Treatment of constipation with olive oil in adults and children

The absence of stool for 24 hours or more can cause a large number of abnormalities, therefore, at the first signs of impaired intestinal motility, it is important to start treatment on time, for example, take olive oil for constipation. This technique is not only effective, but also safe. In addition, it contains a huge amount of useful substances.

Constipation occurs in adults and children. Intestinal problems in the latter are especially difficult to treat. It is difficult to choose a safe medicine for a child, so oils are especially relevant for intestinal motility disorders. They can be used from any age, even in breastfed babies.


Despite the fact that olive oil is often used for cooking and is present in many people’s diets, some people should limit its use or even completely eliminate it from their diet.

The main contraindications for the use of olive oil for constipation are:

  • Intestinal obstruction
  • Cholecystitis
  • Cholelithiasis
  • Dyskenesia of the gallbladder and its ducts
  • Alternating constipation and diarrhea
  • Increased levels of triglycerides in the body
  • Obesity
  • Individual intolerance

The oil is a strong choleretic product, so in case of inflammatory diseases you should avoid taking the product on an empty stomach.

Precautionary measures

Before taking sunflower and other oils to treat constipation, read the contraindications in which this folk method will harm the body:

  • since this product enhances the production of bile, its use is unacceptable for diseases of the gallbladder (the presence of stones in the cavity of the bladder, inflammation of its walls, a history of surgical removal of the bladder);
  • irritable bowel syndrome;
  • peptic ulcer of the stomach or duodenum;
  • pancreatitis - inflammation of the pancreas;
  • inflammatory diseases of the small intestine (enterocolitis);
  • diabetes.

Long-term use of laxatives can cause dehydration or the development of intestinal atony. This pathology is characterized by the impossibility of spontaneous bowel movement and requires urgent medical intervention.

The ingestion of prohibited oil-containing products during pregnancy (vaseline, castor) at any stage of pregnancy leads to negative consequences. These drugs cause increased intestinal motility and contraction of the uterine walls, which leads to miscarriage in the early stages or premature birth in the last months.

The use of oils to treat constipation during pregnancy should not be prolonged. They help cope with moderate bowel emptying problems. If you have severe, persistent constipation, consult a doctor who will select possible medication treatment during pregnancy.

How to drink olive oil for constipation

There are many ways to take olive oil for constipation. Since the product goes well with a large number of dishes, you can choose the recipe that is most suitable for you:

  1. Olive oil on an empty stomach . The easiest way to both eliminate constipation and prevent it is to drink 1 tablespoon of oil in the morning on an empty stomach. In this case, you can start with ½ serving, gradually increasing the amount. Reception is continued for up to 2 weeks.
  2. Olive oil with lemon and honey . The recipe is similar to the previous one, however, the addition of honey and lemon promotes better absorption of the product and also prevents nausea from taking it. Contraindications include intolerance to honey and a tendency to allergies. Mix 15 ml of oil with a teaspoon of honey, drink it in one gulp in the morning, and after a minute, eat it with a slice of lemon.

  3. Oil and lemon juice . Lemon juice itself stimulates digestion, and when combined with olive oil, it helps food pass through the intestines more quickly. Squeeze the fresh fruit until you obtain 1 tablespoon of juice, and then add 5-6 drops of olive oil to it. Drink before meals to stimulate digestive enzymes.
  4. Olive oil with orange juice . Add a little olive oil (about 1 teaspoon) to 300 ml of freshly squeezed orange juice. Drink the product a week 20 minutes before breakfast.
  5. Olive oil with banana . Fully ripened fruit is crushed in a blender, and then a tablespoon of the product is added and eaten before meals. For constipation, take olive oil along with a banana smoothie for three days.

When frying in olive oil, almost all useful elements disappear from it, so it is preferable to add the product to salads and ready-made dishes as a preventive measure for constipation.

Rules for product selection and storage

For cosmetic purposes and for adding to prepared dishes, unrefined extra virgin olive oil should be used. Unlike refined milk, it retains all the beneficial substances that are so necessary for the full development of the fetus and the health of the pregnant woman.

The beneficial properties of olive oil depend on the original quality of the product and its storage conditions. Cold-pressed oil should be sold in dark glass containers. The bottle itself must be well sealed so that air does not get inside and the product does not oxidize. The bottle of olive oil should be kept in a dark, cool place and should never be placed where there may be direct sunlight.

Olive oil should be stored in dark glass containers

Only refined olive oil is suitable for frying. Because under the influence of high temperatures, carcinogenic substances harmful to the body are formed in cold-pressed oil.

Features of use in pregnant women

During pregnancy and especially in the later stages, women are prone to constipation due to increasing intra-abdominal pressure, as well as changes in diet. Moreover, almost all drugs have a number of contraindications and are undesirable for use during pregnancy. Also, regular intake of olive oil not only helps to normalize stool, but is also a good means of preventing constipation, and also contains substances that are beneficial for the mother and fetus.

At the same time, pregnant women should not exceed the recommended dosage: no more than ½ tablespoon per day in pure form or about 100 ml as part of salads and other dishes. It is also necessary to alternate olive oil with other healthy oils: flaxseed or sesame.

Another safe recipe for pregnant women is to add a teaspoon of olive oil to unflavored yogurt, which should be eaten half an hour before breakfast. A product prepared independently using special starter cultures is considered especially useful, since it will not only be a source of lactobacilli, but also the proteins and microelements that a woman needs.

Olive oil is often prescribed to pregnant women for stretch marks, as vitamins and beneficial omega-3s have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin.

It’s better to exclude this!

Often the secret to regular bowel movements is not what you eat, but what you give up. There are several groups of foods that, when consumed regularly, simply cause constipation, and not only in pregnant women. For example, starchy foods can reduce intestinal motility, red meat is not easily digested, and undigested remains of baked goods, cookies and pasta have difficulty moving through the intestines.

Therefore, it is useful to remember the list of foods that can cause constipation, observe yourself and minimize them in your diet:

  • Red meat, especially fried;
  • Rice (especially on water);
  • Kefir is more than a day old;
  • Astringent fruits and berries (quince, persimmon, chokeberry, blueberry, pomegranate, black currant);
  • Unripe bananas and pears;
  • Muffins, cookies, biscuits and other baked goods, as well as pasta;
  • Chocolate;
  • Mashed potatoes (especially with water);
  • Black tea, coffee.

It is important to understand that reactions to a particular product may be individual - for example, for some, kefir is the best remedy for constipation, while for others it creates a problem.

Expert commentary

It is advisable to exclude: seeds, nuts, confectionery, coffee, carbonated drinks; it is also better to refrain from drinking ready-made juices, giving preference to natural fruits.

It is important to understand: the needs of the body are very different in the first and second half of pregnancy, and what is categorically not recommended in the first trimester can be allowed in the last weeks of pregnancy. The most important thing is to listen to the needs of your body and the advice of your doctor, of course!

Expert commentary

The nutrition of a pregnant woman also depends on the duration of pregnancy. So, for example, up to 36 weeks, the amount of protein consumed is important, as the baby is growing, but after 36 weeks, the pregnant woman needs energy to prepare for childbirth. Therefore, at this stage you can allow yourself a little chocolate, cake, ice cream and even a sip of red wine - but, I emphasize, only after 36 weeks of pregnancy.

Olive oil for constipation in children

You can also use olive oil to prevent and treat constipation in children. However, you should take into account:

  • Child's age. The oil should not be given in its pure form on an empty stomach to children under 3 years of age, and for infants the use of products containing a high content of triglycerides is strictly contraindicated (since their digestive tract cannot yet digest such food).
  • Having allergies. If you have a tendency to overreact to herbal ingredients, it is better to first consult with your doctor before treating your child’s constipation on your own.
  • Cause of constipation. If stool disorders were caused by the introduction of new products into the diet, then it is best to start treatment with nutritional correction, rather than folk remedies.

During the day, your child can be given the oil along with salad, applesauce or mashed potatoes. Children over 10 years old should drink 1 tablespoon of the product on an empty stomach, after adding 1-2 drops of lemon juice.


At first glance, the problem of constipation is very easy to solve in our time - in pharmacies entire display cases are filled with all kinds of laxatives. However, a drug that helped you well before pregnancy may be strictly contraindicated in your current situation, especially for local (enemas and suppositories) and fast-acting tablets and solutions, since irritation of the rectal mucosa can lead to increased tone of the uterus. However, if the diet does not help and the problem worsens, the doctor prescribes medications.

The benefits of kefir

If a person has not had a bowel movement for more than two days, experts diagnose constipation. Such a diagnosis can also be made with daily bowel movement, only if it is incomplete or in small quantities. There can be many reasons for such constipation and it is almost impossible to protect yourself from them.

If you look for ways to treat constipation on the Internet, you will find in almost every article the benefits of kefir and its effect on bowel movements.

In most countries, fermented milk product is the “sour friend of the stomach” because it has a positive effect on the state of the microflora of the digestive system.

Kefir is a fermented milk product that has a multifunctional and medicinal and nutritional effect on the human body.

It can also help with the following symptoms:

  • The product creates an acidic environment and helps improve the absorption of minerals and vitamins from food;
  • The fermented milk product contains milk protein, which is very easily absorbed by the body;
  • The product makes it possible to improve appetite;
  • Milk has a positive effect on the intestinal microflora, normalizes and restores it;
  • The product contains various beneficial substances that help get rid of pathogenic microorganisms.

One of the main causes of constipation and diarrhea is the use of various medications.

To improve bowel function after taking medications, you need to drink a simple remedy

Ryazhenka or kefir?

Kefir contains many beneficial bacteria, as well as all the necessary properties of milk. The fermented milk product contains yeast, acetic bacteria, lactic streptococci, amino acids, chromium, iodine, phosphorus, calcium, iron, as well as a large number of vitamins, including A, C, H, E, D, PP.

In addition to useful substances, fermented milk products also contain the necessary probiotics. They have a positive effect on intestinal function and normalize the digestive system well.

The only drawback of the product is the presence of ethyl alcohol in it. It is for this reason that children are not recommended to take dairy products in large quantities. People who have increased sensitivity to toxic effects should not drink fermented milk product, but it is best to replace it with fermented baked milk.

Ryazhenka contains streptococci, Bulgarian bacillus, a large number of lactic acid bacteria, phosphorus, calcium, vitamins A, PP, C, D and E.

To decide which is better, fermented baked milk or kefir, you need to check the expiration dates of one and the other dairy product. To increase the shelf life of their products, some manufacturers add a variety of nutritional additives. This composition makes the product harmful to the body and can cause allergies.

Kefir should not be used if the stomach has high acidity, but fermented baked milk will not affect it in any way.

Ryazhenka is a more natural product.

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