How can I safely treat a child’s cough and diarrhea at the same time?

Can a cold be accompanied by diarrhea?

Colds can be diagnosed due to their pronounced symptoms. Rarely, they are indicated by indigestion - severe diarrhea and vomiting. The reaction of the gastrointestinal tract to a respiratory disease is caused by the penetration and active activity of viruses that disrupt the functioning of the esophagus, nasopharynx, penetrate into the blood, and cause an acute inflammatory process.

If vomiting and loose stools occur as a result of a cold, intestinal poisoning is possible. The medical condition is called intestinal flu or viral diarrhea. The diarrheal virus has no connection with weather conditions. Young children are at greatest risk of infection. A child swallows microorganisms by putting dirty hands into his mouth after playing with strangers, street toys, or touching dirty surfaces.

The virus can be contained in fresh vegetables and fruits; an adult becomes infected during the cooking process or when choosing fruits during purchase. It is important to pour boiling water over the product or disinfect it before use.

A person with weak immunity experiences swelling of the mucous membranes, fever, vomiting, snot, and diarrhea.

Types of disease

There are two main types of cough: dry or wet. A serious approach to treatment is required, subject to certain rules in each case. It is recommended not to attend kindergarten for 2 days after the attacks.

The main task is to prevent the sputum from drying out. When there is a lot of it, it rolls down the esophagus. The child begins to have a severe cough, the body tries to get rid of unnecessary mucus. Brain impulses send signals to neighboring nerve endings, and the walls of the stomach contract.

Successful treatment is achieved by taking expectorants, which facilitate the release of mucus from the respiratory tract. These include Gedelix, Doctor MOM, Mucaltin. When coughing without sputum, the listed medications are contraindicated.

The therapeutic respiratory center practices a special massage that promotes easy expectoration of sputum to reduce bouts of vomiting. The manipulations are not complicated, you can do it yourself. The child lies on his lap with his tummy, his butt should be higher than his head, and with his fingertips he taps on his back from bottom to top, then suddenly sits him on his lap. You should induce expectoration by lightly pressing on the chest.

A dry, suffocating cough is painful, the neck muscles become tense, and the throat becomes irritated. The urge to vomit begins during coughing. It is recommended to stop attacks with warm, moist air. In the bathroom, with the door closed, turn on strong pressure of hot water.

After steam appears, the patient should breathe warm, moist air. With the dry form of the disease, one should strive to soften the mucus. The wetter it becomes, the easier it is for the body to rid itself of it.

Mucolytics are drugs that thin sputum. They are not recommended for children under one year of age; the risk of respiratory tract complications, including pulmonary edema, increases. Popular medications for the disease are lazolvan, ambroxol, and acetylcysteine.

Causes and symptoms of diarrhea due to colds

Medicine knows many types of colds, but the beginning is the same:

  • coughing;
  • prostration;
  • increased body temperature;
  • nausea;
  • runny nose.

When the disease gains momentum and passes the initial stage, the severity of symptoms increases, which suggests a possible respiratory virus. Colds are viral in nature. Treatment is prescribed depending on the type of pathogen.


The type of disease has distinctive characteristics. Diarrhea with the flu is a common symptom. The infection enters through the respiratory tract, colonizes the stomach and actively multiplies in a favorable environment, poisoning the body. The pathogen is tenacious and difficult to eliminate using simple methods.

Rotavirus immediately disrupts the production of digestive enzymes necessary to break down complex sugars. As a result, carbohydrates accumulate in the intestines, attract fluid from the tissues and cause diarrhea.

Symptoms increase quickly. After a few hours, the state of health worsens, the patient experiences:

  • general malaise;
  • chest pain;
  • nasal congestion;
  • swelling of the mucous membranes of the mouth, nose, eyes;
  • redness of the eye membranes;
  • body temperature up to 40 degrees;
  • headache;
  • dry cough;
  • diarrhea.

With dangerous respiratory viruses, swine and bird flu, in addition to loose stools, symptoms of vomiting, abdominal pain, and nausea are observed.

Feces and vomit have a specific appearance. Flu diarrhea contains water, but bile and blood are never detected.


Those infected believe that the cold virus can only infect the nasopharynx area. The infection has the ability to penetrate the body, linger anywhere, and cause acute inflammation. The disease manifests itself with symptoms:

  1. Headache.
  2. Body temperature up to 38 degrees.
  3. Redness of the throat.
  4. Weakness.
  5. Enlarged lymph nodes.
  6. Cramps in the abdominal area.
  7. Loose stools up to 4-5 times a day.

Infection occurs by airborne droplets or oral-fecal transmission through dirty toys, surfaces, and water. Outbreaks occur in hospitals, summer camps, kindergartens, and schools.

When combined with adenovirus and diarrhea, complications develop. Inflammation of the meninges, cystitis, and bacterial complications are observed.


Elevated body temperature combined with diarrhea indicates inflammation as a result of an intestinal infection. The digestive system reacts sharply to the penetration of a microorganism and tries to cleanse itself of toxic secretions through diarrhea. The condition is dangerous if a person’s body is weakened by exacerbation of chronic diseases. The severity of the condition is influenced by pregnancy and childhood.

Bacteria and viruses enter the body through unwashed fruits, vegetables, water from open sources, and animals.

A bacterial or viral type of infection triggers the immune system, but while the force is activated, the activity of the gastrointestinal tract is disrupted. Treating it yourself is dangerous; you can get the wrong type of pest. Call a doctor at home.

Diarrhea is a sign of intoxication of the body. The longer it goes untreated, the more serious the health consequences.

Fever and diarrhea may be accompanied by nausea, fever, vomiting, and weakness. There is mucus and blood in the stool, and a color change may occur.


The virus manifests itself as diarrhea. The disease affects the body quickly and is transmitted through the air, shared objects and the fecal-oral route. Affects the respiratory tract and intestines.

The outbreak occurs during the warm season.


  • abdominal pain;
  • cough;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • runny nose;
  • temperature up to 38 degrees.

The younger the patient is, the more severe the disease.


There is no specific prevention. In order to avoid coughing and diarrhea, doctors recommend following hygiene rules and limiting contact with allergens infected with rotavirus infection. To reduce the risk of developing diseases of the nervous system, it is enough to reduce the influence of stress factors and observe a work and rest regime.

Cough and diarrhea in children without an increase in body temperature occur with a disorder of the nervous system, the development of allergies and the formation of diseases of the digestive tract. With the right treatment, the symptoms disappear after a few days, however, therapy should be discussed with the children's doctor.

Treatment of diarrhea during ARVI

Respiratory diseases weaken the body and require restorative measures to improve health and eliminate acute symptoms. It is important to provide support and activate internal reserves to suppress the infection. Inpatient treatment is carried out in extreme cases; home treatment is more often prescribed.


To eliminate the dangerous consequences caused by excessive loss of fluid, drugs are prescribed to restore the water-salt balance - Regidron or Gastrolit. They will eliminate the main symptom, but will not cure it. It is necessary to supplement the use with sorbents that remove toxins and dangerous microorganisms from the gastrointestinal tract. Enterosgel, Smecta, Polysorb, and Activated carbon have a high therapeutic effect.

To suppress the activity of the virus or infection, your doctor may prescribe an antiviral drug or antibiotic.

Due to the ingestion of dangerous microorganisms, the intestinal microflora is disrupted. For recovery, medications with bacteria are prescribed - Bifiform, Linex, Bifidumbacterin, Enterol.

At first, for better absorption of food in the inflamed stomach and intestines, enzymes are prescribed - Mezim, Pancreatin, Creon, Festal.

Non-drug treatment

For a speedy recovery, it is recommended to drink plenty of fluids. It is desirable that the water be clean, mineral, but not carbonated. Helps remove toxins faster. In case of severe vomiting, take small sips. Can be replaced with herbal unsweetened infusions. Coffee and tea are prohibited!

Diet food. Helps stop diarrhea without putting strain on the digestive system. It is forbidden to eat smoked, salted, dairy, fatty, fried foods. Fresh vegetables and fruits are not allowed. Take food in small portions in several doses. Drink half an hour after eating.

It is allowed to eat porridge with water, without salt and oil. The diet necessarily contains meat and fish broths, boiled meat, crackers, boiled potatoes, and stewed vegetables.

To stop diarrhea during ARVI, rice water is prescribed. Take small amounts until vomiting and diarrhea disappear. If you have severe nausea, you need to drink and eat some permitted foods.

Viral or bacterial sore throat

Children often suffer from tonsillitis due to a weakened immune system after an illness or in the presence of chronic problems caused by a virus or bacteria. The incubation period of the disease is 5-7 days.

Viral sore throat is characterized by the appearance of a runny nose and cough in a child without fever in the initial stage of the disease. It occurs suddenly and lasts about 3 days. Obvious signs of viral sore throat are:

  • hoarse or hoarse voice;
  • enlarged lymph nodes;
  • redness of the pharynx and plaque on its back wall;
  • hyperemia of the palatine arches;
  • enlarged tonsils.

Bacterial sore throat is most often caused by streptococcus or staphylococcus microorganisms. In small quantities they can live on the tonsils. When the immune system is weakened, they are activated and cause the following symptoms:

  • diarrhea;
  • high body temperature;
  • cough;
  • redness of the tonsils, uvula and palatine arches;
  • lack of appetite;
  • severe headache;
  • dizziness and weakness.

There is no runny nose with bacterial sore throat. In the purulent form of the disease, the tonsils are covered with ulcers in the form of yellow-white spots. The first three days with a sore throat are the hardest. Medication prescribed by a doctor and an optimal microclimate in the room will help alleviate the child’s condition and speed up recovery. Maintaining bed rest will prevent stress on the cardiovascular system. The diet should be light; chicken broth will be very useful. It is better to exclude heavy, fatty and spicy foods from your diet.

Doctors recommend treating any sore throat using the following methods:

  • regular rinsing of the nose and gargling - this speeds up the release of bacteria from the body;
  • providing plenty of warm drinks: herbal teas, compotes, fruit drinks, etc.
  • When the first symptoms appear, this drink will help: squeeze lemon juice into a glass of water and add 1 tsp. soda

Doctors prescribe antipyretics and medications to relieve inflammation in the throat, and also antibiotics to treat bacterial sore throat. For purulent forms, local anesthetics are used:

  • Hexoral,
  • Givalex,
  • Angisept.

In severe cases, the sick child is admitted to the hospital.

Useful tips

Frequent attacks with the urge to vomit are such a dangerous and terrible phenomenon that the child experiences physical and psychological stress. If the baby is systematically sick, the body does not have enough protective forces, it is necessary to strengthen the immune system. Do exercises in the morning. Walk regularly, take more vitamins, and strengthening water procedures are useful. A child needs the love and support of an adult.

The child’s immune system is not yet fully formed, so the baby’s body is susceptible to frequent diseases, which can be viral or infectious.

Parents are always worried about the deterioration of their baby’s well-being. Many young parents have already learned to deal with such phenomena as vomiting and diarrhea, but what to do if the baby simultaneously develops a cough, temperature, and diarrhea?

Diarrhea, for example, is most often accompanied by vomiting, and coughing has absolutely nothing to do with it. A cough may indicate a cold-like nature of the disease, but then what caused the diarrhea? In this regard, parents' anxiety and anxiety intensify even more. What leads to the simultaneous appearance of such manifestations as high fever, diarrhea, and even a severe cough?

What causes diarrhea accompanied by cough and fever?

An adult must constantly monitor a sick baby; attacks at night are the most dangerous! During sleep, when the body is horizontal, phlegm accumulates in the bronchi. The passage of air in the respiratory tract is blocked, creating a risk of suffocation.

A powerful cough reflex occurs leading to vomiting. In the event of an attack, the child must be woken up and asked to clear his throat. It is advisable for the patient to sleep on his side, turn over often, and try to raise his head with a high pillow. Raising the humidity in the room to the maximum level is the task of parents.

The negative impact of the virus on the gastrointestinal tract often leads to an increase in body temperature and severe diarrhea. Such manifestations are typical for children under 2 years of age. This is because their body is just beginning to adapt to the influence of the environment.

Reasons for appearance

With this disease, severe diarrhea occurs, the body becomes dehydrated, and a cough is also observed. You can get a viral sore throat through contact with infected people. This disease also causes gastrointestinal disorders, diarrhea, vomiting and cough.

Correct diagnosis is the key to success

Treatment is highly successful if the cause of the disease is correctly identified. A correct diagnosis saves health and life.

Evgeny Komarovsky claims that the disease is not always explained by inflammation of the respiratory tract. He does not advise rushing to treat specifically for cough. The causes are sometimes explained by disorders of the nervous system and heart disease. A formulation has appeared - Komarovsky cough, which does not occur due to colds and infectious diseases.

Whooping cough

An infectious disease, the diagnosis is confirmed after testing, often affecting small children. Terrible cough with nausea. The throat and neck become tense, the face takes on an unhealthy bluish color. The patient suffocates, sticks out his tongue, and a strong vomiting spasm occurs. There is almost no sputum. Nausea makes you feel worse. It should be treated with antibiotics prescribed by a doctor, and vitamins should be taken to boost immunity. Symptoms appear up to 3 months.

ARVI and other viral and infectious diseases

ARVI, pneumonia, tracheitis, laryngitis and other colds or viral diseases are characterized by paroxysmal coughing leading to vomiting, and a high temperature often rises. Every family with children has to deal with these diseases. Dry or wet option - depends on what stage of recovery the patient is at. With bronchitis, vomiting in the morning clears the body of thick mucus.

Gastric reflux

The disease is characterized by the reflux of contents from the stomach into the esophagus. The patient feels nauseous, coughs seriously, and attacks with vomiting begin involuntarily, which removes unnecessary masses from the respiratory tract. The phenomenon of reflux often occurs in infants. After eating, for proper digestion, the baby is kept in a horizontal position.

Foreign body

An object that gets into the upper respiratory tract causes constant discomfort to the point of nausea and interferes with full breathing. It needs to be removed urgently. A constant cough that turns into vomiting is a normal reflex that protects the body. It is recommended to place the child on his stomach and tap him on the back. If the subject does not cough up, call an ambulance.

Allergic bronchitis

A harbinger of bronchial asthma, the cause is the action of irritating allergens. The cough is usually dry and barking. It is aggravated by swelling of the throat with suffocation, the baby coughs. The gag reflex is triggered. There are attacks of sneezing, runny nose, and itchy throat. Sometimes a rash appears on the body. Body temperature is normal.

It is quite enough to isolate the patient from allergens and take antihistamines. An adult should take bronchial asthma as seriously as possible; an attack can often occur at night and is characterized by severe suffocation. Sticky sputum appears, leaving with great difficulty after coughing. A morning asthma attack is rare.

Runny nose

A severe runny nose and sinusitis often cause a severe cough with the urge to vomit. The child does not know how to blow his nose, snot runs down the walls of the esophagus. Nausea sets in. The patient is choking on mucus. The body is released from excess mucus through a protective cough reflex, and after vomiting it becomes easier. The parent should rinse the nose from snot with sea water; plain warm water will do. A special device is used to suck out mucus from the nose. It is recommended to sleep on a high pillow.


The presence of a large number of parasites in the lungs clogs the respiratory passages. The unpleasant sensation in the throat gradually intensifies, leading to nausea. The child coughs terribly, often to the point of vomiting. A simple way to relieve a serious attack: ask the child to raise his hands up, relief will come for a while. Urgent measures are needed to rid the body of parasites.

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