Pain in the lower abdomen in men - what symptoms indicate testicular diseases and the main causes of the development of pathologies

Eggs are one of our favorite breakfast foods. Whether they're scrambled or boiled, eggs not only taste delicious, but they don't always provide health benefits.

They are a rich source of protein and other nutrients. Unfortunately, on the other side, there are some people who experience stomach pain and indigestion after eating eggs.

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These are allergies related to egg whites. Along with stomach pain, there may be other accompanying symptoms. It depends on how severe the allergic reaction is.

What Causes Stomach Pain After Eating Eggs? An egg allergic reaction can be due to the yolk or egg white. Egg allergies are the second most common food allergy.

If you don't like eggs, the best way to avoid it is to prevent eating eggs and drugs made from eggs.

Stomach hurts after eating eggs

In any type of food allergy, the body's immune system perceives the compound as dangerous to the body. It responds by producing a substance called histamine.

This chemical is responsible for all the symptoms of an allergic reaction. Likewise, a person who has an allergic reaction to the protein present in egg yolk or white, the body's immune system reacts quickly against it.

It begins to produce antibodies, in the same way that the body produces antibodies to fight infections. These antibodies cause the cells to produce histamine, leading to the symptoms of an allergic reaction.

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If you have an egg allergy, your body's immune system reacts to the proteins in eggs as if they were dangerous. The body will try to eradicate egg whites in the same way it destroys viruses, by producing special antibodies.

If you have an egg allergic reaction, you will develop symptoms within minutes to several hours after taking the mixture you are allergic to.

Stomach hurts after eating eggs

With any food allergy, the body's immune system perceives the allergen as a danger to the body. It responds by producing a substance called histamine.

This chemical is responsible for all the symptoms of an allergic reaction. Likewise, the immune system of individuals who have an allergic reaction to the protein present in egg yolk or white will react quickly to it.

It begins to produce antibodies, just as the body produces antibodies to fight infections. Histamine is formed in the cells, and symptoms of poisoning appear.

If you have an egg allergy, your immune system reacts to the proteins in eggs as if they were dangerous. The body will try to eradicate egg whites in the same way it destroys viruses, by producing special antibodies.

If you have an allergic reaction to eggs, allergy symptoms will appear within minutes or perhaps a few hours after you eat a product containing eggs.

Contraindications and harm

There are virtually no contraindications for use. One general rule is correct processing or strict adherence to the chosen method for treatment. For pancreatitis and gastritis, eggs are contraindicated for children, pregnant and breastfeeding women. In individual cases, the product may cause an allergic reaction. In case of gastrointestinal dysfunction, diabetes and liver pain, a preliminary consultation with a doctor is necessary about the possibility of use or determining a safe amount. The main disadvantage is the high cholesterol content. However, with normal use and preparation, the substances contained do not adversely affect the body.


Symptoms of illness after eating eggs

Stomach pain after eating eggs is a typical symptom. Abdominal pain is usually accompanied by other intestinal problems such as gas, bloating, vomiting, nausea and diarrhea.

You may also experience a tingling sensation in your mouth or throat. Seek medical help if your stomach pain is severe or your vomiting persists.

Other symptoms of an allergic reaction to eggs include hives, allergic asthma and hay fever. Hives are considered the most common symptom of egg allergy.

Skin itching occurs, scratching appears, and open wounds can lead to secondary infection. Asthma symptoms such as difficulty breathing, shortness of breath and cough may occur. Hay fever is nasal congestion caused by allergies.

If you have a severe allergy, symptoms will appear within a few minutes; just eat one egg.

There are many other intestinal problems, accompanied by stomach pain, bloating, vomiting, and diarrhea. Symptoms such as tingling in the mouth and throat, itching and hives, and allergic asthma may relate to other diseases or be an allergic reaction to eating allergens other than eggs, which cause similar symptoms. In any case, before deciding that you are allergic to eggs, you need to rule out other diseases. Be sure to consult with an allergist.

Nutrition tips

Stomach pain after eating eggs may be caused by the fact that you are allergic to eggs. Consequently, other symptoms should appear, such as skin rash, nasal congestion or asthma. Egg allergy is the second most common allergic reaction to food.

If you have been diagnosed with an allergic reaction to eggs, you should avoid all foods containing them. Even if you are allergic only to the yolk or only to the white, you should stop eating eggs because it is impossible to separate them completely. Consult a specialist for an appropriate diagnosis.

An allergic reaction to eggs can cause anaphylactic shock. If you feel dizzy, unable to breathe or your throat begins to swell, call 103 (ambulance) immediately for medical assistance.

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Salmonella bacteria is another cause of stomach pain

In addition to egg white allergies, salmonella bacteria can cause stomach problems. Salmonella bacteria are usually found on the outer shell (shell) of the egg.

If they get on the egg yolk or white when you break the egg shell, you can get salmonella. This is an acute intestinal infection that leads to serious problems of the gastrointestinal tract. Symptoms include stomach cramps, vomiting, diarrhea and fever, headache. Salmonellosis is contagious.

The risk increases if you eat raw eggs.

How to get rid of stomach pain after eating eggs?

Even if you know for sure that the cause of your stomach pain is an egg allergy, you should consult your doctor. After evaluating and reviewing your medical history, your doctor may recommend antispasmodic and antihistamine medications depending on the severity of your condition.

If your doctor suspects salmonellosis, he may add an antibiotic to combat the germs. However, before you see a doctor, you can use natural home remedies to help reduce or eliminate stomach cramps.

  1. Don't eat solid food for several hours while your stomach hurts.
  2. Once the pain subsides, start with liquids such as apple juice, rice water, coconut milk, tomato soup, etc. However, do not consume foods that include eggs.
  3. Sit back and relax in a comfortable chair. Distract yourself with something pleasant.
  4. A warm compress on your stomach will help relieve stomach pain. You can use a heating pad with warm water or a glass bottle with warm water.
  5. Relax and take a few deep breaths.

How to make a diagnosis

If your lower back and testicles hurt, discomfort radiates to the lower abdomen, or any other discomfort occurs in this part of the body, you should consult a urologist. Diagnostics begins with the following procedures:

  • palpation of the scrotal organs;
  • rectal examination;
  • general blood and urine examination.

Further examination may consist of the following specific procedures:

  1. Macroscopy of a smear from the urethra.
  2. Analysis of prostate secretion.
  3. PCR to identify the causative agent of infection.
  4. Spermogram.
  5. Coprogram.
  6. Bacteriological studies.
  7. Ultrasound of the genital organs.


Most often, ultrasound can determine exactly why the discomfort occurred.

In cases where the prescribed diagnostic procedures did not help to identify the cause of the deviations, the patient needs a consultation with a proctologist and a neurologist.

What to drink at home if your stomach hurts to relieve pain

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Unfortunately, today, discomfort in the stomach, such as pain, increased gas formation, a feeling of heaviness, indigestion and pain in the abdomen, very often bother modern people. What to do when your stomach hurts?

Basically, the first thing most people do when they have stomach pain is to look for a home medicine cabinet that contains a pain reliever. The second half of the population resorts to folk healing methods. No matter how far modern pharmacology has gone, the medicinal gifts of nature are much more useful, and also allow you to prolong the relief of stomach pain for a much longer period of time than modern medications.

Inflammatory diseases

Sharp pain in the scrotum is characteristic not only of injuries and torsions, but also of inflammatory processes. Without timely treatment, consequences such as infertility, the development of abscesses, and gangrenous lesions are common.


The epididymis (epididimis) is a formation 1-2 cm wide and 6-8 cm long, tightly adjacent to the back of the testicle and connected to the vas deferens. A healthy appendage is soft and can be easily felt through the scrotum, but an inflamed appendage swells and responds to pressure with severe pain.

  • STDs (gonorrhea, syphilis, chlamydia) and intestinal bacteria;
  • impact, torsion, surgical interventions;
  • hypothermia;
  • taking certain medications (for example, Amiodarone);
  • urethritis, infected prostate;
  • congestion;
  • complications of influenza, pneumonia, chickenpox.

Sexual intercourse is pleasant, but sometimes men note that their testicles hurt after sex. If this symptom causes moderate discomfort, then representatives of the stronger sex are embarrassed to go to the doctor and try to have sex less often. But this attitude towards one’s health leads to erectile dysfunction and the development of male infertility. Let's consider when pain in the testicles appears, and in what cases it is necessary to visit a doctor.

What to do

Men react differently to pain in the testicles during and after sex: some endure until the last minute and hope that it will go away on its own, while others panic with minor painful discomfort. Consider the list of indications for emergency care:

  • the pain in the testicles that appears does not disappear some time after sex;
  • painful manifestations intensify and are localized in the groin on the right;
  • external changes in the scrotum appeared: swelling, hyperemia or cyanosis;
  • acute pain syndrome develops when the pain in the testicles is unbearable.

In other cases, a planned visit to a urologist or andrologist is indicated to identify the cause and select the necessary therapeutic measures. This will take relatively little time and will allow you to get rid of painful discomfort in the testicles during sex.

After sex, pain in the testicles may appear for physiological reasons (long abstinence), but more often painful discomfort provokes a pathological process . In order to promptly detect pathology and avoid problems in the sexual sphere, men are advised not to ignore the condition that has arisen, but to undergo examination and cure the cause of the problems that have arisen.

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Pain in the testicles is extremely dangerous to ignore, since untimely treatment can have dangerous consequences, including complete impotence. In this article you will find a complete list of the causes of pain in the most intimate area of ​​the male body, as well as recommendations on how to get rid of it.


Varicose veins of the testicular vein.


The development of pathology is provoked:

  • physical inactivity;
  • heavy weight;
  • kidney problems;
  • great physical activity.

Due to the peculiarities of the blood supply to the testicles, almost 75% of cases of varicose veins are detected on the left, less often there are right-sided or bilateral varicoceles. If your left testicle often hurts after sex, then vascular problems may be a possible cause.


The disease occurs latently for a long time, without causing discomfort and manifests itself only by the appearance of asymmetry in the scrotum.

But, as the pathological process progresses due to increasing venous stagnation, the man develops:

  • painful discomfort in the testicles when walking, which intensifies in the evening;
  • Pain appears in the testicles when changing position after a long period of immobility.

In the absence of treatment, pain in the testicles will constantly appear from sex and patients , trying to avoid uncomfortable sensations, begin to avoid this physiological process. But this approach leads to increased congestion and increased pain.


In the early stages, while there is no large venous node, conservative therapy is possible. To improve blood flow from the veins, patients are prescribed:

  • venotonics (Troxevasin);
  • blood thinning drugs.

And in case of severe disorders, accompanied by pain and venous stagnation, the question of surgical intervention arises. In this case, the dilated vein is removed, and one of the small arterial vessels from the patient’s thigh is installed in its place. After a short period of rehabilitation, a man will experience pain and discomfort in his testicles after sex.

Who to contact

In the early stages, varicocele can be treated by an andrologist, and the operation will be performed by a urologist.

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