the medication in pregnant women does not imply a reduction in the dose or duration of therapy. The instructions do not recommend using the medicine only in the first trimester. Doctors say that the medication does not have a teratogenic effect on the fetus if doses are observed in the second and third part of pregnancy.

The drug "Klion-D": instructions for use

Reviews from doctors and patients indicate that the medicine really helps to cope with a lot of problems. However, you should not use the drug without permission - only a doctor can draw up the correct treatment regimen.

How to use the medicine “Klion-D” (suppositories) correctly? Reviews indicate that the instructions are quite simple. The tablet must be inserted deep into the vagina (it is advisable to carry out the procedure while lying down). It is recommended to pre-moisten the suppository in purified water. It is better to take the tablet immediately before bed - this will give the drug time to completely dissolve and be absorbed by the vaginal mucosa.

The course of therapy usually lasts 10 days. To achieve maximum effect, vaginal tablets are combined with oral metronidazole. Such treatment is recommended not only for the sick woman, but also for her sexual partner - this is the only way to prevent the development of re-infection.

Limitations and Side Effects

Klion-D suppositories should be used only as prescribed by a doctor.

In this case, special attention must be paid to contraindications. They are always written down in the instructions for your reference.

The abstract states that it is prohibited to carry out treatment in case of hypersensitivity to the main components and other azoles. This therapy is contraindicated for leukopenia, liver failure, epilepsy and some lesions of the central nervous system. Tablets are not administered to girls under 12 years of age and to patients who are not sexually active. If such therapy is necessary, it is worth choosing analogues of “Klion-D” in a different form of release.

The side effects that have been officially registered include the following:

  1. Negative local reactions: discomfort, itching and burning.
  2. Effect on the digestive system. The patient may experience nausea and intestinal upset, and a change in taste.
  3. Allergic reactions: itching, urticaria, swelling, redness of the genitals.
  4. Headache, exacerbation of existing pathologies.

Some patients indicate that the drug helps change the color of urine. This is normal and goes away on its own after completion of therapy.

Side effects of Klion-D

Compared to other drugs of this pharmacological group, Klion-D suppositories are considered low-toxic and cause few side effects.

Sometimes the following symptoms may appear:

  • The appearance of local discomfort. The patient may experience redness, a feeling of the presence of a foreign body in the vaginal area, the genitals may be very itchy, burning, and swelling of the genitals.
  • Increased vaginal discharge.
  • Sometimes severe migraines occur.
  • On the part of the digestive system , taste disturbances, dryness of the mucous membranes of the oral cavity, nausea, cramping pain in the lower abdomen, increased gas formation, and diarrhea may be observed.
  • on the skin , and in very severe cases, but extremely rarely, Quincke's edema can develop.
  • The blood formula and the color of urine may change.

Features of application

To prevent the occurrence of side effects, including vaginal discharge, you must strictly follow the recommendations that are described in the instructions for the drug.

During the entire course of treatment, it is strictly forbidden to enter into intimacy with the opposite sex. In the event that complete refusal of intimacy is impossible, it is imperative to use contraception (condoms) during intercourse.

You cannot take tests for treponemes while taking Klion D, since due to the high concentration of the active substance metronidazole in the blood, the test may show false results, resulting in an incorrect diagnosis.

The drug reduces the level of leukocytes in the blood, and therefore, when taking it, you should periodically take a blood test. If leukopenia (low level of white blood cells in the blood) occurs, the use of tablets should be discontinued.

It should also be noted that even vaginal administration of Klion D can cause some disorders of the central nervous system. Therefore, during therapy, it is extremely undesirable to engage in activities that require increased concentration.

Under no circumstances should you combine the use of the drug with drinking alcoholic beverages, as this can lead to severe abdominal pain, nausea, skin flushing and other side effects.

When menstruation occurs, the course of treatment should be interrupted. This is due to the rapid removal of the drug from the vagina along with menstrual blood and a decrease in its effectiveness.

special instructions

To prevent unwanted side effects, you must follow certain rules when using this drug:

  • If there are clear contraindications, then the use of suppositories is excluded.
  • Concomitant use with alcoholic beverages is not allowed.
  • When breastfeeding, young mothers are advised to take a break if this drug is prescribed.
  • Combining this medicine with antibacterial therapy requires special care to avoid unwanted side effects.
  • If anticoagulant therapy occurs simultaneously, treatment should be carried out under the supervision of a doctor. This will avoid sudden bleeding.
  • Be careful when driving vehicles. Since this drug can influence a person’s reaction and behavior in emergency situations.

A good, correct effect from the use of Klion-D suppositories can only be achieved if all the rules and regulations for their use are followed.

Therefore it is necessary:

  1. If treatment is prescribed, the instructions provide for therapy of the sexual partner. Otherwise, re-infection may occur.
  2. During treatment, if work is associated with complex automatic processes, it is better to abstain from it; you must take sick leave for the entire period of treatment.
  3. Having sex during therapy is unacceptable.
  4. It is imperative to monitor, with the help of laboratory tests, the clinical state of the blood (monitor the number of leukocytes and the state of the leukocyte formula).

How to use Klion-D suppositories

For thrush

For thrush, Klion-D suppositories must be administered into the vagina once a day, 1 suppository. The course of treatment is 10 days. There are cases when no improvement is observed during treatment. In this situation, a second course may be required, but it can be started only 10 days after the end of the first stage of treatment.

You can take additional tests to determine the pathogen more accurately and determine how sensitive it is to metronidazole, and adjust therapy.

For trichomoniasis

If trichomoniasis develops, 1 suppository Klion-D is prescribed once a day. It is better to carry out treatment at the same time. The duration of the course is from 10 to 14 days. The attending physician will draw up a treatment plan in more detail. With this disease, additional tablets containing metronidazole are often prescribed.

If trichomoniasis develops, 1 suppository Klion-D is prescribed once a day. It is better to carry out treatment at the same time. The duration of the course is from 10 to 14 days.

Trichomoniasis is a disease that is almost always transmitted to a sexual partner, so both women and men need treatment. The specialist will select the right drug. At the end of treatment, both partners must undergo tests to monitor the effectiveness of the therapy.

How to bet

For treatment to be effective, suppositories must be placed correctly. It is best to carry out this procedure at night. After this, it is advisable to take a horizontal position, lie on your back, placing a small pillow under your buttocks. This will help avoid leakage of the drug from the vagina and increase the therapeutic effect.

Before the procedure, you need to wash your hands with soap. The genitals should be washed thoroughly. It is advisable to moisten the suppository with warm water immediately before insertion into the vagina. The instructions for use provide detailed recommendations.

Before starting the procedure, you need to wash your hands with soap.

Analogues of the drug Klion

Analogues are determined by structure:

  1. Rosex.
  2. Rosamet.
  3. Tricho-PIN.
  4. Metron.
  5. Metroseptol.
  6. Flagyl.
  7. Trichopolum.
  8. Metronidal.
  9. Deflamon.
  10. Metronidazole.
  11. Metrogil.
  12. Trichobrol.
  13. Orvagil.
  14. Batsimex.
  15. Cyptrogyl.
  16. Metrolacare.
  17. Efloran.
  18. Metrovagin.
  19. Metroxan.
  20. Trichosept.

Mechanism of action

The composition includes components that have a complex effect on the vaginal microflora. They inhibit pathogenic microorganisms, making them non-viable. After entering the vagina, the medicine is absorbed into the mucous membranes.

Metronidazole does not start working immediately. Its concentration in the blood increases gradually and only after 9 hours reaches its maximum. After a few days, no traces of the drug remain in the body. 60-80% of the component is excreted by the kidneys, turning the urine reddish. The remaining amount of metronidazole is excreted in the feces.

Miconazole is an antifungal agent that destroys dermatophytes and yeasts. It does not disturb the pH and does not suppress healthy microflora in the vagina. Lipid synthesis stops in the membrane of fungal organisms. Miconazole is not detectable in urine. 90% of it is excreted from the body. The maximum concentration in the blood can be achieved 8 hours after administration of the drug. It is not detected in biological fluids if suppositories are administered vaginally. At the same time, the drug destroys fungi of the genus Candida, affecting them locally.

pharmachologic effect

Klion-D 100 is a broad-spectrum drug. The main active ingredient is metronidazole, which is a derivative of nitro-5-imidazole. The mechanism of action of this substance is to restore the 5-nitro group in anaerobic microorganisms and protozoa. This leads to the death of microorganisms due to the interaction of the reduced 5-nitro group of metronidazole with the DNA of the microorganism cell.

Klion-D 100 is active against a large number of microorganisms, such as Entamoeba histolytica, Giardia lamblia, Trichomonas vaginalis, Gardnerella vaginalis, and it is also active against anaerobic bacteria - Bacteroides spp. Veillonella spp., Fusobacterium spp., Prevotella spp.

The use of this drug is also effective for the treatment of diseases caused by certain gram-positive microorganisms, such as Clostridium spp., Eubacterium spp., Peptococcus spp., Peptostreptococcus spp. Facultative anaerobes and aerobic microorganisms are insensitive to Klion-d 100, but its use is recommended for the treatment of mixed aerobic-anaerobic infections.

Klion-D 100 is very effective against fungi, including dermatophytes and yeast fungi. Suppositories for intravaginal use effectively fight Candida albicans. Miconazole is able to suppress the biosynthesis of ergosterol in fungal cells, which leads to their death. At the same time, the normal microflora and pH of the vagina do not change during treatment with this drug.

Drug interactions

Alcohol compatibility

Klion-D is not compatible with alcohol. greatly reduces the effectiveness of treatment. When drinking alcohol during therapy, a woman should remember that it is unlikely to achieve results.

Vaginal suppositories "Klion-D" are used as a treatment for mixed infections caused primarily by yeast-like fungi in combination with Trichomonas. The course of therapy is 10 days, after which it is necessary to confirm the absence of pathogens by conducting control tests over the next three menstrual cycles. The first trimester of gestation and breastfeeding are the main contraindications to the use of the medication.

What do the doctor's say? Patient reviews

Before using a particular medicine, it is always useful to study all available information. Of course, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the opinions of experts. What do doctors say about the drug "Clio-D"? Reviews are positive. The medicine allows you to quickly cope with the infection and avoid the development of possible complications.

Patients also respond well to the product. Unpleasant itching, burning and other symptoms of vaginal infection disappear after a few days. Vaginal tablets are small and easy to administer intravaginally. Adverse reactions are recorded very rarely.

It is also convenient that the drug with the same composition is available in other forms, including tablets for oral administration and solution for intravenous administration - with their help, therapy can be supplemented.

Possible complications and consequences

As mentioned above, often when undergoing medical therapy, women notice discharge after Klion D, which frightens them very much. In this case, most often patients complain of the presence of bloody, pink, white, yellow or green discharge from the genital tract.

But it should be said right away that this drug does not have any effect on hormonal levels and does not contribute to disruption of the vaginal microflora, and therefore its use simply cannot provoke the appearance of premature menstruation or the appearance of discharge associated with a violation of the acid-base balance in the vagina.

Since Klion D is used to treat infectious and inflammatory diseases, the appearance of vaginal discharge is quite natural, and many women detect it even before taking the drug.

Bloody issues

Bloody discharge during the use of vaginal tablets is quite often associated with inflammation of the cervical canal, in which the walls of the vessels begin to lose their elasticity and become prone to damage. Moreover, the appearance of bloody discharge may be associated with the development of tumor diseases or hormonal disorders that a woman already has (they can occur both against the background of pathologies of the reproductive system and disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine system). Therefore, the occurrence of such discharge is not a reason to stop therapy, but a doctor’s consultation will still be required.

Pink discharge

Pink discharge during the course of treatment is also not a reason to refuse further use of Klion D. Their appearance may also be associated with decreased vascular tone or erosive lesions of the cervix.

It is worth noting that pink and brown discharge often appears due to mechanical damage to the mucous membranes in the vagina due to improper administration of tablets. If there are no abdominal pains or other unpleasant symptoms, then there is also no cause for concern.

It is necessary to study the instructions in more detail, paying special attention to the method of introducing the drug into the vagina

White curd discharge

The appearance of copious white discharge after Klion, similar in appearance to cottage cheese, emitting an unpleasant sour odor and provoking the appearance of itching and burning in the intimate area, indicates the development of candidiasis. In this case, you should also not stop using Klion D tablets, since they, on the contrary, will help suppress the growth of Candida fungi, which are the causative agent of this disease.

Yellow discharge and leucorrhoea

Abundant yellow discharge and leucorrhoea while taking the drug are normal. Their appearance is caused by the removal of excess tablets from the vagina, which is why the mucous secretion turns yellowish or white.

Green discharge

Green discharge is always a sign of the development of infectious diseases in the organs of the reproductive system. They give off an unpleasant odor and are accompanied by itching and burning in the intimate area.

The appearance of these discharges while taking Klion D indicates the active removal of pathogenic microorganisms from the vagina. But if they continue for 7-10 days after starting to use the tablets, you should also visit a doctor.

When are patients prescribed therapy?

In what cases is it advisable to use Klion-D vaginal tablets? Reviews from experts and the results of scientific research indicate that the drug can be used in the following cases:

  • vaginal candidiasis (thrush);
  • nonspecific inflammation of the vaginal mucosa;
  • vaginitis caused by the activity of yeast fungi of the genus Candida, as well as Trichomonas.

general information

Klion D 100 is a broad-spectrum drug that has the following properties:

  • antibacterial;
  • antiseptic;
  • antifungal;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • regenerating;
  • antiprotozoal.

The drug is available in the form of tablets and suppositories for intravaginal use; they dissolve quickly and begin to exert their therapeutic effect almost instantly. Its high effectiveness is due to the presence of substances such as metronidazole and miconazole. Each of them has its own characteristics.

For example, metronidazole, even when used vaginally, is quickly absorbed into the systemic bloodstream and remains high in it for 6-12 hours. Through the bloodstream, metronidazole penetrates into all structures of the female body - mammary glands, placenta, brain and spinal cord. However, it must be said that when using vaginal tablets, its effect on these structures is two times lower than when taking metronidazole orally.

Once this substance passes through the body, it enters the kidneys and most of it is excreted along with the urine, turning its color reddish or brown. The rest of metronidazole is excreted in the intestines along with feces. At the same time, it is metronidazole that suppresses the growth of protozoan microorganisms and bacteria.

Miconazole does not have the ability to be absorbed into the bloodstream, and therefore does not affect either the composition of the blood or the composition of urine. It acts directly on the vaginal mucosa, having a detrimental effect on fungal-like microorganisms (has an antifungal effect) for another 8-10 hours after administration.

Thanks to the properties of metronidazole and miconazole, Klion D suppositories have found their use in the treatment of pathogenic microorganisms such as:

  • Candida fungi;
  • trichomonas;
  • amoeba;
  • guardia;
  • Garderella;
  • bacteroides;
  • fusobacteria;
  • prevotella;
  • vilonella;
  • peptococci;
  • clostridia, etc.


There are a very large number of substitutes for the drug Kliona-D.

They can be conditionally divided according to their chemical composition. That is, have an identical chemical composition, or be based on an ingredient that, in the instructions for use, will be similar in action to candles with Klion-D.

Let's consider several analogues:

  1. Metromicon Neo. Its composition almost completely corresponds to the components of Klion D. It has a wider spectrum of action, as a result of which it can replace the drug Klion D in the treatment of amebiasis and giardiasis, pathological processes that are caused by anaerobic infection.
  2. Vagiferon. This drug has indications similar to Klion-D, but unlike it, it is active against mixed infections, herpes simplex virus, mycoplasma. Contraindications mainly apply to pregnant women and girls under 18 years of age.
  3. Metrovagin. A medication based on metronidazole, with a pronounced antibacterial and antimicrobial effect. The main condition for achieving the full therapeutic effect is use by both sexual partners and complete abstinence from sexual intimacy for the entire period of treatment. The medicine is available only in the form of ointment, helium or vaginal suppositories. Its big disadvantage is its many contraindications.
  4. Vagisept. A good analogue, with a good chemical composition (Fluconazole, Metronidazole).
  5. Genisol. A medicine containing miconazole nitrate (100 mg). Effective against gram-positive microorganisms and fungal infections. Not used in the second and third trimester of pregnancy. Renal failure is a reason to discontinue the drug.
  6. McMiror. It is a good remedy for the treatment of pathologies caused by vaginal trichomonas or candida fungus. Its use is limited only to cases of hypersensitivity. This is the main criterion when the drug is contraindicated. In some cases, instead of suppositories, you can use vaginal cream, which is sold along with a convenient applicator.


Metromicon Metrovagin



In any case, you should adhere to the prescription made by the doctor. But sometimes, due to financial problems, it is impossible to buy medicine in this price category. In this case, you can use cheaper substitutes.

These include:

  • Difluzol (price does not exceed 70 rubles ).
  • Itrakon ( 100 rubles ).
  • Econazole ( up to 90 rubles ).
  • Polygynax ( 90 rubles ).
  • Pimafucin ( up to 150 rubles ).
  • Santequin ( no more than 130 rubles ).






Composition and release form of Klion D

In pharmacies, Klion D can be purchased in the form of tablets (20 pieces). 1 tablet of the drug contains 250 mg of metronidazole. Additional ingredients include sodium lauryl sulfate, colloidal anhydrous silica, povidone, magnesium stearate, sodium bicarbonate, tartaric acid, crospovidone and sodium carboxymethyl starch, lactose monohydrate and hydroxypropyl methylcellulose 2910.

They also produce vaginal tablets Klion D 100, 10 pieces per package, which consist of 100 mg of metronidazole and 100 mg of miconazole nitrate. Klion D candles have a white color and a special almond shape, as well as an uneven surface.

In addition, Klion D is produced in the form of an infusion solution (1 bottle of 100 ml).

Description and composition

The drug is available in the form of white, oval, biconvex vaginal tablets. They have a pointed end and "100" written on one side.

They contain metronidazole and miconazole nitrate as active ingredients.

In addition to them, the medicine contains the following additional substances:

  • E572;
  • povidone;
  • Aerosil;
  • sodium lauryl sulfate and bicarbonate;
  • dioxysuccinic acid;
  • sodium carboxymethyl starch;
  • crospovidone;
  • hypromellose;
  • milk sugar.

Main settings

ATX code:G01AF20

Klion D suppositories have antifungal, antibacterial, and antiprotozoal effects. The main active component is metronidazole, the action of which is to restore the intracellular transport protein of protozoa and anaerobic microorganisms in the process of biochemical reduction of the nitro group. When interacting with DNA cells, the reduced 5-nitro group begins to have an inhibitory effect on nucleic acids, which leads to the death of various microorganisms. Also, at the same time, the active substance begins to suppress ergosterol in fungi, affects changes in the composition of various lipid components in membranes, which leads to the disappearance of fungal infections.

The active substances of the drug are absorbed into the systemic circulation. Approximately 8-12 hours after use, the maximum cmax in the blood is observed, after a single use. It is excreted from the body unchanged and is not found in feces or blood plasma.

The drug has a wide spectrum of action, as it is active against most microbes and fungi, in particular: Eubacterium, Trichomonas vaginalis, Peptostreptococcus spp, Entamoeba histolytica, Clostridium spp, Lamblia intestinalis, Fusobacterium spp, Bacteroides vulgatus, Peptostreptococcus spp and many others . Insensitive to facultative anaerobes.

Has a wide spectrum of antifungal action. When applied, unpleasant itching caused by dermatophytes or yeast is eliminated as quickly as possible. There is no change in the normal pH level of the vagina, as well as the natural microflora of the vagina.

Indications for the use of Klion D suppositories

  • For local treatment of vaginal infections;
  • For inflammatory and infectious diseases of the vagina, which are caused by various anaerobic bacteria and fungi;
  • For preventive purposes after surgery, to prevent the occurrence of infectious diseases in the pelvic organs;
  • Trichomonosis.

The course of treatment is prescribed depending on the nature of the disease. Suppositories are inserted once a day, deep into the vagina, before going to bed. The course of treatment usually does not exceed ten days. In severe forms of infection, simultaneous treatment with Klion D tablets or solution is prescribed.

Possible side effects

  • Mucous discharge that has no odor;
  • Burning or itching in the vagina;
  • If you are intolerant to the drug, allergic reactions manifest as skin rashes, urticaria;
  • Frequent urination;
  • The sexual partner may experience irritation of the penis during sexual intercourse;
  • Rarely – headaches;
  • Leukopenia;
  • Extremely rare - changed urine color (brown-red color, which changes due to the metabolism of metronidazole and the presence of pigment).

Contraindications for use

  • In case of microcirculation disorders;
  • In case of individual intolerance to derivatives and main components of the drug;
  • History of leukopenia;
  • In childhood;
  • In the first trimester of pregnancy;
  • With impaired coordination of movements;
  • During the lactation period;
  • In acute form of liver failure;
  • For various blood diseases.

When treated with Klion D suppositories, treatment of the sexual partner is also prescribed to avoid re-infection, regardless of whether he has signs of the disease or does not have them. While using the medication, you should refrain from sexual intercourse.

For longer courses of treatment, blood tests may be necessary for medical reasons.

During the onset of the menstrual cycle, treatment with a drug of this group is suspended; treatment with similar tablets is possible, but after the recommendation of the attending physician.

The drug is not prescribed to children under the age of eighteen; there is a special form of the drug in the form of a solution for internal use.

Indications for use

Gynecological infection is the main area of ​​application of Klion-D.

He is appointed:

  • When infected with Trichomonas.
  • In the case of candidal infections with a fungus of the genus candida.
  • Vaginitis of various etiologies.
  • Gardnerellosis.

Use of Klion-D suppositories during pregnancy

During the first trimester of pregnancy, the formation and formation of the internal organs of the future newborn occurs. Therefore, during this period, the use of candles should be avoided.

During subsequent pregnancy, the use of the drug is possible. But before this, the doctor carefully weighs all the pros and cons of this drug. Its appointment occurs in extreme cases, when a woman in labor really needs to eliminate the pathology that is caused by fungal microflora.

Also, Klion-D vaginal suppositories can be used before childbirth to cleanse the birth canal of pathological mycelium. This helps prevent infection of the newborn.

The ingredients of Klion-D suppositories pass into breast milk in small quantities, which makes it impossible to use this medicine. If an appointment nevertheless occurs, breastfeeding is temporarily stopped.

Using Klion-D for thrush

The course of treatment for this pathological disease should not exceed ten days. The recommended dose is a single use of vaginal suppositories before bedtime. Treatment is not carried out in the morning.

After 1 month, if necessary, the course of treatment can be repeated. If treatment is ineffective, a laboratory test must be performed.

Make a bacterial culture of vaginal contents and establish the tolerance of a drug that can resist bacterial microflora.

Use for trichomoniasis

The course of treatment, dosage, and method of application are exactly the same as for the treatment of thrush. It is also possible, if necessary, to extend the course after a month.

Use during menstruation

During the menstrual cycle, women experience bleeding from the vagina.

If you put a suppository with this drug at this time, it may partially dissolve in them, and as a result, it makes no sense to treat the disease, since its therapeutic effect is reduced, which leads to an incomplete cure from the pathological process of the disease.

It is necessary to interrupt the course of treatment for the entire period of menstruation, and after it ends, resume it again.

Use of Klion-D for kidney and liver diseases

As noted earlier, Klion-D suppositories are not prescribed for severe liver damage (cirrhosis, hepatitis of various etiologies).

Renal failure, in the final stages, also precludes the use of this drug.

Directions for use and dosage

Klion D tablets are prescribed in the following dosages:

  • If the patient has trichomoniasis, take 1 tablet (250 mg) orally, 2 times a day for 10 days. One increased dosage in the evening is also prescribed - 8 tablets (2 g).
  • If an adult patient has giardiasis, take 2 tablets orally in the morning and evening for a week.
  • For amebiasis in adults - 2 tablets 3 times a day for 1-1.5 weeks.

The instructions for Klion D indicate that this drug is also used in the form of an infusion solution. In this case, children over 12 years of age and adults are administered Klion D by drip, 100 ml every 8 hours. The duration of treatment on average reaches a week. If an urgent need arises, intravenous administration of the drug can be continued. However, it is necessary to ensure that the daily dosage does not exceed 4 g. After completing the course of treatment, the patient is prescribed to take Klion D tablets (400 mg 3 times a day).

For children under 12 years of age, Klion D 100 is administered at the rate of 1.5 ml of solution per 1 kg of body weight (the same dosage remains the same for preventive treatment with this drug).

For prevention, adults and children over 12 years of age are prescribed 100 ml of solution during, before and after surgery. This dosage is repeated every 8 hours. After this, Klion D tablets are prescribed (200-400 mg each).

If the patient has trichomoniasis, she needs to insert 1 Klion D suppository, pre-moistened with water, deep into the vagina. This should be done once before bedtime for 10 days. Additionally, take 1 tablet orally 2 times a day.

Purpose of the medicine and features of use

Indications for use of this medication are as follows:

  1. It, like its analogues, is used for the treatment of infectious and inflammatory diseases caused by anaerobic cocci, fusobacteria, clostridia and bacteroides. Klion is used to treat peritonitis, brain abscesses, osteomyelitis, abscesses of the pelvic organs and lungs, sepsis, gas gangrene, meningitis and endometritis.
  2. Klion D 10 (100) is used for preventive purposes in the postoperative period, especially after operations in the abdominal cavity, as well as on the organs of the urinary system.
  3. Klion D suppositories are prescribed for the local treatment of vaginal infections in women.

The drug Klion D is used as follows, depending on the form of release of the drug:

  1. Klion D tablets for trichomonas are prescribed in a dosage of 1 t twice a day for oral administration for 10 days. If therapy is carried out in a single dose, then the patient should take 8 tablets (2 grams) 1 time per day in the evening. When treating giardiasis, 2 tons are prescribed twice a day for a week. For amoebiasis - 2 tons three times a day for up to 10 days.
  2. The infusion solution is used to treat men, women and children after 12 years of age. Usually 100 ml of the product is administered dropwise every 8 hours. Duration of therapy is a week.
  3. Vaginal tablets Klion D 100 are prescribed for the treatment of thrush and trichomoniasis in women. Candles are used once for 10 days. To do this, one tablet soaked in water is inserted into the vagina before going to bed. If you have started treatment with the drug Klion D, the cheesy discharge from thrush should decrease after a couple of days of using the medicine. At the same time, it is necessary to undergo treatment with Klion tablets for oral use. If a woman has slight pink discharge, then treatment with the drug should be postponed until her periods have completely stopped.

Drug interactions

Since the systemic absorption of miconazole is low, interactions with other drugs are caused by metronidazole.

Metronidazole is compatible with sulfonamides and antibiotics.

When consumed simultaneously, alcohol causes reactions similar to disulfiram (cramping abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, headache, skin flushing). Concomitant use with disulfiram is unacceptable (additive effects, may cause confusion).

The drug is able to enhance the effect of indirect. Prothrombin time may increase, so dose adjustment of indirect anticoagulants is necessary.

Inducers of microsomal oxidation enzymes in the liver (for example, phenytoin) can accelerate the elimination of metronidazole, which leads to a decrease in its concentration in the blood plasma.

Cimetidine inhibits the metabolism of metronidazole, which may lead to an increase in its concentration in the blood serum and an increased risk of side effects.

It is possible to increase the concentration of lithium in the blood plasma during the course of treatment with metronidazole, therefore, before starting to use Klion-D 100, it is necessary to reduce the dose of lithium or stop taking it for the duration of treatment.

Side effects

The drug is well tolerated by patients, but in some cases the following adverse reactions develop:

  • Change in urine color;
  • Increased vaginal discharge;
  • Changes in the clinical blood picture;
  • From the digestive tract - in rare cases, stool disturbances, changes in taste, dry mouth, nausea, abdominal pain, increased gas formation;
  • Allergic reactions - skin rash, urticaria, in rare cases, the development of angioedema;
  • From the central nervous system – dizziness and headaches;
  • Local manifestations - discomfort, itching, burning, swelling, redness of the mucous membranes, sensation of a foreign body in the vagina.

Oronazole tablets

The active ingredient in these pills is ketoconazole. The drug belongs to antifungal agents. But he is unable to cope with the bacterial infection. This distinguishes it from the “Klion-D” product, the price of which was stated in the article.

The indication for use of the medication is thrush and other fungal pathologies of the female genital tract. The medication is not used for liver and kidney diseases, during pregnancy and lactation, as well as in young children. Note that Oronazole is available only in the form of tablets for oral administration. You will not be able to purchase candles. The prescription of the medication and the selection of the dose are made by the doctor in accordance with the instructions.

Description of effective analogues

Now you know how the drug “Klion-D” affects the body. Instructions, reviews, composition features - this is information that is definitely worth reading. But what should patients do if, for one reason or another, the above-described medicine is not suitable?

In fact, analogues exist. For vaginosis and candidiasis, Gaynomax vaginal suppositories are often used. Drugs such as Metromizol, Neo-Penotran and Metromicon-Neo contain the same active ingredients (metronidazole and miconazole). Of course, it is better to entrust the choice of a substitute to the treating gynecologist. Self-medication always carries risks.


There are no data regarding overdose with intravaginal use of metronidazole. However, when used concomitantly with metronidazole orally, systemic effects may develop.

Symptoms of metronidazole overdose:

nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, generalized itching, metallic taste in the mouth, movement disorders (ataxia), dizziness, paresthesia, convulsions, peripheral neuropathy, leukopenia, darkening of urine.

Symptoms of miconazole overdose

not identified.


in case of accidental ingestion of a large number of vaginal tablets Klion-D 100, if necessary, gastric lavage, administration of activated charcoal, and hemodialysis can be performed. Metronidazole does not have a specific antidote. Metronidazole and its metabolites are readily eliminated by hemodialysis.

If any symptoms of overdose occur, symptomatic and supportive therapy is recommended.

Side effects

A number of side effects may occur during therapy:

  • headaches, vertigo;
  • leukocytosis, leukopenia;
  • allergies, which can manifest as urticaria, itching and rash;
  • constipation and loose stools, abdominal cramps, nausea, vomiting, metallic taste in the mouth, taste disturbances, lack of appetite;
  • red-brown coloration of urine;
  • pain, itching, burning and irritation of the vaginal mucosa;
  • white, thick, mucous discharge from the vagina, it can be with or without odor;
  • burning and irritation of the partner's penis.

Valuable recommendations

For therapy to be successful, you must follow these recommendations:

  1. Prevent the disease in your sexual partner . Even if he does not have any signs of a fungal infection, it is still necessary to carry out a treatment and preventive course.
  2. During treatment of candidiasis, sex should be completely avoided.
  3. After completing the therapeutic course, you must see your doctor to make sure that the disease has been cured.
  4. During the treatment period, you need to completely stop drinking alcohol , and it is also advisable to stop smoking.
  5. You can get rid of candidiasis with Klion D suppositories for thrush, however, this is not an insufficient treatment. For a successful recovery process, it is also necessary to use lactobacilli, which restore the balance of microorganisms and prevent the appearance of dysbacteriosis. You should also use immunomodulator drugs that increase the body's defenses, fight the fungus, and prevent its penetration into other organs.

More interesting: Candide drops

What do women say about vaginal pills?

Patients most often leave positive reviews about Klion D suppositories for thrush. You can find many reviews on the Internet in which women describe in detail the rules for using the medicine, the effect, and the duration of treatment. But there are also negative reviews from people associated with the body’s unexpected reaction to the action of the antifungal agent. Some women write that they experienced abdominal pain and a burning sensation in the genital area, as a result of which they had to give up Klion D suppositories and change the treatment regimen. Doctors recommend using this drug only after approval from a specialist.

Some women are interested in the question: “What is the difference between the drugs Klion and Klion D?” The first medicine has a wide spectrum of action, treats various diseases: colitis, gastritis, various infections, and Klion D specifically affects yeast-like fungi. That is why for successful treatment of thrush it is recommended to take tablets orally, as well as suppositories for vaginal insertion into the vagina.

Interaction with other drugs

When using the drug, it is recommended to take into account possible reactions of its active component with other substances. It is not recommended to combine the use of Klion-D:

  • with anticoagulants, since then there is a risk of increasing prothrombin time;
  • disulfiram, used to treat alcohol dependence;
  • antimicrobial drugs (strengthen the effect of miconazole, so there is a possibility of overdose).

The consumption of alcoholic beverages is strictly prohibited during the treatment of candidiasis with Klion-D.

The drug appeared recently, but has gained the trust of patients and is widely used for gynecological diseases, inflammatory processes of many organs, infections and fungal infections.

In addition to treatment, you can try folk remedies for thrush. Our separate article on the website talks about them in more detail.

Choice of medicine: reviews

To choose the right drug for treatment, you need to consult a specialist. Doctors say that when prescribing antibiotics, it is imperative to undergo an analysis to determine the sensitivity of microorganisms. This will allow for effective treatment. If a woman’s smear does not reveal a bacterial infection, but only fungal colonies are present, then she needs appropriate therapy. It is almost impossible to choose the right medicine on your own. Experts remind that there is no need to chase the cost of drugs. If a medicine is expensive, this does not guarantee that it will help.

Patients say that they were often prescribed the drug Betadine after various manipulations. The medicine helped carry out antiseptic measures and prevent the development of infection. The drugs "Difluzol" and "Diflazon" are receiving positive reviews due to their effectiveness and safety. These products can be used without fear during pregnancy. It is worth noting that it is during pregnancy that many women first encounter thrush.

The drug "Makmiror" has good reviews due to its action. The medicine is not absorbed into the systemic circulation. It acts exclusively in the vagina. At the same time, the drug has a bactericidal and antifungal effect. Tablets of this trade name are often used to treat intestinal infections.

What do consumers say about the drug "Klion-D"? Women who have used this medication report that it was prescribed to them in conjunction with an oral antibiotic based on metronidazole. This combination is chosen to enhance the effect. It must be remembered that any antibacterial agents are prohibited for use in the first trimester of pregnancy. Therefore, the drug "Klion-D", like other medications with metronidazole, is prescribed only after 16-18 weeks. After completing treatment, you must take a second test. Women say that the advantage of the drug “Klion-D” is its release form. Unlike other fat-based suppositories and vaginal creams, the medication does not leak out and does not stain underwear. The medicine is completely distributed into the vagina.

Use of the drug "Makmiror"

This drug contains two main components: nifuratel and nystatin. The medicine has antifungal, antibacterial and antiprotozoal effects. In this characteristic, it completely coincides with the drug “Klion-D”. Vaginal suppositories "Makmiror" are prescribed for vulvovaginal infections caused by Trichomonas and Candida fungi. The medicine is contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity. In other cases, its use is not limited.

The dosage of the drug is prescribed by a specialist. The daily dose is 1 suppository. The duration of therapy usually does not exceed 8 days. If necessary, suppositories can be replaced with vaginal cream, which is sold complete with a convenient applicator.

Indications and contraindications

If we talk about indications, this medication is intended for the local treatment of vaginitis with mixed etiology, which can be caused by dimorphic fungi (for example, Candida spp.)

Like other medications, Klion has the following contraindications:

  • leukopenia (including in history);
  • organic lesions of the central nervous system;
  • liver failure;
  • bearing a fetus in the 1st trimester;
  • lactation period.

In addition, this product is not recommended for use by children under 12 years of age, as well as by people with hypersensitivity to the components included in this drug, or with hypersensitivity to other azoles.

Particular care should be taken when prescribing the drug to those people who suffer from diabetes mellitus and microcirculation disorders.


The ratio of positive and negative reviews from women who used Klion-D is 3:1.

In positive comments, patients noted that the drug quickly relieves the symptoms of thrush. Women also noted the price, number of tablets in the package and their shape as advantages.

The disadvantages included local side effects in the form of itching and burning that occurred after using the medicine, a large number of contraindications and unwanted effects, and the ineffectiveness of the drug.

Some women found that the tablet was not very convenient to use due to its fragility when removed from the package, and they had to administer the drug in parts. The rough surface of the tablets was also noted, which caused discomfort during their administration.

It is worth remembering that the result of treatment depends on compliance with the recommendations for using the product and the individual characteristics of the body.

Neo-Penotran Forte

A German-made drug that is used for various vaginal infections. There is a modification containing lidocaine to reduce pain when taking the medicine. Neo-Penotran Forte is inserted into the vagina a few centimeters, but before the procedure you should thoroughly wash your hands with an antiseptic.

For what diseases is it prescribed?

Neo-Penotran Forte is prescribed for:

  • thrush;
  • vulvitis;
  • various vaginitis;
  • bacterial vaginosis;
  • urogenital trichomanades.

Klion D, analogues of which are Neo-Penotran Forte and Vagisent, can also be used to treat these diseases.

Contraindications for use

The drug should not be taken under any circumstances if:

  • epilepsy;
  • allergies;
  • pregnancy;
  • porphyria;
  • the presence of a hymen.

Features of using Klion D during pregnancy

Klion D is contraindicated for women in early pregnancy (up to 12 weeks), since the metronidazole it contains can affect the development of the fetus. The drug can be used from 13 to 40 weeks of pregnancy, however, even in this case it is recommended, if possible, to replace it with another drug. Laboratory studies conducted on mice have shown that if the dosage of Klion D is observed, pregnancy proceeds without complications. As the dose was increased, the mice showed abnormalities in fetal development. For obvious reasons, no experiments have been conducted on humans, so no one can guarantee the complete absence of complications due to taking the drug. Some women wonder whether menstruation can begin in the early stages of pregnancy, in which case a description of the problem can be found in the article: can menstruation (menstruation) appear in the early stages of pregnancy.

Dosage and overdose

The instructions for use state that the product treats intravaginally. At the same time, it can be not only pills or suppositories; There is also another form of the drug Klion: ointment, which also has a broad antimicrobial effect.

Most often, the tablet form is prescribed. In this case, the dosage should not exceed that prescribed by the doctor. Take the medicine before bedtime for 10 days.

If you do everything correctly, you will not need to think about the consequences that an overdose can lead to. If you also use Metronidazole in combination with Klion, some systemic effects may occur.

So, a person often experiences the following side effects, which indicate an overdose. This should include:

  • nausea;
  • pain in the abdominal area;
  • vomiting;
  • diarrhea;
  • unpleasant taste in the mouth;
  • ataxia, that is, movement disorder;
  • generalized itching;
  • paresthesia;
  • dizziness;
  • convulsions;
  • peripheral neuropathy;
  • leukopenia;
  • change in urine color.

Side effects that could be caused by Miconazole in case of overdose have not been identified.

If a person accidentally takes a large number of tablets orally, then it will be necessary to apply additional treatment, namely, rinse the stomach, administer activated charcoal, and perform hemodialysis. If any of the listed signs of overdose have been identified, then therapy should be carried out to eliminate the symptoms and aimed at supporting the body.

It should be noted that Miconazole has low systemic absorption, so metronidazole, which can be compatible with both antibiotics and sulfonamides, interacts with other medications.

It is important to know that this drug should not be consumed together with alcoholic beverages, as this can cause a reaction in the form of cramping pain in the abdomen, nausea, vomiting, skin flushing, and headache. In addition, the medicine under discussion cannot be taken together with Disulfiram, since this can cause an additive effect, that is, the person will have confused consciousness.

Klion can enhance the effect of drugs such as indirect anticoagulants, so the doctor must adjust the dose of the latter drug.

Moreover, metronidazole should not be combined with a non-depolarizing muscle relaxant. But cimetidine can inhibit the metabolism of the drug under discussion, which, in turn, leads to an increase in the concentration of the latter in the blood serum, and therefore increases the risk of side effects.

What is a gynecological douche? Why are Exifina tablets prescribed? Mikomax: instructions for use. More details>>

Suppositories "Ginezol 7"

This drug contains miconazole nitrate. One suppository contains 100 mg of this component. Medicine is prescribed for the treatment of fungal infections of the vagina: candidiasis, balanitis, infections caused by gram-positive microorganisms. The instructions for use indicate late pregnancy, hypersensitivity and renal failure as contraindications to the use of the drug “Ginezol 7” (suppositories). The medication is inserted into the vagina before bed, one suppository at a time. In this case, you must follow all the rules of asepsis. The duration of treatment does not exceed one week.

The drug "Vocadine" and "Betadine": features

These two drugs contain 200 milligrams of povidone-iodine. “Betadine” and “Vocadine” are suppositories that are classified as antiseptics. They are prescribed for treating the vagina after various gynecological procedures (biopsy, puncture, curettage, abortion, and so on). Contraindications to their use include diseases of the thyroid gland and kidneys, breastfeeding, childhood and pregnancy. These analogues do not treat bacterial and fungal infections of the vagina. The drugs are prescribed in a dose of 1 suppository twice a day. The duration of therapy depends on the patient's condition.

Do I need to go to the doctor if there is a relapse?

If this is not the first time you have heard the term vaginal thrush, because you have repeatedly encountered the disease and know how to treat it, then you may well not be cured on your own according to the old scheme. But this is provided that you know the diagnosis for sure. Be sure to consult a doctor if you suspect a vaginal fungus:

  1. Girls under 16 years old, as well as women over 60 years old.
  2. Pregnant women.
  3. For those who experience bleeding from the vagina.
  4. For those patients in whom the usual symptoms of a fungal infection overlap with atypical signs, for example, acne appears.
  5. Women if the frequency of candidiasis manifestations reaches more than twice a year.
  6. Patients who are undergoing a treatment course using antifungal drugs, but such therapy does not bring a positive result.

Use of the medicine: indications

In what situations is the drug “Klion-D” prescribed? Instructions for use advise using the medicine for bacterial and fungal infections of the female genital tract. The annotation states that the medication is prescribed for the treatment of vaginitis. Doctors recommend medicine when a patient is found to have:

  • infections caused by Trichomonas;
  • vaginal candidiasis;
  • discharge mixed with pus, accompanied by an unpleasant odor.

In addition, suppositories are prescribed for the treatment of sexually acquired diseases (in combination). And also for the purpose of preventing complications after surgical interventions and so on. Before using the medication, it is advisable to undergo an analysis to determine the sensitivity of microorganisms to the active substance.


It is strictly not recommended to use Cliod D 100 for self-medication, especially during pregnancy. The drug is prescribed after tests for the treatment of the following diseases:

  • vaginal candidiasis;
  • vaginitis caused by fungal, bacterial and/or mixed microflora;
  • for prophylactic purposes before various gynecological procedures.

When using vaginal tablets, the drug acts mainly locally and the active substances enter the general bloodstream in limited quantities. Therefore, only this form is allowed to be used by expectant mothers. However, the product cannot be used throughout pregnancy. In exceptional cases, it is permissible to use the drug from week 16.

Possibility of application taking into account the period

The beginning of pregnancy is the time when it is highly undesirable to use most medications. Klion D 100 is also included in the list of prohibited drugs. The first trimester is a contraindication to the use of the drug, since it contains two components that can negatively affect the baby, who at this time is not yet protected by the placenta.

Therefore, a remedy can be prescribed only when the second trimester has already begun. And not immediately, but only after the 16th week, it is by this time that the placenta begins to fully perform its functions and protect the baby. Prescribe the drug with caution in case of emergency.

But still, the safest time to use the drug is the third trimester. By this time, all the baby’s organs are formed, so the likelihood of a negative impact on development is minimal. But even in the later stages, self-prescribing medicine is prohibited.

Klion D is used strictly on the recommendation of a gynecologist monitoring the course of pregnancy. In the later stages, a short course of the drug may be prescribed for prophylactic purposes, for example, before installing a pessary or before performing another gynecological procedure.

Description of the drug and conditions for release from the pharmacy

Klion D is available in the form of vaginal tablets in the form of a convex triangle with smoothed corners, packaged in a blister and a cardboard box. The product is dispensed from the pharmacy only with a doctor's prescription.

The drug is suitable for use for 5 years from the date of release, however, if storage conditions are not observed (temperature not lower than +15 and not higher than +30 degrees, no direct sunlight, maintaining the integrity of the packaging), the shelf life is halved.

It should be remembered that Klion D is a powerful drug, which, in case of overdose, can lead to the development of serious complications, so it should be used only with the permission of the attending physician.


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Causes of diseases

Most often, expectant mothers encounter candidiasis. The unpleasant symptoms of this disease are familiar to many women, and thrush often first appears during pregnancy.

This disease is caused by fungi, which belong to the opportunistic flora. In other words, these fungi can be present on the mucous membranes of absolutely healthy women without causing them the slightest discomfort. But in the presence of certain factors, fungi begin to actively multiply, which leads to the development of inflammation.

The disease manifests itself with extremely unpleasant symptoms; women experience severe itching and pain. The discharge becomes heterogeneous, containing grains resembling cottage cheese.

Why does this disease often appear during pregnancy? The main reason is a natural decrease in immunity. In addition, the following factors can provoke the development of candidiasis:

  • avitaminosis;
  • too much sugar in the diet;
  • wearing synthetic or very uncomfortable underwear;
  • use of synthetic powders for washing clothes;
  • too careful hygiene, use of aggressive detergents (regular toilet soap) for intimate hygiene;
  • taking medications that can affect microflora. These drugs include antibiotics and hormonal drugs.

Advice! Disruption of healthy microflora can lead to the development of inflammatory processes caused by other opportunistic pathogens, such as enterococci.

How to use this product

Instructions for use indicate simple use of the drug. The suppositories must be placed deep into the vagina. Before administering the drug, it is recommended to wash your hands well with soap and perform genital hygiene. Before administration, the tablet suppository must be slightly moistened with warm, clean water.

It is recommended to administer the product before bedtime. This ensures its long-lasting effect on pathogenic organisms. The duration of treatment is determined by the attending physician. You do not need to rely only on the instructions for use, which indicate the total duration of treatment. The fact is that treatment can only be effective with an individually designed regimen.

It is better to administer suppositories before bedtime

It is not recommended to self-medicate candidiasis, even if the patient has obvious symptoms of thrush. She may have other diseases caused by organisms that are resistant to metronidazole or miconazole. In such cases, a woman can harm herself. Before starting treatment, you must consult a specialist and get tested for vaginal microflora.

In some cases, your doctor may prescribe additional metronidazole tablets. You do not need to self-prescribe this oral medication. If, after the recommended course of treatment, a woman’s symptoms of thrush do not go away, she should definitely visit a doctor.

If necessary, the course of therapy can be repeated. If treatment is ineffective, it is necessary to analyze vaginal discharge to draw up another treatment regimen.

Special instructions for use

During the first 3 months of pregnancy, taking Klion-D and analogues is prohibited. This is explained by the fact that metronidazole penetrates the placenta into the child’s body. In the second and third trimesters, such suppositories can be taken only in cases where its benefit is much greater than the potential harm to the child.

There is no need to use the medication during lactation due to the ability of metronidazole to be absorbed into milk. If at this time there is a need to treat thrush with the drug in question, it is best to temporarily stop feeding. You can resume it 1-2 days after stopping the suppositories.

It is not advisable to use this remedy during menstruation. The effectiveness of such a medicine is significantly reduced, since the blood washes away part of the suppository, which has already dissolved. During menstruation, it is recommended to postpone treatment.

During therapy it is necessary to refrain from intimate contacts. If this is not possible, then the man should use a condom.

During therapy, it is forbidden to test for syphilis, because metronidazole may cause the test to detect false positive results. While taking the medication, a blood test may show leukopenia.

You should not drink alcohol during treatment

Klion D can be taken together with antimicrobial agents and sulfonamides. It is forbidden to take medication during therapy with Disulfiram (this may cause impairment of consciousness). The drug enhances the effect of Warfarin, Thrombostan.

Alcohol and phenobarbital accelerate the elimination of metronidazole, which reduces the effectiveness of therapy. It is not recommended to drink alcohol and use Phenobarbital derivatives during treatment for thrush with the drug Klion D. Cimetidine slows down the elimination of metronidazole, which increases its toxic effect on the liver.

When drinking alcohol during therapy, symptoms such as abdominal pain, vomiting, flushing and swelling of the skin, and headaches may occur. All these phenomena completely disappear only when the ethanol is neutralized.

Overdose and side effects

Undesirable effects during suppository therapy can be local and systemic. Local effects include the following:

  • burning sensation in the vagina;
  • pain in the genital area.

Overdose with normal use is impossible. It may appear if, during therapy with Klion D suppositories, medications with metronidazole are taken simultaneously. Signs of large doses of medication entering the body are as follows:

  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • pain in the abdominal area;
  • sensation of metal in the mouth;
  • coordination disorder;
  • syncope;
  • spasms;
  • leukopenia;
  • feeling of goosebumps running over the skin.

If such symptoms are detected, it is necessary to perform a gastric lavage and take a sorbent. Symptomatic therapy is indicated.

Among the systemic side effects it is worth noting the following:

  • nausea, sometimes vomiting;
  • taste disorder;
  • constipation, diarrhea;
  • pain in the head, dizziness, numbness of the limbs;
  • changes in blood composition;
  • allergic reactions that appear on the skin;
  • liver disorders and increased activity of specific enzymes.

All these conditions are reversible and disappear after stopping taking the suppositories.

Contraindications for taking Klion-D

These suppositories and their analogues are contraindicated in the following cases:

  • decrease in the number of leukocytes, including in history;
  • pathologies of the nervous system, especially stroke, epilepsy;
  • acute liver dysfunction;
  • bearing a child in the first three months;
  • milk feeding;
  • age up to 12 years;
  • hypersensitivity to metronidazole or miconazole;
  • allergic responses to drugs Clotrimazole and the like.

Relative prohibitions on taking Klion D suppositories include diabetes and microcirculation disorders.

Symptoms of the disease, possible complications

The main and obvious signs of vaginal candidiasis are itching in the genital area, burning, as well as the appearance of white or grayish discharge, reminiscent of curd in consistency and sour milk in smell. But before diagnosing yourself, you need to go to a consultation with a doctor and take the necessary tests.

If a woman treats thrush incorrectly or self-medicates, she can seriously harm herself. If treated improperly, fungi can begin to spread to other organs, causing diseases such as cystitis and urethritis. In addition, thrush is a very dangerous disease during pregnancy, as it can lead to fetal death or premature birth.


This drug is often prescribed for the complex treatment of various pathologies. It has been actively used in medicine since the 60s. The drug has antibacterial and antimicrobial effects. This medicine is also harmful to protozoan microorganisms. The active substance is a derivative of 5-nitroimidazole.

For what diseases is it prescribed?

Metronizadol is prescribed for:

  • infections caused by protozoan microorganisms;
  • infections caused by anaerobic bacteria;
  • gastritis;
  • ulcerative stomatitis;
  • alcoholism (although at the moment it is rarely prescribed in this case);
  • pseudomembranous colitis.

The drug comes in the form of tablets and suppositories. Suppositories can be used as an additional drug for bacterial vaginitis. It would be worth saying that Metronizadol suppositories are no worse than Klion suppositories.

Contraindications for use

This drug is not recommended for use if you are allergic to any substance, during lactation, or for children under one year of age. If you have any doubts about taking the medicine or not, you should definitely consult your doctor. The price for this drug varies from 80 to 190 rubles.


Vagisent is a combined antiviral drug that is very effective in the treatment of various sexual diseases. The medicine is available in tablet form. The spectrum of action of Vagisent is the same as that of its analogues: various vaginitis and bacterial vaginosis.

This medicine is used intravaginally. This drug contains the following active ingredients: metronidazole (200 mg) and flucanozole (150 mg). Metrovagin and Vagiferon can be considered substitutes for Vagisent. In general, Vagisent is a fairly effective remedy, but there are also contraindications.

Contraindications for use

It is better not to take the medicine if:

  • diseases of the nervous system (peripheral and central);
  • severe liver dysfunction;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation;
  • allergies and sensitivity to components.

The price tag for Vagisent is 320 rubles.

Use during menstruation

Treatment with Klion-D during menstrual bleeding has relatively low effectiveness. This is due to a decrease in the content of the substance in the vagina, since menstrual blood can wash away part of the tablet. There is also a decrease in the effect of the drug on pathogenic microflora in the presence of blood. Therefore, it is advisable to start treatment after the end of menstruation.

When menstruation begins during therapy, it is recommended to continue using the drug. However, it is worth remembering that the effectiveness of use decreases.

Vaginal tablets "Klion-D": what are they used for?

Before answering the important question for many women about whether it is allowed to use Klion-D during menstruation, let’s figure out what the drug is intended for. It is considered the most effective remedy in the treatment of genitourinary tract infections. Thanks to its antifungal and antibacterial properties, it helps eliminate all symptoms of pathologies of the female reproductive system in the shortest possible time.

One of the active substances of the drug is metronidazole, which is characterized by a high degree of penetration into tissue cells: it is quickly absorbed into the circulatory system and spread throughout the body, reaching the spinal cord and brain.

Another active component of the drug is miconazole, which has the ability to accumulate in the body, which is why the drug is not allowed to be used by women with pathologies such as diabetes, pregnant or breastfeeding women.

What causes thrush in women?

There are many reasons for the appearance of candidiasis, but to be clear, the disease can be caused by yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida, which penetrate the body when the immune system is weakened. The following factors can provoke the occurrence of the disease:

  • Taking high doses of antibiotics, oral contraceptives and hormones.
  • Sexually transmitted infections.
  • Women in an interesting position. Very often, pregnant women suffer from thrush, because when their hormonal levels change, their defenses weaken.
  • Climax.
  • Diabetes.
  • Overweight.
  • Poor nutrition – if the patient’s diet is based on fatty, spicy, smoked foods, foods rich in carbohydrates, as well as sweets, then this increases the risk of infection. Mushrooms thrive in such an environment; these are ideal conditions for them.
  • Having sex without a condom, especially for women who change partners.
  • Wearing tight synthetic underwear.

The appearance of vaginal thrush and the proliferation of pathogenic fungi is promoted by smoking, drinking alcohol, frequent and untimely use of tampons, poor ecology, and metabolic disorders.

Absorption, distribution and excretion of the drug

The antimicrobial component metronidazole and the antifungal substance miconazole have different pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic parameters.

Metronidazole has the ability to be absorbed from the mucous membranes of the vagina, which limits its use during pregnancy and lactation. Miconazole, in turn, is practically not absorbed.

Metronidazole, which is part of Klion-D suppositories, is absorbed into the bloodstream from the surface of the mucous membrane and after 6-12 hours is already detected in the blood. The substance penetrates through all barriers: placental, blood-brain. Metronidazole also appears in breast milk. It binds to plasma proteins in a volume of up to 20%. Its metabolism takes place in the liver, and 80% of the volume is excreted by the kidneys. Approximately 15% of the substance is excreted by the intestines.

When using vaginal suppositories for thrush Klion-D, the urine turns red-brown due to the content of the compound metronidazole.

Miconazole has minimal absorption rates. It only acts locally.

Is it possible to increase the dose?

It is wrong to think that increasing the dose will help improve treatment with Klion against the background of bleeding. This use of the drug increases the risk of side effects and can negatively affect the woman’s general well-being.


  • use more candles per day;
  • take more pills than the doctor prescribed.

Often, when treating with vaginal suppositories, you also need to take pills (one or two pills per day). Therefore, many patients are confident that they can compensate for the low effect of suppositories by taking them orally.

But this approach will not improve therapy, but will only become an excessive burden on the body. An increase in the daily dosage is allowed, but only after approval of such a course by the attending physician.

Effect and scope of application

The active components of Klion-D suppositories have multidirectional effects. Miconazole is an antifungal component that directly kills fungal spores. This substance has an effect on thrush. Metronidazole is an antimicrobial agent that is active against trichomonas, amoebas and other protozoa, gardnerella, bacteriodes, fusobacteria. This component helps fight dysbiosis.

Treatment of mixed vaginal infections should be carried out in two stages: suppression of the leading pathogenic flora and restoration of normal vaginal microflora. Klion-D suppositories are used at the first stage of treatment of sexually transmitted infections as part of local therapy. After the main treatment, the biocenosis is restored with suppositories containing lacto and bifidobacteria.

The physiological value of vaginal pH and a sufficient number of lactobacilli prevent the development of chronic thrush. Suppositories with probiotics as part of the completion of the course of treatment for vaginitis and candidiasis help avoid recurrent infections.

In addition to restoring the vaginal flora, it is also necessary to restore the intestinal microbiocenosis. Often the cause of chronic thrush is dysbiosis of the gastrointestinal tract.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

Against the background of hormonal changes and weakened immunity during lactation and pregnancy, thrush often occurs. Its treatment must be approached responsibly, especially in the second case, since drug substances can penetrate the placenta and affect the blood flow of the fetus. Most often, vaginal suppositories are used for treatment.

Klion-D can be used as prescribed by a doctor in the second and third trimesters and during breastfeeding, if there are serious indications for this . A woman should remember that the active substance metronidazole enters the blood and milk and remains there for at least another 8 hours, affecting the composition of fluids.

Compatibility with other drugs

Klion D can be used in combination with antibiotics and sulfa drugs. It is not recommended to take Klion D in parallel with drugs that have a pronounced sedative effect, as well as drugs intended to relax muscles and place additional stress on the liver.

If the drug is taken with alcohol, the following side effects may occur:

  • redness of the skin;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • headache.

In severe cases of drug poisoning, liver failure may develop due to alcohol, so it is strictly not recommended to drink strong drinks during the course of treatment with Klion D. The article may also be useful: at what age, what age does menopause begin, what to do if menopause begins early or too late.

Is it necessary to get tested?

Are you sure that discharge from the vulva and unbearable itching in the vagina are the result of yeast-like fungi entering the body? It is not always possible to talk about thrush based on these symptoms. There are a huge number of diseases with exactly the same symptoms. Therefore, tests are necessary. A urine test and blood draw is the bare minimum that every woman should undergo if she suspects vaginal thrush.

More interesting: Fluconazole for intestinal candidiasis

Features of treatment

Many medications for vaginal use cause discomfort when treating sexually transmitted infections. Sometimes local side effects go away quickly and on their own, but in some cases the drug has to be discontinued.


When using suppositories to treat thrush, the discharge changes. Klion-D causes abundant vaginal discharge of a mucous nature, white in color, and thick consistency. There is no or very slight odor. In the first days of treatment, the discharge from the genital tract is pathological, since signs of thrush are still present. Their appearance is cheesy, has a sour odor, and is white in color. Then the discharge becomes mucous in nature, the smell disappears, but its volume is abundant.


After insertion of a vaginal suppository, burning, itching and irritation of varying intensity are observed. Soreness is also noted. Normally, such phenomena go away on their own within a few tens of minutes, but in some situations the drug has to be discontinued. When using vaginal tablets and having an active sexual life, a burning sensation is also observed in the sexual partner.

Use during breastfeeding and pregnancy

Metronidazole passes into breast milk, so its use for the treatment of thrush during lactation is contraindicated. The first trimester of pregnancy is also a contraindication to the use of metronidazole suppositories. In the second and third trimesters, Klion-D may be approved for use by your attending physician.

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