What tablets for diarrhea and abdominal pain for adults

Today, there are many remedies that can help adults with diarrhea. However, it is strictly not recommended to run to the pharmacy and buy the first thing you come across. A bowel disorder can begin for various reasons, and in order for treatment to help and not cause additional harm to health, you need to know exactly what happened to the body and why it gave such a reaction.


  1. The average adult has experienced diarrhea more than once, and in the vast majority of cases, the cause is the food they eat. Food may be of poor quality, expired, prepared inappropriately, or simply unusual. In addition, there are products that themselves have a very strong laxative effect. Fatty, spicy and sour foods also irritate the intestines and cause upset. Find out everything about diarrhea after alcohol on our website
  2. Intestinal infections cause severe stool upset. If you have ever encountered dysentery, salmonellosis or staphylococcus, you are unlikely to forget about it. In addition, the so-called “stomach” or “intestinal” flu, also known as rota virus or enterovirus, can keep you confined to the toilet. Find out what to do if an adult has diarrhea and fever in our other article.
  3. Individual intolerance to some components. For example, if the human body does not produce enough lactase, the enzyme that breaks down milk protein, severe digestive upset may occur when consuming dairy products.
  4. Changes in climate, familiar surroundings, and uncomfortable situations that arise sometimes lead to mild or severe diarrhea.
  5. The same can be said for stress and depression.
  6. The cause is formations in the intestines (polyps and tumors), as well as inflammation in the rectum and colon.
  7. Stool disorders are caused by an imbalance between beneficial and harmful microflora in the intestines. This condition is also called dysbiosis. It occurs most often as a consequence of a course of treatment carried out with certain medications.

As you can see, there are many reasons, and therefore, adults use different remedies for diarrhea that can help in a given situation. We present to your attention the top best remedies for diarrhea in adults.

There are five types of fixatives for diarrhea in adults, differing in their effects on the human body. This:

  • Probiotics
  • Drugs that inhibit peristalsis
  • Enterosorbents
  • Antibiotics and antimicrobials

Let's talk about each group of funds in order.


What pills help with diarrhea and abdominal pain

Everyone is familiar with such an unexpected nuisance as diarrhea. Its occurrence can be associated with many reasons, and for each case there are pills that help with diarrhea. In order to treat such an unpleasant phenomenon, it is necessary to try to understand the cause, which can be indicated by the color of the discharge, for example, yellow, green, etc. Did you eat an unfamiliar dish the day before? Have you experienced stress or overexertion at work? Or was it the body’s reaction to a certain event in life?

Diarrhea is caused by the following factors:

  • intolerance to any product;
  • drinking contaminated water;
  • intestinal infection caused by a virus, parasite or bacteria;
  • allergy to a product or medicine;
  • emotional overstrain, frustration, stress;
  • chronic inflammation, ulcers, ulcerative colitis of the colon and rectum;
  • irritable bowel syndrome;
  • chronic inflammation of part of the digestive system;
  • malabsorption.


Drugs of this group, when entering the body, are not digested, reach the intestines unchanged, and, when broken down, fill it with beneficial microflora. Thus, the balance between beneficial and harmful microorganisms is normalized, since both are needed for the digestive system to function normally. Dysbacteriosis (microflora disorders) can occur after long-term use of antibacterial drugs, after intestinal infections, and with dyspepsia.

List of drugs

  1. Lactobacterin. This inexpensive remedy for diarrhea in adults, which contains only live lactobacilli, not only restores the microflora, but also normalizes all metabolic processes in the body. Contraindicated in case of individual intolerance and candidiasis. Costs about 120-150 rubles.
  2. Bifidobacterin. Contains only live bifidobacteria. Available in capsules, tablets, and also in the form of a dry powder, which must be diluted with water before use. Very effective for diarrhea resulting from food poisoning. Special instructions for use: do not dilute the powder in hot water and do not take it simultaneously with antibiotics. Costs from 80 to 120 rubles
  3. Bifiform. This drug contains both lacto- and bifidobacteria, in addition, it contains B vitamins. The medicine is recommended to be taken for intestinal infections. Cost: 300 rubles
  4. Linux. This good remedy for loose stools in adults comes in the form of capsules filled with white powder. It can be taken simultaneously with antibiotics, so the drug is recommended for the prevention of dysbacteriosis. Contains lacto- and bifidobacteria, enterococci. It is not recommended to use simultaneously with hot drinks and alcohol. Cost: around 400 rubles
  5. Acipol. Contains kifir fungus polysaccharide and live lactobacilli. Indicated for intestinal infections, chronic colitis, dysbiosis that occurs after taking antibiotics. Contraindication is hypersensitivity to the components of the drug. Costs about 320 rubles.


In order for such a nuisance as diarrhea to happen as rarely as possible, you need to follow some simple, but at the same time effective tips. These include:

  1. You can only eat fresh foods. This especially applies to dairy and meat products.
  2. Sufficient heat treatment of fish, meat, eggs.
  3. You should not drink tap water without first boiling it. Give preference to filtered or bottled water.
  4. Carefully monitor hygiene: mandatory hand washing before eating and preparing food, cleaning areas where food is prepared.
  5. Avoid fast food cafes, especially untested ones.

When the first signs of intestinal distress appear, the best option is to drink enterosorbent. It will bind all toxins and remove them in a short time. This way you can stop diarrhea at the initial stage. If this does not help, you may need to seek medical help.


I used to treat diarrhea with other drugs, loperamide, etc. But they disrupt intestinal motility, and the sorbents are quickly “washed out,” which may not give the desired effect. I recently learned about Counterdiar. This drug works differently. It does not kill normal microflora, does not affect peristalsis, and is quickly eliminated. The stool begins to normalize 10–12 hours after the start of treatment, and is restored by 2–3 days.


A doctor I knew recommended Contrdiar to me. Then I felt nauseous, my stomach was buzzing and I had incessant diarrhea. Something antimicrobial clearly suggested itself. I can’t say that this drug actually cured me from the first pill, but after a day of taking it the situation changed for the better. I don’t remember exactly, but somewhere on the 3rd day I already went to work. This is a great result for me)


In Thailand I ate fried squid on the street, the next morning I felt terrible, had fever, pain and diarrhea. I had nothing with me, but our new friends gave me Contrdiar, the savior of my vacation. The day is over, I still suffered, although it became a little easier. The diarrhea went away after 2 days, thank God. Now I’ll take it too, it’s a good drug.


I don’t know who it is, but Counterdiar suited me. There were no adverse reactions from it, and the stool became normal within 3 days. At that time I was on shift in the north, you can’t really sit on the toilet there. A friend recommended this medicine; it helped him in a similar situation, so I took it. In general, I don’t regret the money spent, I would have spent more if I had given up the shift, but I earned decent money and improved my health quickly.


I ate two pieces of salted lard and I’m wondering what I should drink.

Irina Vladimirovna

You should see a gastroenterologist, it could be a pancreatic reaction. If you have diarrhea, it could be an infection. The first case is a diet, and the second is something on nifuroxazide


It’s good that for intestinal infections you no longer need to swallow handfuls of antibiotics, completely destroying the microflora; they kill all bacteria, including the good ones. CounterDiar works in the intestinal lumen, is not absorbed into the blood, and does not cause side effects. After it, there are no disturbances in the microflora, since only bacteria that cause infection are destroyed.


An employee told me about CounterDiar. I was just getting ready to go on vacation to India, she recommended this drug as one of the best for intestinal infections. It seemed like she was trying to adhere to the rules, but the change in climate, water and food still resulted in diarrhea. I took it for three days according to the regimen of 4 capsules per day, 1 every 6 hours. It helps to recover very well, and the intestines return to normal quickly. I recommend having it in every first aid kit!

Irina Vladimirovna

Preparations based on nifuroxazide have always been effective, because this substance is antimicrobial + it is not an antibiotic, which puts a strain on the organs and good bacteria, along with the bad ones, but is a safe remedy that works only in the intestinal lumen and only with the culprits of diarrhea. Of these medications, I like Contrdiar the most. It is in capsule form and costs normally. I order the drug online, it’s more economical


Of all the antidiarrheals (and we tried different things), the best one is Contrdiar. He helps my husband and I well, and our son, he is 6 years old. Convenient to take in capsule form, no nasty taste. Abdominal pain and seething stop within a day, diarrhea clears up in a few days. I always give a child 5 days; 3 days of treatment is enough for ourselves.


I have three children, I know a lot about diarrhea)) And about their treatment too) Now they have also started buying CounterDiar. I took it for the first time on the advice of a friend, I really liked the effect. The main thing is that it is convenient for children to drink the capsules, there is no unpleasant aftertaste, and plus the drug is from a reliable manufacturer and is safe. Kills microbes, but preserves the intestinal microflora.

A quality product that is definitely worth the money. And his price is normal, not high. Always helps quickly, I bought it 2 times. It was first recommended at a pharmacy. For diarrhea, it improves the condition very well, relieves abdominal pain and normalizes stool in 2–3 days. You should definitely keep such drugs in your first aid kit, especially when you go on vacation.

In general, I’m not used to taking pills for diarrhea, but for more than a week it hasn’t given life, I had to go to the doctor. Therapist Contrdiar said to take it for 3 days, to see the condition, if it doesn’t change for the better, to go to the infectious disease clinic. Ttt, not only did my condition change, but I generally recovered, in 3 days everything went away that had been tormenting me for a week), a magic drug, I changed my mind about pills for diarrhea)


Drugs that inhibit peristalsis

Drugs belonging to this group act on the receptors of the intestinal mucosa, inhibiting peristalsis, reducing the frequency of contractions of the rectum and at the same time increasing the tone of the sphincter, making it much easier for a person to restrain the urge to defecate. Contraindications to taking these quick remedies for diarrhea in adults are:

  1. Intestinal infections (for example, salmonellosis and dysentery), since in these diseases diarrhea should never be inhibited, because in this way toxins leave the body
  2. Children up to six years of age (capsules) and up to two years of age (drops)
  3. Pregnancy in the first trimester (not recommended during the entire pregnancy, but strictly prohibited in the first trimester)

Medicines that inhibit peristalsis are produced on the basis of the same drug - Loperamide. They differ in the form of release, additional components included in the composition, and, of course, price.

List of drugs

  1. If you need an inexpensive remedy for diarrhea in adults, it is worth purchasing Loperamide in its pure form. For packaging you will pay no more than 40 rubles
  2. Imodium, a popular remedy for diarrhea in adults, is based on Loperamide, but it cannot be called cheap. For a box of chewable lozenges you will have to pay at least 215 rubles.
  3. Lopedium. Costs similar to Loperamide
  4. Enterobene – about 50 rubles
  5. Diara. Also chewable lozenges, but for this product you will pay less than for Imodium - about 100 rubles

Let us remind you that all the above-described drugs contain exactly 2 mg of Loperamide in one tablet, capsule or lozenge.

When is it necessary to visit a doctor?

The following situations require an immediate visit to the doctor:

  • diarrhea manifested in an infant;
  • diarrhea, which is accompanied by vomiting, high fever, severe pain in the abdominal area;
  • bleeding from the anus during stool without pain;
  • signs of the body losing a large amount of fluid (no urine for more than 5 hours, pain in the kidney area, dry mouth and thirst)
  • diarrhea in people over 70 years of age;
  • diarrhea in people with diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • diarrhea during pregnancy;
  • the duration of the symptom is more than 4 days;
  • food poisoning.


In case of severe diarrhea, you cannot self-medicate; you must immediately seek qualified help. You need to visit a therapist who, based on stool, blood and general urine tests, will make a diagnosis.

The patient may also be referred to the infectious diseases department or to a gastroenterologist, depending on the cause of diarrhea.

After determining the cause, the doctor prescribes treatment, including proper nutrition and effective medications.


This group of effective remedies for diarrhea in adults works by removing toxins from the body that cause such a reaction in the body. Sorbents are, perhaps, the only drugs that can be taken without a doctor’s prescription, since they do not cause the slightest harm to the body.

List of drugs

  1. Smecta. In one package of this medicine you will find ten sachets of white powder, which must be diluted with water. Smecta restores the mucous barrier of the gastrointestinal tract and, at the same time, rids it of toxins. Costs about 150 rubles per package
  2. Enterosgel. This sorbent is presented in the form of a tube with a gel that does not have a pronounced taste or smell. This is one of the most powerful remedies for diarrhea in adults, as it removes not only toxins from the body, but also food allergens, medications and harmful bacteria. Price - 300 rubles
  3. Activated carbon. This remedy for diarrhea in adults cannot be called the best, it is not convenient to take (one tablet per kilogram of body weight), and after taking it, the stool becomes a terrible black color. However, charcoal has been used in treatment for quite a long time, and its effectiveness has stood the test of time. Price: about 10 rubles

Medicines for diarrhea for adults: TOP 10 best remedies for diarrhea

Diarrhea is a symptom that can occur due to various reasons.
The most common is poor diet, but in addition, diarrhea can be caused by food poisoning, stress, chronic predisposition or an infectious disease. When prescribing medications for diarrhea, the doctor takes into account the reasons that caused the body's reaction. A correct diagnosis allows the doctor to prescribe effective treatment. Let's look at the most effective and inexpensive medications for diarrhea that you can take at home. Rating 2020.

Antibiotics and antimicrobials

The most effective remedy for diarrhea in adults, if the disorder is the result of an intestinal infection, is antibacterial and antimicrobial drugs. To cure diarrhea - a symptom of an intestinal infection - you need to destroy its causative agent. Such drugs are heavy artillery, and they should be taken only after the appropriate tests have been taken and the doctor has made a diagnosis. There are often cases when a person takes antibiotics for an illness caused by microbes, and vice versa. In this case, you will not only not see a positive effect, but will also cause significant harm to your health.

List of drugs

  1. Furazolidone. Antimicrobial drug. Indicated for dysentery and food toxic infections. Contraindications: children under 1 year of age, pregnancy, lactation, liver and nervous system diseases.
  2. Enterofuril. Also a broad-spectrum antimicrobial agent. Indicated for various intestinal infections. Contraindications: children under 1 month of age. Costs around 350 rubles
  3. Alpha normix. It is a broad-spectrum antibiotic, antimicrobial, and anti-inflammatory drug. Contraindicated in children under 12 years of age, with ulcers in the intestines, as well as intestinal obstruction. The price is high, but justified by the effectiveness of the medicine: 600-700 rubles.

Also on our website: yellow diarrhea in an adult

Treatment of diarrhea in children

Before giving the baby a medicine to normalize stool, the mother should consult a pediatrician. The specialist will necessarily conduct an examination of the young patient, the purpose of which is to determine the cause of the violation of the defecation process. Only then will he prescribe anti-diarrhea medications for children.

In cases where the cause of diarrhea is a progressive pathology, complex drug therapy is carried out.

The baby’s diet must be adjusted, from which all dishes that can cause loose stools are removed.

Every day, parents should monitor the amount of liquid their children consume. To normalize the water-salt balance, they should give children special solutions to drink, which can be purchased in powder form in pharmacy chains, or prepared with your own hands.

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