What is intestinal transversoptosis, its causes and treatment
World statistics say that intestinal diseases account for a significant portion of all gastrointestinal pathologies.
Nagging pain in the lower abdomen in the middle of the cycle
Causes of nagging pain in the lower abdomen in women in the middle of the cycle
Physiological causes of pain If your lower abdomen pulls in the middle of the cycle, this pain
Is it possible to do an enema during pregnancy?
Is it possible for pregnant women to give an enema; features of the procedure
This unpleasant procedure does not happen often in life, but an enema can contribute to an effective procedure
Laxatives for constipation in women
Why do you experience constipation and bloating before your period?
Causes of delayed bowel movements During the menstrual cycle, the concentration of steroids in the blood plasma constantly changes.
Stomach hurts after childbirth
Intestines after childbirth - restoring work. Problems with stool after childbirth and cesarean section
How much does your stomach hurt after childbirth? Childbirth is associated with significant changes in a woman’s body. Exactly
Vomiting bile during early pregnancy
What may vomiting bile indicate during pregnancy at different stages and how to alleviate the condition
Why does vomiting of bile occur during pregnancy? Most often, pregnant women in the early stages feel sick in the morning,
Abdominal massage for constipation - simple and effective techniques       
Published 03/16/2019 · Comments: · Reading time: 6 min · Views: Post Views: 299
air in the stomach causes
Air in the stomach after eating: causes, treatment, how to get rid of it
Many people are familiar firsthand with such a nuisance as air in the stomach. This is
rumbling in the stomach
Foam during diarrhea: causes of deviation and methods of treatment
The frequency and consistency of baby's stool is always a concern for attentive parents. There are norms defined by pediatricians, but
Rumbling in the stomach and loose stools
What to do if you have diarrhea and constantly seething in your stomach
Such an unpleasant phenomenon as rumbling, seething can disrupt all plans and cause significant discomfort.
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