Fast-acting remedies and medications for constipation in adults

Modern pharmacology offers a wide list of medications for constipation. However, all laxatives for constipation only temporarily eliminate symptoms and do not solve the problem at the root. All medications differ in composition and effect on the body; they are available in forms such as suppositories, chewable tablets, suspensions, and syrups. To choose an effective drug, you need to clearly know how it acts on the intestines, what contraindications it has, and for what types of constipation it is most effective.

What you need to know before using laxatives

Regular use of laxatives can aggravate the condition.
If you are worried about constipation, using laxatives, it is important to understand that medications serve the function of facilitating bowel movements, and do not eliminate the cause.

Regular use of medications can aggravate the condition and cause adverse reactions; the wrong choice of medication can complicate the course of chronic diseases.

Obstacles to the use of laxative drugs are:

  • internal bleeding;
  • polyps and other neoplasms;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • colitis;
  • heart failure;
  • severe disturbances in the functioning of the liver and kidneys.

Medications should be used with caution after surgery, in patients with diabetes and asthma.

Attention! There are separate contraindications for each class of drugs. For patients with chronic pathologies, elderly patients, children and pregnant women, only a specialist selects the medicine.

Causes of constipation

Constipation can have many causes, such as insufficient fluid intake, impaired metabolism, diseases of the internal organs, poor physical activity, and sedentary work. Let's look at these reasons in more detail.

Food Features

Fatty and dry foods can cause stool retention. You should avoid regularly consuming large amounts of flour products : pasta, bread, fresh rolls.

Eating a lot of flour products is one of the causes of constipation


Lack of fluid in the body can also lead to constipation. This happens with poor nutrition. The body cannot properly digest and absorb food. In this case, the process slows down and constipation occurs.


Constipation is not uncommon during pregnancy. This is because the weight of the child puts pressure on the internal organs, and all processes are disrupted, including the process of assimilation of food. The liver is under increased load, and if it does not cope with its tasks, many diseases can occur, including constipation.

This usually only happens late in pregnancy in the third trimester. Pregnant women are prescribed enemas, herbal tinctures, as well as medications that are safe for the child and the expectant mother.

Diseases of various origins

Diseases of the kidneys, liver, spleen and other internal organs, including the pelvis, most often lead to constipation.

Anxiety, stress

When you worry, your body releases the stress hormone adrenaline, which, in turn, speeds up necessary processes in the body and slows down unnecessary ones. The body accepts the process of bowel movement in a stressful situation as unnecessary and postpones it.

Anxiety and stress also lead to constipation

You might be interested to know about: Quick-acting laxative in tablets

In a state of strong excitement, the instinct of self-preservation is triggered, even if nothing threatens your life, the body will secrete adrenaline and slow down some processes that are natural under normal conditions.

Physical inactivity

With low mobility, problems with constipation may also arise. This is due to the fact that when the small pelvis is in a state of constant rest, everything inside stagnates and constipation occurs.

Therefore, if you have constipation, it is recommended to move more and lead an active lifestyle. Even if you have a sedentary job, you can get up and walk during a break. Or do a little warm-up, this helps a lot and, in addition, is good for the general condition of the body, improves metabolism and general condition.

It is especially useful if it is walking in the fresh air. For example, you can take daily walks in the morning - run or just walk with the dog.

Top 10 popular drugs for quick colon cleansing

Among the huge selection of laxatives in the pharmacy chain, the most popular ones that facilitate the passage of stool stand out.

The drugs act quickly, but differ in their mechanism of action and price. The main thing is not to make a mistake in choosing so as not to harm the body.

Among the huge selection of laxatives in the pharmacy chain, the most popular ones that facilitate the passage of stool stand out

Which laxatives are included in the top most popular drugs (price in descending order):

A drugActionPeculiaritiesPrice
MukofalkThe granules contain crushed psyllium seed shells and a gel-forming fraction. The drug belongs to the group of fillers, since the fibers of the active substance increase under the influence of liquid, causing a reflex contraction of the intestinal muscles. The gel softens the stool, promoting its movement The medicine is prescribed to adults for constipation of various etiologies, hemorrhoids and operations in the anorectal areaAbout 550 rub.
MicrolaxA solution for administration into the rectum is a combination of sorbitol and sodium salts. The composition increases fluid volume, dilutes stool, facilitating emptying The action of the microenema occurs 15 minutes after application. Prescribed for constipation, medical examinations, children and pregnant women under the supervision of a doctor From 280 to 370 rub.
ForlaxThe powder contains the active component ethylene glycol polymer - macrogol, which holds water molecules through hydrogen bonds. Under the influence of liquid, feces loosen, the contractility of the intestinal walls is activated. The medicine is prescribed for unsystematic stool retention; it does not contain sugar or lactose.About 260 rub.
DuphalacThe medicine represents the category of probiotics. The viscous syrup or sachets of powder contain lactulose, so the results after taking the suspension are not immediately noticeable. An increase in the number of lactobacilli increases acidity in the colon and activates contractility. The accumulated liquid increases the volume and softens the contents Duphalac can be used for persistent constipation, during pregnancy, hemorrhoids, and liver pathologies.240-290 rub.
NormazeThe laxative effect is provided by the disaccharide lactulose, which is synthesized from lactose.
Since people do not have enzymes that process the substance, it increases pressure in the intestines, causes fluid to pass into the intestinal lumen, and stimulates the secretion of bile. As a result, liquefied stool leaves the intestines after a day. In the colon, the disaccharide is exposed to bacteria; as a result of the metabolism of microorganisms, the pH of the environment shifts towards acidity, which stimulates peristalsis, inhibits the growth of pathogenic flora, the formation of toxins during the decay of proteins, especially ammonia
The product is approved during breastfeeding and pregnancy, long-term use is possible provided that the levels of potassium, carbon dioxide and chlorine are monitored220-280 rub.
GuttalaxThe solution contains sodium picosulfate and is available with a drip dispenser. The active substance irritates the receptors of the colon, causing contractile function of the organ The product is effective after an average of 10 hours and is indicated for intestinal atony, hemorrhoids, dysbacteriosis, and irritable bowels.180-240 rub.
LavacolThe drug is based on macrogol and salts and belongs to the combined osmotic drugs. The release form is a powder from which a liquid composition is prepared. The combination of a high molecular weight polymer with an aqueous solution of electrolytes prevents dehydration Taking the composition for the treatment of constipation leads to the evacuation of feces after a day. Before examination or surgery, the dosage is increased; defecation occurs within 2 or 4 hours after taking the initial dose. 160-200 rub.
BisacodylCoated tablets act in the large intestine. The drug stimulates the secretion of mucus, acting on organ receptors, and activates peristalsis. It is recommended for use for intestinal atony, and is also prescribed before surgery, endoscopic or x-ray examination. Approved for use by elderly people, after surgery and pregnant women 35-60 rub.
SenadexinA herbal medicine, represented by senna leaf extract. Sennosides A and B and anthraglycosides have a laxative effect. When broken down by bacteria, natural compounds irritate the nerve endings of the intestines, causing the organ to contract. The effect of taking the tablets is expected no later than 10 hours The drug is indicated for spasms and atony of the intestines, fissures and hemorrhoidsFrom 25 rub.
Magnesium sulfateThe product is sold in bags of powder from which a suspension is prepared. It has a choleretic effect, retains moisture in the intestines, loosening accumulated feces: this leads to increased peristalsis. Relief occurs after 6 hours; to speed up the process of defecation, it is enough to increase the amount of fluid you drink It is used orally once for diagnostic testing and poisoning. The product is indicated occasionally for acute constipation; due to the high salt content, prolonged use threatens irritation of the mucous membrane. For chronic stool retention, enemas are given with magnesium solution From 25 rub.

Tablets for constipation in adults

In most cases, constipation in adults is more difficult to treat than in children. As a rule, stool retention is caused by several factors at once, so treatment requires an integrated approach. Actions take place in several directions, but the main one is taking medications. Tablets for constipation in adults should be prescribed by a doctor, taking into account the characteristics of the problem with bowel movements. Taking into account the characteristics of the pathology, a medication from the following groups may be prescribed:

  • laxative tablets with osmotic action;
  • prebiotics;
  • medications with irritant effects;
  • fillers.

As a rule, it is not recommended to use tablets for a long time or often for constipation, so as not to cause addiction and depletion of colon receptors. The following medications are considered popular treatment options for adults:

  • Glycerol, Glycelax;
  • Bisacodyl (Bisadil, Laksatin, Stadalax);
  • Slabilen, Guttalax, Picosulfate, Regulax);
  • Sennosides (Tissasen, Herbion Laxana, Senalex).

The safest laxatives are considered to be prebiotics, which stimulate the growth of beneficial microflora and restore intestinal function. The following medications for constipation fall into this category:

  • Importal N, Exportal;
  • Duphalac, Normaze, Romphalac, Lactulose Stada.

Find out more about the drug Duphalac - how to take it for adults and children.

Mild laxative for colon cleansing for every day

A mild laxative effect is achieved by taking medications containing lactulose.

The medicine is available in the form of syrups, these include:

  • Duphalac;
  • Prelax;
  • Normaze;
  • Good luck;
  • Lactusan.

The delicate product ensures defecation 24-48 hours after administration and is allowed for long-term use. Probiotics activate the growth of beneficial bacteria in the intestines and inhibit the development of pathogenic flora, preventing decay processes.

Chewable Constipation Tablets

In this category, most medicines are of plant origin. They have a mild effect and are not addictive. Chewable tablets for constipation are represented by two popular drugs:

  1. Regulax . The medication is available without a prescription at any pharmacy; the base is the leaves of the senna herb (holly, angustifolia). Cleansing occurs after the medication has an irritating effect on the intestines. This will provoke increased peristalsis and painless emptying. After taking the tablet, the effect occurs within 10 hours.
  2. Phytolax . This medication is a type of fruit-based dietary supplement. It has an antispasmodic, carminative effect, improves the evacuation function of the intestines, and enhances peristalsis. An adult needs to take 2 anti-constipation tablets: if this is not enough, the dose can be increased to 4 tablets. The effect occurs after 8-10 hours. Cannot be used during breastfeeding or pregnancy.

If you choose by price, which drugs are the cheapest?

Probiotics activate the growth of beneficial bacteria in the intestines and inhibit the development of pathogenic flora.
Inexpensive laxatives include the following drugs:

  • Senaduxin No. 20 – from 25 rubles;
  • Senade - from 16 rubles;
  • Bisacodyl - 30 tablets cost 35-60 rubles;
  • Picolax – 100 rubles;
  • Glycelax suppositories – 100-135 rubles;
  • Magnesium sulfate – 25-45 rub. per package;
  • Castor oil – 45-67 rub.

At the pharmacy you can buy herbal infusions or teas of buckthorn bark, hay leaves, plantain seeds and prepare a decoction at home. Packaging the product will cost 50-80 rubles.

How to choose the right product?

It is worth remembering that any temporary drug eliminates only the symptoms, and not the basis of the pathology. Therefore, for chronic constipation and other digestive ailments, you need to seek help from a doctor. Only a comprehensive treatment regimen, as well as a properly selected laxative

The drug will help improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. When choosing a medicine on your own, you should give preference to mild, safe, slow-acting remedies. These are homeopathy, herbal medicine, dietary supplements, prebiotics and probiotics.

For one-time use in case of spontaneous delay in defecation or the need to cleanse the intestines before diagnosis, you can choose a drug with a fast-acting or osmotic effect. Before taking it, be sure to study the instructions and any available contraindications. With special care at home, it is necessary to select medicine for young children and bedridden patients, women during pregnancy and during breastfeeding.

You should also not forget about regular physical activity, a balanced diet enriched with fiber and dairy products. Abdominal massage, Donat mg mineral water or another with a high content of magnesium can help solve the problem of difficult bowel movements.

What kind of laxatives are there?

Medicines for constipation differ in the mechanism and place of action on the intestines; laxatives are divided into types:

  • annoying;
  • osmotic;
  • enteric fillers.

There are preparations made from plants; natural products also have a laxative effect.

Medications with irritating effects

The influence of active substances extends to the large intestine and is based on chemical irritation of the mucous membrane and nerve endings.

The effect stimulates peristalsis, causing bowel movement 6, sometimes 12 hours after ingestion. Additionally, medications interfere with the absorption of fluid, preventing stool from hardening. The product is found in tablets, liquid solutions, and suppositories.

These include Guttalax, Slabikal, Bisacodyl.

Medicines are indicated for stool retention of a non-chronic nature; they are not prescribed to children and elderly patients; the drugs are not intended for long-term use.

Medicines with osmotic action

The drugs are made on the basis of salts, disaccharides or high molecular weight polymers. The result is achieved due to fluid retention in the intestines.

Medicines with osmotic action

The consequence is an increase in volume and softening of accumulated feces, and the contractility of the intestinal walls increases.

Preparations of this type are Forlax, Lavacol, Duphalac, Normaze, magnesium sulfate, Carlsbad salt.

Medicines are safe for long-term use; lactulose-based products are suitable during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Osmotic laxatives can increase gas formation and salt imbalance.

Attention! During treatment, to prevent dehydration, taking medications requires increasing the volume of fluid consumed.

Herbal laxatives

The tablets are made from plant materials that contain anthraglycosides (buckthorn bark, hay leaf, rhubarb). Facilitation of bowel movements occurs due to the irritating effect on intestinal receptors.

The class of drugs includes castor oil, which is made from castor oil; stimulation of peristalsis occurs when exposed to ricinoleic acid.

Enteric fillers

Fillers include the synthetic drug Mucofalk and natural derivatives: bran, psyllium husk, flax seed, seaweed, a mixture of polysaccharides agarose and agaropectin (agar-agar).

The products include hydrophilic fibers that are not subject to digestion and absorption in the intestines. They absorb water, increase the intestinal lumen and volume of contents, facilitating the excretion of feces. The use of fillers requires increased fluid intake.

Medicines are considered to be the safest among other laxatives; they are prescribed for chronic constipation, for patients after surgery, and for irritable bowels. Sometimes use causes bloating, a feeling of fullness, and minor pain.

Natural laxatives for colon cleansing

Pharmacy laxatives work effectively, but cause harm to the body.

Natural remedies are safe, have a mild effect, and begin cleansing in the upper sections, which is “more correct” from a physiological point of view. The body is saturated with valuable vitamins, amino acids and sugars, and harmful substances are successfully removed.

The best laxatives for normalizing stool are vegetables, berries and fruits, whole grain bread and bran, so for successful bowel movements these components should always be present in the menu.

The following products have a laxative effect:

  • plums, peaches, apricots and dried apricots, prunes, figs, raisins;
  • pumpkin, carrots, beets, cabbage (contain coarse fiber);
  • vegetable oils (facilitate the sliding of feces).

Freshly prepared kefir or yogurt also have laxative properties; drinks should be consumed on an empty stomach or before bed.

In the elderly

The body of older people is no less sensitive than that of children. You should choose pills for constipation in the elderly very carefully: it is better if they are prescribed by your doctor. Below is an overview of the most popular constipation pills for the elderly:

  1. Regulax . This is a strong remedy that consists of plant components, which prevents the body from getting used to it. The duration of action is 10 hours, the taste is unpleasant according to reviews.
  2. Guttalax . This is a safe remedy that can be taken even by pregnant women and has a mild effect. The effect after use occurs within 13-15 hours. It comes in different forms and is addictive, so it cannot be used for a long time.
  3. Evacuol, Elimin, Dibrolax - all these anti-constipation pills belong to the group of irritants. Aimed at stimulating one-time bowel movements, increasing the activity of the colon.
  4. Prelax . The medication belongs to the group of prebiotics and is recommended for elderly people and newborns for constipation. The composition contains lactulose, which can draw water onto itself. Taken together with other tablets, it helps older people stabilize their digestive health for a long time. There is a side effect - flatulence.
  • Instructions for use of Senade tablets
  • Guttalax - instructions for use, laxative composition and release form, side effects and price
  • How to take Senade correctly

Doctors' opinions on the use of laxatives

Doctors warn that prolonged use of medications causes electrolyte imbalance.
Doctors do not deny the effectiveness of laxatives in treating stool retention, but remind that medications do not fight the cause of constipation. They note that some people take drugs uncontrollably, without taking into account contraindications, causing harm to their health.

Doctors warn that prolonged use of medications causes electrolyte imbalance and the development of intestinal atony due to addiction to the active ingredient.

Even the use of relatively safe drugs can lead to unpleasant consequences. Therefore, before you start using laxatives, you should consult a specialist.

Important! Only a doctor can help you select the most effective and safe drug and prescribe the correct dosage after examining you and identifying the factors that caused constipation.

To solve the problem in a timely manner, you should pay more attention to your diet and lifestyle.

What you need to do to avoid frequent use of drugs:

  • increase the volume of fluid consumed;
  • cook food in the oven or steam;
  • include soups in your diet;
  • eat more raw vegetables and fruits, as they contain coarse fiber;
  • exclude fried foods and smoked foods from the menu;
  • reduce alcohol consumption.

To stimulate the work of the intestinal muscles, a person needs to move, so it is necessary to increase physical activity and massage the abdomen.

Constipation symptoms

The first signs of constipation can be identified by the following symptoms:

  1. Going to the toilet less than three times a week.
  2. Feces in the form of small dry balls.
  3. Small amount of discharge.
  4. The emptying process is very difficult.
  5. The following unpleasant sensations are present: bloating, gurgling, pain, cramps.

If constipation has not yet become a constant and painful problem, then it is possible to use herbal remedies for constipation in adults during one-time manifestations.

The list of them has been known since ancient times and is taken from folk herbalists:

  • plantain seeds,
  • licorice root, powder,
  • seaweed and preparations based on it,
  • rhubarb root,
  • coriander fruit,
  • buckthorn fruit,
  • yarrow and medicinal preparations based on it,
  • anise and senna leaves,
  • fennel fruit extracts,
  • steelhead tincture,
  • Fiberlex, a synthetic herbal medicine.

How to choose and use a laxative for home use

You should choose a laxative taking into account the cause of constipation and existing diseases. It is important to consider the safety, mechanism of action of the drug, speed of action and contraindications.

Quick results come with the use of microenemas and suppositories. For chronic stool retention, probiotics are indicated, since the drugs have a positive effect on the microflora of the digestive tract and do not have serious contraindications.

Before use, you should study the instructions; it is better to take laxatives in the evening; the effect of the medications begins after 6, maximum 12 hours, so bowel movements usually begin in the morning.

But in order to avoid unpleasant situations, it is better to plan your time so that you can be at home during the day.

If you need help quickly

In this case, it is best to use an enema . This is the fastest way to cleanse the rectum. The option to use adult constipation medications from the quick-fix list above is also welcome. Do not forget about traditional methods of relieving constipation.

Taking infusions and drinking plenty of fluids, especially coffee and green tea, will help prevent the problem or cope with its presence

Taking infusions and drinking plenty of fluids, especially coffee and green tea, will help prevent the problem or cope with its presence. Kefir or prune compote are also good for the night.

Children's laxative from 3 years

The digestive tract of babies is not fully formed, as is the brain, skeleton, and more. Therefore, children experience constipation from time to time. The intestinal microflora of children, like other systems, differs from that of adults. It will take several more years until all systems and children’s organs are fully formed.

Such metamorphoses cannot happen unnoticed. Global changes in all body systems are a difficult process that is accompanied by a number of unpleasant factors. Constipation is one of them.

Let's figure out how to help children overcome these troubles. What should parents use if a misfortune comes to their children?

Children from 3 years of age are allowed to use drugs suitable for adults. But there is a limitation on them - the medicine is used once . Let's look at some tools:

  • Petrolatum. The oil lubricates the walls of the gastrointestinal tract, allowing the contents to come out. Obtained from petroleum.
  • Castor oil. Oil increases the amount of feces and promotes easy sliding of masses through the intestines. Obtained from castor beans.
  • FOS (fructooligosaccharides), GOS (galactooligosaccharides) and lactulose are polysaccharides that are not absorbed in the intestine. They are prebiotics. Drugs containing the first two groups of substances weaken the intestines. They are often included in children's foods. Lactulose increases the amount of feces and retains fluid in the intestines.
  • Polyhydric alcohols . These substances act in the same way as FOS and GOS, but milder.
  • Microclysters and suppositories . They give a short-term effect. They facilitate the passage of feces and relieve the fear of defecation.

Some drugs are dangerous when self-treating children. Do not use the following medications under any circumstances:

  • Magnesia. The medicine can dehydrate the baby’s body. Has an active effect.
  • Diphenols. They can lead to a deterioration in the intestinal peristalsis and its atrophy.
  • Prokinetics. The side effects of drugs are poorly understood. Affect peristalsis. Hypothetically lead to atrophy.

The best way to prevent constipation in children is to add magnesium to the diet . This microelement promotes more frequent bowel movements.


This group of drugs is designed to induce rapid bowel movements. They are also called contact laxatives. When they enter the lower part of the intestine, they irritate its receptors, stimulating the process of peristalsis. After taking them, depending on the effectiveness of the drug, defecation occurs after 5-9 hours.

Contact drugs include:

  • Weakened;
  • Weak;
  • Dulcolax;
  • Pirilax;
  • Laskigal;
  • Laxacodil;
  • Glycerol;
  • Bisacodyl;
  • Bisad;
  • Phytolax;
  • Regulax;
  • Guttasil;
  • Senade;
  • Senadexin;
  • Castor oil.

Some herbal medicines also belong to contact medicines - rhubarb root, senna leaves, joster fruits and some others.

Contact drugs are used as quick-acting laxatives for acute constipation . But, despite all the speed and effectiveness, their constant use can only aggravate the situation. Intestinal receptors quickly get used to irritation and stop reacting vigorously to it. Often, taking such tablets is accompanied by side effects: mainly nausea, less often - painful sensations in the gastrointestinal tract.

Therefore, they can only be used as a one-time “first aid” to eliminate acute constipation. Contact remedies for constipation are contraindicated during pregnancy, nursing mothers, and young children. Also, they should not be taken in the presence of bleeding anal fissures, the risk of uterine bleeding, strangulated inguinal hernia, hemorrhoids.


Evgeniy, 30 years old: I have been suffering from constipation for a long time, but somehow I didn’t attach any importance to it. Still, I had to see a doctor when anal fissures began to appear in me, and every act of defecation was accompanied by the release of blood. The doctor said that, first of all, I need to change my lifestyle and diet. I began to eat more vegetables and fruits, and also drink still mineral water. The doctor prescribed me glycerin suppositories. After using them, the urge to defecate occurs within five minutes. I also took Hilak-Forte for a month. I diluted the product in warm boiled water and immediately drank it. Throughout the entire treatment course, I drank at least two liters of water a day.

Tatyana, 30 years old: I try to watch my diet and physical activity, but as soon as I go on a trip, I suffer from constipation. Glycerin suppositories help me out. In general, this is such a safe remedy, as I understand from the instructions, that it is prescribed to newborn children and nursing mothers. I store suppositories in the refrigerator. After using suppositories, the natural urge to defecate occurs within five to ten minutes. The drug belongs to a group of medications that irritate receptors in the intestinal wall. The fatty base of suppositories lubricates the inner walls of the rectum, protecting the mucous membrane from damage by dry feces.

Tatyana, 40 years old: I have suffered from constipation since I was young. I have already tried a variety of drugs, but they only gave a temporary effect. I constantly asked doctors what medicine could help, until I realized that first of all I needed to change my lifestyle. After I normalized my diet and diet, the problem became much less. Still, from time to time I use medications with a laxative effect. I really like Duphalac. It belongs to the group of prebiotics - drugs that restore microflora. By eliminating dysbiosis, intestinal function is normalized. Duphalac contains only lactulose and water, so I use it when treating my children and grandchildren.

Constipation is an unpleasant symptom, the appearance of which is often the fault of the patients themselves. Stool retention can occur due to poor lifestyle and dietary errors. And sometimes constipation is a symptom of some serious pathology. Be that as it may, first of all, the patient should undergo a diagnosis and establish the cause of his pathological condition.

Good drugs in the treatment of constipation are prebiotics, which have a laxative effect by normalizing the microflora. Doctors also prescribe irritants, drugs that increase osmotic pressure, and intestinal fillers. Each of the listed groups has a number of its own characteristics, advantages, as well as contraindications and side effects.

Recipes from Vanga

Traditional medicine was used by the famous seer Vanga to treat constipation. She left people with many folk remedies that can help them forget about constipation.

We will share some of them:

  1. You need to take blackthorn flowers and take it as an infusion. Pour 2 teaspoons of flowers into a glass of boiled water and leave for about 8 hours. Then you just need to drink this folk remedy on an empty stomach (200 grams).
  2. Vanga said that to get rid of constipation with the help of traditional medicine , you should use elderberry jam. A teaspoon twice a day will relieve the disease.
  3. Vanga said that onions are one of the best available remedies in folk medicine. She claimed that you need to eat 50 grams of raw onions a day, constipation will go away.

General contraindications to rectal suppositories

Despite their obvious advantages, laxative suppositories for constipation in the elderly cannot be used in the following cases:

  • For abdominal pain of unknown etiology.
  • If you suspect the presence of a tumor or tumor-like formation in the intestine.
  • If there is bleeding or suspicious discharge from the rectum.
  • For inflammatory bowel diseases.
  • During an exacerbation of hemorrhoids (except for suppositories based on sea buckthorn oil).
  • In the presence of destructive processes in the rectum.
  • For appendicitis.
  • In case of nausea, vomiting, general serious condition.

Even if there are no contraindications, consult your doctor before use!

Types and effects of osmotic drugs

Osmotic agents are used for acute constipation, intoxication, and preparation for surgical and diagnostic procedures. Bowel movement occurs due to the retention of water in the intestinal lumen. At the same time, the feces soften, increase in volume and come out.

Osmotic drugs include:

  • Macrogol (Fortrans, Forlax, Osmogol).
  • Magnesium sulfate.
  • Lactulose.
  • Carlsbad salt.
  • Microlax.
A drugPhotoPrice
Fortransfrom 516 rub.
Forlaxfrom 149 rub.
Magnesium sulfatefrom 22 rub.
Lactulosefrom 113 rub.
Microlaxfrom 348 rub.

Macrogol is available in powder form for the preparation of a solution and is taken according to a special regimen before surgical or diagnostic interventions.

Magnesium sulfate is a crystalline powder that has a choleretic and diuretic effect and is effective for poisoning with barium salts.

Carlsbad salt is crystals for preparing a solution with a mild laxative and choleretic effect.

Microlax is a micro-enema for rectal administration with rapid action (5–20 minutes). The active ingredients of the drug displace bound water from the feces and retain it by osmosis, which promotes rapid bowel movement.

The use of Microlax before diagnostic rectoscopy is especially effective.

Osmotic drugs are quite safe, since their action is not associated with stimulation of peristalsis, so the development of intestinal atony is impossible. However, they are not used for chronic constipation, since long-term use may disrupt the water-salt balance.


Fast-acting laxative suppositories are direct-acting drugs for constipation. They soften the intestinal contents and increase the volume of feces.

There are different means:

  • mid-price category (Mikrolax - mini-enema, consists of 5 ml of gel and a long cap-shaped nozzle, quick-acting, one-time use);
  • at an affordable price (Bisacodyl is a prodrug, irritates mucosal receptors, works for an hour after use).

Independent use of suppositories is possible for occasional problems with bowel movements. If you experience regular constipation, you should consult a doctor.

Direct exposure to the drug is strictly prohibited in case of uterine bleeding, including menstruation, anal fissures, hemorrhoids and inflammation. With prolonged use, itching of the skin, incontinence of intestinal contents, and inflammation are possible.

Let's look at three powerful tools with the best performance:


The product has an irritating effect. Bisacodyl acts on the nerves of the intestines, causing effective mucus secretion . A laxative is indicated for poor functioning of the gastrointestinal tract (peristalsis), preoperative cleansing of feces. The average price is 35 rubles.

  • Low cost - 23-48 rubles
  • The result comes no earlier than after 8 hours
  • Does not require repeated use or increased dosage
  • Lots of side effects
  • addictive
  • Sometimes causes diarrhea
  • May cause abdominal pain

The product is not bad, but for some... My husband’s side effects manifested themselves in all their glory. It helped me tremendously!

laxative Bisacodyl

Laxative is used for constipation caused by hardening of stool. Glycelax contains glycerin. It makes excrement softer. Glycelax is used once a day in the morning after meals. It has two varieties: for children and adults.

  • Safe composition
  • Children's dosage is one of the best for a child
  • Not suitable for reuse

The product helps as an emergency measure for children. I keep it in my medicine cabinet. I couldn't find anything better. Not suitable for permanent use.

laxative Glycelax

Relief has two functions. It restores the intestines and treats constipation. Use the drug after meals, at night and after going to the toilet.

  • Valid for the first day
  • Double effect
  • Gentle aid to digestion
  • From 12 years old

I was impressed by the use of an integrated approach in one drug - laxative and regenerating. I recommend purchasing it to try. It suited me perfectly!

laxative Relief

Tablets: list of drugs

After the medication is broken down in the intestines (this includes both tablets and drops, syrups), it acts on the intestinal mucosa, mainly the large intestine. As a result, peristalsis (contraction of the walls of the organ, in this case the colon) increases.

Water and electrolytes accumulate in this area and stimulate the elimination of waste products. Significant advantages of this method include softening the intestinal contents , which is especially important for prolonged constipation.

Most drugs with this action begin to work within 6-12 hours . It is necessary to allocate free time for 5-6 hours after the onset of action and stay at home.

Consider fast-acting laxative tablets. The list of drugs is given below:

  • Guttelax in the form of drops
  • Agiolax in the form of granules
  • Regulax in the form of cubes.
  • Poslabin lactulose
  • Citrucel
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