High body temperature
How can I safely treat a child’s cough and diarrhea at the same time?
Can a cold be accompanied by diarrhea? Colds can be diagnosed due to their pronounced symptoms. Rarely on
Can heartburn signal pregnancy?
Heartburn in early pregnancy. What expectant mothers need to know
Could heartburn be a sign of pregnancy? Heartburn is one of the symptoms of the disorder
cup in hands
How to check the freshness of your breath and get rid of bad breath?
Types of odor from the oral cavity Unpleasant odor most often appears due to insufficient oral hygiene
how to distinguish stomach pain from heart pain
Painful sensations in one organ periodically radiate to another. “Stomach and heart hurt” often
Why does it hurt when we go to the toilet “big”? Possible reasons
Abdominal pain after defecation is not a specific symptom, that is, only on the basis
Fermented milk and dairy products
Recovery after bowel surgery - diet, physiotherapy and suture care
Postoperative period after intestinal surgery The main task of the postoperative period, regardless of the type
Vomiting, diarrhea, headache
Headache, diarrhea and fever: weakness in an adult and symptoms of the disease
If the patient has vomiting, diarrhea and headache, special attention must be paid to this,
Diarrhea and flatulence causes
Bloating and diarrhea: causes and treatment in adults
Diarrhea, diarrhea and flatulence, gas formation in the intestines and frequent loose stools A disease for which
diaper change
Why might a child have a sour breath?
A loving and caring parent always notices the slightest changes in the condition of their child. In such
belching and heartburn
Bloating and belching: causes and treatment
Gases can gradually build up in the stomach area, leading to bloating and belching. Bloating
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