Heartburn from eating bananas: can the fruit cause it, and what is the effect on the body?

Can bananas cause heartburn? Heartburn is a condition in which after eating food a person feels a burning sensation in the chest and mouth. This occurs due to the backflow of food together with gastric juice into the esophagus, which causes injury to the delicate mucous membrane. Unpleasant symptoms occur.

Some people complain of heartburn when eating bananas.

Many people love to eat these sweet fruits. In addition to excellent taste, bananas contain useful substances. It is noted that against the background of such qualities, doctors recommend their use for heartburn. Sometimes their use can even reduce the severity of heartburn symptoms. But there are conditions in which taking it, on the contrary, provokes heartburn after eating. To understand this, let's take a closer look at this topic.

Beneficial properties of bananas

These fruits appeared in the post-Soviet space not long ago, but immediately gained popularity. All this is connected with the properties of the fruit.

Required properties

The product contains significant amounts of elements needed by the human body. The fruit contains the following ingredients:

  • Vitamins consisting of group B and PP.
  • Antioxidants. Substances that neutralize the effects of toxic compounds in the body.
  • Microelements, macroelements.
  • Tryptophan, lysine. Amino acids are part of almost all proteins. Lysine takes an active part in protein synthesis in the body and is responsible for the production of the necessary enzyme compounds. In turn, tryptophan, entering the digestive system, is processed into serotonin, responsible for regulating the functioning of the food digestion process, maintaining water-salt balance, helping metabolic processes and promoting the removal of excess fluid.
  • Cellulose. A necessary element for the normal digestive process.


In addition to containing all the benefits, the fruit can lift a person’s mood.

Harmful properties

Along with its usefulness, a person should be interested in what harmful properties the product has. Does it have a negative or dangerous effect on the body:

  • Like all tropical fruits, it contains an increased amount of sugar. Accordingly, it is contraindicated for people suffering from diabetes.
  • When eating a yellow product, substances are released that affect the process of hemoglobin production and stop it.
  • There is a load on the digestive tract. It should not be given to young children or adults suffering from a deficiency of enzyme compounds.
  • Eating overripe fruits leads to the accumulation of tyramine in the body. This is a substance that has a stimulating effect on the nervous system, leading to a tense state of the muscles.
  • Banana provokes fluid excretion, causing dehydration and dangerous blood thickening. The risk of blood clots increases.
  • The increased calorie content has a negative impact on people who are prone to obesity or are overweight. This includes a ban on eating green, unripe foods due to the indigestible starch they contain.
  • Not native to the region of human habitation. Lack of necessary enzymes for high-quality digestion.
  • The fruits are picked green and are treated with various chemicals during transportation, including gas. The result is a substance that is harmful and dangerous to humans – a xenobiotic.

Bananas contain a large amount of useful substances and microelements, and are also considered one of the most energy-rich foods.

What vitamins does banana contain?

  • Vitamin B1 (functions as a “cleaner” in the body).
  • Vitamin B2 (neutralizes toxins, improves vision, speeds up metabolism).
  • Vitamin PP (takes part in metabolism, protein synthesis, improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system).
  • Beta-carotene (strong antioxidant, preserves immunity, indispensable in the treatment of stomach diseases).
  • Vitamin B4 (helps speed up metabolism and stimulates the absorption of vitamins A, D, E, K).

What minerals does it contain?

  • Calcium (maintains healthy hair, nails and teeth).
  • Phosphorus (energy accumulation in cells, bone growth, maintains acid-base balance in the body).
  • Iron (formation of hemoglobin, participates in the functioning of the thyroid gland, blood formation).
  • Potassium (regulates the functioning of the kidneys, liver, cells of the nervous system).
  • Zinc (affects the development of the immune system, the functioning of the nervous system, and is necessary for maintaining the condition of teeth and nails).

On a note! Bananas are good for both female and male bodies. Women are allowed to eat bananas during pregnancy and are also recommended to eat them during menstruation to relieve abdominal pain.

For men, bananas play an equally important role: they relieve impotence and increase sexual desire, as they are considered a powerful aphrodisiac.

Bananas can help you “unwind” after a feast, as they help remove toxins from the body thanks to the beneficial substances they contain. Athletes also love to use them after training, since the benefits from them are much greater than from artificial mixtures.

This fruit is considered a fairly light food, since its pulp helps coat the walls of the stomach and has a beneficial effect on the mucous membrane. Thus, people suffering from gastritis or stomach ulcers claim that after eating bananas, they feel relief and less pain.

Important! Like all other foods, bananas are not completely healthy. It can cause harm to people with individual intolerance.

In what cases is it forbidden or not recommended to eat bananas?

  1. For diabetes mellitus.
  2. People who have had a stroke or heart attack.
  3. With increased acidity of gastric juice.
  4. For varicose veins.
  5. People suffering from thrombophlebitis.

If a person eats a large amount of overripe fruits, problems with the gastrointestinal tract may occur.

Bananas will not do any harm if they are chosen correctly. You can eat one berry at least once a week and not feel discomfort. It is also worth remembering that this fruit is exotic, as a result of which the reaction to it may depend on the individual susceptibility of the person.

The calorie content of a banana ranges from 85-95 kcal/100 g. product, together with almost 22 mg/100 g. carbohydrates make this fruit not only aromatic and tasty, but also nutritious.

But not everyone consumes the exotic fruit in order to replenish the body with useful substances and improve health. In mid-latitudes, a banana is more likely a food for pleasure than a prevention of vitamin deficiency. But the tropical fruit contains a harmonious symbiosis of vitamins and minerals.


  1. B1 or thiamine - stabilizes the secretion of glands and the functionality of the nervous system, strengthens the heart muscle, normalizes blood flow in the systemic circulation.
  2. B2 or riboflavin is an active participant in metabolism. Stimulates the release of energy from food received.
  3. B8 or inositol - plays a minor role in the peristalsis of the gastrointestinal tract, regulates fat metabolism - helps reduce cholesterol levels in the blood.
  4. PP or nicotinic acid – increases overall tone, is activated by the presence of vitamin B in the body.
  5. C or ascorbic acid – protects the human body from infections of pathogenic bacteria. Ascorbic acid is a natural energy source and stimulator of the functioning of all systems.
  6. E and K.


  • Potassium is responsible for regulating water balance in the body. Normalizes heart rate. Maintains normal magnesium levels and activates it. Potassium is a participant in the transmission of nerve impulses. Increases oxygen supply to the brain, which helps normalize mental activity. Removes water from the body, thereby reducing swelling.
  • Magnesium – affects the full functioning of muscle and nerve tissues. Normalizes the state of the endocrine system. Takes part in ridding the body of toxic substances.
  • Calcium – although found in small amounts, helps support bones and teeth. Normalizes metabolism, because it is part of cells.
  • Iron plays a minor role in the formation of hemoglobin. Stimulates the thyroid gland, activates and enhances B vitamins.
  • Sodium – dilates arteries, veins and capillaries. Stabilizes water-salt balance. Promotes the production of pancreatic and salivary gland enzymes, which stimulates appetite.
  • Fluorine and Phosphorus.


The fruit of large reed plants, the banana, is a storehouse of useful and biologically active substances. It includes various groups of vitamins (C, B, E), as well as a complex of useful components:

  • zinc;
  • sodium;
  • proteins;
  • phosphorus;
  • carbohydrates;
  • folic acid;
  • iron;
  • fats;
  • calcium.

Bananas are associated with the production of the “happiness hormone,” which can lift your mood. This yellow sweet fruit contains 10% of the daily value of fiber, the presence of which in the body is especially important for humans, as it normalizes the functioning of the digestive system and improves bowel movements.

Does banana help or harm during pregnancy? To answer this question, you should separately understand the benefits and harms of this fruit for pregnant women. During pregnancy, it is recommended to consume tropical fruit, as it has a whole host of useful substances. This:

  • Folic acid. From the first days of pregnancy and during pregnancy planning, women are recommended to take folic acid, as it is a necessary component in the formation of the fetal nervous system. To compensate for the lack of folic acid, pregnant women are recommended to include bananas in their daily diet.
  • Potassium. Banana contains a large amount of potassium, which is an important trace element for heart function. It normalizes blood pressure, reduces cramps and relieves swelling that most pregnant women experience.
  • Vitamin C. Acts in the fight against infections in the human body, and also, due to its antioxidant effect, reduces the risk of stretch marks on the skin of a pregnant woman and prevents varicose veins.
  • Iron. Contained in small quantities in the fruit. In combination with vitamin C, it is easily absorbed by the body.
  • Zinc. One of the important microelements for normal fetal development contained in the fruit is zinc. It helps the fetal taste buds develop normally.
  • Vitamin B6. Thanks to this vitamin, banana can relieve the feeling of nausea that accompanies pregnancy in the first trimester. Vitamin B6 is of great importance for the formation of the circulatory system in the fetus.

Bowel dysfunction is a common problem among pregnant women. The fiber contained in bananas helps normalize intestinal function and eliminate the burning sensation behind the sternum, which most often occurs after eating. However, it is important to consider the ripeness of the fruit, as it can have different effects on stool. A ripe banana weakens the stool, while a green one, on the contrary, strengthens it.

Do not overuse bananas, because... they are very high in calories.

But you can't always expect benefits from a banana. Although this fruit is considered hypoallergenic, it is not recommended to consume it in large quantities. The tropical fruit is a high-calorie product, and in combination with milk or porridge - doubly so. Therefore, it is necessary to reduce the consumption of this fruit so as not to gain extra pounds, which negatively affect the woman’s appearance and, most importantly, the health of the fetus.

Unripe bananas contain insoluble starches that are difficult for the stomach to digest, causing excessive gas and bloating. Therefore, it is better to leave the green fruit to ripen. Expectant mothers with increased blood clotting and thrombophlebitis are prohibited from consuming this exotic fruit.

The main question remains the effect of bananas on a woman’s body during pregnancy. The product contains useful substances necessary for the normal development of the fetus and maintaining the health of the expectant mother.

Folic acid

This component is necessary for the proper formation of the nervous system of the unborn baby. If you add bananas to your menu, your body will be provided with folic acid.


Positively affects the functioning of the muscular system of the whole body. Blood pressure is restored, which is extremely important for a woman in an interesting position. Calcium also helps remove excess moisture and helps relieve swelling.

Vitamin B

The direct responsibility of the element is to fight against attacking infections and those inside. Prevents stretch marks and varicose veins from appearing.

Iron and zinc

Elements that are directly involved in the formation of the future of the newborn. Zinc is responsible for the health of hair, bones, kidneys, and vision. Also participates in the creation of the immune system and its protective functions. Iron, in turn, takes part in oxidative processes and helps transport oxygen in the blood to internal organs. Also helps strengthen the immune system. Iron has a positive effect on energy metabolism in the body.

Vitamin B6

If a pregnant woman experiences toxicosis in the first trimester, the intake of vitamin B6 significantly alleviates the condition, reduces the urge to vomit, and calms the stomach. Helps develop the circulatory system in the fetus.

We must not forget that consuming bananas by pregnant women can be dangerous.

If a woman has a tendency to form blood clots, then consuming the fruit is strictly not recommended. If you are worried about diarrhea, then an overripe banana has a laxative effect on the intestines, and an unripe product can strengthen the stool.

This tropical fruit is a storehouse of nutrients. It includes not only several groups of vitamins (B, C, E, PP), but also the following components:

  • proteins, carbohydrates and fats;
  • phosphorus and zinc;
  • sodium and calcium;
  • iron and magnesium.

The fruit contains a lot of tryptophan. This amino acid is an integral part of proteins and is involved in the production of serotonin, the “pleasure” hormone. Eating just one fruit improves the mood of any person.

One tropical berry, which is up to 13 cm long, contains about 13% of the fiber required for a person per day. The eaten fruit has a positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract. At the same time, the fruit has a high calorie content. 100 grams of dessert varieties contain more than 90 kcal. Due to this, it is often used for snacking. At the same time, the amount of vegetable fats in such a dessert is minimal.

Due to the presence of all components, this tropical fruit is recommended during pregnancy.

In addition to the fact that bananas can cause heartburn, they can cope with it. This product can eliminate the discomfort of heartburn. The peculiarity of the structure of the fruit is its soft enveloping effect in the stomach. Pectin neutralizes the aggressive effect of hydrochloric acid. If you have a medical history of problems with the gastrointestinal tract, then it is better to eat baked bananas.

The exotic fruit contains a considerable amount of vitamins and microelements. Women preparing to become mothers are advised to eat no more than one fruit per day. The restriction strictly applies to pregnant women prone to thrombophlebitis. It is not recommended to resort to treating heartburn with folk remedies.

It’s difficult to say whether bananas have more benefits or time. All food consumed by a person, if consumed in excess, can cause discomfort and provoke an exacerbation of chronic diseases. The diet should be balanced and consist of a variety of foods.

What are the features of the fruit?

Bananas contain many useful substances, so taking into account all the qualities, this particular fruit is recommended for consumption for heartburn. It is often noted that its inclusion in food helps reduce the symptoms of a burning sensation in the stomach.

But sometimes there are cases when this fruit, on the contrary, causes discomfort. Let's look in more detail at what is special about this tropical fruit. Bananas contain:

  1. Vitamins of group B, C, E.
  2. Mineral components such as sodium, phosphorus, zinc, iron and potassium are present.
  3. Banana contains 13% fiber.
  4. There are proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

Some of the properties of bananas include the fact that bananas contain serotonin, which is responsible for the production of the happiness hormone.

Could it be?

This is a question many people ask. And in order to give a detailed answer to it, it is necessary to understand in detail what heartburn is and what causes it.

In simple terms, heartburn is a burning sensation in the esophagus, rising from the epigastric region.

Why does heartburn happen?

  • Overeating and lack of normal nutrition.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Smoking, drinking alcohol.
  • Fatty and spicy dishes.

Bananas can cause heartburn. Yes, it is generally accepted that bananas are a product that does not complicate digestion. This is true, but it is also worth considering that it contains a large amount of carbohydrates. Moderate consumption does not harm human health, with the exception of individual intolerance to the fetus.

Effect of fruit quality

If the fruit is very overripe, then you may even experience heartburn from bananas; the reason is hidden in the fact that such products are often additionally treated with special chemicals that accelerate their ripening. When buying bananas, it is important to study everything carefully, otherwise there is a risk of getting not only heartburn, but even poisoning. You should also not eat bananas that are not ripe at all, as they contain a large amount of starch, which is known to cause discomfort in the stomach.

In order for the fruit to ripen on its own, you can buy a slightly unripe fruit and place it until fully ripe, but it is important to remember that the banana peel should not be damaged in this case. Most doctors recommend additional washing of fruits before consumption, since it is not always possible to carefully study the conditions of transportation and storage.

Do they help with heartburn?

The fiber contained in bananas helps normalize intestinal function and eliminates the burning sensation in the esophagus after eating. For those who do not have an intolerance to this tropical berry, one of the simplest and most enjoyable ways to eliminate heartburn (except for the one that occurs after eating a banana) is a banana.

What effect do bananas have on heartburn, do they help with it or not? Opinions of both ordinary people and medical workers on this issue differ. Some claim that bananas can eliminate acid reflux, others insist on the opposite, and consider them to provoke a burning sensation in the sternum. The effect of the fetus on the body is individual and will depend on many factors.

Features of the fruit

Banana is a tropical fruit, represented by a large composition of nutritional and beneficial elements. Among the components there are also biologically active elements of targeted action. And therefore the product is useful for many people who have pathologies in the digestive system.

  • Vitamins of group B, C, E.
  • Mineral components: sodium, calcium, phosphorus, zinc, iron.
  • Folic acid.

Bananas contain 13% of the fiber required for daily consumption. In addition, the presence of proteins, fats and carbohydrates is noted. The amino acids contained in the protein favor the formation of serotonin.

Substances that stimulate the production of the happiness hormone are present in this wonderful product. After consumption, the level of serotonin in the body increased, which helped to improve mood.

However, this healthy product is not suitable for everyone to consume. A number of people have experienced discomfort from bananas when consuming it. Let's look at the reasons for this reaction.

Factors that cause heartburn

Despite all the benefits of the fruit, it has its drawbacks. Banana heartburn can strike at the wrong time and cause discomfort.

The reasons why an unpleasant burning sensation appears are of a different nature:

  • The exotic delicacy is a difficult product for the stomach. To digest it, you need a high acid content in the digestive juice;
  • the pancreas experiences increased stress when interacting with this fruit. Excessive consumption of the yellow fruit can lead to exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis or cause the appearance of an acute stage of the disease;
  • when there is an insufficient amount of food enzymes produced, discomfort occurs in the stomach and intestines. The enzymes that the pancreas secretes cannot be present in the stomach all the time. The hydrochloric acid content increases, reducing enzyme levels.

Why do bananas cause heartburn? This question is asked by everyone who has encountered this problem at least once in their life and has denied themselves the pleasure of further eating this fruit. So what is the cause of acid reflux from cane fruit? First of all, these are incorrect storage conditions and chemical treatment of the product. In addition, the following factors are identified that cause heartburn after eating tropical fruit:

  • eating a large amount of it can provoke an exacerbation of pancreatitis;
  • the load from eaten fruits can lead to an increase in the acidity of the digestive juice and a malfunction of the pancreas;
  • an insufficient amount of enzymes cannot cope with the fruit, which complicates the process of digesting food;
  • when acid is released into the esophagus, irritation of the mucous membrane occurs, which causes a burning sensation in the chest.

Having so many properties that have a positive effect on the human body, can bananas cause heartburn in the chest? After all, eating the fruit helps improve the functioning of the stomach, therefore, such a manifestation should not occur. However, in some cases, eating a banana and heartburn are “companions”. A burning sensation in the chest is possible due to the following factors:

  • The cause of heartburn may lie in the way bananas are processed for transportation. The fruits are packed hermetically in an unripe state. After delivery, they are treated with a special gas. This promotes rapid ripening. At the same time, for long-term storage, fruits can also be treated with chemicals. In cases where the dose was exceeded when the product was exposed to these substances, heartburn may occur when consuming such a product.
  • Fresh ripe fruits contain many useful substances. When processed, many elements react with chemicals and their quantity decreases.
  • By eating a fruit, a person receives a large amount of carbohydrates. The pH of a ripened banana approaches 5.0. With stomach diseases, this can cause a burning sensation in the chest. Half an hour after eating the fruit, the glucose level in the blood increases. This helps increase appetite. This factor should be especially taken into account by pregnant women.
  • Banana heartburn can be caused by eating it unripe. The fruit contains a large amount of starch, which takes a long time to digest. If you are overly enthusiastic about this fruit, due to congestion in the stomach, increased gas formation and burning in the chest occurs. Even if the bananas were purchased unripe, they must be left for several days until they turn yellow.

If heartburn is caused by bananas, you should eat them rarely. Moreover, not as a main meal, but only as a dessert. If the fruit was eaten on an “empty” stomach, you need to eat a full meal within 20 minutes after that.

Many people simply love to eat bananas. They are so tasty and aromatic. Their yellow color pleases the eye and lifts your spirits.

Bananas are a whole “treasure” of useful substances, vitamins and a variety of microelements.

Let's look at just a small list of its beneficial properties:

  • a great “mood lifter”, as it contains the protein tryptophan, which causes the production of serotonin;
  • a source of healthy fiber, which is known to have a positive effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • contains a set of B vitamins (including such as B2, B9), and also contains PP vitamins;
  • essential microelements: sodium, iron, as well as phosphorus and calcium;
  • an excellent source of carbohydrates, which provide the energy necessary for the functioning of the body.

But you need to take into account that they need to travel a long way from one country to another before they get to the buyer’s table.

To prevent them from losing their marketable appearance, they are most often picked green and then subjected to special treatment with chemical compounds and gases. This makes their nutritional quality a little worse, but the fresh appearance of the fruit always pleases the consumer’s eye.

But some people are wary of them because they are afraid of unpleasant heartburn. Why does it sometimes appear after eating bananas?

Let's look at some of the most common causes of these unpleasant sensations:

  • processed fruits contain much less beneficial microelements that help naturally neutralize the acid that leads to heartburn;
  • increased starch content in unripe fruits;
  • there is an increased load on the pancreas, which ceases to produce the necessary enzymes;
  • overeating these fruits has a detrimental effect on the functioning of the stomach, the acidity of gastric juice increases, which leads to heartburn;
  • The sweet taste is pleasant, but if you eat them often and in large quantities, this can lead not only to weight gain, but also to unpleasant sensations.

But these are only the main and most common causes of heartburn; there may be others. For example, individual intolerance to this wonderful tropical fruit.

The doctor will prescribe an ultrasound of the esophagus

In this case, you should consult a gastroenterologist, who will suggest a plan for further action. It would also be a good idea to do an ultrasound of the esophagus or check gastric juice for acidity.

If heartburn occurs from bananas, the most common cause is the presence of chronic diseases, pregnancy or rehabilitation after surgery.

There are other possible reasons:

  1. Eating large quantities of unripe fruits.
  2. Presence of contraindications (see previous paragraphs).
  3. Poor quality of the product used.
  4. General overeating.
  5. Large body weight.

The reasons may vary depending on the individual and their health status.

A burning sensation and discomfort in the chest and throat is called heartburn. It is provoked by reflux phenomena, which throw the contents of the digestive organ into the esophageal canal through the lower sphincter. Since the lining of the esophagus is not designed to come into contact with acid, irritation and heartburn occur accordingly. The more irritating influence is produced, the more intense the heartburn.

The reflux mechanism is possible when the tone of the lower esophageal muscle is weakened or when there is excess pressure in the abdominal region. There are a number of other factors that have a weakening effect on the sphincter:

  • Excessive filling of the stomach due to eating a large amount of food.
  • The movement of food from the stomach further along the intestinal tract is slowed down.
  • Excessive gases accumulate in the intestines, stopping the movement of the food bolus.

Based on the above, heartburn from bananas is possible for the following reasons:

  • Chronic diseases. The presence of constant problems in the digestive system leads to a chronic lack of digestive enzymes and disturbances in intestinal motor activity. Temporary types of condition may appear: carrying a child, rehabilitation.
  • Eating unripe, green foods. The starch contained in such fruit is not digested, causing the formation of more gases that put pressure on the stomach. Heartburn occurs from bananas.
  • Inconsistency with the requirements of the fruit itself.

Bananas are not suitable for everyone to consume. It is undesirable for the following groups of citizens to eat:

  • Patients with increased ability of blood to clot.
  • Heart disease, including coronary heart disease.
  • Suffering from diabetes. There is an increased risk of high blood sugar levels and falling into a coma.
  • Having extra pounds.

Despite all their usefulness, banana remains an exotic fruit. Not every person’s body is ready to accept yellow fruit. Perhaps the cause of heartburn is intolerance to the components of banana.

If the patient is prone to migraines, then the product will not bring relief, it will only add to the headache.


If heartburn occurs from bananas, the most common cause is the presence of chronic diseases, pregnancy or rehabilitation after surgery.

There are other possible reasons:

  1. Eating large quantities of unripe fruits.
  2. Presence of contraindications (see previous paragraphs).
  3. Poor quality of the product used.
  4. General overeating.
  5. Large body weight.

The reasons may vary depending on the individual and their health status.

How to avoid burning

The occurrence of heartburn most often depends on the quality of a person’s diet and how exactly he eats food.

In no case should you allow yourself to overeat, as this can cause an unpleasant burning sensation inside.

It is also worth paying special attention to the choice of fruit when purchasing - unripe and overripe fruits can harm the gastrointestinal tract.

It is especially not recommended to consume large quantities of overripe fruits due to the high calorie content of the product, which makes it difficult to digest this tropical fruit. Satisfaction from eating a banana may not come from the first minutes, so you need to listen more carefully to your body and avoid overeating.

Information! Unripe bananas contain insoluble starches that are poorly absorbed by the body and can cause heartburn, bloating and increased gas production.

We should not forget the possible intolerance of the fetus by an individual person. If you have chronic diseases, you need to familiarize yourself with the contraindications and thereby protect your body from unpleasant consequences.

It's easy to get rid of heartburn in your chest from eating a banana. Following these tips will help solve problems:

  • Try not to overeat fruits. For an adult, the daily norm is 1-2 fruits.
  • Consider the product only as a supplement and not a complete nutrition.
  • Try not to consume on an empty stomach.
  • Try to purchase a slightly unripe product, since less chemicals were used for its transportation.

Prevent and neutralize

Heartburn after eating bananas appears only if there are problems with the gastrointestinal tract.
In most cases, heartburn does not bother people who do not have problems with the digestive system. Bananas can cause a burning sensation behind the sternum if a person has diseases of the gastrointestinal tract or gastroesophageal reflux disease. In this case, you should consume the fruit in small quantities and extremely rarely.

Fortunately, heartburn from bananas is extremely rare. If you do not experience discomfort after eating bananas, then continue to consume them in acceptable quantities.

For those who still have problems, there are some simple recommendations:

  • firstly, you should not overeat on bananas, it is better to eat them infrequently and in small quantities (such a fruit should serve as a dessert, not a main dish);
  • secondly, when eating bananas from the very early morning and on an empty stomach, it is recommended to “refuel” with denser food not immediately, but after about 30 minutes.

The diet should not only be varied, but also beneficial for your body. Then all problems with the gastrointestinal tract can be happily avoided in order to fully enjoy life.

Is it possible for pregnant women?

A pressing issue regarding the consumption of fruits during pregnancy. Among the mass of berries and fruits that can cause allergies, banana is not listed.

There's another problem here. The exotic fruit contains components that help remove water from the body. Fluid is removed from all tissues, including blood. It becomes more viscous.

If a pregnant woman suffers from varicose veins or has ever experienced thrombophlebitis after an IV or injection, it is better to avoid eating bananas.

So, banana is a storehouse of vitamins and minerals with high nutritional properties. Can consuming it cause heartburn? Yes, it can, but in rare cases, if it is unripe, treated with chemicals, as well as in case of overeating and problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Pregnant women should reduce the amount of bananas in their diet, especially if they have problems with varicose veins or high blood viscosity.

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