15 Foods That Cause Bad Body Odor

Halitosis, or bad breath, can be caused by a variety of reasons. The main factors that provoke the appearance of bad breath are poor quality or irregular care of teeth and gums, bad habits, dental and other diseases. In cases where there are no health problems, the cause of halitosis may be an incorrect lifestyle.

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How to get rid of bad breath using the most common food products?

How to stop vomiting after alcohol

Alcohol abuse always leads to sad consequences. Almost every person, after a stormy evening with the presence of alcohol-containing drinks, is familiar with a hangover. Nausea, vomiting, severe migraine, general weakness. To relieve the symptoms of a hangover, many methods have been created - both medicinal and folk.

But what to do in case of strong vomiting? How to stop vomiting after alcohol poisoning - after all, such a syndrome leads to severe dehydration and weakening of a person. Is it worth stopping it, because with the help of vomiting, the poisoned body gets rid of the remnants of poisons and toxic substances after drinking alcohol.

To stop vomiting after alcohol, you should stop all symptoms of poisoning


According to a publication published in the journal Chemical Senses, beef steak may be incorporated into your sweat. To substantiate this scientific position, scientists observed two groups of guys. The young people ate red meat twice a day for two weeks, while the second group ate no red meat at all for the same period of time.

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Black and green tea

A cup of black or green tea is one of the most effective and affordable ways to combat bad breath. The secret to the effectiveness of this product lies in the presence of powerful antioxidants in tea - polyphenols. Polyphenols prevent the spread of bacteria in the oral cavity that cause bad breath, and thus help fight bad odor. But this effect only works if you drink tea without sugar. As the results of research by scientists at the American University of Utah show, people who regularly drink tea without sugar are more likely to have fresh breath.

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Apples are especially useful not only due to the vitamins they contain. The American Dietetic Association says that hard fruits and vegetables, such as apples, celery, and carrots, keep teeth free of plaque and bacteria. They also increase salivation, which has a beneficial effect on the condition of the oral cavity, moisturizing it and preventing the appearance of pathogens. And chewing hard fruits helps get rid of pieces of food stuck in your teeth, which also cause an unpleasant odor.

Cleaning up vomit from the sofa

There is no point in removing the smell before removing the vomit from the upholstery. Cleaning is done quickly so that stomach acid does not have time to absorb into the fabric.

Cleaning procedure:

  1. Use dry wipes to remove most of the dirt. You can’t rub everything with a wet cloth.
  2. After removing the solid particles, a liquid mass will remain. Remove with a damp cloth, which should be placed on top of the stain and blotted. We repeat several times, while rinsing the rag and not making rubbing movements. Do not press on the upholstery.
  3. To eliminate residual stains and neutralize odors, sprinkle the stained area of ​​the sofa with cat litter (it has excellent absorbent properties), or you can also use starch or soda. We wait 5-10 minutes.
  4. Remove traces of vomit with a special upholstery cleaner or dishwashing detergent.

Complex stains from vomiting sometimes cannot be washed off with simple means. How to remove ingrained and unpleasantly smelling marks without ruining the fabric? There are several proven methods.

Review of special products for getting rid of the smell of vomit

Unpleasant discharge causes a lot of problems for the housewife. To begin with, a rag is used to collect leftovers and pieces of food, and then the fight against the persistent caustic liquid begins.

Products that have a neutralizing effect will help remove stains and odors. You can buy them in the household chemicals department, at a car dealership or a pet store.

Before purchasing, study the labels in detail for a list of contraindications and follow the instructions for use. Many preparations contain chemical elements and should not be sprayed or applied in a room where there are animals or children.

Household chemicals:

  1. An American company offers a universal cleaner LOC. It contains no hazardous substances. It is combined with water and applied to fresh marks on the sofa. Move from the edges of the spot to the center. At the end, you need to thoroughly rinse the surface with a sponge soaked in clean water and dry it with a hairdryer.
  2. Vanish carpet cleaning powder. Sprinkle the contents of the package over the dirt and leave for the specified period. After the expiration date, remove the residue with a vacuum cleaner.
  3. Vanish against stains. An effective solution copes with any dirt. Simply spray on the problem area and after a few minutes treat with a sponge or damp cloth.
  4. Dishwashing liquid. Dilute the gel in water, foam, apply foam to the damaged material. Leave for 1-2 hours, rinse with water until stains are completely removed.
  5. Washing powder. Pour the granules into a small container, dilute with water until a rich, thick foam is obtained. Carefully distribute the foam over the furniture and leave for active action. Wash off the remains.
  6. Stain removers. Choose products with an alkaline base to quickly decompose the mass into microparticles.

The products will help remove the vomit smell from any soft, hard surfaces: carpet, laminate, parquet floors, sofa upholstery, Persian carpet.

If the treatment does not remove the stench, professional liquids will come to the rescue:

  • Odorgone Med and Odorgone Animal Gold. Professional preparations for combating pet marks. These are not odor blockers, but powerful neutralizers. They break the mass into molecules and absorb it. Ideally cope with stubborn, difficult to remove stains. They have an additional antifungal and antibacterial effect. To improve the effect, sprinkle salt on the product;
  • auto chemical goods. Choose products with absorbent properties. There is a large assortment, among which you will find a product to suit your taste and wallet.

The drugs have a pungent odor. During treatment, the apartment and room should be well ventilated. This will help remove the smell of chemicals and vomit faster.

General recommendations

The sooner the discharge is removed, the less likely it is that the smell will be firmly absorbed into the upholstery. If someone has vomited on the sofa, the first step is to clean it up using rags or wipes soaked in soapy water. Then you need to assess the extent of the damage and prepare improvised and professional means to remove unpleasant odors. First, it is advisable to try traditional methods, because they have proven themselves and do not pose a danger to the health of household members. You will need the following:

  • soapy water;
  • ammonia;
  • lemon juice;
  • potassium permanganate;
  • vinegar essence;
  • coffee beans;
  • Black tea;
  • salt;
  • hydrogen peroxide.

Before removing the smell, it is necessary to clean the upholstery from stains, if any, otherwise, as a result of a chemical reaction between citric acid, vinegar and dirt, a difficult-to-remove substance is formed that will penetrate even deeper into the fibers. As a result, upholstered furniture may begin to smell even stronger.

Fabric softener

An excellent way to combat odors is conditioner, which is used when rinsing clothes. It does a good job of removing odors left by pets and vomit.

You can clean the sofa from the smell like this: add a whole cap of conditioner to 0.5 liters of clean water. After thorough stirring, wipe away traces of vomiting with the solution. Additionally, you can spray a product diluted with water in the room if the smell has also spread throughout it.

Selection of chemicals

Hardware stores have products that remove not only vomit stains, but also the smell of vomit.
Those with a high concentration of alkali cope best with unpleasant ambers. Manufacturers indicate this information on the packaging. In order for the product to work and the upholstery not to deteriorate, any drug must be used in strict accordance with the instructions. It is worth paying attention to car care products. Among them are odor neutralizers that can help solve the problem with the sofa. Another group of products are animal care products. They are designed to eliminate the smell of waste products from cats and dogs, but are great for removing the effects of vomiting.

Odor eliminators themselves smell unpleasant, but this does not affect their effectiveness. The aroma of chemicals disappears from the room after a few hours.

Article information

This article was produced by our experienced team of editors and researchers, who reviewed it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.
Categories: House

In other languages:

Español: eliminar el olor a vómito en la alfombra, Italiano: Eliminare l'Odore di Vomito da un Tappeto, Deutsch: Geruch von Erbrochenem aus einem Teppich entfernen, Français: enlever une odeur de vomi d'un tapis, Nederlands: De geur van braaksel uit je tapijt verwijderen, Bahasa Indonesia: Menghilangkan Bau Muntahan di Karpet, Čeština: Jak odstranit zápach zvratků z koberce, العربية: التخلص من رائحة القي ء في السجادة

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Using improvised means

If you don’t have special cleaning compounds at hand, you can use improvised means.

Lemon acid

Lemon juice or acid will help effectively get rid of stains and odors. It is important to maintain proportions so as not to spoil the upholstery. A teaspoon of citric acid is the maximum amount. Mix water with acid in a container, dip a sponge and wipe clean.


Soda acts as a real assistant and sorbent, with the help of which it is easy to remove the pungent aroma. The stain is first washed with clean water, then the problem area is sprinkled with powder and left in this form for three hours. After a while, the soda is removed and the area is washed. If necessary, repeat the procedure.

See also

15 Best Ways to Get Rid of Strong Vinegar Smell


Vinegar essence helps against pungent odors, but must be handled with care. After cleaning up the vomit, you need to prepare the following composition: take 10 tablespoons of vinegar per liter of water. A napkin is moistened in this solution, the contaminated area is wiped and left under the load for an hour. Afterwards, rinse with clean water.


To clean the surface of the sofa, you will need to prepare a paste of starch and water. Next, it is applied to the contaminated area and left until completely dry. The product is cleaned with a vacuum cleaner or brush. This method is combined with a soap solution.


This substance dissolves foods with gastric juice and eliminates pungent odors. How to use the product: ammonia is diluted with liquid in equal proportions. The sponge is moistened in the resulting composition and the surface of the sofa is treated with light movements.


If the wooden elements of a furniture product are damaged, resort to the use of turpentine. To prepare the cleanser, you will need to mix vinegar, turpentine and linseed oil in equal proportions. Next, using a cotton swab soaked in the resulting solution, treat the problem area. The procedure with turpentine must be carried out quickly.


If the vomit is not removed from the sofa in time, and the smell is already ingrained, they resort to table salt. A large amount of coarse salt needs to be sprinkled evenly on the problem area of ​​the sofa. The product is left for ten hours, and then the crystals are removed with a brush and vacuum cleaner.

Tea and coffee

This method is not suitable for removing stains from the surface of a light-colored sofa. Ground coffee or tea is used only for furniture in dark colors. The previously contaminated area is wiped from food debris, and then ground coffee is placed on it and left for six hours. The grains will absorb excess moisture and aroma. Residues are removed using a vacuum cleaner. Black tea bags (but green tea will also work) are laid out on the contaminated area. After two days, the bags can be removed.

How to remove odor in the kitchen with home remedies

It is not advisable to use chemical air fresheners in the kitchen, because... they can get into food and cause undesirable consequences. Peels from tangerines, oranges or lemons can be used as natural remedies to eliminate unpleasant odors in the kitchen. They are filled with water, put on fire and allowed to boil. Citrus steam, spreading throughout the room, neutralizes unnecessary aromas. The pan can be left overnight by turning it off first. During this time, the air in the kitchen will become fresher.

Citrus steam is a popular way to remove odors in the kitchen

Essential oils help well in the fight for freshness. There is a wide choice of products: anise, cinnamon, citrus, mint, lavender and rosemary. Just a few drops applied to furniture, towels or sponges can envelop the kitchen in fragrance. You can freshen the air by applying oil to a burning light bulb. As it heats up, it will spread throughout the kitchen and remove the smell of food and waste.

A transparent vase filled with coffee beans will be a beautiful and useful addition to your kitchen space. You can also put orange peels there.

Features of removing beer smell from carpet

If the carpet is damaged, you can clean it in the following way:

Blot the stain thoroughly with paper so that as much of the drink as possible is absorbed into it.

In this case, it will be easier to remove the smell. Sprinkle the stained area with washing powder, and then carefully wipe the treated area with a brush previously moistened with water. When the smell disappears and the stain fades, rinse the carpet with acidified water and leave to dry. This method is only good in the case of freshly spilled beer

If the stain is more than 1 day old, you will have to contact a professional dry cleaner. You won’t be able to clean old stains from your carpet on your own.

This method is only good for freshly spilled beer. If the stain is more than 1 day old, you will have to contact a professional dry cleaner. You won’t be able to clean old stains from your carpet on your own.

Can food cause an unpleasant odor in the body?

Can food cause bad body odor? Yes this is true. Often we don't even suspect it. We shower twice a day and change our socks. But we have the impression that in our case neither the deodorant nor the toothpaste want to cope with their responsibilities.

This is due to the fact that the unpleasant odor does not come from specific places, but from the skin pores of the entire surface of the human body.

It should be borne in mind that there are products that increase the acidity of sweat . It is because of this that our body develops an unpleasant odor. Thus, the appearance of repulsive acidic sweat is due to imbalances in the processes of organic chemistry in our body. This usually happens when we play sports or are on the move.

Each of us has toxins inside our bodies. They are excreted in various ways. Most toxic substances leave our body through feces, urine, exhaled air and sweat.

When we eat poorly or eat a lot of foods that increase acidity, there is an increased risk that our body will begin to emit an unpleasant and pungent odor. Why? The fact is that in this case he has to work harder in order to properly remove all toxins.

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