Herbal tea with mint
Tea strengthens or weakens – Tea (black, green) strengthens or weakens?
Constipation is a problem with bowel movements that plagues a large number of people in childhood, adolescence
Causes and treatment of vomiting and diarrhea in a child
Medicines for diarrhea with vomiting, principle of action, types
Loose stools and vomiting are the most common symptoms of food poisoning in a child. But to parents
healthy breakfast
What can you eat if you have an upset stomach: list of allowed foods, menu
An upset stomach is often associated with a symptom such as diarrhea. However, for such a condition more
Hypersalivation, ptyalism, or excessive salivation: causes and methods of treatment
Nausea and increased salivation Everyone experiences nausea, regardless of age – and
What can an adult eat and drink after vomiting?
Vomiting in case of poisoning: rules of nutrition and drinking regime
What to do if you are vomiting If you experience nausea, you should immediately seek medical help.
Causes of abdominal injuries and their %
Causes of cramping pain in the stomach and their treatment
Stomach pain is pain in the area above the navel, in the 4th intercostal space
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Causes of heaviness in the pancreas
Tablets for heaviness in the stomach The feeling of heaviness is often accompanied by impaired intestinal motility - slow
The main causes of bloating and belching of air
Unpleasant sensations in the abdominal area can be caused by eating habits and certain habits. They
Colon endometriosis
Intestinal endometriosis - treatment and surgery
Treatment of colon endometriosis, under the guidance of Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Mikhail Andreevich Agapov, in
Feces with cholecystitis
Stool color during cholecystitis: reasons for its change
Updated: March 4, 2020, at 16:15 Diarrhea with cholecystitis is a common occurrence. IN
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