The only cause of alcohol intoxication is excessive alcohol consumption
How does alcohol poisoning manifest in humans and how can it be cured?
Alcoholic drinks are in very high demand among the domestic population. We drink alcohol in a cafe,
Gastrointestinal diseases: symptoms and treatment
Modern lifestyle with its constant rush, snacking on the go and an abundance of unhealthy food
Hernia of the white line of the abdomen
Why does diastasis of the rectus abdominis muscles appear and how to remove it? 
Rectus muscles - two vertically located muscle cords lying in the middle of the abdominal wall from its
Fibromyalgia – myth or reality? How to cope with pain?
Fibromyalgia is a chronic pain syndrome that occurs due to a genetically determined phenomenon, neurobiological factors
Mercury poisoning
About symptoms and first aid for mercury poisoning
There is ongoing debate about whether one can be poisoned by mercury if a thermometer breaks. metal balls,
Worms in children - symptoms and treatment
Worms in children. Causes, symptoms, treatment and prevention of worms
Worms are parasites that settle in the body of humans or animals and live for
Baby is cutting teeth
Teeth or not - what symptoms may accompany teething in children?
The appearance of the first baby teeth in babies is a real event for the whole family. Earlier
Indications and rules for using Verrucacid for papillomas and warts
Verrucacid is a drug used in the treatment of warts and papillomas. This is a powerful remedy that can
Signs and symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of oral candidiasis
The manifestation of candidiasis in the oral cavity is a fairly common fungal infection known to many firsthand.
Frontitis symptoms and treatment
Frontitis - treatment of inflammation of the frontal sinuses in adults
Frontitis is an inflammation of the mucous membranes of the upper sinuses, located in the lower part of the forehead.
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