It is not for nothing that the human body is compared to a clock: the operation of all systems provides not only physiological, but also emotional comfort. But sometimes it happens that a well-coordinated mechanism fails. And situations when a child begins to become constipated are especially worrying. The reasons may be quite objective: the baby ate too much flour or received a bowl of rice porridge for breakfast. The situation is much more serious when difficulties with defecation become psychological in nature, in other words, children are afraid to poop. What are the reasons for such fear and what are the methods to solve the problem?
Why are children afraid to go to the toilet or potty?
First of all, you need to understand what psychological constipation is. This is the hardening of feces as a result of the fact that the baby wants to relieve himself, but restrains himself and endures. Thus, a vicious circle results: the child is afraid to go to the toilet for the most part, and subsequently cannot do it normally.
This is interesting. In medicine, psychological constipation is called neurogenic.
Often the onset of psychological constipation is observed at the age of two and coincides with the period of potty training
Difficulty with bowel movements usually first occurs at 2–3 years of age. This is the period when the child is already beginning to realize his physiological needs, but does not yet fully understand their necessity and naturalness. There are cases when children 2-3 years old believed that pooping was something shameful. In older children, psychological constipation is usually observed if they encountered such a problem at a younger age and, importantly, did not overcome it .
This is interesting. From the age of one, the child should poop 1-2 times a day. Allowed once every 2 days; a longer delay in defecation is considered constipation.
Causes of constipation in a child from the first year of life until the period of schooling
There are not so many causes of psychological constipation, that is, parents can almost accurately determine the nature of the problem that caused bowel problems.
- Bad memories. Perhaps the baby experienced an unsuccessful bowel movement. For example, there was diarrhea, and my mother was very upset when she saw her dirty panties. Now the little one doesn’t want to upset his family, so he thinks it’s right to restrain his urges. Or constipation occurred not so long ago, and then when visiting the toilet the baby was in pain, microcracks appeared around the anus - also unpleasant memories.
- Embarrassment. Very often, neurogenic constipation is observed in children who begin to go to kindergarten. It is likely that the baby is ashamed to poop in front of other children, since he is used to doing his business at home in a familiar environment. By the way, this is the most common reason for difficulties with defecation of a psychological nature in schoolchildren - a public toilet is disgusting.
- Stress. It is not by chance that this reason is singled out separately from the previous one. The fact is that parents should treat with great trepidation and attention how the baby recovers: how often, in what place (on the toilet or on the potty, and in the small one - in yellow, and in the larger one - in the favorite one, with a backrest) . These little things create psychological comfort for the child while relieving himself. Don't neglect them.
- Fear of punishment. Here we are talking about such an important point as potty training. Not all children understand the first time that they need to empty their bowels not in their panties, but on the children's toilet. And parents, irritated by the circumstances associated with washing and cleaning, begin to sharply and loudly reproach the child for such an oversight. Here is the result: the baby finds the easiest way to solve the problem - not to poop.
Collective potty seating in kindergarten can be a challenge for a child and cause psychological constipation, especially if the baby is shy
Causes of psychogenic constipation
In adults, the causes of difficulty with bowel movements are:
- mental illnesses;
- dysfunction of the central nervous system;
- frequent stress;
- irregular work schedule;
- lack of comfortable living conditions, frequent absences from home, for example, on business trips;
- events that are going to happen in the future that cause excitement;
- depression;
- internal fears.
A person himself will not be able to understand whether his problem is connected with an internal, psychological state. It is important to promptly contact a competent specialist who can separate intestinal dysfunction from the patient’s personal problems. To begin with, it is important to eliminate the physiological factors that provoke constipation. If this does not help, you should consult a psychotherapist or psychologist.
Most often, psychological constipation occurs in adults, especially if they spend a lot of time in public view and psychologically cannot afford to leave due to a great natural need. But this is only one of a number of possible reasons. Usually, the exact cause-and-effect relationship in which constipation occurs due to stress is difficult to immediately determine.
The specialist may need a more complete list of symptoms. Moreover, it should affect both psychosomatics and physiology.
The following features may be important in making a diagnosis:
- loss of appetite;
- insomnia;
- stomach ache;
- flatulence;
- headache;
- increased gas formation, etc.
Since disturbances in the nervous system negatively affect the functioning of all body systems, in some cases this leads to changes in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, causing additional problems leading to constipation. You can only get more detailed information about the source of the problem and options for solving it with the help of your doctor.
A visit to a specialist is also necessary because self-administration of medications often leads to incorrectly calculated doses and negative consequences for the body. At the same time, if psychological factors play the main role, and a person takes medications designed to solve problems with the gastrointestinal tract, the desired effect will not be achieved.
Consequences of constipation: what fear of defecation can lead to
If a child begins to have problems with bowel movements, you need to act immediately, otherwise the consequences may be too serious:
- bloating caused by stagnation of feces leads to pain in the heart and other organs, which is explained by a reflex reaction to constipation;
- lack of appetite, as a result of which the baby loses weight;
- belching, which is accompanied by the release of unpleasant air and a disgusting taste in the mouth;
- change in mood - the baby becomes capricious, less active, less able to work, and sick due to intoxication of the body.
This is interesting. If the problem with stool is not solved, then by the age of 5–6 years, sleep begins to be disturbed, concentration decreases and memory deteriorates, the color of the skin changes (they become yellowish).
What is the treatment?
Many parents know firsthand about the problem of constipation in children. If a baby has a tummy ache, he cannot tell his mother about it. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention in time to the fact that the child has no bowel movement for several days.
Constipation is a dysfunction of the digestive system, which manifests itself in the form of rare stools and difficulties during bowel movements. The mode of defecation depends on the age of the child and the characteristics of his diet. As a rule, constipation occurs due to fluid deficiency, poor diet, or taking antibacterial drugs.
If you do not know how to treat constipation in a child, Komarovsky will help you cope with this unpleasant phenomenon.
If the cause of stool retention is not eliminated, constipation can become chronic and then it will be difficult to get rid of it. Some people suffer from constipation for many years, which dates back to childhood. Regularly using laxatives and enemas is pointless if the factors that provoke the disease are not eliminated.
Depending on the cause of the disease, there are three types of constipation:
- Functional – is a consequence of a violation of intestinal motor functions;
- Organic – occurs in rare cases and is associated with congenital diseases;
- Psychological – occurs in stressful situations.
The main cause of functional constipation in children, according to Dr. Evgeniy Komarovsky, is a lack of fluid in the body. Stool retention occurs when the baby drinks little water or gets moisture exclusively from lemonade, juice or tea.
In addition to fluid deficiency, there are other causes of functional constipation:
- Poor nutrition – predominance of fatty and protein foods in the child’s diet, lack of plant fiber;
- Decreased intestinal motility - most often this problem is typical for children who consume liquid cereals and crushed foods;
- Intestinal dysbiosis;
- Early transition to artificial feeding;
- Chronic fluid deficiency;
- Imbalance of intestinal microflora - taking antibacterial drugs and malnutrition leads to weak peristalsis and putrefactive processes;
- Food allergies - the intestinal walls are damaged by released histamines;
- Enzyme deficiency - food is poorly processed due to congenital diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
- Worm infestations;
- Iron deficiency in the body;
- Hypofunction of the thyroid gland;
- Abuse of medications that improve digestion or bowel movements;
- Frequent use of laxatives and enemas, as a result of which the intestines lose the ability to independently get rid of feces;
- Physical inactivity - an inactive lifestyle can cause atrophy of the muscles and intestinal walls;
- Gastritis, ulcer, diabetes mellitus;
- Hemorrhoids, rectal fissures.
Organic constipation is very rare. The causes of their appearance are congenital intestinal anomalies. In babies of the first year of life, a serious cause of stool retention is Hirschsprung's disease. In this case, surgical treatment is used.
A medical examination for organic constipation should be carried out if defecation disorders occur against the background of a normal lifestyle and balanced diet. Abdominal pain, bloating, and seething may be symptoms of formed adhesions, tumors, or polyps.
Psychological bowel retention often occurs during the period of adaptation to the conditions of a kindergarten or when being in unusual places (at a party, in a hospital). Prolonged ignoring of the urge to defecate leads to stool retention becoming chronic.
According to Dr. Komarovsky, there are three drugs that can be used for difficult bowel movements:
- Lactulose syrup;
- suppositories with glycerin;
- candles with sea buckthorn oil.
Under the influence of Lactulose, intestinal motility improves.
The drug has a laxative effect and accelerates the elimination of toxins without affecting the smooth muscles and intestinal mucosa.
Indications for its use are chronic stool retention, as well as digestive disorders in infants and children under the age of ten years.
According to Dr. Komarovsky, Lactulose syrup has the following effects on the body:
- increases the volume of feces;
- retains fluid in the intestines;
- increases intestinal contractility (peristalsis);
- stimulates the proliferation of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli.
Very often, infants suffer from bowel dysfunction, which leads to intoxication of the body and is extremely harmful to health. Enemas cannot be used constantly, as they destroy the intestinal microflora. In this case, Lactulose syrup is ideal. This drug is not addictive and is practically not absorbed into the blood, which makes it possible to use even for infants.
The syrup is taken with breakfast once a day. For children from seven to fourteen years old, the dose is fifteen milliliters. Preschoolers from one to six years of age are prescribed from five to ten milliliters of the drug. Babies aged one year and infants who are six weeks old take five milliliters of syrup.
As Dr. Komarovsky notes, under the influence of Lactulose, bifidobacteria begin to actively multiply in the intestines. This, in turn, leads to increased gas formation and the appearance of colic. To ensure that the treatment does not cause the baby discomfort in the tummy, Dr. Komarovsky recommends gradually increasing the dose of Lactulose.
In the first two days you should take one milliliter of the drug, in the next two days - two milliliters, then three milliliters of syrup. If the child’s condition has noticeably improved, the dose does not need to be increased to five milliliters.
As Evgeniy Komarovsky notes, the laxative medicine Lactulose can be taken without a pediatrician’s prescription only if difficult bowel movements are the only symptom and the child is no longer bothered by anything.
A contraindication to taking Lactulose is hypersensitivity to the drug.
During treatment, the following side effects may occur:
- abdominal pain;
- flatulence;
- loss of appetite;
- nausea;
- vomit.
As a rule, flatulence and abdominal cramps disappear two days after the first dose of the drug.
There is another medical drug that, according to Dr. Komarovsky, can be used without a prescription. This drug is called glycerin suppositories. It can even be used to treat children under one year of age. Glycerin suppositories soften stool and remove it from the baby’s intestines. Thanks to this remedy, the process of defecation occurs painlessly.
It should be emphasized that glycerin suppositories do not treat constipation, but only eliminate its symptoms. Frequent use of this product can harm your health, so it should be used only when necessary.
The composition of a glycerin suppository includes glycerin, sodium carbonate and stearic acid. Children's suppositories with glycerin are less concentrated than a similar preparation for adults.
From the age of three months, pediatricians recommend administering suppositories with glycerin at a dosage of 0.75 grams. This is half an adult candle or one child candle. For the treatment of newborns, this dose should be spread over three days.
Before inserting the candle, you need to wash your hands well. In order to perform the procedure correctly, the child should be placed on his back and his legs raised so that they rest on his stomach. You need to insert the candle into the anal passage very carefully, slowly. For ease of administration, you can drop oil onto the candle.
After introducing the product into the rectum, you need to lower the baby’s legs, squeeze the buttocks together and hold for several minutes. This is necessary so that the glycerin spreads and dissolves. As a rule, the effect occurs thirty minutes after administration of the suppository. This remedy is not recommended for use for inflammation of the rectum and fissures in the anus.
Very often, in conditions of fluid deficiency, children form dense lumps of feces, which scratch the anus during bowel movements. As a result, cracks appear, causing pain. To facilitate the process of defecation with cracks in the anus, Dr. Komarovsky recommends using suppositories with sea buckthorn oil.
Dr. Evgeny Komarovsky believes that defecation disorders in children are associated with a lack of fluid in the body. When there is a lack of moisture, stool becomes thick, making it difficult to pass through the intestines. Dr. Komarovsky draws attention to the fact that during periods of pronounced fluid loss (in hot weather, when playing sports or dancing), the child’s body must receive a lot of fluid. By replenishing the lack of fluid, according to a famous pediatrician, it is often possible to get rid of problems with stool.
To avoid stool disorders, Dr. Komarovsky recommends including cereals, fruits, vegetables, bran, and bread in the daily menu. Food should not be overly processed and not very soft.
To avoid problems with stool, Dr. Komarovsky advises following these simple rules:
- If your baby is fed formula milk, let him drink warm boiled water before eating;
- To prevent problems with bowel movements in infants, perform special exercises in which the baby lies on his back and the mother raises and lowers his legs. This procedure is done no more than ten times;
- Do not allow your baby to overheat. You should not constantly wrap your baby up and cover him with a warm blanket;
- Include potassium-containing foods in your baby’s menu – dried apricots, raisins, prunes;
- Give your infant a raisin decoction;
- Include yoghurts and curdled milk in your menu.
Dr. Komarovsky also advises teaching your baby to go to the toilet “in a big way” before bed or after breakfast, so that the process of defecation occurs in familiar home conditions.
According to a well-known pediatrician, it is possible to treat constipation in children on your own only when problems with stool are the only symptom. If using Lactulose, suppositories with glycerin and sea buckthorn oil it was not possible to normalize the digestion process, you need to contact your pediatrician.
How to help your child and rid him of the fear of sitting on the potty
It is necessary to act in three directions:
- consult with a gastroenterologist and get tested for dysbacteriosis (determining the number of lacto- and bifidobacteria) and scatology (detection of parasites);
- soften the stool (so that it passes painlessly and microcracks do not form in the future);
- remove the emotional block (give confidence that such a situation will not happen again).
This is interesting. It is very important not to give constipation a chance to appear, that is, you need to monitor what the baby eats: include more fruits and vegetables in the diet, reduce the amount of sweets and starchy foods.
For any health problems, you need to consult a specialist, and constipation is no exception.
Treatment to help you go to the toilet
If microflora imbalances or the presence of parasites are detected, the doctor will prescribe effective treatment and also select a suitable diet. A proper diet includes:
- juices (beetroot, carrot, pumpkin);
- water (daily intake is calculated using the formula: 50 ml per 1 kg of weight);
- dried fruits (prunes, dried apricots, raisins);
- fermented milk products (kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt).
This is interesting. Fermented milk products “no older than” 1–1.5 days are considered healthy. There is no positive effect from them in the future, but such fermented baked milk yogurts can cause constipation. Therefore, it is better to prepare homemade yogurt. Take 800 ml of hot, but not boiling, milk, a crust of black bread, 2 tbsp. l. sour cream at room temperature. Mix everything, put it in a warm place (for example, near a radiator) and after thickening, drink it within 12 hours.
If the baby does not want to eat vegetables raw, “hide” them in cutlets or soups. Don't like soup? Then we turn it into puree soup and pour it into a bottle - in general, we indulge our whims. The main thing is that the child receives what he needs for proper digestion.
If you need a bottle in order for your child to eat the right food, agree - the end justifies the means
In addition, it is very useful to give your child 1 tsp on an empty stomach. Vaseline oil. It is not absorbed, so it softens stool well and makes defecation easier.
And, of course, a specialist can recommend laxatives to ease stool:
But only a doctor should prescribe this or that medicine.
Psychological help to overcome the problem
First of all, mom and dad must be patient. Of course, at 2-3 years old a child already understands everything, you can explain to him that pooping is not painful, not shameful and not punishable. But! This needs to be done at the level of understanding of the baby, and also as many times as he needs to understand .
If you have caused (with candles, syrup, diet) the desire to poop, then get ready for the baby to fight with himself, hold back until the last minute, and cry. But finally, everything will happen. True, in your underpants. Under no circumstances should you be blamed for this! In this situation, it doesn’t matter where, the main thing is that it happened. Praise, kiss and emphasize that the tummy has stopped hurting and the butt is fine. When the block is removed, gradually train him to use the potty: try to catch the moment X, bring the potty, be happy that the poop ended up in the right place, etc.
How to help get rid of fears
First of all, parents must understand that children’s anxiety states do not go away with the help of force and punishment. They will only get worse, and the problem will grow.
It is necessary to show the child that the whole family supports him and understands the children's concerns. The method with fairy tales works very well. For example, a mother tells her child a story about a little “cuckoo” who loves to go for walks, but the baby won’t let her out. Then she gets offended and begins to hurt the baby’s tummy. And if the baby lets her out into the street, then she will be kind, and he will no longer get sick.
Playing with plasticine is also very helpful. During such activities, the child’s muscles completely relax, he is distracted from his fears and can easily go to the potty.
Advice from Dr. Komarovsky
Well-known to many, Dr. Komarovsky assures that constipation, if it is not caused by Hirschsprung's disease (underdevelopment of nerve endings in any part of the intestine, which leads to the accumulation of feces), does not require hospitalization. Evgeniy Olegovich advises consulting with your pediatrician and discussing the possibility of using glycerin suppositories and lactulose syrup (for example, Duphalac). It can be used from the first months of life. The effect of the drug is based on the fact that there is an increase in the volume of feces, and also the urge to defecate is stimulated due to the proliferation of bifidobacteria in the digestive tract.
Having solved the problem at the physiological level, one should engage in prevention, which, according to Komarovsky, will also eliminate the psychological block, including:
- organize proper nutrition;
- accustom your child to an active lifestyle;
- do not pollute the body, refuse harmful foods (fast food, sweets, carbonated drinks, etc.);
- monitor the regularity of bowel movements (preferably, teach the baby to sit on the potty at the same time);
- To breathe fresh air;
- drink more water;
- create a trusting environment in the family.
Prevention is needed to prevent psychological constipation from making itself felt.
What to do if the child does not poop every day: advice from Dr. Komarovsky - video
Psychological constipation in a child is a problem that needs to be solved simultaneously on several fronts: physiological, medical and emotional. At the same time, one should not diminish the fact that the effectiveness of any measures depends on the patience, attention and love of the parents - the closest people to the baby. This connection with mom and dad is very significant, not only in general in life, but also so that the little one is not afraid to go to the toilet in general.
Difficulties with bowel movements are not always due to poor nutrition or some kind of disease. Psychological constipation in a child is caused by completely different reasons and can occur in children of different ages. Find out how you can cope with this problem and how to prevent constipation in babies.
Psychosomatics of constipation in children and adults
In the modern world, constipation is becoming more and more common. Both adults and children are susceptible to it. It is customary to distinguish several types of constipation, depending on the mechanism of its occurrence:
- Nutritional. It depends on the nature of the diet;
- Neurogenic. Occurs when intestinal motility is impaired;
- Hypodynamic. Develops as a result of a passive lifestyle;
- Toxic. Produced as a result of poisoning of the body;
- Mechanical. This is constipation, which occurs due to physical compression of the rectum;
- Psychological. This type of constipation is associated with disorders occurring in the cerebral cortex.
Psychological constipation is associated with disorders occurring in the cerebral cortex.
Psychological constipation in both children and adults occurs due to the fact that the brain sends signals to the gastrointestinal tract to block the process of bowel movement. This can occur due to a nervous, excited, or depressive state. Sometimes the cause of bowel problems lies in a subconscious state. In such cases, the help of a professional psychologist is often required who can get to the truth and find out what is really bothering the person.
Psychological constipation in children is quite common. Moreover, if it occurs in adulthood, then there is a high probability that the beginnings of it arose in early childhood.
What is psychological constipation?
Psychological constipation is the absence or irregular bowel movements not associated with illness or other medical reasons. The baby feels the urge to defecate, but at the same time restrains the process.
Psychological constipation is not associated with infection, injury, or gastrointestinal abnormalities. This is a problem that arises at the level of psychology or the nervous system. Enemas and medications can only provide one-time help: treatment consists of eliminating the underlying cause.
What is neurogenic constipation?
Chronic constipation - which occurs due to nervousness - is a consequence of an imbalance between the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems. The depressive state of the patient also contributes to the development of this disease.
Today in medicine, neurogenic constipation is generally understood as long-term stool retention, which occurs due to disruptions in intestinal motility. This dysfunction is provoked by neuropsychic disorders, organic destruction of the brain and spinal cord, and complications of the pathology of internal organs.
Neurogenic constipation is classified into several subgroups:
- psychogenic;
- conditioned reflex;
- dyskinetic (spasm + atony);
- organic.
Stagnation of feces and waste products in the intestines is a characteristic complication for most mental disorders, from depression to anorexia nervosa. In practice, constipation is the only complaint of patients. However, after a thorough diagnosis of the body by a specialist, a sick person may experience sleep disturbances, inability to concentrate, increased irritability, excessive sweating on the skin, and a sudden loss of appetite. Such patients often take only laxatives and are content with temporary relief. But complete neutralization of the problem is achieved only after the elimination of the underlying disease.
Practical medicine highlights the side effects of taking special medications. These medications (including antidepressants) are used to treat mental illness and various types of nervous disorders. The prescription of such medications must be clearly justified by the appropriate specialist.
Causes of psychological constipation in children
The main cause of psychological constipation is fear of defecation. And why this occurs is exactly what parents need to find out.
- Here are a few reasons for not going to the toilet “by and large”: The pain of defecation, which the child once had to experience, and the fear of repeating this action. The baby remembered the procedure as something unpleasant, and now the urge to have a bowel movement makes him afraid of painful sensations. The child endures and tries to restrain himself as much as possible;
- Poor potty training. Psychological constipation occurs if parents are too zealous in trying to quickly potty train their child. Sometimes adults force the baby to sit on the potty for a long time and scold him. The baby remembers the situation as negative and associates it with the act of defecation. Most often, potty training results in psychological problems at 2 years old;
- Nannies or kindergarten teachers. Fear of defecation can be instilled not only by parents, but also by kindergarten teachers. Sometimes adults rush children or show dissatisfaction when the baby asks to go to the potty. I have heard several stories where teachers told children not to go to the toilet in large numbers, but to do it at home. As a result, the child is afraid to express his need or is embarrassed. For this reason, psychological constipation occurs at 3 years old, but can appear at the age when the child first encountered the problem, for example, at 4 years old.
- Recent surgery. If your baby has recently had surgery on the gastrointestinal tract, and bowel movements cause discomfort or pain, after the operation the child may be afraid to go to the toilet. Parents will have to show maximum patience and tact, since the baby really has a hard time.
- Mom's anxiety. This reason applies more to infants who are psychologically closely connected with their mother. If a woman is constantly worried or stressed, the newborn may experience constipation. Read the article about eliminating constipation in a newborn. To reduce worries and worries, you can include fairy tales about love for your baby:
- Haemorrhoids. A common cause is the development of hemorrhoids in children. The disease may occur from time to time and cause discomfort during bowel movements. The child remembers this state and is afraid to go to the toilet next time.
But before looking for a psychological cause of constipation, visit a pediatrician, get tested and make sure that the baby does not have hidden gastrointestinal diseases. Only a doctor can accurately diagnose and indicate what the solution to the problem will be.
Pediatricians and psychologists, thanks to their experience and many years of observation of children, have come to some conclusions that may explain the occurrence of psychological constipation in a child:
- The baby was unable to go to the toilet to poop for several days; as a result, the feces harden and natural bowel movements occur with painful sensations. Sometimes cracks even appear in the anus, which then take a long time to heal and bring a lot of inconvenience to the child. After a while, the baby restrains the process on his own so as not to experience such sensations again.
- The child is potty trained and punished if his attempts are unsuccessful. The baby understands that he is being punished for the process of defecation, and stops doing it so as not to receive negativity from his parents.
- The child is sent to kindergarten, and collective “get-togethers” on potties clearly do not suit him. He may be shy and tight. As a result, psychological constipation occurs after a few days.
- The baby suffered an intestinal infection with numerous diarrhea. He remembers how he felt when his stomach hurt and he grumbled. He also understands that every trip to the potty distracted him from an interesting game. On top of everything else, my mother was very upset by each new loose stool. Therefore, after recovery, the child begins to restrain his urge to go big, so as not to get sick again.
- A negative emotional environment in the family contributes to the development of psychological constipation in a 4-year-old child. At this age, the baby already very clearly senses the mood of his parents. He tries his best not to upset them. The child understands that during family scandals it is impossible to distract the mother, so that he too does not suffer. Then, at the moment of the urge to defecate, he begins to actively restrain himself.
Psychological causes of constipation in children can contribute to the development of even more complex conditions. For example, the next unpleasant surprise is smearing. This is when the baby voids a little into his pants.
What should parents and baby do?
Constipation caused by psychological reasons cannot be cured with medication alone. Parents will have to be patient and “work” with the child’s psyche in order to help the baby. You may need specialist help. Be prepared for the fact that you will have to change your behavior tactics and manner of communicating with your baby.
If the reason lies in the relationship with the kindergarten staff, you will have a serious conversation with the teacher, transfer the baby to another group or even to another institution.
Initially, your task is to evoke positive associations with the process of bowel movement. One of the methods is a special fairy tale.
Ways to deal with nervous constipation
Treatment is always complex. Despite the fact that the reasons lie in the nervous system and consciousness of the baby, the problem of defecation also causes somatic disorders. Therefore, after diagnosis, several methods are used simultaneously.
Working with a psychologist
The first step in eliminating nervous constipation is consultation with a child psychologist and attending sessions. Sometimes fears are suppressed so much that a simple conversation or a change in parental attitude does not eliminate the problem. A psychologist helps to identify the true cause of the fear of defecation and, using various techniques, teaches the child to fight fears.
In situations where pathology is provoked by errors in upbringing or parental conflicts, counseling may be needed not only for the child, but also for his parents.
Drug therapy
Since holding back the urge causes hardening of the stool and severe constipation, it is important to induce bowel movements as quickly as possible, cleanse the intestines and establish normal peristalsis. For this we use:
- enemas;
- candles with sea buckthorn oil;
- drugs in tablet form;
- drops and syrups;
- vitamin supplements.
All laxatives are prescribed for a short period of time (check with your doctor) to avoid addiction to the medicine.
Emotional support for parents
With psychological constipation, it is necessary to remember that its occurrence is associated with the characteristics of each individual child. The choice of means should not frighten the child, otherwise it will only aggravate the problems.
We recommend reading:
How to use a gas tube for newborns: instructions
Parental affection and love, explaining the need to take pills or syrups will help much better than a forced enema. The baby should be set in a positive mood and helped to believe that going to the toilet will no longer be associated with pain or discomfort.
A properly composed diet will allow your child to quickly cope with fears, because going to the toilet will become simple and painless. The following products help ensure normal peristalsis:
- compotes based on dried fruits;
- fresh juices;
- foods rich in fiber;
- kefir and cottage cheese in limited quantities;
- pure water.
At the same time, you should limit sweets, meats with a high fat content, and smoked foods. The beloved, but extremely harmful for children, “fast food” must be completely abandoned. There is a strict taboo on snacks, chips and analogues.
Daily regime
In addition to maintaining health, a constant and structured daily schedule provides the child with a sense of safety and security. It is important that the morning begins with simple and fun gymnastics.
During the day, quiet activities should be interspersed with active games and walks in the air with the opportunity to run, jump and climb on playgrounds in playgrounds.
How to treat?
Since psychological treatment is a long-term procedure, laxatives, suppositories, and enemas are used to alleviate the child’s condition. The latter are not the best option, as they can cause even greater injury to the baby.
Suppositories and enema
Give an enema or a suppository if the baby is not afraid and does not object. The best option is glycerin suppositories, which soften stool (read the article about other suppositories). Place the baby on his side, insert the suppository into the anus and squeeze the buttocks. Keep them like this for 3-5 minutes. Defecation will follow 10-15 minutes after the procedure.
An enema can be performed in different ways. The standard method is to use a rubber bulb and water heated to a temperature of 26-27 degrees. The volume of the enema depends on the age of the baby:
- up to six months – 40-60 ml;
- from six months to a year – up to 150 ml;
- from one year to 2 years – up to 200 ml;
- from 2 to 5 years – up to 300 ml;
- from 5 to 9 years – up to 400 ml;
- after 10 years – up to 500 ml.
Sequence of enema:
- Fill the rubber bulb with heated water.
- Squeeze the bulb until water appears in the tip.
- Lubricate the tip with Vaseline.
- Place the infant on his back and raise his legs, and a child after one year - on his side, pressing his knees to his chest.
- Insert the tip into the anus up to 5 cm for babies, 6-8 cm for older children.
- Slowly squeeze the water out of the pear.
- Without unclenching it, remove it from the rear hole.
- Squeeze your baby's buttocks for 10 minutes to help retain water in the intestines.
- Now allow your baby to have a bowel movement.
For children under 3 years old, you can do a Microlax enema. This is a drug that is a 3 ml tube with oily contents. It is enough to insert the tip into the anus and squeeze out the solution. Within 15 minutes, defecation will occur.
A possible temporary solution for constipation is a laxative. It gently helps cleanse the intestines without causing pain to the baby. For these purposes, it is convenient to use lactulose-based laxatives. For example, Duphalac.
The medication stimulates intestinal motility, enhances the absorption of salts and phosphates. Duphalac is available in sachets for children over 7 years old or syrup for children. Each age has its own dosage: up to one year – up to 5 ml; from 1 to 6 years – up to 10 ml; from 7 to 14 years – up to 15 ml; teenagers and adults – up to 45 ml.
There are “good people” who recommend using Forlax for these purposes, with the active ingredient macrogol. The active substance refers to polymers that help retain liquid. But this medicine is very difficult to take even for an adult, not to mention a child. You need to drink it long and a lot. I do not recommend it for children, especially when there are psychological problems with bowel movements. You will only make the situation worse and cause the opposite effect.
As mentioned earlier, psychological constipation can be solved comprehensively. A consultation with a neurologist is also possible. He, in turn, can prescribe sedatives based on valerian. Phenibut is a stronger sedative, but only a doctor can prescribe it. The drug has a number of side effects, do not self-medicate under any circumstances.
Read the article in detail about all treatment methods.
Psychological factor
The location where your baby defecates can affect his or her bowel movements.
The baby may not like the location of the toilet, its temperature, smell, or sanitary conditions. This is especially noticeable when traveling with a child far from home. Then constipation can be caused not by the peculiarities of the intestines, but by psychological reasons. This should be taken into account before you begin to treat constipation in your baby. If a child has anal fissures or hemorrhoids, he may want to go to the toilet, but hold back for fear of pain. In such a situation, candles based on sea buckthorn oil or glycerin can help. Komarovsky calls them one of the most accessible and harmless ways to cope with constipation in a baby under one year old.
Every mother will agree that the wrinkled faces of socialites suffering from abdominal discomfort, appearing on the TV screen, do not evoke even a thousandth of the emotions that you experience when a baby has difficulty emptying her bowels.
Every mother will agree that the wrinkled faces of socialites suffering from abdominal discomfort, appearing on the TV screen, do not evoke even a thousandth of the emotions that you experience when a baby has difficulty emptying her bowels. And let the faint of heart, refined ladies turn up their noses and pass by, and we will talk about one of the most discussed topics on the playground - constipation, the reasons for its occurrence and, of course, methods of getting rid of this scourge. But first, let’s find out what constipation is, without delving into the jungle of medical terms.
Constipation is difficult, slow, or irregular bowel movements.
The normal frequency of stool is considered to be once a day. Breastfed children have the right to have bowel movements as many times a day as they have had meals.
There are different types of constipation
Such constipation is usually detected from the first days of a baby’s life. Congenital anatomical defects of the intestine are to blame.
The only way to solve this problem is the intervention of a competent pediatric surgeon. In this situation (fortunately, which is quite rare), the mother must clearly understand the degree of her responsibility and understand that such a pathology cannot be treated with lotions, enemas, herbs and rolling out eggs, and the dear and defenseless baby suffers from the delay!
Occurs most often. This type of constipation indicates that the intestines, correctly formed by Mother Nature, for some reason do not want to work.
In the vast majority of cases, the culprits of the problem are poor nutrition and a sedentary lifestyle. Much less often, functional constipation is caused by hypotension or intestinal atony (constipation of this nature torments babies born with low weight).
The main weapon in the fight against functional constipation is a healthy lifestyle. Moreover, if we are talking about a baby, the nursing mother should receive healthy nutrition. Breastfeeding is the best way to prevent constipation in babies.
For children who have already tasted the delights of adult food and become familiar with toilet problems, it is important:
- Establish a drinking regime. The child must drink enough liquid! And not packaged juices or soda, but ordinary clean water and compote. By the way, boiled water is also not the best choice for constipation.
- Invite to the table: vegetables, fruits, herbs, coarse cereals, fresh yogurts, one-day kefir, prunes, dried apricots, raisins (and other foods rich in potassium).
- Point to the door: chocolate, sweet pastries, starchy products, sausages.
And it’s very important for mom, after finishing reading our article, to force herself to finally turn off the computer and go outside!
And the baby’s anatomy is in perfect order, and the mother monitors her nutrition, and the baby moves enough, but the butt is locked - and that’s all. When trying to do a big thing, the baby shrinks and becomes capricious. Children suffering from psychological constipation can hold back their feces for up to 5-7 days! And when the lid breaks off, bowel movements occur with pain, cracks in the anus appear, and blood may appear.
The alleged list of culprits for psychological constipation in a child is quite wide. Remember, perhaps a child once experienced pain when going to the toilet and is now afraid of it happening again? Or maybe you have recently joined the ranks of kindergarten students? The cause of constipation may be a conflict in the children's team or fear of a teacher who is too strict.
Make sure that in the kindergarten the child is allowed to go to the toilet upon request (lunch, sleep, a walk, a music or group lesson, and even a visit from the president are not reasons to prohibit the baby from going to the bathroom!). Sadly, similar causes of psychological constipation can occur in schoolchildren (the teacher did not allow them to go to the toilet during class and made fun of them in front of the children).
Normalizing the process in this case is perhaps more difficult than with functional constipation, but for loving parents nothing is impossible. The main remedy in your case is an absolutely friendly atmosphere in the family, in the team that the child attends, perhaps a consultation with a psychologist. Be sure to make sure that your baby does not have anal fissures!
Also, pay attention to the environment in which the baby is doing something so important for the whole family. A beautiful potty or a soft children's toilet seat cover, warmth, absence of unpleasant odors, cleanliness and comfort (yes, yes - the toilet should be cozy!) - are very important for a child. A small nuance - make sure that the baby has reliable support under her feet.
Many mothers and grandmothers were very surprised to find no radical methods to solve constipation problems. Indeed, everything is somehow just wrong, because the shelves of pharmacies are full of the most delicate and most natural laxatives, traditional suppositories, and a rubber enema spout sticks out menacingly from the home medicine cabinet.
But, by and large, there is no difference between swallowing an antibiotic and a laxative, only the terrible word antibiotic for some reason evokes awe in mothers, but a laxative does not. First of all, it is worth remembering that it is natural to perform the act of defecation, or, more simply, to poop, without the help of auxiliary means.
Of course, it is not customary to discuss constipation problems in society, but this does not make them any less important. And, as the ancient Greeks said (who were always respected for their special worldly wisdom): Have a good bowel movement! .
Children's health
psychological constipation - how to cope with it?
The child is 3 years old and suffers from psychological constipation, i.e. holds poop inside when he urges and then doesn’t poop for 5-7 days. Medications do not help, dysbiosis was treated, worms too. Please help me with advice from someone who has been able to cope with this.
we were treated with homeopathy, praised, encouraged, promised all the blessings of life for the result, but
during a difficult period they did enemas and suppositories, I really sympathize. We suffered terribly :(((
oh, my son had the same problem when he was 2 years old.
My little one pooped while standing (and peed too) and didn’t want to sit on the potty. He refused diapers himself, but he didn’t want to be pooped. As a result, there is constipation for 3 days, and a suppository for 3-4 days.
1) Did you go to the potty normally before? If yes, then find out what happened and why it stopped. And eliminate the cause of psychological discomfort. Maybe, for example, you don’t like the potty (it’s inconvenient). 2) Do not swear or irritate the child under any circumstances. And don’t be nervous yourself either (at least so that you can see it).
Do not reproach even in a gentle tone. Do not discuss out loud with relatives and friends. 3) I gave Senadexin in the evenings (I adjusted the dose starting from half a tablet, 3/4 was enough for us). He just couldn't keep it to himself and gradually got used to pooping on the potty. Then the dose was gradually reduced, and then completely stopped.
Don’t take point 3 as advice, I told you our experience.
my daughter has the same problem
Can Senadexin be given to a 2.6 year old child? We have the same problem. I read that it should not be given to children. how long did you give these pills?
I don't know if it's possible or not. I am not a doctor.
I do not recommend giving Senadexin. I read about Senadexin from Komarovsky, but it doesn’t say anything about age or duration of use. I was also afraid to give Senadexin, but pooping once every 3 days and then with a candle finished us off. And this despite the fact that my son wanted to poop regularly, but he held his butt to the last. Talking didn't help. I have not found a children's analogue of Senadexin.
also suffered from 2 to 3 years
We went to a psychologist, a neurologist. During critical periods, only candles saved us. Face-to-face consultations did not help at all. And here they helped me a lot
I consulted with this psychologist and followed her advice. And everything went away :)) Maybe the child just outgrew this fear, but I was given great support on this site, for which I thank them. There are a lot of threads like this, read it
We have the same problem, we are 2 years 10 months old
They could only poop with a suppository or an enema, but after a long time of explanations and persuasion that they couldn’t tolerate and hold back because mom would give an enema. I think I understand.
Reviews of positive treatment
Most parents whose children have experienced psychological constipation claim that treatment is successful. Often the cause of the problem is improper potty training or the negative attitude of kindergarten teachers.
Treatment consists of eliminating psychological pressures. For some children, a fairy tale told by their parents was enough. In severe cases, the help of a psychologist is required.
Parents achieve bowel movements using laxatives, enemas or suppositories. The entire course of treatment lasts up to 2-3 months. There is no need to expect quick results for psychological constipation.
If you are facing the same problem, be patient with your baby. Don’t scold him and try to find out the reason so as not to lead to a chronic condition. Use medications when necessary and only as a last resort. Remember that the problem lies in the psychological area.
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What is good to include in your diet?
There are products that must be present in the daily menu of a baby who suffers from psychological constipation. Beetroot helps cope with this problem very well.
You can prepare a simple dish from it. The beets must be boiled until tender. Then peel and grate on a fine grater. You can add pickled cucumber in the same consistency to the finished mass. The salad is dressed with sunflower oil and slightly salted.
Prunes also have a good effect on intestinal motility. You can make compote from it or buy ready-made baby puree and offer it to your child for an afternoon snack.
Particular attention should be paid to the baby's drinking regimen. First of all, you need to offer him half a glass of fresh, unboiled water in the morning on an empty stomach. It is advisable to use bottled.
During the day, the child should drink an amount equal to 50 ml per 1 kg of body weight. The liquid helps thin the stool and prevents it from thickening too much.
Psychological problems of constipation
Psychological constipation (fear of pooping in a baby) is a situation when a child deliberately restrains the urge to defecate. The result is an unpleasant experience. It occurs in children aged 2-3 years.
The baby needs the help of his parents. Let's analyze cases that can cause psychological constipation.
Case 2. The child constantly lives in anxiety and tension. When surrounded by loved ones, the baby does not receive enough love and attention. During his time with toys, he poops on the spot (in his pants). Accordingly, the little one is punished for ruining his clothes. After such cases, the baby is afraid to poop, so as not to upset the parents. Psychological constipation occurs.
Case 3. The child began to get used to the toilet. This whole unfamiliar system (the process of climbing stairs, the sound of water, the drainage system, child seats) scares the baby.
Case 4. The baby suffers from diarrhea. At this age, it is difficult to control such disorders. Memories of terrible moments (tummy pain, bad smell) can cause psychological constipation.
One of the main causes of constipation and diarrhea is the use of various medications.
To improve bowel function after taking medications, you need to drink a simple remedy
Psychosomatic constipation is usually accompanied by additional symptoms, and not just stool retention. It includes such signs as:
- pain in the abdominal area;
- gas formation;
- bad breath;
- sleep disorders;
- lack of desire to eat;
- muscle pain, headaches;
- symptomatic manifestations of general poisoning of the body.
In such cases, it is extremely important to promptly empty the intestines of feces collected in it. Then it is recommended to use suppositories, enemas, medications, and herbs. However, if the constipation mechanism is triggered due to the fact that the person is constantly tense, which is why the sphincter does not unclench, the psychotherapist may prescribe tranquilizers and antidepressants.
Bowel dysfunction occurs for many reasons, most often related to diet and physical activity. This condition has certain symptoms, the course of which differs depending on the severity of the disease and the lever of its development. At the same time, the psychosomatics of constipation in adults has its own characteristics.
We can talk about a psychogenic type of constipation if the pathological process is accompanied by:
- insomnia;
- muscle soreness;
- headache;
- restless sleep;
- increased gas formation;
- frequent causeless pain in the lower abdomen;
- weakness and apathy.
You should consult a doctor if proper nutrition and medications for constipation bring only temporary relief. If an examination by a doctor does not reveal any abnormalities in physical health, then treatment for regular constipation should be carried out under the supervision of a psychotherapist.
Causes of psychological constipation
Psychological constipation can occur due to the following:
- poor nutrition;
- lack of fluid and fiber;
- stress;
- suppressing the urge to go to the toilet;
- change of environment, visit to kindergarten.
By the age of two, the child’s defecation processes have developed; the baby is able to completely control this process.
As a result, psychological constipation forms, which is difficult to eliminate, since the problems of constraint and tightness do not disappear.
E. Malysheva’s recipe for constipation
My dears, it is not expensive pills that will help you normalize digestion and stool, and relieve constipation, but a simple folk, long-forgotten recipe. Write down quickly, brew 1 tbsp. spoon.
The nature of psychosomatic constipation
A person is often in a state of worry about how society perceives him. This eternal “problem” is accompanied by thoughts about an insufficient level of financial well-being and dissatisfaction with the current job. The nature of negative thoughts is destructive and has a direct impact on a person’s psychological state. As a result, long-term stool retention develops due to nervousness. Physiological studies have long established that feelings of anger and fear provoke contraction of the muscles of the anus, which significantly complicates the process of emptying.
Psychological constipation is closely associated with a feeling of complete powerlessness, a minimal level of control and a feeling of personal powerlessness. On a subconscious level, the patient fears any changes. In this case, you must immediately contact a qualified specialist. Constipation from nerves is difficult to eliminate on your own.
Quite often, pathological intestinal disorders occur in childhood. The child receives a dose of stress during his first attempts to attend kindergarten. Such psychological stress contributes to the development of defecation failures. Many parents don’t even think about the fact that a very minor conflict between them can cause the baby to delay bowel movements. After all, the child takes everything around him quite seriously. The child’s worldview significantly affects his well-being in general and the functioning of the digestive system in particular.
If the patient does not have serious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract or disruptions in the functioning of the endocrine system, then it can be assumed that there are psychosomatic causes of constipation. The symptoms of nervous digestive disorders are similar to those observed due to other factors.
Symptoms and complications
Constipation is characterized by a number of symptoms.
With psychological constipation, abdominal discomfort and pain syndromes may occur. It becomes easier when gases come out or bowel movements occur.
Abdominal bloating occurs and lumps appear. Children 2 years old may complain of pain in the heart or other organs. This is a reflex reaction of the body.
The need for food decreases and unpleasant gases are released with belching. An unpleasant aftertaste remains. The child begins to feel sick and have a headache, and the child feels unwell. Has a high level of irritability.
Every day, activity and ability to work decrease and muscle pain plagues us. These symptoms indicate that intoxication of the body is occurring, which is produced by feces.
One of the main causes of constipation or diarrhea is poor diet.
Therefore, to improve bowel function, you need to drink a simple drink
How to determine the cause of neurogenic constipation?
In this case, the first indicator that the patient has nervous constipation is the satisfactory condition of all his internal systems.
Constipation due to stress can be diagnosed independently if the following signs are present:
- when staying in completely new places, a person tries not to use the toilet;
- attempts to empty the bowels outside the home do not bring results, despite the fact that bowel movements are easier at home.
These indicators suggest that constipation occurs due to stress caused by a new place or simply self-restraint from visiting toilets outside your own home.
In some cases, it is almost impossible to eliminate constipation until the specific cause of its occurrence can be established. Laxative medications only temporarily make a sick person feel better. Soon the symptoms of the disease recur again. Most gastroenterologists argue that psychological disorders in the human body closely border on malfunctions of the digestive organs.
Nervous constipation occurs after severe stress. From a physiological point of view, the intestine is a rather sensitive organ. He instantly reacts to negative emotions and psychological overload. The muscle fibers in the anal area contract involuntarily. Thus, disruptions occur in the functioning of the entire intestine.
Most often, it is quite difficult to determine exactly why neurogenic constipation occurs in adults. It is possible to identify the problem and determine the disease that caused constipation only when other symptoms appear. For example, abdominal pain and poor appetite, insomnia and headache, increased gas formation, flatulence, and the like.
What to do if your child is afraid to poop?
There are many psychological ways to help a child overcome fears. You need to understand that every child is individual.
If one child can be helped by “super” vitamins, then for an older child it is stupid, but a therapeutic fairy tale will give the desired result.
- You need to respect your baby's fears. There are reasons for these very fears. You can’t say: “There’s nothing wrong with that! It won’t hurt.” The baby needs your support; it is important for him to realize that you took his feelings seriously.
Understanding is very important. The child expects support from his parents.
- Children need to be told therapeutic stories. Let the hero of your fairy tale have the same fear as your child and defeat him. You can make up a fairy tale or use a ready-made one.
- Turn into a wizard for your child. The most effective way! Prepare “miracle” cookies for your baby, which will help you not feel pain, or buy “unusual” pills, after trying which your child will feel much more confident. You need to come up with a legend for each auxiliary element. The child will ask many questions, for which you will prepare in advance.
- It is necessary to explain the reasons to the child. This method is suitable for children over 4 years old. Try to explain to your child what the physiology of digestion is in accessible language.
Options: books about body structure, fairy tales or games.
Treatment methods
Psychological constipation in children should be treated comprehensively only after diagnosis in the clinic. Only a comprehensive and professional examination will determine the causes of constipation, which will help select effective treatment methods.
You can restore a stable bowel movement using the following tips:
- Children 2 years of age are recommended to eat a diet containing natural mixtures.
- Children 3 years old are accustomed to public toilets under the supervision of a psychologist.
- Children 4 years of age must be examined in a clinic if there is a suspicion of a nervous breakdown.
- The psychosomatics of each patient is important in order to determine the extent of the disease.
Special diets for constipation are the first recommendation for all types of constipation, because it is a balanced diet that allows you to establish a stable digestive process.
How to treat psychological constipation?
To solve the problem of psychological constipation that has developed, sometimes parental help alone is not enough. Consultation with a pediatrician is required. An experienced specialist will give recommendations for the treatment of psychological constipation.
Duphalac is a popular laxative for constipation. The base is lactulose. The syrup is taken in 5 ml doses, then you need to gradually increase the dose.
At the end of taking the medicine, you need to reduce the dosage and then stop taking it.
Domperidone is a gastrointestinal motility stimulant for psychological constipation.
Diet and daily routine
A special diet helps ease the baby's stool. Help the child as a whole family. He sees how you support him and perceives the situation better.
When treating psychological constipation, it is not recommended to consume foods such as:
The main foods for psychological constipation include:
- Cereals (10 g + baby’s age 2 years = 210 g), vegetables, fruits;
- Lean meats, butter, eggs;
- Pure water;
- Yoghurt, curdled milk, kefir.
In advanced cases, children can be assigned to children's table No. 3 and 4.
It is very necessary for a child’s body to follow a certain daily routine.
What do Israeli proctologists say about constipation?
Constipation is very dangerous and very often this is the first symptom of hemorrhoids! Few people know, but getting rid of it is very simple. Just 3 cups of this tea a day will relieve you of constipation, flatulence and other problems with the gastrointestinal tract.
Every morning you should give your baby a glass of clean water and do light exercises with him.
After these procedures, you can rock the baby. Throughout the day, the baby’s physical activity is required.
Movement helps the baby's intestines and overall digestion work.
Stage two – effective treatment
Stool retention occurs against the background of disturbances in intestinal motility, which causes a large number of unpleasant sensations. Therefore, special attention must be focused on proper and balanced nutrition. This requires a special diet, which includes:
- a special diet of fresh vegetables rich in fiber. This will significantly speed up the therapy and recovery period;
- drinking juices and decoctions. Decoctions of dried apricots, prunes and figs will be beneficial for the intestines. It is recommended to drink juice 30 minutes before a meal;
- lack of sweets, home-baked goods, smoked food ingredients, fatty meats;
- the presence of fermented milk products, which are very beneficial for the intestines.
The pantry of folk wisdom is replete with a large number of recipes that can put the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract in order. Laxatives must be properly prepared. For example, the healing properties of flax seeds are widely known. But to get an effective result for constipation, you need to prepare a high-quality infusion. For this, 1 tsp. seeds of the plant are poured with 250 ml of boiling water. The liquid must be infused in a warm place for at least 4-5 hours. There should be absolute silence in the utility room. The infusion is taken strictly in the evenings, 80 ml before going to bed. Plantain leaves can be an effective alternative. 3 parts of the shoot are poured with 500 ml of boiling water, infused for 30 minutes, and then carefully filtered. The course of treatment should last about 45 days.
The process of treating psychological constipation is based on the productive elimination of unfavorable emotional situations. Do not forget that no medicine will have an effective effect on the problem if the nervous system is under constant tension. The patient simply needs to gain peace of mind and not take life’s difficulties painfully. Overcoming obstacles must involve prudence and calmness.
Be healthy!
Functional constipation
With this type of illness, there is an absence of bowel movements for up to three days, pain and bloating, and a prolonged urge to defecate, which ends in success. In this case, no changes in the intestines occur. Functional constipation belongs to a group of diseases that are combined into IBS (irritable bowel syndrome). They often have a chronic form and are not always cured.
Many people who have this pathology do not recognize themselves as sick and do not go to doctors, since the disease does not affect their quality of life. Other people see a doctor because they are experiencing discomfort that is affecting their lives. When interviewing patients, they reveal the psychosomatics of constipation, which manifests itself with an abundance of stress and neuroses, mental disorders and emotional disturbances, and is also influenced by certain living conditions. Therefore, treatment should be carried out not only by a gastroenterologist, but also by a neurologist and a psychologist.
Diet for constipation
Diet therapy for diarrhea will be aimed at excluding protein-rich foods from the child’s diet.
You can give your baby one-day kefir, black bread (and it is better to limit or remove white bread), yogurt, apple juice, and yogurt.
By drinking yogurt before bed and eating steamed prunes, you can eliminate constipation in 1 out of 4 cases, without using other medications. Komarovsky also emphasizes that there are no products that are categorically not recommended and must be used for constipation. The approach should always be individual.
Treatment of children
The child has difficulty coping with psychological constipation. Parents are advised to promptly pay attention to their child’s complaints, such as lack of appetite, pain or bloating. The child’s diet must be varied with vegetables and fruits, dairy products. At the same time, parents should talk with their children about their problems, it is necessary to find out the cause of constipation and explain to the child how to deal with it.
You can tell your child that it is not safe to endure, because you can get sick. But you can't scare children. You need to be patient and praise your baby even for trying to go to the toilet, even if it is unsuccessful. It is also recommended to reduce control over the child, giving him more freedom. It cannot be said that going to the toilet is ugly and disgusting, as children develop a sense of guilt.
Of course, psychological constipation is an unpleasant problem, but it can be eliminated by directing efforts to change habits, diet and routine.
Constipation is quite easy to determine psychosomatically. Often, such intestinal problems originate from childhood and appear at any age. Psychologists say that most often, difficulties with defecation are observed in people with an unstable emotional background, which is characterized by certain behavioral habits. Restoring stool in case of psychogenic constipation occurs using a special method, which includes not only nutritional correction, but also working on your thoughts and the ability to relax psychologically.
Freud on the problem
Studying the problem of intestinal dysfunction, an Austrian psychiatrist found that most often the psychosomatics of constipation in adults manifests itself when a person has a stubborn character, a tendency to frugality and a deep pedantic love of cleanliness. These three qualities are now commonly called Freud's anal triad. Of course, this assumption is controversial; today it is unclear how these factors influence the development of pathology.
Sigmund Freud argued that when parents force children to share all their things or, conversely, incline them to greed, the child develops a holding personality type. As he grows up, he becomes reserved and controlling, he is stubborn, conservatistic, and sometimes cruel. Such people cannot stand disorder and find it difficult to part with the past. This personality type is characterized by a deep attitude, which is manifested by constant restrictions and need.
These personality traits manifest themselves very strongly, such is their psychosomatic constipation. People with this pathology are outwardly calm, but inside they experience very strong tension, which makes it difficult to relax the intestines.