Diarrhea in adults: how to quickly cure with folk remedies

Folk remedies for diarrhea, in addition to the obvious reduction in the frequency of urges, help get rid of pain in the lower abdomen, stop bloating and rumbling, stop dehydration, and prevent weakness and drowsiness. With their help, you can quickly eliminate unpleasant signs, which is important in the absence of medications.

The most powerful and effective advice

To get rid of diarrhea using traditional recipes, you need to understand the principle of operation of these recipes.

All recipes are based on the principle of astringent, fastening action, which is achieved through interaction with tannins and astringents. These substances occur naturally in various plants to greater or lesser extent.

Below are recipes that provide detailed information on how to get rid of diarrhea using folk remedies.

Recipe with oak bark

Oak bark contains a large amount of tannins, which are so necessary for diarrhea.

A decoction of oak bark is prepared as follows:

  • 25 g dried ground oak bark;
  • Half a liter of boiling water.

Place oak bark powder in a jar and pour boiling water over it, close the lid. After 2-3 hours, when the solution is barely warm, strain through a thick layer of gauze and take half a glass 2-3, sometimes 4 times a day.

Bird cherry berries

Bird cherry berries give the same fastening and astringent effect. For this decoction you need to take dried bird cherry berries. Usually, they are harvested during the season by drying.


  • 1/3 cup dried berries;
  • 750 ml boiling water;

The fruits are poured with boiling water and boiled in a water bath for 15-25 minutes. After boiling, the berries are removed and the broth is filtered to get rid of the remaining berries. After the broth has cooled, it can be taken 2 times a day, half a glass.

Pomegranate peels

Pomegranate peels are an excellent remedy for diarrhea, and many housewives specially dry them in reserve. This option is suitable for both adults and children.

In addition, pomegranate peels against diarrhea act not only as a fastening agent, but also as an antimicrobial agent. This is especially important if diarrhea was caused by the activity of microorganisms and bacteria.

Pomegranate peels must be washed well and the white films must be removed from them. Well-dried in the sun or in the oven, the peels are ground or ground to a fine state for ease of use.


  • Peel powder – 30 g;
  • 230 ml boiling water.

The decoction is prepared in a water bath. Pour boiling water over the powder and mix thoroughly. The broth should simmer gently for 25 minutes. Afterwards, you need to remove the remaining crusts and take a warm solution of 6-7 tablespoons.


All folk remedies for diarrhea are based on ease of manufacture from natural materials. A pear can quickly relieve a person from diarrhea, provided that it is prepared correctly.

Cooking rules:

  • The pear must be washed and dried; in this form it is suitable for decoctions that can be made throughout the year.
  • For the decoction, several homemade dried pears are used, they are filled with water and boiled for 15-20 minutes.
  • If you only have fresh pears and you don’t have time to dry them, you can bake them in the oven.

This option will not only be healthy, but also tasty. You can eat baked pear as much as you like.

Find out what else you can eat if you have diarrhea here.

Medicinal teas and herbs for diarrhea

In your search for an effective folk remedy for diarrhea, do not forget about herbs. They can quickly relieve symptoms in adults and children and do not cause any harmful side effects.

In your search for an effective folk remedy for diarrhea, do not forget about herbs. They can quickly relieve symptoms in adults and children and do not cause any harmful side effects.

You should pay attention to the following plants:

  • St. John's wort. The decoction is prepared from 1 tbsp. l. chopped dry herbs to 250 ml of boiling water. For diarrhea, drink 1/3 cup before meals.
  • Black tea (leaf). At the first symptoms of diarrhea, you should drink a cup of strongly brewed tea. This remedy will help stop loose stools for a while and prevent dehydration.
  • Sage. Take 50 g of herb per 500 ml of boiling water and wrap it up. After an hour, cool the infusion and drink half a glass at intervals of 2 hours. It is allowed to add red wine to the drink.
  • Sagebrush. This herb is considered a powerful natural antibiotic. For diarrhea we take 1 tbsp. l. wormwood herbs, add 2 tsp. dill seeds, pour 200 ml of boiling water into this mixture. After an hour, we start drinking ½ glass ¼ hour before meals.

When you urgently need a folk remedy for diarrhea in adults that quickly relieves unpleasant symptoms, you should not immediately run to the pharmacy. There is an effective natural cure for this disease in any home.

But you should remember that diarrhea can be a sign of a dangerous disease, so if possible, it is better to consult a doctor.

What recipes are effective for diarrhea?

In addition to decoctions, other home remedies have also proven to be very effective, based on everyday products that every housewife is sure to have. Such recipes for diarrhea are convenient for many, because they do not require making preparations in the summer or looking for them in pharmacies.

Starch powder

The starch recipe can be used for both adults and children; it is safe and does not cause allergic reactions. You can make jelly from potato starch; it will help avoid loss of fluid from the body during frequent and severe diarrhea.


  • 2.5 tsp starch;
  • glass of water;
  • 1.5 tsp honey.

Gradually add starch and honey into warm water and stir until smooth and thick. This solution is used several times a day.

Black tea bag

Tannins contained in black tea have a beneficial effect on intestinal microflora and are an astringent. Strong black sweet tea is probably the most popular and simple remedy for intestinal and stomach disorders.


  • 1 bag of strong black tea without additives;
  • 230 ml boiling water;
  • 2-3 tsp sugar or honey;

The tea should be steeped for 10-15 minutes, add sugar or honey. This tea will not only strengthen loose stools and affect pathogenic microorganisms in the intestines, but will also prevent fluid loss.

Unground black pepper

Black pepper has an antimicrobial and strengthening effect on irritable intestines and helps get rid of some infectious agents.

Black pepper can be consumed by anyone who does not have problems with the stomach and pancreas, as it has an irritating effect on the walls of the stomach.


  • Black peppercorns should be used 4-5 pieces at a time, washed down with plenty of boiled water, 4-6 times a day.
  • If the recipe is used to treat diarrhea in a child, it is necessary to halve the amount of pepper and use it 2-3 times a day.


Oats for digestive disorders are taken as a decoction of grains. The decoction turns out to be thick, like jelly, so we can safely talk about the restoring and normalizing properties of this solution.

Oat grains must be thoroughly washed; 3 cups of grains are used per 2 liters of water.

The recipe has two versions:

  1. You can boil the mixture in a water bath for about half an hour, and take 170-200 ml 2-5 times a day.
  2. In addition to cooking, you can make a tincture. To do this, keep oats with water in a dark place for half a day; you can take 150 ml of liquid 3 times a day.

Walnut partitions

The walnut itself is very healthy, and the partitions between the kernels can be used to make a universal remedy for loose stools. They have a powerful bactericidal effect and will quickly cleanse your body of pathogenic organisms that cause diarrhea. And here is the recipe: take the partitions of ten walnuts, put them in a small saucepan, add two glasses of water, bring to a boil and continue to boil until our broth turns black. The finished product must be filtered through cheesecloth, and you need to take one tablespoon three (if necessary, four) times a day.

Treatment of diarrhea

Many folk remedies have a symptomatic effect and are effective for one-time or minor stool disorders. In case of acute intestinal infection, traditional medical treatment cannot be avoided.

Treatment with medications

How to quickly cure diarrhea if it is caused by a serious illness? In this case, it is simply necessary to resort to medication treatment, since you need to act quickly and aggressively.

The principle of action of medications is as follows:

  • Inhibition of excessive activity of intestinal smooth muscles.
  • Fixing action.
  • Removal of bile from the body.

Drug treatment is often not used if traditional medicine is sufficient. In some cases, these two types of treatment may be used.

Medicines for diarrhea

The most popular medications for diarrhea include the following: Loperamide, Enterosgel, Polysorb, Furazolidone, Bifiform. These drugs have different principles of action, and each of them must be used depending on the type of diarrhea and its causes.

Below is a comparative table of these drugs according to their principle of action and price.

A drugprice, rub.ActionApplication
Loperamide10-30Inhibits intestinal muscle activityFor one-time diarrhea, disorders caused by mild poisoning.
Enterosgel300-450Removes toxins and irritants from the intestinesFor moderate and severe manifestations of diarrhea, as well as additional. treatment for intestinal infections.
Polysorb200-300Removes toxins and microorganisms from the intestinal cavityFor various degrees of diarrhea, for intestinal infections.
Furazolidone40-90Antimicrobial and anti-infective actionFor infections and acute intestinal disorders.
Bifiform350-500Restores intestinal microfloraEffective for disorders and infections of moderate and mild severity, as an additional supplement. restorative treatment

Pharmacy antidiarrheal drugs

Medicine for Diarrhea
There are many medicines for diarrhea that are available without a prescription. Such drugs are divided according to the type of action into:

  1. drugs that thicken stool;
  2. agents that reduce intestinal spasms;
  3. beneficial natural bacteria (probiotics).

If you are treating diarrhea at home using these medications, take it seriously.

Do not use medications if there is a high fever, bloody discharge or other signs of a serious illness. If there are no such symptoms, then you can take antidiarrheal medications only if the diarrhea lasts more than six hours.

When the symptoms begin to subside, stop taking the medications, otherwise you will cause constipation.

Be sure to follow the instructions and do not exceed the recommended dose.

If diarrhea occurs in a child or pregnant woman, it is better to consult a doctor immediately, as there is a risk of causing great harm.

What to do to quickly stop diarrhea?

Above were recipes and other means to stop diarrhea. But to quickly achieve the effect and prevent new manifestations of loose stools, it is necessary to resort to additional treatment and support measures.

Such measures include:

  • compliance with diet and drinking regimes;
  • consumption of foods that accelerate the regeneration of intestinal microflora.

Refusal to eat

Refusal to eat during severe diarrhea is often a necessary measure, since with severe intestinal damage, any food will act as an additional irritant.

This process should not exceed one day, otherwise the body will have nowhere to get the strength to fight microbes. Avoiding food for a while will calm the smooth muscles and reduce the incidence of diarrhea.

Strengthening the drinking regime

In case of diarrhea, and especially if it is caused by an intestinal infection, it is simply necessary to constantly replenish the supply of fluid in the body. If the body is severely dehydrated, the situation can become very serious. It is necessary to constantly take liquid, even through force.

In this case, it is best to use strong sweet tea, fruit compotes, berry fruit drinks and jelly. Thanks to its soft consistency and the presence of vitamins, the body will recover.

Application of sorbents

The use of sorbents for diarrhea will rid the intestines of toxins, bile and allergens. Sorbents cleanse the intestines, after which treatment is much easier.

Sorbents must be used for intestinal infections, such as intestinal flu, dysentery, and salmonellosis. Sorbents can be in the form of gels, tablets and suspensions. The most popular sorbents for indigestion include activated carbon, Enterosgel, Smecta.

Drinking fermented milk drinks

Any fermented milk products have a beneficial effect on the disturbed intestinal microflora, enveloping it and restoring beneficial intestinal bacteria.

The use of fermented milk drinks is most suitable, since their consistency is the most optimal. The lactic acid bacteria included in the products create a favorable environment for rapid recovery.

Kefir, natural yogurt without additives and other fermented milk drinks can be consumed in large quantities.

Medicines for diarrhea

You can quickly get rid of diarrhea using medications. There are different medications that can stop diarrhea depending on the cause.

The most common means include:

  1. Sorbents. They allow you to collect and remove toxins and bacteria that cause diarrhea from the body. It is recommended to take medications for intestinal infections or poisoning, but you can drink sorbents separately from other drugs only after 2-3 hours. Among the drugs used, it is allowed to drink activated carbon, Smecta, Balignin, Attapulgit for diarrhea.
  2. Drugs that reduce mucus production in the intestines. Treatment is carried out on the first day of diarrhea, and all drugs have anti-inflammatory properties. You can treat with the following drugs: “Diclofenac”, “Sulfasalosin”, for Crohn’s disease “Metypred”, “Prednisolone” are used.
  3. Herbal medicines. These medications can reduce bowel activity, which may help stop diarrhea. Treatment is carried out with oak bark, bird cherry, sea buckthorn, chamomile and other herbal remedies. You can make folk remedies from herbal ingredients at home or buy tablets based on them at the pharmacy.
  4. Enzymes. If the cause of diarrhea is a lack of enzymes in the body, then it is necessary to restore their production. For this purpose, “Mezim”, “Festal”, “Creon” are used.
  5. Antidiarrheal drugs. Treating diarrhea with these drugs reduces bowel activity, and all drugs are made based on the active substance loperamide, which can stop diarrhea. Imodium and Lopedium are used for treatment. It is prohibited to use drugs in this category if the intestines are infected, but for Crohn's disease such drugs are very effective.
  6. Antibiotics. If nothing helps, then diarrhea must be treated with serious medications and only after examination by a doctor. If the cause of diarrhea is a virus, then Arbidol is prescribed.
  7. Antiseptics. Medicines can affect microbes that live in the intestines and do not enter the blood. Antiseptics will help if the causative agent of diarrhea is staphylococcus, streptococcus, salmonella and other bacteria. It is recommended to use Enterofuril or Intetrix.
  8. Probiotics. Such remedies can be used during any diarrhea, as they can restore the intestinal microflora. Treatment is carried out with Enterol, Hilak Forte, Linex.
  9. Immunomodulators. Drug treatment often involves the use of such tablets, especially if diarrhea occurs due to infections. "Galavit" is used for therapy.

All the drugs described can quickly cure and stop diarrhea, but you need to understand that tablets and other drugs can only be used with the permission of a doctor.

It is also important to note that diarrhea that does not go away within 3 days should be diagnosed by a doctor. If diarrhea is chronic, it may indicate cancer.

You definitely need the help of a doctor if a temperature of more than 38 degrees appears with diarrhea, as well as other symptoms in the form of a rash, a yellow tint to the skin, and dark urine. Abdominal pain should not appear during bowel movements.

If the stool is black or green, and you constantly feel dizzy, then the situation is critical and treatment at home with folk remedies or medications is prohibited. The person needs to be hospitalized quickly.

Knowing how to stop diarrhea in an adult using only medications, you will also need to familiarize yourself with how to cure diarrhea with folk remedies at home.

Brewing and consumption rules

To get the maximum positive dynamics from herbal medicine, a person is strongly recommended to:

  1. Strictly adhere to the specified proportions of plants and other components when preparing medicines.
  2. Carefully read the contraindications before using this or that plant.
  3. Do not increase the dosage of your home remedy on your own. It is also not worth using more often than recommended - this will not make the remedy more effective.
  4. If diarrhea does not decrease after treatment with herbs, the patient’s condition worsens, stop herbal medicine and urgently contact a medical facility for help.

When is it necessary to see a doctor without self-medication?

It is necessary to consult a specialist in case of very severe intoxication. The disease can manifest itself in severe vomiting, acute colic in the stomach, and severe diarrhea. Such poisoning requires the intervention of a professional specialist. Self-treatment will not help in this case. The doctor must determine the cause of diarrhea and prescribe medication or enemas.

You should also contact a specialist if self-medication does not help. After taking medicinal herbs, diarrhea should go away within one to two days. If the illness does not go away, then you need to call an ambulance.

If you have diarrhea, you need to know which herbs help with this disease.

Here are some effective recipes.

A collection of green tea is perfect. 50 grams of dry grass is poured with warm water. Soak for 30 minutes. Then boil on fire for half an hour. Consume two tablespoons four to five times a day 15 minutes before meals. Treatment can be carried out with bitter wormwood. The herb is brewed with boiling water and allowed to brew for 20 minutes. Take one tablespoon three times a day 15-20 minutes before meals. You can use rowan leaves, St. John's wort and marshmallow root. All ingredients are mixed in equal proportions. One tablespoon of the resulting mixture is poured with boiling water. Leave for two hours. Then filter and take three times a day. St. John's wort can also be taken without any additives. One tablespoon of herb is poured into one glass of boiling water. Leave for 30-40 minutes. The resulting decoction is taken in equal proportions three times a day 15 minutes before meals. Another effective remedy is plantain. One tablespoon of crushed leaves is poured into a glass of boiling water. Insist for half an hour. Take one tablespoon three times a day. Celandine is crushed and poured with boiling water. Insist for half an hour. Take one tablespoon three times a day 15 minutes before meals. Chamomile is a very effective remedy. One tablespoon of dried flowers must be poured with 250 ml of boiling water. The broth is infused in a thermos for 4.5 hours. The mixture is taken after meals, two tablespoons four times a day. Melissa or peppermint will help relieve symptoms of diarrhea. Two teaspoons of crushed leaves are poured into one glass of boiling water. The mixture is infused for half an hour. The decoction is taken three times a day, 150-200 ml. An excellent remedy is fireweed. Dry twigs and leaves are ground. Three tablespoons are poured into a glass of hot water. Leave for 40 minutes. The broth is cooled. Take in equal proportions five times a day after meals. You can use chicory. Several branches of grass are poured with boiling water. The mixture is boiled for 5 minutes. The resulting decoction is drunk in one dose. The herb chickweed will help relieve stomach colic and eliminate diarrhea. The grass must be washed and passed through a meat grinder. Then you need to squeeze out the juice. The resulting mixture is taken three times a day, two tablespoons. You can prepare a decoction of bearberry herb. You will need 50 grams of dry grass. It is poured with a glass of boiled water. Adults take one tablespoon, children – one teaspoon. To completely eliminate diarrhea, you will need 1-2 doses of infusion. This rapid healing effect is created with the help of tannins contained in this herb. Another wonderful folk remedy is horse sorrel. You can use both grass and the seeds themselves. One tablespoon of the mixture is poured into a glass of boiling water. Let it brew for one hour. Take half a glass on an empty stomach once a day. For complete disappearance of diarrhea, 1-2 doses are enough. You can use sage. To prepare the decoction you will need 50 grams of dry leaves. They are filled with 0.5 liters of boiling water. Cover with a towel and let sit for one hour. Cool and filter. You need to take 0.5 cups every two hours. It is allowed to add natural red wine to the decoction. An excellent remedy is a mixture of honeysuckle leaves and Sophora flowers. The ingredients are mixed in equal proportions. One teaspoon is brewed with 200 ml of boiling water. This decoction must be taken warm. It is filtered before use. Consume three times a day after meals.

The video contains a large and informative story about the treatment of diarrhea with folk remedies, including herbs

Herbal help for constipation

Medicinal herbs not only help treat diarrhea, but can also cause diarrhea or relieve constipation. Problems and illness are not always caused only by intestinal disorders. Constipation is a very unpleasant symptom that must be addressed promptly to avoid more serious digestive problems. Plants that help:

  • buckthorn;
  • hay;
  • fennel;
  • kelp;
  • licorice;
  • licorice;
  • aloe.

These herbs and plants are used individually or in combination to enhance their effects. If you have constipation, you should also drink at least 2 liters of plain water a day, eat foods rich in fiber, salads made from raw vegetables and fruits, and dairy products.

Contraindications for use

The main contraindications to the use of herbs for diarrhea are:

  • individual intolerance to certain plants;
  • It is undesirable to use infusions of some herbs for kidney and liver failure. Most substances pass through the kidneys or liver, when these organs are damaged, their excretory and detoxification functions are disrupted. Toxins are retained, further damaging the liver and kidneys;
  • if you have a history of allergic reactions, it is better to take care of yourself and not experiment with herbal medicine;
  • childhood is a relative contraindication to the use of herbal tinctures for diarrhea;
  • During pregnancy and lactation, it is better to refrain from taking plants so as not to harm the baby.

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Herbal tinctures

Adults can use alcohol tinctures with medicinal plants for diarrhea. To begin, prepare an infusion of sage: 2 tbsp. l. herbs are poured with 0.5 boiling water, cooled for an hour, filtered, diluted with red wine in equal proportions.

Take half a glass of the product every 2-3 hours.

Galangal tincture gives a good effect: the crushed root is poured into 400 ml of vodka and left for 14 days. For diarrhea, take 25 ml 4-5 times a day.

Effectiveness of herbs in treating diarrhea

Nature has created a wide range of medicinal plants that qualitatively eliminate not only loose stools, but also the causes that cause them. Some herbs can normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, while others can cleanse the large intestine of substances that have a harmful effect on the human body. The main condition for effective home treatment is to choose suitable medicinal herbs.

The benefits of medicinal plants for diarrhea are determined by the nature of their effect on diarrhea and the body as a whole. The use of folk recipes based on herbs leads to the following positive results:

  1. Slowing intestinal motility, so diarrhea may weaken or disappear altogether.
  2. Relieving a person not only of diarrhea, but also of accompanying symptoms: vomiting, nausea, abdominal pain, cramps, bloating.
  3. Reducing high body temperature, which is necessary for food poisoning and intestinal infections.
  4. Increasing local immunity, which helps fight harmful microorganisms in cases where diarrhea is of bacteriological origin.
  5. Normalization of stomach acidity.
  6. Promoting the production of specific enzymes for high-quality digestion of food.

Herbal treatment, unlike traditional drug therapy, can be used for a long time to get rid of chronic diarrhea.

Application of pharmacy fees

To treat diarrhea, you can purchase ready-made herbal infusions at the pharmacy. They are made only from high-quality, proven raw materials that have passed radiological examination.

Actively used:

  • sage herb;
  • chamomile flowers;
  • Oak bark;
  • Canadian small petal (shut up).

A comprehensive collection of herbs No. 14-a and No. 20-a, which includes up to 10 medicinal plants, is considered more effective.

Use medicinal herbs in accordance with the instructions: 1 tbsp. l. pour 500 ml of boiling water over the mixture, cover with a towel, leave for an hour, strain, take 100 ml half an hour before meals and before bed.

Children under 12 months are given 25 ml of infusion no more than 4 times a day, after a year - 50 ml of infusion three times a day.

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