Mineral water for heartburn: names, ranking of the best, country of origin and chemical composition
Water is the basis of human life. All metabolic processes in our body occur with its
Linex for diarrhea: instructions for use
Drug-induced diarrhea A phenomenon called watery diarrhea, characterized by very frequent loose stools, is caused by
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Why the stomach growls in an adult and a child - reasons, what to do. How to get rid of rumbling in the stomach, treatment
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Mezim for heartburn: does it help, characteristics, application
Heartburn is a truly “acidic” word that accompanies the unpleasant state of lack of appetite, nausea. In modern world
Darkening of stool can also be caused by taking Activated Charcoal.
Pain in the stomach at night: causes and treatment methods
Types of painful sensations According to the nature of the course, gastric pain can be: Visceral. In this case, they get irritated
I go to the toilet often - 10 reasons and how to solve the problem
Frequent bowel movements but not diarrhea is a symptom characteristic of various work disorders
Diet “Table No. 3” according to Pevzner: recommendations and menu for the week
The scientific foundations of diet therapy were developed in the 19th century, when they began to study in detail the physiology and
Discomfort in a woman's lower abdomen
What to do if you have discomfort and discomfort in the abdomen
Causes of discomfort in the lower abdomen Past illnesses for which treatment had to take antibiotics, pregnancy, stress,
Constipation in infants
Psychological constipation in a 3-year-old child Komarovsky
It is not for nothing that the human body is compared to a clock: the operation of all systems is ensured not only by physiological,
Nausea before childbirth: how long does it take to start?
Vomiting during early and late pregnancy: why does it occur and what to do?
Abdominal prolapse before childbirth If you look at your exchange card, you will see there
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