What diseases cause a child to develop fever and abdominal pain?
As the baby grows and develops, parents gradually learn about possible health problems.
Constipation medications for older people: if the intestines take a break
Causes of the problem You should first determine what constipation is. This is a state in which: devastation
Enterofuril for bloating: instructions for use
In the fight against food poisoning, the antimicrobial drug Enterofuril is recommended. Helps you cope with ease
Bifidobacteria and dysbacteriosis. How to restore balance and prevent the development of pathogenic microflora
Bifidobacteria are a type of beneficial microorganisms that occupy an important place in the intestinal flora. They control a lot
Why does heartburn sometimes occur after eating and how to treat it correctly
Everyone is familiar with the unpleasant warm feeling in the chest. People rarely think seriously about danger
Causes of gas in newborns, what to do to eliminate them in a baby
Almost every parent of a newborn baby faces a problem such as flatulence. What causes gases?
Woman holding her stomach with both hands
Lump near the navel - possible causes, photos and treatment
When to see a doctor The following conditions require emergency medical care: acute pain of high intensity,
Belching in pregnant women: how to get rid of an unpleasant symptom
Why do pregnant women experience belching and how to get rid of it? Various ailments can haunt
Healing herbs for bloating and gas
The formation of gases in the intestines is a natural physiological process. When gases are released too quickly
Feeding the baby
The best way to feed a child with diarrhea: we will organize proper baby food for diarrhea and vomiting
Loose stools in children are caused by poisoning, mechanical disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, and intestinal infection. In such situations
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