Fiber in human nutrition: benefits, content in foods and dietary supplements

Published 08/31/2019 · Comments: · Reading time: 11 min · Views: Post Views: 9,390

Today, another piece of folk wisdom is under the microscope. Its name is “The Unlimited Benefits of Fiber.” Supposedly it helps to go to the toilet regularly and cleanses the intestines. That it lowers sugar and cholesterol. They say it feeds good bacteria and prevents cancer. Even children know this! Everyone is also blind and believes like children. And, more importantly, no one is interested in the origin of these properties. Agree, the phrase “harmful fiber” sounds crazy.

Is fiber our friend? Or are we dealing with another misconception leading to the grossest mistakes of those losing weight, such as fat phobia?

Types of fiber

Lack of fiber slows down your metabolism.
A lack of fiber-rich foods can lead to an increase in the number of wastes and toxins in the intestines, a deterioration in its functioning, and the appearance of excess weight. In order to maintain a normal level of metabolism and good intestinal function, you need to pay attention to 2 existing types of fiber. Each of them has its own useful properties and features.

Soluble fiber

Soluble fiber is complex carbohydrates that completely dissolve during the gastrointestinal tract. Once in the large intestine, it is broken down by beneficial microorganisms, which helps maintain normal acidity levels. It includes resins, inulin and pectins. Each of these categories performs separate functions:

  • Slowing down glucose absorption. Refers to the most important function of resins. Such resins are responsible for the shelf life of products.
  • Stimulation of growth and vital activity of intestinal microflora. These merits relate to inulin, which is part of the group of polysaccharides.
  • Absorption of certain types of minerals due to the content of pectins, which, along with resins, normalize sugar levels.

Insoluble fiber

Eating foods rich in fiber helps cleanse the intestines.
Hemicellulose, lingin and cellulose are insoluble. Despite the fact that the body is not able to digest them, the substances work by moving food through the gastrointestinal tract. Benefits of insoluble fiber include:

  • cleansing the body of toxins and unhealthy substances, reducing the likelihood of colon cancer;
  • increasing intestinal permeability, which helps avoid constipation.

Positive properties

When soluble fiber enters the intestines, it becomes jelly-like, while insoluble fiber actively absorbs water and increases in size. This excellent property allows us to compensate for the lack of dietary fiber since humanity began to eat refined foods.

Other beneficial properties of fiber are:

  • provides a long-lasting feeling of satiety;
  • slows down the absorption of sugars from the intestinal lumen;
  • normalizes the progress of the bolus of digested food;
  • prevents constipation;
  • reduces blood cholesterol levels;
  • removes toxic substances from the intestines;
  • forms a mucous film on the intestinal wall, under which erosions easily heal;
  • fills the intestinal lumen, thereby reducing appetite;
  • reduces sugar levels, which is important for diabetics;
  • prevents many forms of colorectal cancer;
  • helps maintain optimal microflora composition;
  • reduces the need for carbohydrates;
  • cleanses the intestines;
  • helps normalize body weight.

Sources of fiber

Fiber can be found in large doses in wheat bran, legumes, wholemeal baked goods, rye or oatmeal bread, fruits, vegetables, and nuts. To maintain sufficient amounts in the body, doctors and nutritionists recommend eating salads, several fruits and vegetables every day. Bread should be on the menu daily, as well as potatoes, cereals and rice. If your weight is within normal limits, nutritionists advise eating a handful of nuts every day. But in order for its effect to affect the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract as effectively as possible, you should drink at least 1.5-2 liters of water per day and at the same time lead an active lifestyle.

Natural sources of fiber are preferable for the intestines.

There are many products on store shelves enriched with this fiber. This increases the opportunity to follow the principles of proper nutrition, because it is not always possible to find the time and desire to prepare home-cooked food. But such products should not replace food consisting of natural vegetables and fruits. Homemade meals are better for the intestines. By devoting a little time to cooking, you can provide the body with the necessary nutrients and make your diet varied and tasty.

Fiber for weight loss, how to take it correctly: proper distribution

What's the best way to get that 30g of fiber? You can see in the table how much and where it is contained in grams. And I will help you roughly distribute it for the day.

For example:

Breakfast: 2 sandwiches made from whole grain bread and low-fat cottage cheese

Lunch: 2 ladles of soup and vegetable stew for the main course

Dinner: oven-baked vegetables or vegetable casserole.

And plus for snacks, eat a vegetable, fruit, a handful of nuts or berries. Add something protein that you like to your main meals (meat, fish, mushrooms). You can drink a glass of kefir in the morning with 1 tbsp. l. bran This type of nutrition is normal, everyday, for a healthy lifestyle. And for weight loss the following is suitable.

Using fiber to cleanse the intestines

Fiber from flax seeds will cleanse your intestines in just a month.
Once in the gastrointestinal tract, fiber absorbs water and, swelling in the intestines, removes waste, toxins and fecal residues from the body. This type of cleansing is recommended to be carried out for a month once a year. Every day, 30 minutes before meals, you should take a tablespoon of fiber three times a day. This method not only cleanses the intestines, but also helps to get rid of extra pounds - the swollen fiber makes you feel full for a long time.

The best smoothies with fiber

This is ordinary fiber in powder form, intended for dilution with water or other liquid, depending on the instructions. Unlike ordinary products, this includes many minor additives - berries, extracts, fruits, herbs. This allows you to have a comprehensive effect on the body - strengthen the immune system, eliminate excess weight, and much more. etc. This option is especially relevant for athletes, as it increases the level of vital energy.

Sports cocktail, SK FIBERia Energy

This is the most convenient product in the rating - in just 2 minutes you can prepare a functional cocktail. For this, 2 tbsp. l. Add the product to 250 ml of liquid and shake well. The finished composition can be consumed both in pure form and in combination with protein smoothies. The optimal time for this is after working out in the gym, which is why this option is most suitable for bodybuilders. SK FIBERia Energy is sold in a convenient jar with a lid that holds 350 g.

One package includes 25 servings, which, with a standard training regimen (3 times a week), is enough for about one month. The value of the dietary supplement is its high concentration of dietary fiber and low carbohydrate content (about 25 g), which promotes fast and safe weight loss. Unlike most similar cocktails, this product has a pleasant apple taste.


  • Natural composition;
  • Low likelihood of allergic reactions;
  • Increases energy levels;
  • Improves intestinal function;
  • Supports normal metabolism.


  • Do not use if you have colitis - it may cause discomfort in the intestines.

The main components of the cocktail are wheat husk and chia seeds. It also includes apples, inulin, various herbs, and a multivitamin complex, which easily explains the complex effect on the body.

Smoothie SK “Detox” raspberry, black currant

Detox fiber is a mixture of natural ingredients - raspberries, chia seeds, black currants, brown algae extract, wheat shell. It does not contain hazardous chemicals, and therefore does not cause harm to health. It is very simple to prepare - just add it (1 serving) to 200 ml of water and stir until a homogeneous mass is formed.

Smoothies based on dietary fiber are drunk in small sips 2-3 times. To obtain the effect of losing weight, this is done over a period of 2-3 weeks; if the weight is not lost in sufficient quantities, you will need to interrupt for 1-2 months and repeat the course. The finished product has an acceptable taste and does not cause any discomfort after use. Reviews indicate that this product improves mood, increases energy levels, removes toxins, suppresses hunger, and promotes weight loss.


  • A large number of useful ingredients;
  • The bran is not coarse;
  • Purified mass;
  • Suitable for use within a year after release;
  • Small daily norm – 1-2 sachets;
  • Eliminates constipation.


  • It only needs to be diluted with water at room temperature.

SK “Detox” smoothie is easy to use, in particular, because it is packaged in portioned bags that you can easily take with you to work and on the road.

How to clean: rules of use

When using fiber to cleanse the intestines, certain rules must be followed:

  • When introducing it into the diet, you should increase the amount of water you drink per day by 20-30%, since fiber swells with a sufficient amount of clean water.
  • Exceeding the daily dose of 30 grams risks bloating and impaired intestinal function.
  • You should pay attention to existing diseases and characteristics of the body, its reaction to the introduction of new elements into the diet: fiber from milk thistle can cause headaches or skin reactions, and fiber from flax seeds can have a laxative effect, which in case of diarrhea will significantly aggravate the problem.
  • During periods of exacerbation of ailments of the gastrointestinal tract, taking fiber or foods high in fiber is prohibited.

Benefits for the body

The main reason for gaining excess weight is overeating and excess calorie consumption . Calories are fuel for the body. If a person consumes more of this fuel than he spends in a day, then the extra pounds are deposited in the form of fat reserves on the stomach, legs, arms and forearms. Many people find it difficult to control the feeling of hunger, which depends not so much on the amount of food consumed daily, but on its satiety and quality. It is extremely important to optimize the ratio of carbohydrates, fats, proteins and fiber consumed.

Studies have shown that eating foods rich in fiber reduces appetite. In this case, the body quickly saturates, requiring less food. Such foods will invariably require thorough chewing, and in this case the brain receives signals that the stomach is full, after which the person simply does not want to eat. In fact, by adding vegetables, fruits and various greens to your diet, you can get rid of a few extra pounds without restricting yourself in food and without suffering from constant hunger.

The benefits of fiber are due to its certain characteristics. Plant fibers, entering the stomach, quickly swell, creating a feeling of fullness. Therefore, even a small portion will be enough for the body to receive the nutrients it needs without suffering from diets or overeating. It is also known that fiber, when passing through the intestines, restores its natural microflora. Therefore, the absorption of fatty acids, which are necessary for the body as a source of energy, improves.

Regular consumption of fiber and a balanced diet help maintain blood sugar and cholesterol at the desired level. Such products are an excellent prevention of various types of dangerous cardiovascular diseases and metabolic pathologies.

Fiber for weight loss. How fiber helps you lose weight. Elena Chudinova


Eating and cleansing fiber is not for everyone. It is better not to use this cleaning method in the following cases:

  • pregnancy and breastfeeding, you should allow children to take it with caution;
  • intolerance to some components included in the composition;
  • colitis, stomach ulcer, intestinal ulcer, acute forms of gastritis, inflammation of the esophagus;
  • In case of exacerbation of other diseases, you should consult a doctor.

Consequently, how a person feels and looks directly depends on the diet and condition of the body. Fiber is one of the few safe and natural aids for all body systems. The intestines play an important role in maintaining health, so you should pay due attention to the foods you eat and help the body, not forgetting about cleansing it.

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