Colitis on the right side: symptoms of development and causes of pain

Pain in your side? Does it pull under the rib and radiate to the back? Does it get worse when you move and disappear when you find a comfortable position? Back pain under the ribs can be very different - as well as the reasons that cause them.

Approximate reading time is 20 minutes. Spend it for the health of your own back! After all, investments must be smart.

  • Nature of pain: what does pain in the hypochondrium mean?
      In front under the ribs
  • Behind the ribs
  • Sharp, sharp pain
  • Stitching pain
  • Dull, aching, nagging pain
  • Circumstances under which pain in the hypochondrium occurs
      When moving and walking
  • When tilted
  • After load
  • When tilted
  • When inhaling
  • Principles of a healthy back
  • How does the Drevmass tranny work?
  • In this article, we will look at the main types of rib pain and related diseases, talk about treatment and prevention, and also recommend several very simple and effective exercises (video) that will help you forget about the pain forever. A healthy back is easy!

    Almost everyone has at least once felt pain in the right side of the back under the ribs. Light tingling or strong pulsation, dull aching or sharp cutting, encircling or concentrated and radiating to the back... Sound familiar? So what did you do? Did you urgently run to the doctor for examination? Not sure. After all, you can do it much simpler: look for reasons on the Internet, take painkillers, wait until everything goes away - and... forget it, as if nothing had happened! Do you agree?! But in vain! Back pain under the right rib is not a trifle and not a coincidence. This is a sign that your body gives. A signal that internal processes are running or disrupted, and the sooner you take competent actions, the greater the chances of avoiding complications and, indeed, forgetting about the pain under the ribs forever.

    Video about the causes of pain in the hypochondrium

    Character, symptoms and types

    Pain in women in the lower abdomen on the right is constant and periodic, sharp, dull, aching, pulling, burning, cutting, and so on.

    They can often be accompanied by other symptoms . For example, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, general weakness, fever, decreased blood pressure.

    The localization of pain may change ; it can radiate to the thigh, sacrum, lower back, or cover the entire abdominal space.

    Often pain in the lower right abdomen in women is associated with gynecological causes.

    If sensations arise sharply and intensely, we are talking about acute pathology.

    Read here all about the treatment of colpitis in women! Find out about effective medications and doctors' recommendations.

    In the next article we will talk about the symptoms of chronic adnexitis and how the disease is treated in the acute stage.

    How to cure bacterial urethritis in women? Read about modern treatment methods and preventive measures here:

    Diseases that cause pain

    The first suspicion when severe pain appears on the right side of the lower abdomen in a woman is gynecological diseases, but the problem may lie elsewhere.

    It is necessary to highlight the following popular reasons for this trouble:

    If a sharp cramping pain occurs, the woman may have an abnormal tubal pregnancy . This condition requires urgent surgical intervention.

    Since the cause is quite common, all women of childbearing age who complain of pain are diagnosed with ectopic pregnancy.

    The condition is usually accompanied by additional symptoms: delayed menstruation, bloody discharge, pale skin, rapid pulse, decreased blood pressure.

    If the operation is done later than necessary, the woman may lose a lot of blood.

    Ovarian apoplexy . This is damage to the lining of the ovary, which is characterized by bleeding in the inner area of ​​the abdomen. Symptoms may be the same as with an ectopic pregnancy.

    When the disease occurs, colic radiates to the thigh, sacrum and rectum. The pulse may increase, blood pressure may decrease, and fainting may occur. If the bleeding is severe, surgery is necessary.

    Acute appendicitis. This is usually one of the first reasons assumed. The pain in women will be sharp and sharp; it is localized in the very lower part of the abdomen on the right. In the classic version of an acute attack, discomfort usually occurs in the center of the abdomen, and then moves to the right and down.

    Vomiting and nausea, stomach upset and mild fever may occur. If acute appendicitis has been detected, surgery must be performed as soon as possible, otherwise there may be consequences.

    Tumors in the intestines. Nagging pain in the lower abdomen can indicate benign or malignant formations in the large or small intestine.

    Pain often occurs after pressing on nearby tissues. Right-sided tumors in the intestine often provoke bleeding, which can lead to chronic anemia.

    Malignant tumors have other characteristic symptoms: loss of appetite, exhaustion, weakness. In this case, a detailed examination in a hospital setting followed by removal of the tumor is important.

    Acute mesadenitis. This is an inflammation of the lymphatic vessels of the intestine, in which discomfort occurs in the very lower part of the abdomen. The intensity varies. Often this condition manifests itself against the background of tuberculosis.

    There are a number of characteristic symptoms - high fever, exhaustion, weakness, instability of the emotional background. Treatment should be aimed at combating the underlying disease against which inflammation has developed.

    • Diseases of the urinary system. Usually they make themselves felt by stabbing pain attacks. We are talking about renal colic, which requires examination and treatment in a hospital setting.
    • Pregnancy . Dull and nagging pain often occurs in pregnant women due to certain physiological characteristics. They can be caused by an enlarged uterus.

    It is especially important to consult a doctor as soon as possible if you experience cramping sensations that may indicate pathology.

    In late pregnancy, it can be difficult to recognize pathologies as internal organs become displaced.

    Why does the right side hurt: we understand the causes of back pain under the ribs

    Pain in the hypochondrium can occur suddenly: from injury, overload, severe tension, muscle fatigue - or be a consequence of the inflammatory process occurring in the body.

    Below we will look at the main causes of pain on the side under the right rib and the symptoms that indicate them.

    Important! This list is not exhaustive. If there is constant or increasing pain in the right hypochondrium, you should consult a doctor immediately!

    Injuries to the ribs

    Cause: bruise, fracture, crack and other damage to the rib bones

    Symptoms: with minor injuries (bruises or cracks), the pain can be weak, nagging, causing discomfort and intensifying when pressed or pressed. In the case of more serious injuries (for example, a fracture), the pain becomes constant, pressing, literally filling the entire hypochondrium and moving to the back. A person may complain of difficulty breathing and bluish skin in the affected area.

    Diagnostics: X-ray examination will help confirm the presence of injury

    Pinched nerves, intercostal neuralgia

    Causes: diseases of the nervous system, muscle strain, microtrauma, complications of spinal diseases

    Symptoms: acute pain in the sternum and hypochondrium, occurring suddenly and intensifying with movement, turning, coughing and sneezing. Often the pain is one-sided (appears on the right or left), accompanied by spasms, tingling, and burning.

    Diagnostics: to identify intercostal neuralgia, a comprehensive examination is necessary, including tests, ultrasound, MRI, and ECG.

    Lung diseases

    Causes: lung malformations, heredity, bad habits (smoking), viral and bacterial nature of diseases (bronchitis, pneumonia, tracheitis, tuberculosis), inflammatory processes (for example, pleurisy), etc.

    Symptoms: pain occurs in the hypochondrium and radiates to the back, and may worsen when inhaling. Breathing becomes heavy, the temperature may rise and the nasolabial triangle may turn blue.

    Diagnostics: X-ray, laboratory tests

    Osteochondrosis and hernias

    Causes: deformation and destruction of intervertebral discs as a result of injuries, excessive stress on the spine, a sedentary lifestyle and other reasons.

    Symptoms: With lumbar osteochondrosis, back pain under the ribs is almost always present, but the greatest discomfort is caused after exercise and during physical activity. Depending on the stage of osteochondrosis, the pain may intensify and radiate to the limbs. In particularly serious cases (for example, with a herniated disc), problems with coordination may occur, including impaired motor ability.

    Diagnosis: you can determine some signs of osteochondrosis yourself, but only a doctor can establish the diagnosis and stage of the disease.

    Digestive diseases

    Causes: diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, pancreas.

    Symptoms: The nature of the pain and accompanying symptoms may vary depending on the disease:

    • Ulcer, gastritis: back and hypochondrium hurt, possible nausea and digestive disorders
    • Hepatitis, cirrhosis and other liver diseases: the right side hurts under the ribs, blood circulation is impaired
    • Pancreatitis: constant pain that occurs after fatty foods.
    • Cholicystitis: pain is localized on the left and radiates to the back, accompanied by fever, lethargy, and loss of appetite.

    Diagnostics: examination by a doctor, palpation and subsequent examination.

    Oncological diseases

    Causes: stomach and pancreas cancer

    Symptoms: with malignant tumors, a pronounced, nagging pain in the back under the ribs on both the left and right is possible.

    Diagnosis: to exclude the oncological nature of the pain, a biopsy is necessary.

    Kidney diseases

    Causes: renal dysfunction (pyelonephritis, urolithiasis, nephroptosis, etc.).

    Symptoms: pain on the right side under the rib, radiating to the back. Added frequent urge to urinate (or, conversely, difficulty), changes in the color and composition of urine, body temperature may rise, and lymph nodes may enlarge.

    Diagnostics: examination, ultrasound, tests

    Inflammation of the appendix

    Causes: blockage of the entrance to the rectum, bacterial nature.

    Symptoms: severe, acute, throbbing pain in the right side, nausea, vomiting, fever. Pain may migrate through the abdomen to the lower back.

    Diagnostics: examination and palpation, ultrasound.

    When to take action yourself

    Any pain is a symptom that something is wrong in the body. Therefore, medical intervention is necessary in most cases.

    But there are also situations when everything is not so serious, and you can take action on your own . For example, if the cause is intestinal colic, and you know about it.

    Then it may be enough to drink No-shpa and soothe the gastrointestinal tract with a herbal decoction, for example, mint. Pain in the lower abdomen on the right often occurs in women before or during menstruation .

    Kidney and bladder diseases

    With pyelonephritis, there may be a stabbing sensation in the abdomen. The intensity of the pain depends on the degree of kidney damage. Discomfort is localized in the lower right side of the abdomen or on the left.

    If both kidneys are affected , the symptoms of the pathology become pronounced. Pyelonephritis is accompanied by:

    • weakness, malaise;
    • increased body temperature;
    • pain when urinating;
    • thirst;
    • headache.

    With this disease, the urine becomes dark.

    Glomerulonephritis occurs in people with weakened immune systems. Clinical picture of the pathology:

    • malaise;
    • pain in the right or left side of the abdomen;
    • urine with a red tint;
    • dyspnea;
    • high blood pressure.

    In what cases should you go to the doctor?

    If the pain is intense, does not stop for several hours and, in principle, interferes with normal activities, you need to consult a doctor.

    First, you should visit a gynecologist and gastroenterologist . If necessary, they will refer you to other doctors, such as an infectious disease specialist or even an oncologist.

    Since diagnosis with such a vague symptom is quite difficult, it is recommended to carry out a number of tests:

    • General blood analysis;
    • Urinalysis, including culture and antibiotic susceptibility testing;
    • Diagnosis of pregnancy;
    • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs to detect tumors;
    • If inflammation is suspected, a church mucus test is performed;
    • Culdocentesis, which determines the presence of fluid in the area of ​​the uterus and rectum;
    • X-ray of the peritoneum;
    • Laparoscopy of the pelvis.

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    Unpleasant and painful sensations in the area where the liver is localized, aggravated by inhalation of air, usually indicate the progression of cholecystitis. They are associated with the presence of stones in the gallbladder, which completely or partially block the ducts.

    But pain when inhaling in the right hypochondrium can accompany other diseases not related to the liver and nearby organs. A gastroenterologist and neurologist will help to correctly diagnose the pathological condition.

    Causes of dull pain when taking a deep breath anywhere in the right hypochondrium

    If the nature of the pain syndrome is aching, pulling or dull, then the following diseases can provoke it:

    cirrhosis; acute or chronic hepatitis; liver cancer; cholangitis; parasitic infestations in the right lobe of the liver; calculous and non-calculous cholecystitis; intestinal diverticulosis; adrenal tumors; colitis in the early stages of development; fatty hepatosis; pyelonephritis of the right kidney; congestive heart failure; hypomotor biliary dyskinesia; bruised or broken ribs; upper acute paranephritis.

    Why does a sharp pain occur in the hypochondrium on the right side when inhaling?

    When the pain is very intense, it indicates the presence of a surgical emergency (“acute abdomen”), for example:

    damage and ruptures of the membranes of internal organs; intestinal obstruction; acute pancreatitis; blockage of the bile duct; appendicitis; renal colic; abdominal myocardial infarction; inflammation of the gallbladder; thrombosis of internal veins and arteries.

    Also, sharp or stabbing pain when inhaling in the right hypochondrium is characteristic of the following pathologies:

    shingles; colon tumors; urolithiasis disease; necrosis of the renal papillae; intercostal neuralgia; colitis; lumbar osteochondrosis; thrombosis of the cava or hepatic vein; stomach ulcer.

    Prevention and useful recommendations

    Please note that if acute pain occurs in the lower abdomen, you should not perform the following actions:

    • Try not to take antispasmodic and painkillers. They can complicate the diagnostic process.
    • Do not apply heat to the painful area, otherwise the infection may spread through the blood.
    • Do not rinse the intestines. If the cause is intestinal obstruction, water will only worsen the situation.
    • Don't take laxatives. They can make your condition worse.

    Elena Malysheva will tell you why the lower right abdomen hurts in women in the following video:

    Severe pain in the lower abdomen is already a reason to consult a doctor .

    Since there can be many reasons for this condition, the main preventative measure is regular visits to a gynecologist and, if possible, periodic comprehensive examinations.

    A healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition are important.

    If there is colitis in the right side of the lower abdomen, then one may suspect problems in internal systems and organs or even a serious illness in the body. Acute pain is especially dangerous, and if it occurs repeatedly, you should no longer hesitate to contact a doctor: therapist, gynecologist, surgeon, nephrologist, urologist.

    Causes of symptoms

    A feeling of stabbing below the ribs may be a consequence of eating spicy, fried and fatty foods. After eating “hastily”, from overeating, frequent starvation diets. Abdominal pain periodically recurs after an injury.

    When walking

    The physiological symptom that occurs when walking is known to many people. When moving, it takes your breath away and stings under the rib in the right side. This usually happens in people with little training who lead a sedentary lifestyle. This is not a pathology. During physical activity, blood is redistributed, hemodynamic parameters change (blood pressure, the volume of blood passing through the vessels), which, together with other factors (for example, excess weight, atherosclerosis, venous diseases) leads to the appearance of pain.

    When running

    Under severe stress, significant changes occur in blood flow. Muscles (primarily the lower extremities, abdomen, back) require more nutrition and increase in volume, which leads to increased blood flow to them. Arterial and venous pressure decreases.

    Taken together, these factors lead to a decrease, and in some cases, on the contrary, to an enlargement of the liver, which is why the right side hurts when running.

    In addition, with prolonged exercise, the pressure of surrounding organs on the gallbladder may increase, which under certain conditions (sludge, stones, dyskinesia) can cause sharp and sudden pain.

    When inhaling

    A common symptom is pain in the right side when inhaling, and has many causes. Starting from a harmless spasm of the peritoneum during awkward movement, to serious diseases and neoplasms. Such symptoms are inherent in pathologies of the adrenal glands, as well as intercostal neuralgia. If it stings when inhaling on the right side under the scapula, rule out thrombosis of the inferior vena cava.

    Types of pain

    If colic occurs in the lower right abdomen, it is worth paying attention to the character, which is what doctors take into account during the first examination and making an accurate diagnosis. If pain:

    • dull and does not subside for a long time, then the cause is the development of chronic disease of the kidneys, liver, gall bladder;
    • acute, with nausea and vomiting, then it is possible to develop an infection in the intestines, appendicitis, intestinal obstruction, hepatic colic in the upper abdomen;
    • periodic cramping, that is, suspicion of spasms or pathology in the intestines;
    • aching, not pronounced, with the release of feces and blood clots, it looks like colitis, cholecystitis, inflammation of the mucous membrane of the gallbladder or the walls of the large intestine.

    It is worth listening carefully to the pain, because its nature and duration often indicate the development of a particular disease in the body.

    Effective treatment methods

    For the treatment of pathologies such as peritonitis or ectopic pregnancy, there are no other methods other than surgery. If stabbing pain is combined with fever, discomfort in other parts of the abdomen, vomiting and bowel irregularities, it is better not to delay calling an ambulance.

    In other cases, for example, with enteritis or hepatitis, drug therapy is prescribed. It is also used during the recovery period after operations:

    • take antibiotics against inflammation;
    • NSAIDs and antispasmodics are used to relieve pain;
    • to normalize microflora, drink probiotics;
    • Diuretics are used to treat the kidneys and urinary system.

    Also, for successful treatment, it is important to follow other rules - engage in physical therapy as prescribed by a doctor and follow a strict diet.—3BAOMZp2Q

    Ivanova Svetlana

    General practitioner of the second category, transfusiologist, 29 years of experience

    Diagnosis and treatment of problems with the musculoskeletal system (lower leg) and abdomen.

    • pain and discomfort in the abdomen;
    • bruises and injuries of the lower leg;
    • cough, chest pain;
    • acute respiratory infections, ARVI;
    • food poisoning;
    • cold;
    • runny nose;
    • general malaise;
    • headache;
    • aching joints;
    • elevated temperature.
    • Diploma in the specialty “General Medicine (Treatment and Prevention)”, Chuvash State University named after. I.N. Ulyanova, Faculty of Medicine (1990)
    • Internship in the specialty “Selected Issues of Therapy”, Kazan State Medical Academy (1996)

    Refresher courses

    • “Nephrology issues for therapists”, State Institute for Advanced Training of Physicians named after V.I. Lenin (1995)
    • “Therapy”, Kazan State Medical Academy (2001)
    • “Transfusiology”, Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (2003)
    • “Therapy and Pulmonology”, St. Petersburg Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education of the Federal Agency for Health and Social Development (2006)
    • “Transfusiology”, St. Petersburg Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education of the Federal Agency for Health and Social Development (2007)
    • “Transfusiology”, Institute for Advanced Medical Studies of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Chuvashia (2012)
    • “Therapy”, Institute for Advanced Medical Studies of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Chuvashia (2013)
    • “Therapy”, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (2017)

    Place of work: MedCenterService clinic on Kurskaya

    If there is colitis in the right side of the lower abdomen, then one may suspect problems in internal systems and organs or even a serious illness in the body. Acute pain is especially dangerous, and if it occurs repeatedly, you should no longer hesitate to contact a doctor: therapist, gynecologist, surgeon, nephrologist, urologist.

    Women's diseases

    Often women are concerned about the appearance of colic in the right side, and there can be many reasons for the appearance:

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    1. Ectopic pregnancy, and the manifestation of first stabbing, then stabbing-cutting pain lasting up to several weeks. With the appearance of heavy bleeding, one can assume a rupture of the fallopian tube, an increase in the size of the fertilized egg outside the uterine cavity. If before the tube ruptures the colic is pulling, but when the tube ruptures it is sharp and piercing. The woman needs urgent hospitalization, as death can occur in a matter of hours. Contacting a gynecologist or surgeon should be done immediately.
    2. A miscarriage, when the pain is stabbing and short-term, lasts no more than 2 seconds, usually radiates to the ovary on the right and is accompanied by bleeding. Pathology requires urgent attention to specialists.
    3. Menstruation, which can also be considered a pathology, in the case of accumulation of blood clots in the uterus, the appearance of sharp colic in the groin on the right. The condition usually occurs in the first 2-3 days after the start of menstruation. If the feeling of discomfort does not stop throughout the menstrual days, nausea and dizziness, then the reason may be the development of an infection, an inflammatory course in the uterine cavity.
    4. Ovarian cyst, when the stabbing pain becomes unbearable with the onset of ovulation or menstruation. Visually, the right ovary bulges slightly, and in case of apoplexy or rupture of the cyst, it cuts with impact in the lower back. It is at the moment of ovulation, if the walls of the ovary are stretched, that a rupture may occur, and lifting weights will only aggravate the situation. When an ovarian cyst is torsioned, a powerful syndrome of pain occurs in the lower abdomen on the right, up to loss of consciousness. In women, blood pressure drops sharply, chills and vomiting appear. Emergency surgery is required.
    5. Adnexitis, when the ovaries or fallopian tube on the right are engulfed in inflammation. In the case of a long course and severe modification of tissues, the process becomes chronic, and colic covers the entire part of the abdomen. Usually they intensify immediately after menstruation and gradually shift towards the focus, that is, towards the right or left appendage. Additionally, mucous or purulent contents leave the vagina, the temperature rises to 39 degrees.
    6. Endometriosis, when endometrial tissue grows and is located near the uterine walls. When it spreads to the intestines, it begins to stab in the right side with a return to the pelvic part. Women experience serous discharge and fever.

    On a note! It is important for women to understand that cysts do not always resolve on their own. You should not endure constant pain radiating to the anus and thigh on the right.

    Pain in women in the lower abdomen on the right can serve as a symptom of many diseases of the reproductive system. If there is a pulling or aching sensation with a return to the perineum, one can assume the development of adnexitis and uterine fibroids. When colic appears progressively, there is a tumor in the fallopian tube, when it is no longer possible to do without emergency surgery.

    What to do?

    In some situations, self-treatment is possible to alleviate the condition. This does not apply to children. When a child has a stitch in his side, we immediately go to the doctor. Tingling is not considered a deviation, does not indicate illness, and does not pose a health hazard if:

    1. The pain was one-time, quickly passed and was no longer felt.
    2. Discomfort occurs before menstruation.
    3. After a hearty lunch.
    4. Colic appears while running.
    5. From excessive physical exertion.

    Painful sensations can be relieved with analgesics or antispasmodics, relaxation and rest. If the nutritional rules are violated, a water-tea diet is prescribed for 6 hours. Further expansion of the menu occurs gradually. Fatty and fried foods are completely excluded.

    If during physical activity there is a stabbing sensation in your right side, you need to stop, leaning forward. Place your right hand on the hypochondrium, holding the liver from below, and rest for a few minutes.

    Male diseases

    Inflammation of the right-sided lymph node, the appearance of colic in the scrotum and groin are not uncommon phenomena in men. They can negatively affect the reproductive system. Attacks in the lower abdomen on the right are observed during inflammation in the seminal vesicles, cavernous or cavernous bodies of the penis, prostate gland, seminal follicle.

    Against this background, diseases such as:

    • Epididymitis with the appearance of nagging colic radiating to the side on the right.
    • Urethritis with burning, pain during urination. Inflammation begins in the urethra, then spreads to the inguinal lymph node on the right. Acute stabbing pain may occur when walking and at rest. Colic appears suddenly, when the ureter is blocked by stones, which is why inflammation begins to develop. In the absence of therapeutic effects, the process can spread to the testicles and lead to complications such as orchitis - a complex disease that requires treatment with antibiotics and antivirals. Otherwise, inflammation will lead to male infertility.
    • Appendicitis, when colic appears progressively. Often the pain is of a wandering, acute nature, but is mainly localized in the lower right abdomen. At the same time, one cannot ignore such signs as the appearance of colic first in the navel with a gradual movement to the right corner, increased pain when trying to lie on the left side, when colic begins to cut into the stomach with a return to the rectum when walking, the temperature rises, and vomiting appears.
    • An inguinal hernia in the cavity of the inguinal canal with protrusion of the walls of the peritoneum. This is a common occurrence in men, when a sharp symptom appears in the right groin and it is visually easy to notice a tubercle prominent on the body. The disease requires surgery.

    Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and urinary system

    Painful tingling in the right side of the lower abdomen in a girl may be due to the following reasons:

    • Enteritis and colitis. When the disease affects the small intestine, pain forms in the navel area and gradually descends below. Enteritis often forms during infection, but goes away after recovery.
    • Acute pancreatitis. A dangerous condition associated with inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract. Changes occur in the pancreas. Surgical assistance is often required. Symptoms: blue lips, pale skin, fever, sharp pain on the right side, vomiting attacks, colic that persists even after taking painkillers.
    • Cholecystitis, cholangitis and cholelithiasis. In case of gallbladder diseases, tingling sensations on the right side, yellowness of the skin, and a burning sensation are disturbing. However, most often the unpleasant symptoms are located above the lower abdomen.
    • Peritonitis. It is difficult to confuse this condition with other disorders, since with peritonitis a person’s temperature rises sharply and he loses consciousness due to pain. Peritonitis can develop against the background of untimely operated appendicitis.
    • Kidney failure. The symptoms are localized in the right quadrant of the abdomen; acute pain is felt when urinating, and blood may be present. Oligouria often develops, and uric acid enters the blood.

    Stitching pain is also observed in patients with volvulus and intestinal obstruction. These conditions are accompanied by a lack of stool, general intoxication and other dangerous signs.

    Intestinal diverticulitis is another pathology in which the intestinal walls protrude. The condition is accompanied by inflammation and colic occurring on the right side. Some patients develop severe bleeding, and if left untreated, cancer may develop.

    Gastrointestinal diseases that provoke pain on the right include duodenitis. This condition is associated with flatulence, nausea, vomiting and high fever. Another pathology considered incurable is Crohn's disease. A person experiences pain throughout the intestines, which is associated with inflammation of unknown origin.

    Oncological pathologies are not the last place in the list of diseases that can cause stabbing pain. In this case, a person often experiences diarrhea and constipation, a general deterioration in health, and the sensations become unbearable.

    Pathologies of the liver, bladder, blood vessels

    The most common disease that can cause stabbing in the right side is hepatitis B. The liver increases in size, which is fraught with spasms and stool disturbances. Similar symptoms can be observed with varicose veins in the pelvic organs. This pathology most often occurs in women.

    The bladder can also expand, then the pain will be localized in the center at the very bottom of the abdomen, in the pubic area. When inflamed, it often radiates to the right side. Pain is often associated with urinary problems.

    The list of reasons why women may experience a stabbing sensation in the lower abdomen on the right is extensive and does not make it clear at home why the symptoms appear.

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