Indications and rules for using Verrucacid for papillomas and warts

Verrucacid is a drug used in the treatment of warts and papillomas. This is a potent product that can cause chemical damage to the skin if used incorrectly.

When a burn from Verrucacid forms on the skin, not everyone knows what to do in such a situation. Meanwhile, timely medical assistance will not only allow you to quickly get rid of unpleasant sensations, but will also speed up the process of restoration of the damaged area.

Composition and release form

It is applied pointwise using a special applicator; it is necessary to carefully lubricate only the surface of the wart, avoiding contact with the skin around it; it is recommended to lubricate large elements 3-4 times in a row with breaks for the liquid to dry

Verrukacid is a Russian-made medicinal product (produced by the pharmaceutical research and production enterprise "Retinoids"), intended for local (external) use. It is used to combat papillomas and condylomas localized on the surface of the dense layers of the epidermis. The drug is an oily liquid of pinkish or light yellow color with a characteristic phenolic odor. The constituent components include the following substances:

  • phenol – 588 mg per 1 g;
  • metacresol – 392 mg per 1 g;
  • ethyl alcohol (95%) – 10 g;
  • distilled water – up to 1 g.

Verrucacid is packaged in dark glass bottles containing 2 g or 10 g of the product, and sealed with a screw-on plastic cap. In some cases, an applicator is attached to the bottom of the cap. This plastic tube with a flattened spatula-shaped tip is designed for applying medication to problem areas of the skin. If it is not available, you can use a regular wooden toothpick or a match to apply the product to the surface of the skin.

Each bottle is packed in a grass-green cardboard box, which also contains instructions - a description of the composition, indications and contraindications, basic rules of use. Before you start using Verrukacid, you should carefully read the instructions and act in strict accordance with the recommendations given therein.


All cauterizing and locally necrotizing drugs:

  • Feresol. This is a full-fledged analogue of verrucacid, containing higher concentrations of phenol and tricresol. Unlike feresol, verrucacid has a lower dosage of these substances. This means that the degree of skin burn is less, and in the future there will be no rough scars left on the skin. Therefore, the pharmaceutical company decided to abandon the production of Feresol.
  • Dufilm. The cauterizing effect is mild. Instructions for use of duofilm.
  • Collomak. Also has a mild cauterizing effect. Instructions for Collomak.
  • Super clean. A set of strong alkalis, which also cause severe chemical burns to the skin and a noticeable scar afterwards. Read detailed instructions for the super cleaner.
  • Solcoderm (more about Solcoderm)
  • Condilin (read about condilin)

pharmachologic effect

Verrucacid has a double effect: it simultaneously cauterizes and mummifies the wart tissue. As a result of protein coagulation, tissues treated with condylomas and papillomas lose moisture, they dry out and fall off the surface of the skin, leaving no scars.

The cauterizing effect does not allow an inflammatory process to occur, however, the drug requires careful handling: its contact with healthy areas of the epidermis can lead to a burn.

The product is available in pharmacies over the counter, but before using it, consultation with a dermatologist and therapist is necessary, especially when it comes to treating older people or children under 14 years of age.

Burn from Verrucacid

If, while using Verrucacid, the solution gets on healthy skin, then there is no need to contact a doctor with questions about what to do and how to treat the resulting burns. There's nothing wrong with that. The main thing is to rinse the contact area with running water. If we talk about how to treat a burn site, it is recommended to use proven products like Panthenol. In case of a severe burn, you should consult a doctor. If Verrucacid gets on healthy skin, you can find out what to do from a dermatologist.

There are several analogues of Verrukacid. Among them are Ferezol (in principle, the same in composition and action), Solcoderm, Aldara cream, celandine (and preparations based on it), Supercelandine. It’s quite difficult to say which is better, because these drugs have similar principles of action on papillomas and warts, as well as methods of application.

Indications and contraindications for use

In early childhood, the use of the drug is strictly prohibited

According to the results of the practical use of the drug, Verrukacid shows good results in removing the following types of benign wart-type neoplasms localized on the surface of the skin:

  1. Common warts.
  2. Plantar warts (spikes).
  3. Filiform warts.
  4. Papillomas.
  5. Genital warts.

It can be used to eliminate tumors from the soles and toes, from the knees, elbows, palms, from the back of the hands and from the phalanges of the fingers. When removing papillomas and condylomas located on thin and delicate areas of the skin (face, neck, groin area, armpits), you should be careful. It is strictly not recommended to remove warts from the mucous membrane using this method. The list of contraindications to the use of the drug also includes:

  • hypersensitivity to the components included in Verrucacid;
  • tendency to allergic reactions;
  • children under seven years of age;
  • the presence of pigment spots and moles on the skin to be treated;
  • location of tumors on the lips or on the border of the red border of the lips;
  • localization of warts in interdigital folds, in places of increased sweating, as well as at the border with mucous tissue;
  • skin microtraumas in the treatment area - abrasions, cracks, scratches, abrasions;
  • unknown etiology – malignant neoplasms cannot be treated with the drug;
  • diabetes mellitus - this disease can complicate the healing process of the skin after the wart falls off;
  • significant prevalence of papillomas (if the area of ​​skin to be treated exceeds 20 cm2).

During pregnancy and breastfeeding, the use of the drug is possible only after consultation with the woman’s doctor. He may allow the use of Verrucacid if the risk to the mother is greater than the risk to the fetus or newborn. However, during the period of feeding the baby, this product should not be applied to the skin of the breast and hands.

be careful

The presence of papillomas, warts, condylomas, moles and spines on the body is the first sign of malignant melanoma!

We hasten to warn you that most medications “treat” warts, papillomas, moles, etc. - this is a complete deception of marketers who make hundreds of percentage points on drugs whose effectiveness is zero. They do not cure the disease, but only mask the symptoms.

The pharmacy mafia makes huge money by deceiving sick people.

But what to do? How to treat if there is deception everywhere? Doctor of Medical Sciences Anatoly Makhson conducted his own investigation and found a way out of this situation. In this article, the Doctor also told how to 100% protect yourself from melanoma, for only 149 rubles! Read the article in the official source via the link.

The main effect of Verrucacid is cauterizing. This medicine belongs to the group of medicines that have a local necrotizing effect. The drug solution can be applied to the affected areas of the skin using an applicator. Usually, to remove condylomas and papillomas, one procedure is sufficient (if the neoplasm is old, deep or large, then 2-3 sessions may be required). Repeated treatment is carried out immediately after the first - you just need to wait until the applied solution has completely dried on the skin.

It is recommended to check with your doctor to determine whether moles can be removed using Verrucacid. It is not recommended to carry out such procedures for removing moles on your own, because... there is a chance of causing severe and difficult to stop bleeding.

Verrucacid can have a negative effect on the following types of skin tumors:

  • Simple warts. These types of growths are usually located on the arms. They can have a dense structure, have a rounded shape, and are usually not painful when pressed.
  • Plantar warts. They have an extremely dense structure, presented in the form of keratinized plaques of a grayish, unpleasant hue. They are located on the foot - in those places where maximum pressure occurs on it (for example, when wearing uncomfortable shoes or boots).
  • Flat papillomas. They are small in size, have defined boundaries, and the surface is usually smooth. The size of such neoplasms is no more than four millimeters. They usually appear on the face, legs, and arms.
  • Filiform warts. Neoplasms of this type are quite soft, have an elongated shape, and usually form on the skin of the neck, face, groin area, and under the mammary glands.

If after treatment the papilloma turns black and soon falls off, this will indicate that the required therapeutic effect has been achieved.

Verrucacid is a fairly potent drug that is sold in pharmacies without a prescription. But it is not recommended to use this drug unless prescribed by a doctor.

The following warnings associated with the use of Verrucacid can also be highlighted:

  • The solution should not be allowed to come into contact with healthy skin or mucous membranes (especially the eyes). If this happens, the area should be quickly rinsed with clean running water. If the drug gets into your eyes, it is recommended to seek help from an ophthalmologist on the same day.
  • If you have smeared a papilloma, callus, or wart, then under no circumstances, as happens with similar products, should you cover the treated area with gauze or a plaster, or cover these areas with any ointments.
  • Make sure that the treated areas have direct access to air - this will allow them to dry quickly.
  • Neoplasms that are located in skin folds (between the fingers, in the groin area, anus, etc.), as well as in sweating areas (axillary area, under the mammary glands, etc.) cannot be treated with Verrucacid. Otherwise, there is a possibility that a chemical burn to the tissue will occur.
  • If there is a need to apply Verrucacid several times, then there is also a danger of skin burns. To prevent this, it is recommended that the surrounding skin, which is healthy, be pre-treated with zinc ointment. As soon as the Verrucacid solution on the treated area dries, the zinc ointment can be removed with gauze.

Directions for use and dosage

Before using the drug, you should definitely consult a dermatologist.

The drug is applied to clean and dry skin using the included applicator or, if it is not available, a wooden stick. It should be applied strictly to the surface of the neoplasm. To avoid accidental contact of the solution with a healthy area, it must be protected by lubricating it with zinc ointment. After the procedure is completed, the ointment layer is removed with a dry gauze swab. It is also necessary to strictly ensure that the product does not get on the mucous membrane, mouth, nose and eyes. If this does happen, you should rinse the affected area under running water as soon as possible.

For small papillomas, the liquid is applied once in one procedure. Large warts should be treated three or four times with short breaks (about a minute) to allow the medicine to be absorbed. Neoplasms localized on the hands and soles of the feet are treated 7-10 times at the same interval.

If the surface layer of the wart is dense and keratinized, it should first be softened. This can be done by lubricating the surface with salicylic ointment, then covering it with polyethylene and bandaging it. After an hour and a half, remove the bandage and steam the skin in a soda solution for a quarter of an hour. After this, using nail clippers, carefully remove the exfoliated keratinized particles, dry the surface of the wart and apply Verrucacid. After 10 days, after the crust formed as a result of cauterization falls off, the wart is again lubricated with medicine. Thus, the procedure is repeated until the growth completely disappears.

You should not remove genital warts yourself in this way. It is better to entrust the solution to this problem to a specialist.


  • Not for children under 7 years old.
  • You cannot treat skin over an area of ​​more than 20 square centimeters.
  • Do not lubricate mucous membranes and lips.
  • Treatment on the face is not recommended (it is advisable that only a doctor do this).
  • Moles and nevi should not be lubricated to prevent their growth and development into cancer.

Pregnant and lactating women

Pregnant women - absolutely not allowed; Breastfeeding people - not allowed on the chest or on the arms. Other parts of the body are fine.

special instructions

When using Verrukacid it is not allowed:

  1. Bandage or tape the treated areas - they must air dry.
  2. Lubricate warts immediately after treatment with any ointments.
  3. Moisten the skin with water - this can only be done the next day.
  4. Remove the crusts that form by force - they should fall off on their own.
  5. Reapply the drug earlier than the time indicated above.

You should be especially careful when applying the drug to children's skin. Before doing this, you should definitely consult with your pediatrician.

Side effects

1) Verrucacid may cause skin burns.

What to do:

  • Immediately absorb excess solution with a cotton pad,
  • pour vodka on the burn site (vodka dissolves Verrucacid better than plain water),
  • rinse with plenty of warm water,
  • dry the skin
  • treat the burn area with Olazol or Panthenol aerosol for several days.

2) An allergic reaction in the form of rashes on distant areas of the skin that were not treated with Verrucacid.

What to do:

  • take antiallergic drugs orally (Cetrin, Suprastin, etc.),
  • if indicated, use antiallergic ointments locally.

3) Redness of the conjunctiva of the eyes. It is rare, only when used on the face. It goes away on its own.

Storage conditions, price, analogues

Before using the drug, be sure to pay attention to the expiration date

The cost of a bottle of Verrukacid, depending on its volume, varies from 190 to 300 rubles. The medicine should be stored in a place inaccessible to children under 12 years of age, away from sources of heat and bright light, at a temperature not lower than 14 and not higher than 25 degrees Celsius. The shelf life during which the manufacturer, subject to storage rules, guarantees the preservation of full pharmaceutical effect, is 5 years.

Analogs of the drug that are closest to it in action are Ferezol, Isoprinosine, Colloman.

Verrukacid: reviews

On the Internet you can find many positive comments and reviews about Verrukacid. It is this drug that is preferred to many domestic and foreign analogues (Ferezol, Solkoderma, Superchistotel and others). Verrukacid has a modern composition, it is an inexpensive Russian drug that is successfully used not only to get rid of papillomas at home, but also in medical institutions.

Verrucacid is a medicine that requires careful adherence to instructions for use. In order not to harm yourself and learn the rules for applying it, we recommend watching the video instructions:

Wound care

The conditions for rapid, effective skin restoration are its healing and disinfection. Wound care involves relieving inflammation, systematically using various ointments, dressings, creams, and gels. They restore tissue and remove burn marks. You can moisturize the skin with bepanthen or baby cream. Internal restoration of the body is necessary; a diet with a vitamin complex will help with this.

An important point in care is to protect the burn from negative factors. It is necessary to avoid the rays of the sun and high temperatures. Going to the beach, solarium, sauna, bathhouse is prohibited.

Verrukacid is a Russian highly effective medicinal product, the main purpose of which is to eliminate benign neoplasms on the skin (papillomas, warts, condylomas in intimate places, spines, dry calluses, etc.). It is prohibited to use the drug if the tumors are located on the mucous membranes.

The main analogue of Verrukacid is Feresol, which has a less pronounced effect on pathogenic microorganisms compared to the first, and also does not have a very successful composition. Verrukacid has a number of advantages over Feresol, which is why in recent years many doctors have prescribed it, preferring it to many Russian and foreign analogues.


The composition of the drug for the treatment of calluses of various etiologies includes chemicals that, when they reach the surface of the skin, undergo a number of changes:

  • in contact with the neoplasm of the epidermis, it mummifies pathological cells, which contributes to the falling off of the crust;
  • paralyzes the life cycle of painful microorganisms;
  • promotes drying of the pathological focus;
  • the drug is not absorbed into the systemic circulation;
  • has a local effect;
  • demonstrates targeted work in the problem area.

Advantages of the product

There are a large number of drugs for removing papillomas and other skin defects, however, Verrukacid has the following advantages:

  • The medicine begins to act from the first day of use;
  • Most often, papilloma disappears within a few days;
  • The skin tissue is practically not injured;
  • The product is highly effective;
  • After use, there are no scars left at the site of formation.

When used correctly, the procedure is painless.

Prevention measures

To avoid the formation of a chemical burn when using Verrucacid, it is important to use the drug correctly. To do this, you must carefully read the instructions and strictly follow its recommendations.

Before applying the product, it is necessary to lubricate the healthy tissues surrounding the wart or papilloma with zinc paste, which will protect them from the aggressive effects of the substance. After Verrukacid has dried, the paste is carefully wiped off using a dry gauze swab.

Warts and papillomas treated with the drug cannot be covered with adhesive tape or bandaged. It is also not recommended to re-apply Verrucacid to the same areas earlier than the period specified in the instructions.

You should not treat tumors located in the genital area and anus, armpits, lips, eyes, between the fingers, or in the inguinal folds.

Method of use of the drug

Apply verrucacid to the affected area using a special plastic or wooden plate, in no case with your fingers, as is often customary to use various ointments. Prevent the drug from coming into contact with healthy areas of the skin.

To remove small warts up to 2 mm, a single application is enough; to get rid of larger skin growths, you need to repeat the procedure 3-4 times, each time waiting until the liquid is completely absorbed.

If it is necessary to remove an already keratinized skin growth, then the upper hardened layers of the skin are first removed. It is recommended to use a 10 percent solution of salicylic acid for this. First, the required area is wetted, then covered with a film (possibly polyethylene) and tied with a bandage or secured with an adhesive plaster. After a short period of time, the compress is removed and the skin is steamed in water with the addition of soap and soda. Next, remove the steamed upper tissues and apply the preparation itself (3-4 times).

A longer process for removing plantar warts and growths in place of bones. The procedure for applying verrucacid occurs 7-10 times with a break of 2-3 minutes. In order to completely prevent the drug from getting on the healthy skin around the wart, it is pre-lubricated with fatty oils or zinc paste.

It is not recommended to perform the procedure for removing genital warts yourself, but to seek help from medical professionals. In this case, verrucacid is applied 1-2 times with a break of 3-4 minutes. The complete treatment process may consist of 5-6 visits to the doctor.

Precautions when using verrucacid and price

Precautions when using verrucacid for warts:

  1. it is strictly forbidden to use verrucacid in large proportions and more often than the specified periods;
  2. If the drug gets into your eyes or mucous membranes, rinse them immediately with plenty of water. Next, you need to consult a doctor;
  3. If the drug gets on healthy areas of the skin, it must be eliminated immediately. Rinse the affected area with ethyl alcohol, perhaps use other alcohol tinctures. Then rinse with warm water;
  4. clothing made of synthetic fabrics should not touch the areas where the medicine was applied;
  5. after use, complete drying of the drug should occur only under the influence of air;
  6. It is forbidden to remove the formed crust yourself;
  7. If side effects occur, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Prices for the drug are 150-170 rubles per bottle, 2 g. Shelf life is 5 years, in a tightly closed tube, at temperatures of 18-22 ° C and away from children.

Reviews from patients

Verrucacid is an effective remedy for eliminating various types of warts, as evidenced by numerous reviews from grateful patients.

I removed the wart with verrucacid. I read in the instructions that contact with healthy skin is not allowed, I covered it with a band-aid and very carefully moistened the wart. I didn’t feel any pain, and the wart in front of my eyes darkened and subsequently disappeared. You just need to apply this drug very carefully and then there will be no burns.

I removed the bumps on my feet with this drug, the procedure is not the most pleasant, it is painful, but I am happy with the result! I steamed my feet, soaked the spikes with the solution for an hour at intervals of 1-2 minutes, then covered them with salipod, and after three days I removed the patch along with the spikes. Everything is overgrown, no scars or marks))) I suffered with my thorns for 7 years, ran into glass, were cut out several times, but they reappeared in the same places. I found information about verrucacid on the Internet and took a chance.

There were several plantar warts on the foot, no folk remedies helped, which did not produce any results. I was about to go to the skinner to give up, but I saw this site and had to part with 200.50 rubles. (this is exactly how much this drug costs in the pharmacy) and the result is simply stunning! The first time, all this infection was completely destroyed! I thought it would burn, but everything went away without pain or unnecessary discomfort! The main thing is to act strictly according to the instructions. I recommend.

I had papillomas on my neck in the collar area, the drug was recommended by the pharmacist himself, and he carefully applied it with the applicator, which is already built into the cap, onto each papilloma. Painless. The next day they turned black, and after 3 days they fell off on their own, leaving not a trace left. Last time, removing papilloma with nitrogen at a medical center cost me several times more + a doctor’s consultation! EXCELLENT DRUG!

A dermatologist prescribed me Solcoderm, but it is expensive and I found its analogue - Verrukacid, three times cheaper, apparently because it was made in Russia, it removes warts perfectly, I removed it from my finger. A good remedy.

Small papillomas periodically appear on my neck. I have successfully eliminated them many times with the drug Verrukacid. I apply one drop with a stick to the papilloma. If it is large, then after the preparation dries, I apply another drop. All! After a few days, the papilloma turns black and disappears without a trace. It is important to be very careful, if you can’t reach it or it’s very uncomfortable, it’s better to ask someone to help!

For a long time, a drug was selected to eliminate papillomas. We tried everything, to no avail. You could, of course, go to a clinic and have them removed using procedures, but each one costs at least 100 rubles. It's a bit expensive. What was needed was an effective drug that could be used independently without medical intervention. I found out about him by chance while flying back from vacation on a plane. When I arrived home, the first thing I did was ask around in pharmacies - I couldn’t find it. But thanks to a search engine, I found the drug in an online pharmacy, ordered it, and Verrukacid arrived two days later. It must be used with great caution, as it is easy to burn the skin around the papilloma. But we managed. Everything worked out. True, its smell is disgusting, but beauty requires sacrifice. Available without a prescription.

I suffered for a long time, could not get rid of warts on my thumb, I used all the folk remedies, I even planted a celandine bush in a flower pot to smear it every day, to no avail, and bought super celandine at the pharmacy, again no result. Then I read somewhere about the product Verrukacid and oh – a miracle. The drug helped! From the first use!

Should you be afraid of warts? (video)

One of the most effective medicines intended for the treatment of papillomavirus is “Verrukacid” for papillomas. Its active components allow you to quickly cauterize problematic skin growths. They facilitate easy peeling of dead tissue. The patient will be able to achieve this effect if he uses the drug in accordance with the instructions.

Precautionary rules

It is worth remembering that the basis of the drug is phenol, which, if used carelessly, can cause a burn to the skin, so it is necessary to follow the safety rules as much as possible:

  1. It is necessary to accurately apply the product to the papilloma or wart.
  2. Do not reapply the product unless necessary.
  3. In case of contact with mucous membranes, it is necessary to urgently rinse the area with running water and seek specialized help.
  4. The drug is used only for external use.
  5. Particular care should be taken when applying the drug in places of bends.
  6. Do not use ointments and creams in combination with verrucacid.
  7. The drug can cause an allergic reaction, so it is better to carry out a test application on one papilloma.
  8. You should not re-apply after a short period of time; you should wait until the crust forms and peels off.
  9. Before use, you should consult a doctor.

After applying the drug, a crust forms at the site of the wart, which quickly heals without leaving any trace

Important: The drug should not be used to treat papillomas and warts in young children.

First aid and subsequent treatment

Providing first aid quickly will help reduce the extent of the damage and prevent it from causing serious problems. If the medicine gets into your eyes, you must rinse them with water and be sure to see a doctor for an examination.

Chemical injury with verrucacid is similar in treatment to a thermal burn. The main difference is that the substance, if not washed off with water, continues to affect the dermis deeper.

The first steps in case of a burn are:

  • remove any remaining product with a cotton swab;
  • rinse with 40% alcohol;
  • rinse with warm running water;
  • dry the skin;
  • treatment with panthenol or other means.

After washing the injury site, you need to apply a sterile bandage moistened with milk.

For lesions of the first two degrees, you can treat at home. Chemical burns from other levels of verrucacid will be treated in a hospital.

Treatment of a chemical burn is a long process; if treated incorrectly, dermatitis can develop. A full course of antihistamines and strengthening medications is prescribed. Bandages with anti-burn ointments are applied externally. Medicines containing silver are used; it has disinfectant properties, dries the wound, and does not cause pain.

For rapid healing and prevention of scar formation, treatment with physiotherapeutic agents can be prescribed: electrophoresis, aeroionotherapy, diadynamic therapy. The procedures are aimed at improving blood circulation and increasing nutrition of skin cells at the wound site


Before using the drug in the process of removing warts, calluses and calluses, it is necessary to first perform the following manipulations that will help soften the skin and contribute to the effectiveness of verrucacid:

  • Skin lesions must be treated with salicylic ointment.
  • After applying the ointment, it is necessary to create a greenhouse effect at the site of exposure; for this, it is necessary to wrap the skin area with stretch tape or apply a piece of polyethylene, wrapping it tightly.
  • Leave the bandage on for several hours.
  • After removing the film, the site of papillomavirus manifestation must be thoroughly steamed in hot water; the manipulation is carried out for 15 minutes.
  • After this, it is necessary to apply verrucacid.

Experts also recommend using zinc ointment in the affected areas before re-using phenol-based preparations; this will help protect healthy areas of the skin from burns. It is worth remembering that ointments must be applied the day before applying verrucacid.

Efficiency and reviews

Reviews of verrucacid (and Feresol) are positive among both patients and doctors. The drug acts gently, does not cause severe burns, and does not leave rough scars.

Ineffective use is most often observed in patients with multiple lesions and low immunity.

“You treat some warts, and others appear nearby.” In these cases, additional treatment with antiviral and immune drugs is necessary.

Ineffective use is most often observed in patients with multiple lesions and low immunity.

During pregnancy and lactation

The use of the medicinal substance Verrucacid during pregnancy and breastfeeding is prohibited.

Since the product contains potent components that penetrate into the layers of tissue.

They can harm the fetus or are passed through breast milk.

Verrucacid can be used during breastfeeding only if the child is transferred to artificial formula feeding.

During pregnancy, a woman's immune system experiences additional stress. This feature can weaken the body’s defenses and awaken the papilloma virus that has been dormant in the body for a long time, which leads to the formation of warts.

The only limitation to the use of locally necrotic medication is neoplasms in the area of ​​the mammary glands and hands. Post-registration studies of the pharmacological drug refute the negative impact of the drug for combating calluses on the intrauterine development of the fetus.

Alcohol compatibility

Alcoholic drinks have a negative effect on the functioning of many organs and systems of the body, in particular the immune system and the hepatobiliary system.

During treatment with a cauterizing agent, it is undesirable to use wine alcohol in any concentration - this may negatively affect the healing process of wound surfaces. It should be remembered that methylcarbinol impairs coordination of movements and there is a possibility of getting a burn from using the local necrotic drug.

Price and analogues

The cost of “Verrukacid” in many pharmacies is in the range of 160-230 rubles. If for one reason or another the patient is not satisfied with the price of the drug or the effect, he can replace it with an analogue. But before doing this, you should definitely consult your doctor.

“Verrukacid” for papillomas that appear on different parts of the body, including intimate places, can be replaced with the following analogues:

  • “Kondilin” (530-820 rubles);
  • “Kollomak” (330-370 rubles);
  • “Ferezol” (250-500 rubles);
  • “Super cleanliness” (33-42 rubles);
  • "Lyapis" (up to 150 rubles).

You can purchase the above medications for the treatment of viral skin rashes at any pharmacy. It is worth noting that some of them have a less pronounced effect, so replacing “Verrukacid” with them is not always justified.

Why do papillomas appear?

The appearance on the human body of formations that are caused by a papilloma viral infection is called a papilloma growth.
Very often, many people do not immediately notice the appearance of such a growth, since in most cases this formation may not cause any discomfort. Most often, the appearance of such formations can occur for the following reasons:

  • Frequent promiscuity and constant change of sexual partners;
  • Abuse of bad habits;
  • Decreased protective functions of the body;
  • Disease of the digestive organs;
  • Lack of proper personal hygiene.

The presence of such a virus can be transmitted to a newborn baby from the mother. Papilloma can manifest as either a small formation or damage to large areas.

Most often, papilloma has the appearance of a wart, from light pink to brown.

The medicinal substance Verrukacid contains strong substances that affect the structure of the skin, namely the cells that are susceptible to infection by the papilloma virus.

The effect of the drug on the protein compounds of cells contributes to their further gradual death, due to which the papillomas are removed. Necrosis remains at the site of the papilloma, thereby reducing the likelihood of recurrence of papilloma.

Proper use of Verrucacid helps eliminate almost all types of viral skin lesions that contribute to the formation of papillomas and other types of skin formations.

After removal of the papilloma, rapid skin regeneration occurs due to which no traces remain at the site of the papilloma.

Papillomas can appear only in those people who, for one reason or another, have reduced immunity. It should be remembered that if you burn off a papilloma once, but do not change your lifestyle and do not improve your immunity, then the papillomas will appear again, only on a different part of the body.

Papilloma is a painless skin formation of various shapes. The color usually ranges from light pink to dark burgundy. Papillomas are usually soft and easy to press. If the formation is hard and slightly painful when pressed, it is most likely a wart. A dermatologist can accurately determine the type of tumor.

Depending on the type and location of papilloma, it can lead to very unpleasant consequences. For example, intraductal papilloma of the mammary gland is a tumor that develops in the milk duct. In the absence of adequate treatment, the patient may face unpleasant consequences. Therefore, if you suspect papilloma, even if it seems harmless in appearance, you should definitely consult a specialist.

In dermatology, it is customary to distinguish the following types of papillomas:

  • threadlike;
  • pointed;
  • simple;
  • flat papillomas;
  • plantar.

Side effects

Negative reactions to the product:

  • Allergy. Expressed in the form of redness, rash, itching in areas located near the use of the solution.
  • Redness and swelling around the eyes when used in the eyelid area. Does not require treatment, goes away on its own.
  • Burn. Possible if the solution gets on a healthy, unprotected surface. In this case, it is necessary to remove the drug with a dry cotton swab without rubbing. Next, the damaged skin is wiped with an alcohol-containing liquid no higher than 40% and washed off with soapy water. Lubricate the wound with an anti-burn agent.

Collomac is an analogue of Verrukacid


Anastasia, 23 years old. I have a positive attitude towards traditional medicine, but I treated warts with the drug Verrukacid, which was recommended to me at the pharmacy. As soon as I got rid of my problem, I immediately recommended this miracle medicine to my mother. Now she is treating her legs.

Evgeniya, 47 years old. I got rid of warts with the help of this drug in a short time. The only inconvenience was that the treated area of ​​skin should not be wet for a whole day. I had a wart on my hand.

Vladimir, doctor. Varrukacid is a drug that is aimed at removing warts. However, you should remember that the drug must be applied exactly to the affected area of ​​the skin, otherwise you cannot avoid a burn.

Gennady, dermatologist. I quite often prescribe the drug Verrucacid to my patients. When used correctly, side effects are practically eliminated, and the price is very reasonable.

Analysis of the components of the drug composition

Let's take a closer look at each component of the drug and the principles of their action:

  • Metacresol is a component with antibacterial action. Penetrates deep into the neoplasm and destroys its structure.
  • Phenol is a component that is added to the composition in order to affect tumor cells. Eliminates the pathological activity of the human papillomavirus. Phenol is a rather toxic component and therefore requires the utmost care. Under no circumstances should it be allowed to come into contact with mucous membranes or healthy skin.
  • Ethyl alcohol in the composition has a local antibacterial effect and also has a drying effect. Allows you to preserve two main ingredients in their active form.

How the product works and its composition

The drug is produced in darkened glass bottles. The consistency is oily, liquid, from pink to brown. Has an unpleasant smell of phenol.

Before using the product, you need to find out how Verrukacid works on papillomas.

The drug is based on two active components – phenol and metacresol. They act aggressively on the skin and viral protein structure. Pathogenic cells under the influence of the solution curl up and lose physical activity, undergoing necrosis. Further spread of HPV is stopped. When the papilloma is treated correctly, it darkens and falls off within a couple of days.

The bactericidal properties of the product promote rapid cell renewal without leaving scars. The development of complications is blocked. As a result, the epidermis takes on an absolutely healthy appearance.

Auxiliary elements include ethanol and purified water.

Verrukacid for papillomas has positive reviews, as it not only smoothes out a cosmetic defect, but fights the virus. Of course, papillomavirus cannot be cured completely, but it can be euthanized.

Briefly about the drug

  • Verrukacid in translation means: verruca - wart, cid - to destroy
  • Composition of the drug: phenol and metacresol.
  • Feresol is a previous version of verrucacid. Composition of feresol: phenol and tricresol. Currently not produced and not sold in pharmacies.
  • How does Verrukacid work? Phenol and metacresol cause protein coagulation, which means necrosis (necrosis) of skin cells. As a result, the wart shrinks, crusts over and dies.
  • Appearance (photo above): glass bottle - 2 g of the drug. A cap with an applicator, like a sample perfume.
  • Pungent smell of phenol.
  • Verrucacid is always a solution. Ointment "verrukacid" - this drug is not available.

Instructions for use

The liquid is designed exclusively for local, targeted application.

For painless removal of papillomas, you should strictly follow the recommendations specified in the instructions. For greater effectiveness, it is necessary to prepare damaged areas of the epidermis.

  • Preparation stage. This phase is necessary to avoid burning healthy skin. The growth is steamed in warm soapy water for about 15 minutes, then completely dried. Around the neoplasm, zinc paste is applied to the intact surface.

If these are dry calluses or keratinized warts, you can apply cartalin ointment to them, then wrap the affected area with plastic wrap. After a couple of hours, remove the bandage and steam the growth in hot water. Remove keratinization with pumice or a special grater. Cover the growth with adhesive tape or coat it with zinc paste.

  • Application. The position of the damaged skin area at the time of treatment should be as horizontal as possible. This will prevent the liquid from spreading.

The solution is used to cauterize only the papilloma itself using a plastic applicator or a wooden stick. It is better to apply the medicine in reasonable concentrations. Allow to dry, and in the next 24 hours prevent water from entering the treated areas. The zinc ointment is removed with a cotton pad after the Verrucacid has dried.

Growths up to 2 mm are treated once.

After use, it is unacceptable to stick an adhesive plaster or bandage the damaged area.

  • Reapplication. This is required by large new growths, the size of which is over 3 mm, and only after the first layer has completely dried. Plantar warts require 7 to 10 applications at 4 minute intervals. Keratomas and dry calluses 3-4 treatments at a time with an interval of 4 minutes.

If additional use of the product is necessary, you should wait until the upper crust of the growth falls off on its own. It forms on days 2 or 3 after application and peels off on days 6-8. A total of 4 cauterization sessions are allowed.

Instructions for use of Verrucacid do not recommend removing condylomas yourself. It would be better to contact a dermatovenerologist in the treatment room.

Instructions for use of Verrucacid do not recommend removing condylomas yourself

During the period of using the solution, you cannot use other creams on the affected area, since the elements of the solution easily dissolve in the ointment base.

Clothing that comes into contact with the growths being removed should be worn from natural fabrics during therapy. Wearing synthetics is highly undesirable.

Contraindications for use

  1. Do not use the drug if you are highly sensitive to its components.
  2. The solution is not prescribed during the period of removal of pigmented nevi.
  3. In the treatment of condylomas on the mucous membranes.
  4. With clinical manifestations of patillomavirus in the lip area.
  5. The product cannot be used in cases of extensive damage to the skin by papillomavirus.
  6. The drug is not used to treat infants and small children.

Dermatologists note the high effectiveness of the drug in the treatment of papillomas and warts

Degree of damage

Chemical burns, like thermal burns, have several levels. They depend on the concentration of the substance, the reagents that are included in it, the area of ​​the injury and its location.

  • First degree. This type of burn from Verrucacid is the safest, since it destroys only the top layer of the epidermis and causes mild redness. Pain does not cause significant discomfort;
  • Second degree. The pain is already significant, the skin becomes very red, small blisters with watery contents begin to appear;
  • Third degree. Characterized by the destruction of adipose tissue. A cloudy, bloody liquid is visible inside the blisters. The damaged area loses sensitivity;
  • Fourth degree. The most terrible episodes. Bone, muscle, and connective tissue are affected. Often in such cases people lose consciousness from painful shock.

At home, with a small treatment area, most often injuries of 1-2 degrees occur, rarely 3.

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