How to avoid bloating: 10 effective tips, reasons
Origin of gases The first cavity where food goes is the stomach, and bloating occurs when
After diarrhea, pain in the anus - Pain in the intestines
Causes of the phenomenon when a burning sensation in the anus appears after diarrhea In fact, many experience
Algorithm for performing an enema for diarrhea
Diarrhea is an upset stomach during which a person visits the toilet more often than usual,
Laxative folk remedies: recipes for adults and children
In what cases should you use a laxative and what can you use to make a good laxative at home? Laxative
hurts under the left breast, radiates under the shoulder blade
Classification of pain under the left breast, and when should you not postpone a visit to the doctor?
Abdominal pain on the left after eating appears with the development of a pathological process in the organs
heartburn from porridge
Heartburn from buckwheat: why does this condition occur after eating?
Oatmeal is a traditional cereal with which many people start their mornings. It consists of
milk for diarrhea
Is it possible to eat fermented milk products with diarrhea: kefir, sour cream, yogurt, cheese?
Even small children can say with confidence that milk is very healthy for humans. But not
Is it possible to eat bananas after intestinal surgery?
Constipation is one of those problems that is awkward to talk about, but is familiar to almost everyone.
Causes and effective ways to eliminate chills due to diarrhea
Article prepared by: Vasily Babkinsky Doctor of the highest category Diarrhea in combination with chills - serious
At what blood pressure levels does one feel dizzy, what first aid should be provided and what to do next
Pain syndrome with high blood pressure Throbbing pain occurs with high blood pressure (BP). Simultaneously
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