Girl with coffee
Negative effects of coffee on health: why can it become bad?
The human body is constantly changing, as befits an active system. Therefore, you may feel sick from drinking
A lump of food is stuck in the esophagus - what to do in this situation
Have you been struggling with GASTRITIS and ULCERS for many years without success? "You'll be amazed how easy it is to
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Burning sensation in the throat: lesions, treatment and prevention
A burning sensation in the esophagus occurs for various reasons. Most often, this symptom indicates illness
Nausea during pregnancy
Bitterness in the mouth nausea dizziness weakness causes
Why does the problem occur? Temporary nausea and bitterness in the mouth are usually nothing more than
Pain after defecation: causes, possible diseases, treatment, prevention
Causes of pain and burning in the anus Itching in the anus, pinching, burning,
Bran for constipation: how to take, which one to choose? Brewing recipes, advantages and disadvantages of treatment
Getting rid of constipation is not difficult, because today every pharmacy chain has a lot of effective drugs.
Is pumpkin a laxative? Juices for constipation
Is pumpkin a laxative? Juices for constipation
Pumpkin seeds: benefits and harms There are already many benefits and harms of this product for the intestines
The benefits of mineral water for constipation in children and adults
The mechanism of action of mineral water The effectiveness of mineral water for constipation is explained by the principle of its action. Finding yourself
The patient has problems with bowel movements after laparoscopy
How to go to the toilet without pain after hemorrhoid surgery
Laparoscopic operations are minimally traumatic for the patient, which is why their popularity is steadily growing. However
Undigested food in stool: causes of diarrhea with leftover food pieces
Undigested food in the stool of an adult: causes, diagnosis and treatment
Is this a pathology or a variant of the norm? About changes in the color, smell and consistency of stool
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