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Reduce fermentation in the intestines. Common causes of intestinal fermentation and remedies for the problem
The doctor will answer the question of why intestinal fermentation occurs. The digestive system includes
Belching sour: causes and threats
Belching with air: causes, symptoms, treatment
Belching is considered a completely natural process and is an expression of the normal functioning of the digestive system.
Black activated carbon tablets
How to properly use activated charcoal for diarrhea?
Activated carbon for diarrhea is an available enterosorbent agent. His appointment is justified by
Turns my stomach
Why does black diarrhea appear and how to treat it?
Black diarrhea is a serious and life-threatening symptom that should not be ignored.
Causes and treatment methods for yellow diarrhea in adults
Why does yellow diarrhea occur in an adult, what diseases can cause such a symptom?
abdominal pain
Causes of abdominal pain in the first days of menstruation
Menstrual pain is normal for most women. The first day is usually especially difficult.
Review of antibiotics and rules of use for diarrhea of ​​unknown etiology in adults
Why does diarrhea occur after taking antibiotics and how to treat it?
Prevention of antibiotic-associated diarrhea When treated with antibiotics, the number of microbes sensitive to them is reduced and inhibited
Where to put the “beer belly” - 5+ solutions for a toned figure
Causes of a hard stomach in healthy people If a person is sure that he has
Girl takes a pill
Why does diarrhea occur immediately after eating and methods of treatment?
The digestive system works much faster if there is overeating in the background
Inflammation of the duodenum 12 treatment with folk remedies
A duodenal ulcer is a chronic disease that is a defect in the lining of the organ. Unlike
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