Tea for diarrhea (diarrhea) - strengthens or weakens, which one to drink and how

Intestinal problems can arise at the most inopportune moment. If you don’t have the necessary medications at hand, you can use proven traditional methods.

Our grandmothers also used strong brewed tea as a remedy for diarrhea and the results were immediate. And all because the tea drink helps normalize the body's microflora due to its antiseptic properties.

Can I drink tea if I have diarrhea?

Tea for diarrhea can, even should be consumed, but the complexity of the situation should be taken into account. If there are no signs of severe poisoning, then it is likely that ordinary tea will help cope with the problem.

To eliminate the unpleasant symptoms of diarrhea you need to:

  1. drink strong black tea every 2-2.5 hours;
  2. drink the entire cup in several large sips;
  3. so that the drink does not contain flavoring and aromatic additives, otherwise there will be no desired effect.

By eating 2 teaspoons of black tea, you can quickly get rid of an upset stomach; of course, the method is not very pleasant, but for emergency situations it is an acceptable option.

Why does tea help with diarrhea?

The healing properties of black tea lie in its composition:

  • high concentration of caffeine renews energy;
  • tannin affects colon peristalsis, reducing it. The component also destroys harmful microorganisms.

Thanks to all of the above processes, the intestines absorb toxic substances more slowly, thereby preventing diarrhea. Also, a strongly brewed drink promotes sweating, due to which toxic substances absorbed into the blood are removed from the body.

Which tea is the healthiest?

Each type of tea has properties that have a positive effect on the human body. To a large extent, the properties of the drink depend on the processing method and the quality of the raw materials, so it is important to pay attention to the type of product when purchasing.

It is impossible to specifically name which type of tea is the healthiest, we can only highlight the advantages:

  • green - prevents the occurrence of heart disease;
  • black - normalizes cholesterol in orgasm, reduces the risk of stroke, has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract;
  • white - lowers cholesterol levels;
  • oolong - promotes weight loss;
  • Pu'er - improves human brain activity.

Each tea has its own unique properties, but you still shouldn’t overuse tea drinks.


This plant contains alkaloids, antioxidants, vitamins, tannins (tannin), carotene, starch, easily digestible protein, lectin, trace elements (iron, manganese, copper, cobalt, calcium, potassium, boron, lithium, magnesium, molybdenum, sodium, titanium , phosphorus, etc.), minerals, organic acids, plant fibers, pectin, sugar, mucus (polysaccharides), flavonoids, chlorophyll, cellulose. Thanks to such a rich composition, Ivan tea is very useful.

For example, it contains much more vitamin C (ascorbic acid) than citrus fruits or rose hips. Fireweed does not contain harmful components such as purine bases and ethanedioic (oxalic) acid. The drink from this plant was allowed to be drunk by monks in monasteries due to the lack of caffeine in it, unlike coffee or regular tea.

Strong tea for diarrhea

Strong tea is a very simple and accessible remedy for diarrhea.

In order to prepare an effective drink, you must:

  • take a standard glass;
  • pour 3 teaspoons of tea leaves there.

As mentioned earlier, you can eat the tea leaves in its pure form or purchase black tea concentrate.

If the cause of diarrhea lies in a virus, then you need to add onions to the finished tea infusion. Slice a small onion and place it in the hot drink for 10 minutes. The resulting medicine should be drunk warm without adding sugar.

How to drink, how much to drink and after what time?

It is advisable to take the drink:

  1. warm;
  2. immediately after cooking.

The frequency of use depends on the situation, but in most cases it is enough to drink tea 4-6 times a day, every 2 hours.


Traditional healers use a range of herbs to prepare drinks to cure illnesses. The task of such teas is to restore immunity, improve general condition, treat symptoms and diseases of various organs and systems, including the gastrointestinal tract. Many recipes are passed down from generation to generation and, despite their antiquity, are still used in the treatment of diarrhea and other unpleasant “surprises” that are characteristic of diseases of the digestive system:

  • Oak bark. The raw materials are boiled in a water bath for 15 minutes; if the drink is too concentrated, it is diluted with boiled water.
  • Blueberry leaves.
  • Monastery tea. The drink recipe is still the pride of Slavic monks. It may have a slight difference in the composition of medicinal plants, since it is used to treat not one, but several diseases. At home, to prepare a healing drink you will need: oregano, St. John's wort, elecampane (root part), rose hips (fruit), black leaf tea. For 1 tsp. raw materials for tea will require 1 tbsp. l. each of the listed plants and 1 liter of boiling water. The tea is infused for at least an hour (preferably in a thermos), after which it is filtered and drunk throughout the day, instead of water. The course of treatment is three days, after which it is advisable to repeat it for prevention.

Sweet tea for diarrhea

Surprisingly, sweet tea can also be effective for diarrhea, but you should drink it in small sips and in limited quantities. A sweet drink contains carbohydrates, which are converted into energy in the body. A weakened body is in dire need of energy reserves, especially when poisoned.

Another special recipe for a sweet drink is to combine tea with grape juice and sugar. You need to take half a glass of strongly brewed black tea and add half a glass of grape juice, then add 5 tsp. sugar and mix everything. You need to drink the prepared medicine for two hours, and you should not eat food.

The effect of such a recipe will not be long in coming; if you follow all the rules, the diarrhea will soon go away.

How to collect, prepare and store

Fireweed can be collected as early as May (young stems and leaves for salads, shoot tips for fresh brewing). For the purpose of long-term storage, Ivan tea is collected en masse during its active flowering - from the second half of summer (approximately from the middle of June to the end of August). The leaves of the plant are mainly used, but fireweed flowers and even roots can be used. The latter are collected in the fall, after the seeds have ripened. The seeds themselves are used only for sowing the plant.

To obtain tea from fireweed, its leaves are fermented. The collected leaves are first dried in the shade, without direct access to sunlight, in a ventilated place. After which they are rolled into tubes and left in a damp cloth for several days until a floral aroma appears instead of a herbal one. Then the Ivan tea is finally dried in the stove or in a slightly open oven. Dried leaves can be cut or rubbed by hand.

Ready-to-use dry fireweed is stored in a resealable glass container for no more than 3 years. Without being able to collect and prepare Koporye tea with your own hands, you can always purchase it at a pharmacy or specialized stores.


Contraindications include:

  1. presence of serious diseases;
  2. pregnant women;
  3. children under 6 years old. After six years, children can be given strong tea to get rid of diarrhea, but the drink needs to be brewed a little weaker than adults;
  4. hypertensive patients, because the drink contains caffeine, which increases blood pressure;
  5. irritable and easily excitable people.

Regular consumption of strong drink can cause increased blood pressure, nervous excitability, dizziness, visual disturbances, and anemia. From this we can conclude that this recipe should be used only in extreme cases.

Appearance and name of the plant

Fireweed is a herbaceous perennial, flowering and melliferous plant with small narrow leaves and lilac-purple, pink (sometimes white) flowers collected in an elongated inflorescence. The height of its stem sometimes reaches 1.5 m. The fruits are narrow pod-like boxes with fluff and many small seeds. Ivan tea has a number of synonymous names. In medicine, it is known as chameneria angustifolia, popularly as the Virgin's grass, wild hemp (flax), sage grass, willow or pussy willow grass, Koporye tea, fireweed, hoof grass, mother plant, miller's grass, fire grass (fire grass), weeping grass, down jacket, fiddlehead, magpie eyes, breadbox, hoarse, etc.

Each of the popular names of the plant is explained by one or another of its features. For example, it is called willow grass because of the external resemblance of its leaves to willow leaves. Fire grass or fireman - because Ivan-tea, among other plants, is in its own way a diagnostic pioneer of populating burned areas, thus restoring Mother Earth damaged by fire. It was called a weeper, a croaker, or a croaker by analogy with the sounds produced when a plant is pulled out of the ground.

Dremukha - for having hypnotic properties. Feather beds and pillows were stuffed with down collected during the flowering of fireweed, ropes and fabrics were made from the fiber of its stems, and crushed roots were added to flour when baking bread, which is why the plant received the corresponding names of down jacket, wild flax, miller's or breadbox. The plant was nicknamed Koporye tea after the organization in Koporye (a village in the St. Petersburg province) of a center for mass procurement and production of the so-called “Russian tea” from narrow-leaved fireweed, which was not only widely distributed throughout the Russian Empire, but was exported to Europe until the 19th century.

There is a legend explaining the etymology of the name Ivan tea. It arose from the transformed phrase “It’s Ivan, tea, walking,” which people said when they saw the bright diversity in the greenery. In their village there lived a little boy, Ivan, who wore a red shirt and constantly spent his leisure time in the greenery. There is also an epic about the tradition of brewing tea from this plant. People added tall, dry fireweed to the wood in the fire pit. Its leaves once fell into a cauldron of boiling water, resulting in an aromatic and tasty decoction with invigorating properties.

Effect of green tea

The benefits of green tea include a large amount of antioxidants, but at the same time the drink contains a very small amount of tannin (a component that affects intestinal function). Green tea is less effective than black tea, but it can still be used to get rid of diarrhea.

The drink should be brewed as usual, but it should be consumed in large quantities. Light tea will replenish the body's water balance without causing heaviness in the stomach.

If a patient has a fever during diarrhea, green tea should be given. The liquid will help eliminate muscle pain and thin the blood, which is very important.

But, if the body temperature is higher than 38.5, you need to call an ambulance. Most likely, diarrhea was caused by infection in the gastrointestinal tract.

Despite all the positive properties of strong tea, not in all cases the drink can help get rid of diarrhea. If the stool remains the same liquid for several days, you need to seek help from a specialist.

15 more medicinal herbs to help the stomach

As they say in one folk wisdom: “It’s easy to break each twig separately, try breaking a broom!”
The meaning of this statement can easily be applied to herbal medicine. The influence of one herb cannot always overcome a serious illness, but the complex use of various healing herbs cures almost everything. What medicinal herbs, in addition to fireweed, will become your comrades in the fight against gastrointestinal problems? 1. First there was a feast for the whole world, and then indigestion. To help you deal with this problem:

  • Red capsicum. Don't be intimidated by the fact that hot peppers are healthy. After all, the entire procedure will require only a small pinch of powder or 5 drops of tincture.

You just need to fill it with a small amount (about a shot glass) of cold water and quickly swallow it.

Brew as usual: 1 teaspoon per mug of boiling water.

2. Stool retention is easily treated with herbal treatment:

  • A decoction of dandelion roots promotes the production of bile and cleanses the intestines:

1 teaspoon per mug of water, simmer over low heat under the lid for 7 minutes, then let it brew a little, filter and consume throughout the day. This decoction is quite bitter, so you can sweeten it with honey or jam.

  • If the root cause of such a delicate illness is that the food is not rich in fiber, then a decoction of plantain leaves will settle everything:

1 tablespoon per glass of kefir (or plain water). It is advisable to drink before bed.

3. Stomach pain is relieved by:

  • Medicinal marshmallow, which is based on mucus that envelops the epigastrium.
  • Calamus will relieve pain and help against food poisoning.

4.Tinctures of red viburnum and calendula perfectly relieve spasms.

5.The oriental spice – cinnamon – will help with diarrhea. The fiber and tannin in its composition will simply “dry up” loose stools.

6. An excellent carminative for both adults and children is dill (fennel).

7. Turbidity, expressed in nausea or even vomiting, is excellently treated:

0.5 teaspoon of dry crushed ginger root, dissolved in a glass of liquid.

8. Stress will be relieved by medicinal plants such as chamomile or valerian root, whichever you prefer.

9. Licorice root will protect the walls of your stomach from gastritis and ulcers.

It is a mistake to believe that problems with the gastrointestinal tract can only be caused by fatty, spicy and other junk foods. Gastritis is often caused by young ladies who are obsessed with losing weight, but who are completely ignorant of measures and have not the slightest idea about proper nutrition.

Fasting causes excess gastric juice to dissolve not food, but its own walls. So be reasonable. Proper nutrition is, first of all, a complete, balanced diet.

How often do we write off pain in the stomach as random, isolated, or “just ate something wrong”? We eat up the pain with pills, which in fact only complicate the situation. Sometimes, without thinking about the true cause, we brush off the pain with phrases like “yes, it’s gastritis, and every second person has it”, “I don’t want to go to the doctor, they’ll force you to swallow a tube”, “I’m fine, it’s just stress”...

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