Breastfeeding with diarrhea: will the baby develop diarrhea, how to cure the condition
Symptoms of diarrhea Milk often causes loose stools, and they develop like in adults
Why does a child develop diarrhea with mucus and what treatment is required?
All children, both infants and preschool children, suffer from digestive disorders. It is characterized
Right side pain and diarrhea: detailed analysis of possible causes
Diagnostic aspects for pain in the right hypochondrium Extremely informative for the doctor when making a diagnosis
Intestines hurt during early pregnancy, what to do
Cause of pain during pregnancy Feeling discomfort in the abdomen, many women begin to panic
In some cases, health workers recommend eating bananas for gastrointestinal problems.
Heartburn from eating bananas: can the fruit cause it, and what is the effect on the body?
Can bananas cause heartburn? Heartburn is a condition in which, after eating food,
tablets for gastritis
Festal for duodenal ulcer
Currently, the etiology of gastritis has been studied more fully than several years ago. Scientifically proven
Plantain seeds have medicinal properties for health, how to take them?
Medicinal properties of plantain seeds Not only fresh or dried leaves and roots, but also
Bloating and pain in the lower abdomen in women: causes, alarming symptoms, treatment and prevention
Why is my stomach bloated? Bloating in the lower abdomen causes enormous discomfort, which is why patients
Should I take Gaviscon with water?
How to use Gaviscon tablets correctly and what effective analogues exist
Release form, composition and packaging active ingredients: sodium alginate 500 mg, sodium bicarbonate 267
Belching in newborns after feeding: causes, prevention
Why does a child burp and how to deal with it?
Children's belching, like adults', is caused by natural processes occurring in the body. Healthy digestion process
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