Does dill water help with constipation?
Dill water for constipation for newborns reviews
Dill water for constipation is a herbal remedy and has a gentle effect on smooth skin.
Is abdominal pain after eating a common indigestion or a symptom of illness?
Characteristics of pain When making a diagnosis, it is important to describe the nature of the pain. This has great
Causes of bloating
Why it occurs and what to do with nausea and flatulence
Bloating and nausea - every person has experienced these symptoms in their life. These
My heart hurts a lot and I feel cold - what should I do?
Gastroesophageal reflux disease Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), which is a digestive system disorder characterized by
People suffering from heartburn benefit from fresh cottage cheese, milk porridge and vegetable soups.
Everyone knows about the benefits of homemade fermented milk products. They are easily digestible, contain vitamins,
fever and stomach upset in a child
Stomach upset in a child with pain: what to do?
Basics Stomach upset in children is quite common. As is known, the mentioned
Pain when pressing on the stomach and in the stomach area
Why does the stomach hurt when pressed? Acute gastritis is one of the causes of pain when pressed.
examination of the abdomen if pain occurs
What can cause pain in the right side of the abdomen in children?
At school age, more than half of children complain of recurring abdominal pain. IN
After a caesarean section my stomach hurts. Why does the suture hurt after a caesarean section and what should you do?
General picture Caesarean section is a surgical procedure that involves making a horizontal incision in the peritoneum,
Abdominal pain after eating - causes and remedies
Natural causes If the pain syndrome occurred once and was not too intense, there is a reason for
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