Burning feeling in the liver area: causes and list of diseases

A burning sensation in the liver area is a common occurrence that occurs in the elderly, young people and even small children. In this case, discomfort in the right hypochondrium can be a sign of a serious pathology or occurs against the background of physiological processes, which is the norm.

Unpleasant sensations in the projection of the liver are not always provoked by a disease of the gland, but can be associated with other organs. It is impossible to independently understand the causes; a comprehensive examination is required.

Let's consider the possible reasons due to which the liver begins to “burn and burn,” diseases of the gland with symptoms and characteristics of the course.

The main causes of liver burning

Burning sensations in the liver area do not always appear due to functional disorders in its structures - the reason may be completely different. For example, damage to nearby organs by the inflammatory process - intestines, lungs, pleura, or due to simple physical overstrain, psycho-emotional disorder. Often pregnant women experience discomfort under the right rib.

Therefore, before prescribing treatment, you should consult your doctor and perform the diagnostic procedures recommended by him. The main causes of burning in the liver area:

  • diseases of the hepatobiliary system;
  • spinal damage;
  • pathologies of peripheral nervous structures;
  • neoplasms of the abdominal cavity of a benign/malignant nature;
  • diseases of the digestive tract;
  • helminthic infestations;
  • urinary diseases.

Less often, a burning sensation in the liver is not a sign of a pathological focus in the internal organs, but one of the symptoms of psychological problems in a person. For example, excessive suspiciousness about one’s health, suffering from severe stress. In this case, consultation and treatment with a psychotherapist is required.

Acute pain under the ribs: possible consequences

If it burns and cuts severely for half an hour, you need to call an ambulance. This means that acute inflammation has arisen in the body, which can provoke a state of shock, complications and even death.

Acute pain under the ribs are signs of the following diseases:

  • An attack of acute pancreatitis;
  • Gallstone rupture;
  • Appendicitis;
  • Breakthrough of the duodenal wall;
  • Blockage of the bile duct with a stone;
  • Kidney rupture due to injury.

All conditions require surgical intervention.

The nature of burning sensation in diseases of the liver and gall bladder

The liver itself cannot hurt due to the peculiarities of its structure. Painful sensations in it occur only when the size of the capsule increases - stretching, for example, due to inflammation or swelling of the organ. However, it is diseases of the hepatobiliary system that provoke pain in the right hypochondrium in people.

A characteristic set of alarming complaints, in addition to burning in this area, includes:

  • disruptions of the digestive process - flatulence, nausea, alternating constipation with diarrhea;
  • change in color of the integumentary tissues and sclera - icteric tint;
  • lightening of stool or darkening of urine;
  • periodic or constant itching of the skin.

However, first of all, people pay attention to the burning and pain in the area of ​​​​the liver projection. The nature of the unpleasant sensations can be different - from subtle, appearing periodically, to persistent pressing, bursting. The localization of symptoms is not always constant - from the liver area to the right shoulder blade, collarbone, neck. The explanation is the involvement of the structures of the gallbladder and hepatic ducts in the pathological process - for example, the passage of sand and stones through them, which can happen with calculous cholecystitis.

Provoking factors include spicy, fatty foods, marinades, sauces, or drinking alcoholic beverages, stress, and smoking.

Could this be the norm?

When the body functions without the occurrence of any diseases, a burning sensation on the right side under the ribs is also possible. Most often, a burning sensation occurs with insufficient physical activity. As a result, the load on the venous circulation increases. Due to the release of adrenaline, intense heat and burning occurs.

If a person begins to bend over sharply, the nerve tissue can be compressed by the ribs, causing unpleasant sensations. As soon as a change in body position occurs, the burning sensation will gradually decrease.

In women, when PMS occurs, the release of estrogen increases. Side effects may include nausea, bitterness in the mouth, and spasm of the bile ducts.

Pathologies of the digestive tract and burning sensation

Since the location of the intestines is such that the stomach and duodenum lie in close proximity to the liver area, symptoms such as burning and tingling on the right may indicate a pathological focus in their wall. So, the most common cause is erosive gastritis or peptic ulcer. An attack of pain occurs after eating - immediately or after 40-60 minutes.

In addition, burning is sometimes one of the manifestations of exacerbation of pancreatitis - its atypical course. The inflammatory focus itself is located on the left behind the stomach, but the sensations radiate to the area on the right. An ultrasound examination of the liver and pancreas will put everything in its place.

Fact! The medical literature describes cases where a burning sensation in the upper abdomen, including in the projection of the liver, was the onset of appendicitis. In case of an atypical course of the disease, its clinical manifestations cannot be recognized immediately. However, within a few hours the pain goes down and the symptoms become more characteristic.

What not to do if there is discomfort in different parts of the back

If the pain is not very pronounced, it is recommended to take 2 No-Shpa pills internally and lie down and give the body a rest. After this, you absolutely need to go to a specialist and identify the source of the burning sensation under the ribs as early as possible.

  • It is forbidden to heat the gravity zone for your own reasons. So the pain will become even stronger, and the high temperature will become the basis for the active breeding of pathogenic microflora.
  • You cannot use painkillers (except No-Shpa). This can be explained by the fact that the process of identifying the source becomes more complex. For example, analgin hides results that should indicate appendicitis.
  • It is recommended to abstain from food and liquid. It is argued that the examination method is simplified. And it’s easier to bear the burning sensation on an empty stomach.
  • Do not use choleretic drugs without a doctor's prescription if the patient has stones in the ducts. If they get stuck in the channels, they can cause the bubble to burst.
  • Avoidance of physical activity is recommended as this may aggravate the situation.

Burning sensation due to pathologies of the urinary system

Behind the lower right ribs, the liver area, there are also urinary structures. Acute and chronic inflammation in them also provokes a burning sensation in people. Based on what complaints a person expresses to the doctor, one can assume what caused them:

  • burning sensation in the liver of a cramping, intense nature - renal colic;
  • constant feeling of pain, tension in the back area on the right - acute or chronic pyelonephritis;
  • girdle pain that spreads from the right half of the abdomen and back to the groin area, left hypochondrium, thigh - urolithiasis.

Additional symptoms that will help a specialist make a differential diagnosis are increased body temperature, frequent urge to empty the bladder, discomfort when urine passes through the ureter. Laboratory and instrumental methods - urine tests, ultrasound of the kidneys - will confirm the initial diagnosis.


To determine the causes of the ailment, the specialist studies the patient’s medical history, examines him, and palpates the abdomen. To clarify the diagnosis, a comprehensive examination is performed:

  • general and biochemical blood test;
  • urine examination for a number of indicators: general analysis, bacteriological culture, etc.;
  • coprogram;
  • Ultrasound examination of the abdominal organs.

In some cases, X-ray diagnostics, cardiogram and ultrasound of the heart, and tests to determine parasitic infections are prescribed. To detect hepatitis, a blood test is performed to determine its type.

Lesions of the spine and nervous system

A burning sensation in the liver area is accompanied by a gradual deterioration of tissue in the structures of the spine - their destruction against the background of degenerative processes in cartilage. The space between the vertebrae gradually decreases. This causes compression of the nerve roots.

As a result, a person, first periodically, and then constantly, throughout the day and even at night, retains a burning sensation in the innervation zone of that branch of the nervous system that is responsible for the tissues and organs in the area of ​​10-12 ribs.

Another cause of deterioration in well-being, manifested in painful impulses simultaneously with a burning sensation, is the inflammatory process of the peripheral nerve fiber. For example, shingles often begins with similar symptoms, and only later can you see other signs - rashes, fever, general deterioration in well-being. Only an experienced specialist can understand the situation and choose the right treatment for the disease.

Burning sensation in the right side: which organs are involved in the inflammatory reaction?

Causes of bloating in the lower abdomen in women. This can cause your stomach to swell and feel full.

The occurrence of the disease is based on cholelithiasis and oncological pathologies, against the background of which the full outflow of bile is disrupted. Cholestatic itching develops due to the penetration of bile acids into the circulatory system.

If they can be described as acute, then you must immediately call an ambulance, which will transport him to a hospital facility.

Advice! Avoid drinking alcohol in any quantity. Cocoa, strong teas and black coffee are replaced with weak drinks with milk, natural compotes, jelly, juices and rosehip decoction.

Other causes of burning

A burning sensation in the liver area can be associated with problems with the digestive organs, injuries, diseases of the spine and kidneys.

Atypical options include:

  • damage by a tumor process - neoplasms of a benign/malignant nature, as they grow, will put pressure on the surrounding tissues, which becomes the root cause of the burning sensation;
  • attacks of angina pectoris - despite the fact that the symptoms of coronary blood flow disruptions are most often localized in the left parts of the chest, in some cases discomfort is possible on the right, including in the liver area;
  • helminthic infestations - reproduction of parasites often occurs in the gall bladder or hepatic ducts, and after they move into the intestinal loops and even into the chest, people develop itching and burning tissue on the right;
  • long-term uncontrolled use of certain subgroups of medications - oversaturation of the body with medications used without a doctor’s prescription; this leads to toxic effects on internal organs and disruption of the liver.

Stress has an extremely negative impact on health - general overwork, lack of sleep, together with poor nutrition lead to exhaustion. As it accumulates, failure will occur in various systems, including the nervous and digestive systems.

Therapy methods

Treatment of discomfort in the right hypochondrium is carried out taking into account the pathology that led to this problem. In case of acute pain, it is recommended to call an ambulance, since such a symptom can be accompanied by life-threatening conditions. Before doctors arrive, it is forbidden to apply heat to the problem area - it can increase the spread of inflammation. To make you feel better, you are allowed to drink any antispasmodic. Taking painkillers without a doctor’s recommendation is strictly prohibited, as they blur the clinical picture and complicate diagnosis.

If there are problems with the digestive system, patients are advised to follow a special diet until complete recovery. To improve the flow of bile, choleretic drugs are prescribed, but they are prohibited if there are stones in the organ. For inflammation of the pancreas, supporting enzyme agents are prescribed. Treatment of peptic ulcers necessarily involves the use of antibiotics, agents to neutralize hydrochloric acid, and medications with an enveloping effect. With the development of kidney inflammation, antibacterial therapy is carried out.

In especially severe cases, treatment of diseases can occur surgically. In most cases, an inflamed gallbladder with signs of suppuration is removed. In the presence of necrotic processes in the pancreas or long-term non-healing ulcers, surgery is also recommended.

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