Decoction of rosehip, St. John's wort
Is it possible to drink sweet tea if poisoned?
Nausea is a natural reaction to an irritant. It manifests itself in the form of a negative painful sensation that causes
Nausea in a child, review of causes and treatment methods
From birth, parents take care of the health of their child, create all the necessary conditions,
Drinking strong alcohol
Stomach pain after drinking: first aid, how to treat it. Probability of alcoholic pancreatitis
It's no secret that all alcoholic drinks have a negative effect on overall well-being.
Why there is a feeling of incomplete bowel movement and how to get rid of it
Causes of bowel movement disorders Improper diet can cause constipation. Some
Hepatosplenomegaly: what it is, causes and treatment in adults and children
Hepatosplenomegaly is a simultaneous enlargement of the liver and spleen. This problem occurs in adults and children
Why does your right side hurt when running, and how to avoid it?
Features of pain in the side when running Quite often when running there is a stabbing sensation in the side
What should you do if your child has a stomach ache and is vomiting?
Most often, if a child is sick and has a stomach ache, young mothers suspect he has a food problem.
Stomach ulcer in a smoker
Vomiting and cigarettes: causes and consequences
Why do you feel sick after smoking? Nicotine and combustion products cause nausea for the following reasons: nicotine
The left side hurts during pregnancy, what to do for pain in the left side during pregnancy
Stitches in the abdomen during pregnancy: causes and localization
Why does the left side of the lower abdomen hurt during pregnancy? The stomach may hurt due to
Temperature after vomiting is a sign of food poisoning
Causes of appearance In 95% of cases, nausea is a symptom of the presence of a virus or infection in the
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