What juice can you drink for gastritis: a review of recommended natural nectars

To restore the mucous membrane, relieve pain and inflammation, gastroenterologists recommend including juices in the diet for gastritis. But for different forms of gastritis (with high or low acidity), certain types of drinks made from vegetables (usually cabbage and potatoes) and fruits are useful. The daily menu is designed so as not to burden the sore stomach, not to irritate the inflamed mucous membrane, but to replenish the deficiency of vitamins and minerals.

Drinking juices for people with high acidity?

For gastritis, you can drink juice from vegetables, especially if the person has increased acidity. Doctors advise in this case to opt for potatoes, pumpkin and cabbage. Thanks to the elements contained in these vegetables, you can reduce acidity to a normal level even at home without the use of antibiotics or other drugs. The juice will help relieve pain, eliminate heartburn, eliminate belching, heal ulcers and erosion, and also significantly improve digestion, while simultaneously saturating the body with vitamins and elements necessary for full functioning.


Diet for high acidity

A diet for high acidity involves consuming foods such as:

  1. Vegetable juices, which include potato, beet and pumpkin drinks, should be consumed at least three times a day.
  2. You are also allowed to eat various cereals.
  3. For meat dishes, it is recommended to eat boiled poultry and fish.

All juices that are consumed from vegetables to reduce acidity are squeezed out immediately before consumption, this makes it possible to achieve a better effect. If products are stored for a long time, this can lead to loss of nutrients. Let's look at how to properly take fresh juices to reduce acidity:

  • Potato juice is low in acid. It must be taken correctly in small doses to relieve pain, relieve constipation and get rid of nausea. This drink has a laxative effect and is great at fighting germs in the body. It is recommended to drink at least 50 grams of this drink on an empty stomach for ten days.
  • Pumpkin juice is considered no less effective. With this drink you can replenish your vitamin and mineral balance and restore digestive function. It is recommended to take a glass a day for a week.
  • Cabbage juice is an excellent remedy for treating gastritis, as it helps heal ulcers, relieves pain and reduces acidity. Three glasses a day before meals will be enough to feel significant improvement after a week.

Some patients with high acidity are interested in whether it is possible to drink tomato juice for gastritis, but experts do not recommend this, since tomato juice increases the already high acidity, which means that such treatment will not be beneficial. Under no circumstances should you drink apple juice if you have high acidity.

What juices should you drink if you have low acidity?

When a person is diagnosed with gastritis with low acidity, doctors recommend drinking concentrated juices, which can increase the secretion of enzymes. Juices from tomatoes, apples, pomegranates and pears have this effect. The fact is that this kind of drinks not only increases the level of acid in the body, but also significantly improves digestion, while removing toxins. For low acidity, it is recommended to consume the following juices:

  • The juice from plantain leaves is considered beneficial. To extract the juice, just grind the leaves in a meat grinder and squeeze out the liquid. You can drink the drink half a glass a day for the whole month.
  • Can you drink tomato juice if you have gastritis with low acidity? Of course, yes, but it is recommended not to add salt to it and drink a glass of only freshly squeezed juice, and not tomato that has been boiled and canned.
  • Many experts recommend preparing juice from beets and bell peppers for gastritis. This vegetable drink stimulates the production of gastric juice. You can drink fresh juice three times a day.
  • Fresh berries and fruits will be fortified. This drink is necessary for people who suffer from constipation. The acid content will help quickly restore the body.
  • In some cases, it is recommended to use citrus fruit juices, but it is important to follow the dosage; you should not drink more than two glasses a day.

It is advisable to prepare all juices no earlier than ten minutes before consumption, otherwise there is a risk that all the nutrients they contain may lose their properties.

How to use tomato juice correctly

An important requirement for consumption: you cannot eat other foods with tomato juice. A mixture of a drink and protein products or with a high starch content is harmful to the stomach. Food is difficult to perceive, you should drink it carefully. When mixed, kidney stones can form, so the product is suitable for use as an aperitif.

You can drink tomato juice 30 minutes before meals. The effect is as follows: prevention of digestive diseases, symptoms of the disease are reduced. Tomatoes will prepare the microflora for eating other food, acid will accumulate in sufficient quantities.

To improve the taste, the tomato is mixed with fresh herbs.

For gastritis and pancreatitis, it is recommended to eat warm food, so tomato juice should be prepared in advance. You shouldn’t heat it up - heat kills acids and turns them into additives that are useless for the stomach. It is optimal to consume an unsalted, pasteurized product at room temperature; it can be diluted with milk or low-fat sour cream.

Fresh juices and their benefits for the human body

People who often suffer from gastritis should constantly drink fresh juices from squeezed vegetables and fruits. Due to the fact that these products contain vitamins and microelements that are easily absorbed by humans, the digestive process can be quickly improved. But there are certain rules for using fresh juices:

  1. Freshly squeezed juice should be consumed immediately as soon as it is prepared, because after 15 minutes the beneficial substances will be destroyed.
  2. Drinks can be diluted with clean drinking water in equal proportions.
  3. According to all the rules, juices are drunk before meals, in which case all the beneficial substances are better absorbed.
  4. After drinking juice, you should rinse your mouth, as the active substances can adversely affect the enamel.
  5. The drink must be prepared at home.

If all the rules are strictly followed, then drinking the juice will promote the healing and treatment of stomach ulcers.

Benefits of oranges

Any fruit is very healthy, and nutritionists and doctors never tire of repeating the benefits of citrus fruits. These fruits contain a record amount of ascorbic acid, and this substance is necessary for maintaining health.

In addition to vitamins, the fruit contains a lot of potassium, this element is necessary to maintain the cardiovascular system. Citrus fruits contain fiber, but not in large quantities, so eating fruits does not create additional stress on the digestive tract.

Due to the high content of vitamins and microelements in oranges, these tasty fruits have the following effects:

  • Strengthen immunity. Therefore, it is especially useful to eat oranges in the spring, when the body, weakened after winter, cannot resist infections.
  • They have an anti-inflammatory effect. The presence of special phytoncides allows you to quickly cope with inflammation.
  • Strengthens blood vessels. This reduces the risk of bleeding.
  • Reduces cholesterol. Thus, regular consumption of oranges can reduce cholesterol levels.
  • They have an antioxidant effect. Citrus fruits contain substances that destroy free radicals.
  • Reduce the risk of developing blood clots. Substances contained in oranges help normalize blood viscosity levels.

How to Make an All-Purpose Diet Juice

In order not to worry too much about the question of what juices you can drink for gastritis, it would be best to opt for universal drinks that will be suitable for high and low acidity. In order to reduce acidity and supply the body with nutrients, it is recommended to squeeze beet juice and mix it with birch juice. But it should be remembered that even such a drink has its contraindications, for example, people suffering from diarrhea and diabetes should not drink it.

Apple juice for gastritis

Everyone knows that apples contain a large amount of vitamins and acids, which have a positive effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. But the juice should be prepared from apples that are not damaged and are already fully ripe. As a rule, experts prescribe drinking apple juice for people with low acidity, but with gastritis with high acidity, this drink is strictly prohibited. When asked whether it is possible to drink apple juice for gastritis during an exacerbation, the answer will be negative. The fact is that apples contain a lot of fiber, and this causes unwanted colitis and worsens the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

If the patient has a chronic form of gastritis, then a glass of juice a day will not hurt. Juice not only from apples, but also with the addition of pumpkin juice will contain a high content of useful substances. Pumpkin itself is considered sweet, and in harmony with sour apples, you can get a flavorful drink. Doctors warn and do not recommend abusing this drink. If, while taking it, unpleasant symptoms begin to occur, such as heartburn or pain, then you should stop drinking the juice.

The benefits of tomatoes

Gastritis and tomatoes are compatible. You should not completely exclude tomatoes from your diet and deprive yourself of a healthy and tasty product. If you eat vegetables carefully, it will enrich your body with the following substances:

  1. Carotenes. Tomato fruits consist of 70% of these substances. Carotenes strengthen the mucous membrane of internal organs and prevent infection with infectious diseases.
  2. Vitamins B, PP, C, E. Tomatoes, more than other vegetables, help fight anemia.
  3. Lycopene. This substance helps strengthen bones and prevents the development of osteoporosis.

Is it possible to eat tomatoes in any quantity if you have gastritis?

No, tomatoes should be consumed in moderation and following certain rules.

This is due to the fact that, in addition to useful substances, these vegetables also contain microelements harmful to the stomach:

  1. Clicoalkaloid and solanine. These substances are found mostly in the stems and leaves of plants of the nightshade family, but they can also be found in unripe fruits. This alkaloid is toxic and can cause poisoning if the stomach is weak. Therefore, green tomatoes should be completely excluded from the diet. Tomatoes with gastritis can only be eaten when they are ripe; eating unripe vegetables is unacceptable.
  2. Organic acids. These substances can irritate the stomach lining, causing heartburn and abdominal pain.

Abuse of tomatoes is especially undesirable if gastritis is combined with cholelithiasis. Oxalic acid contained in tomatoes has a negative effect on the condition of the bile ducts and can provoke the movement of stones.

Apple juice in combination with others

For gastritis, apple juice can be drunk together with carrot juice. It is recommended to combine products in equal proportions. You should not drink the drink if the patient has gastritis with high acidity. You should drink a glass of the drink twice a day, preferably half an hour before meals. In just a few days, the patient will be able to notice an improvement in his health. To recover completely, you need to take a course and drink the juice every day for a month. If you need to sweeten the juice, then under no circumstances should you use sugar for this; you can add a teaspoon of honey for this purpose.

Some people find it difficult to answer the question, is it possible to drink birch sap if you have gastritis? Doctors say that it is recommended to do this; it is best to mix apple juice in equal proportions with birch juice. The fact is that birch sap has a softening effect, eliminating pain and heartburn. You can drink this drink for different types of gastritis. It is important to prepare the juice correctly; for this, the apples are well processed, completely peeled and squeezed, after which birch sap is added.

Orange beneficial and harmful properties

The rich chemical composition gives the ripe orange properties that, when consumed, help the human body better tolerate fatigue, reduce sensitivity to cold, promote rapid healing of wounds, and increase appetite.

Oranges are rich in phytoncides and pectin elements, which have an anti-inflammatory effect and normalize the activity of the entire digestive system.

The well-balanced ratio of vitamins C and P in orange is very useful, because reduces the permeability of vessel walls, maintains blood pressure and redox processes at the proper level, treats atherosclerosis complicated by hypertension; obesity; gout; infectious and acute respiratory diseases (ARD); insufficient and intense bile secretion; diseases complicated by edema are not a complete list of diseases that eating oranges can help get rid of.

For constipation, it is recommended to eat them in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening. For urolithiasis and some chronic gallbladder diseases, you can drink a mixture of orange, lemon and black radish juices, sweetened with fructose or honey.

If you have a peptic ulcer of the stomach, duodenum, gastritis with high acidity of gastric juice, or if you have inflammation of the pancreas or small intestine, oranges should not be consumed.

Orange is recommended for the treatment of rheumatism, bicuspid heart disease and heart muscle failure. This is not surprising, since the glycosides of orange peel are close to the glycosides of drugs that are prescribed to treat a number of diseases of the cardiovascular system.

In some children, oranges, especially after a long break from eating them, can cause allergies. However, this reaction is not always stable and can be significantly weakened or completely eliminated by introducing into the diet a gradually increasing amount of orange juice in compote or jelly.

Harm of orange

The high content of acids and sugar makes oranges harmful for peptic ulcers, gastritis, and diabetes. For the same reason, oranges do not have a very good effect on the condition of tooth enamel, thinning it, resulting in increased tooth sensitivity. It is worth recalling allergic reactions to citrus fruits, which are extremely common in the modern world. This is where the contraindications to consuming these fruits end; the issue of the relationship between harm and benefit of oranges is always decided individually.

Pomegranate and gastritis

Pomegranate is considered a very useful product that can be used to cure gastritis. Pomegranate juice for gastritis can be drunk in large quantities, since the pulp contains vitamins C, E and B. You should not drink pomegranate juice if the disease is in the acute stage, but as soon as the symptoms begin to subside, the drink can be consumed immediately. The peel and films that are inside have a healing effect, so they are also dried and crushed, and then drunk together with the juice before eating.

You need to make the drink not very concentrated; it can be diluted with water in equal proportions.


Nature has endowed pomegranate with a huge amount of minerals, vitamins and various organic compounds. Its pulp and juice contain vitamins C, B, folic and nicotinic acids (important for metabolic processes occurring in the human body), as well as tannins (have antimicrobial and antioxidant effects). In addition, pomegranate juice contains amino acids and fatty acids.

Drinking pomegranate juice at low acidity will help cure gastritis and achieve stable remission. It will fight pathogenic gastric microflora, help improve the functioning of the digestive tract, promote digestion and absorption of vitamins, eliminate digestive disorders and provide the stomach with protection from infections.

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Pomegranate juice for gastritis is, perhaps, more of a preventive remedy, however, caution will be required in its use. It is better to drink it after meals (after 30 or 40 minutes). This time is enough for the food to leave the stomach, and the sugar contained in the juice will not provoke fermentation processes.

How to properly treat yourself with juices?

In order for fruit and vegetable drinks to bring the expected results, the following rules should be followed:

  1. Before drinking juices, be sure to consult with a doctor who can determine what acidity the patient has and indicate which juices should not be drunk.
  2. Highly concentrated juices should be diluted with water in equal proportions.
  3. Products used to prepare the drink must be fresh and undamaged.
  4. The prepared juice is drunk immediately.
  5. You need to drink properly selected extracts on an empty stomach, this will help the beneficial substances be absorbed faster.
  6. If you need to sweeten the drink, then it is best to use honey for this purpose.

By following these simple rules, you can achieve great results and forget about gastritis for a long time.

What juices should you not drink?

Despite the fact that the main diet for gastritis consists of juices, there are still contraindications that you need to get to know in more detail. Knowing what juices you can drink for gastritis, you must also understand that they can be harmful to health. For example, if there is inflammation of the mucous membrane, then drinking carrot juice is not recommended. It is forbidden to drink lemon juice, which can cause an increase in acidity and irritate the gastric mucosa. You should not drink fresh mango, because it will cause severe stomach cramps.

The question of whether it is possible to drink juice from this or that fruit or vegetable for gastritis can be answered by a gastroenterologist; it is he who will carry out all the necessary diagnostics and prescribe the correct treatment, taking into account the diet. We must remember that each organism is individual, so all prescriptions are made taking into account all the characteristics of the patient.

Contraindications to juice therapy

Before you start treatment with juice, you should remember that there are certain contraindications. For example, it is not enough to just know which juices you can drink for gastritis and which ones you can’t, because the patient may have allergic reactions that he had no idea about before. Products that are prescribed for low acidity can be harmful, since gastritis is accompanied by the presence of ulcers and erosions inside the organs. If you have diabetes, you should not drink juices with a lot of sugar.

There are a large number of such nuances, which is why you should first consult with your doctor. He will be able to choose the right option for fresh juice, which will really help cope with the disease.

Gastritis is a disease that occurs as a result of inflammation of the gastric mucosa. Gastritis can be identified by the following symptoms: pain in the stomach after eating, heartburn, white coating on the tongue, vomiting, nausea and upset stool.

This disease usually occurs due to the bacterium Helicobacter pylori and therefore, if measures are not taken to eliminate it in time, gastritis will continue to develop, and as a result, more serious diseases will appear.

How to drink orange juice correctly

Sour juices, as mentioned earlier, due to the content of organic acids, are recommended to be drunk through a straw and only after meals.

How much can you drink per day

Nutritionists recommend drinking at least 200 ml of freshly squeezed orange juice daily. This will not only improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, rejuvenate the appearance of the skin, but also help cope with viruses during colds. The main rule is not to overdo it. This is the only way the drink can be beneficial.

Is it possible to drink on an empty stomach and at night?

Since we are talking about a sour type of fresh juice, you can drink it on an empty stomach, but only for the purpose of losing kilos and in a diluted form. Therefore, some diets agree that you need to drink certain drinks on an empty stomach, enhancing the effect of the active substances of the corresponding product. Fresh juice is also usually used at night to suppress appetite. However, if there is no goal to lose weight, it is better to drink this drink between meals.

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how to drink pomegranate juice correctly

Benefits and harms

Medical research has proven that gastritis is best treated with juice therapy. Freshly squeezed drinks are especially useful.

Many people are interested in the question: is it possible to drink tomato juice for gastritis? To answer this question, you need to consider in detail the beneficial properties of this tomato drink.

Beneficial features

The tomato, which is the basis of the tomato drink, is not only a tasty product, but also very healthy. Therefore, fresh tomato is very healthy because it contains many vitamins and useful minerals.

It contains vitamins A, B, C, E, PP , as well as substances such as calcium, magnesium, iron, iodine, fluorine, and these are only the most useful of them. Thanks to its rich composition, drinking tomato drink has a positive effect on almost all body systems.

By drinking this drink every day, you can improve your metabolism , remove toxins from the body, and most importantly, fresh tomato helps prevent heart disease.

Tomato juice has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. It contains substances that have antimicrobial effects.

As soon as they enter the intestines, they stop rotting, if any, and the body is cleansed. That is why it is recommended to drink a tomato drink if you have constipation or suffer from flatulence.


No matter how tasty and healthy tomatoes are, they still have negative qualities:

  • Freshly prepared tomato juice contains a lot of acid, which corrodes the stomach;
  • Consuming juice with foods containing starch may cause the formation of kidney stones;
  • Fresh tomato can cause exacerbation of peptic ulcers.

Tomato juice is contraindicated for children under six months of age , since their bodies do not yet have enzymes that facilitate the absorption of the drink.

People who suffer from gallstones should also refuse, since the acids contained in the drink can corrode the stones, which will lead to unpleasant consequences.

pumpkin juice

The juice of this vegetable is a complete set of beneficial organic compounds and beneficial elements recommended for people diagnosed with digestive diseases. It contains carotene, zinc, vitamin K, iron and ascorbic acid, which are so necessary for improving metabolic processes and normalizing intestinal motility. In addition, drinking juice helps remove toxins from the body, activate the functioning of the pancreas and liver, and normalize metabolism.

Pumpkin juice is prepared from fresh vegetables passed through a juicer. Juice diluted with water reduces the concentration of hydrochloric acid in the stomach, eliminates heaviness and pain in it, and also improves appetite. The juice should be consumed on an empty stomach before meals, for a ten-day course. You need to store the finished drink in the refrigerator so that the beneficial substances do not evaporate from it. Pumpkin juice is absorbed well by the stomach and has a positive effect on the digestive system as a whole. However, if the acid in the stomach decreases, then it is recommended to stop drinking the juice.

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How to make the right homemade tomato juice?

As already mentioned, to treat gastritis, you should not buy store-bought juice; it is better to prepare it yourself. After all, this is the only way to be sure that there are no harmful substances in it. There are two options with which you can prepare tomato juice at home:

  • Use fresh tomatoes;
  • Replace tomatoes with tomato paste.

The easiest and simplest way to make tomato juice is to use tomato paste. To do this, you need to take a glass of water and dilute a few tablespoons of paste in it, and add salt if necessary (patients who suffer from acute gastritis are not recommended to add salt, pepper or vinegar ). That's all.

But it is most beneficial to use only fresh tomatoes to prepare a tomato drink.

It is not only tastier, but also much healthier than those juices that can be found on the shelves. Freshly squeezed juice can be prepared using the most ordinary juicer. The main rule after preparation is to drink it immediately .

The thing is that tomato juice quite quickly wastes its beneficial properties, and after some time it begins to flake - water forms on its surface and it is for this reason that it is recommended to always stir the juice.

Composition and calorie content

Natural orange juice is rich in valuable elements such as vitamin C (about 55.6%). This vitamin is extremely important for humans, as it takes part in redox reactions, promotes the absorption of iron by the body, and also supports the functioning of the immune system.

Freshly squeezed orange juice is rich in vitamin A, which is actively involved in the metabolic process of the human body. In addition, vitamin A has antioxidant properties and protects human vision.

Fresh orange also contains B vitamins (including folic acid), and these are essential elements for the proper functioning of the body. This vitamin is especially important for women during pregnancy, as it accompanies the process of hematopoiesis and prevents cell mutation.

The benefits of freshly squeezed orange juice don't end there. It contains a lot of useful microelements, such as:

  • calcium;
  • magnesium;
  • potassium;
  • cobalt;
  • iron;
  • iodine;
  • phosphorus;
  • fluorine;
  • zinc;
  • sodium.

This drink contains amino acids and pectin. Together, these components contribute not only to the prolongation of youth, but also to rapid weight loss. In addition, due to its low calorie content, fresh orange juice can be consumed during a diet, since 100 g of the product contains only 58 kcal. And this is only 3.6% of the required daily intake.

If we take a closer look at the composition of freshly squeezed juice, it will look like this:

  • Proteins - 0.7 g (0.9%).
  • Carbohydrates - 13.3 g (6.4%).
  • Fats - 0.15 g (0.2%).
  • Ash - 0.4 g.
  • Water - 86 g (3.8%).

It is important to note that, no matter how paradoxical it may sound, the juice that you can prepare at home is much higher in calories than the contents of a package from the store. This feature is due to the presence of dietary fiber, as well as the percentage of sucrose in natural juice, which is broken down during preservation (in a purchased product).

Tips and tricks

If you have gastritis, you need to properly monitor your diet . There is no need to overeat; it is better to eat small amounts of food, but several times a day. Naturally, when treating gastritis, you should definitely give up alcoholic beverages. You should start taking any medications only after consulting your doctor.

Many medical experts claim that various juices for gastritis are very useful. Therefore, they are included in treatment complexes prescribed for the treatment of this disease. But it is important to know what exactly you can drink if you have gastritis. A certain juice can be consumed without restrictions and without fear of consequences. It is strictly forbidden to drink anything else. Let's find out which category tomato or tomato juice belongs to, and also what you should know about this drink in combination with the diagnosis of gastritis.

Doctors allow or prohibit the use of tomato juice depending on the type of gastritis.

Juice intake depending on acidity

A person with gastritis can drink many different drinks. If you approach the issue of choice wisely and know exactly the characteristics of the course of the disease, you will not cause harm to the body and can only improve your condition with the help of different juices. Let's talk about what juices are possible and under what circumstances.

  1. One of the healthiest drinks in case of low acidity is fresh carrot juice. Water and honey are added to it to increase efficiency.
  2. Increased acidity means drinking potato drinks. To get the benefit and normalize the condition, you need to drink pasteurized juice from high-quality tubers, diluted 1 to 1 with water, on an empty stomach for 14 days in the morning.
  3. Another useful drink for low acidity is lemon juice. Just don't drink it neat. Add a small amount to rosehip-based tinctures. Tasty and healthy.
  4. To return acidity to the desired level, experts advise drinking fresh cabbage. Just pre-heat it a little. Not the most pleasant taste, but the benefits are great.
  5. Tomato juices can help patients with gastritis due to the properties of improving peristalsis and normalizing the process of juice production by the stomach. By taking a tomato drink before meals, you prepare your body to digest food. To make it better absorbed, add a little olive oil to the glass.

Recommendations regarding tomato juice apply to those drinks that have undergone a pasteurization process. Experts advise not to drink fresh tomatoes.

Tips for use

If the acidity is low and the doctor has approved the use of tomato juice, then all that remains is to take it correctly and for the benefit of your body.

Here follow a few basic rules.

  1. Avoid fresh juices. Although fresh juices contain a larger amount of useful substances, from the standpoint of having a diagnosis of gastritis, they are more dangerous. Therefore, the optimal choice would be a ready-made factory drink that has undergone pasteurization.
  2. Quality comes first. High-quality juices cannot be cheap. There are a number of manufacturers who, in the manufacture of their products, use far from selected and ripe tomatoes, as stated on the packaging or in advertising. Spoiled tomatoes, sometimes trimmings and leftovers, are used for processing. It is impossible to obtain a quality product from such raw materials.
  3. Additional components included. Study the composition of the product. There should be nothing in it except the tomatoes themselves. The pasteurization process will be enough for you to get pleasure from the drink and the right amount of benefits. Spices, salt or combination with other vegetables (multi-vegetable juices with a tomato base) are not recommended for consumption. Salt reduces beneficial properties.
  4. Garlic and herbs. If you want to diversify the taste of a tomato drink, add fresh herbs and finely chopped garlic. This is not only a new taste, but also a storehouse of additional benefits. But remember that they are included in the composition only if there are no contraindications.
  5. It is best to take juices before meals so that the stomach has time to absorb it and prepare to digest the food. About 20 - 30 minutes before meals, 1 glass of tomato juice will be enough.
  6. Period of exacerbation. If gastritis is in the acute stage, this product is strictly contraindicated. Eating tomatoes can cause complications and worsen a person’s condition.

We can say that periodically drinking a glass of tomato juice is even useful if you have been diagnosed with gastritis with a low level of stomach acidity. For elevated forms, the drink is contraindicated. Therefore, you must refuse any temptation to drink it. In everything, moderation and coordination with doctors are important. If you undergo a detailed examination, identify the form of gastritis and the characteristics of the course of the disease, you can easily create a safe and healthy menu for every day. You don't have to take risks when trying this or that drink, product or vegetable.

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In some conditions, the consumption of oranges is prohibited. This is a hyperacid and erosive form of gastritis, the presence of ulcerative formations on the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, an absolute contraindication is an allergy to citrus fruits.

So, oranges, despite their obvious benefits, can be harmful. First of all, you need to clarify the diagnosis, since in some forms of gastritis citrus fruits are prohibited. But with the hypoacid form of the disease, fruits will be useful if consumed in limited quantities and not on an empty stomach.

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