A week after the biopsy, blood began to appear. Bleeding after cervical biopsy: features of the operation, contraindications, negative consequences. Contraindications for carrying out

Indications and contraindications

The purpose of the biopsy is to determine the presence of atypical poorly differentiated cells.

The biopsy technique is used as a necessary or preventive examination a week after completion. Under no circumstances should a cervical biopsy be performed during the luteal phase, since the body will not have time to recover before the start of the next cycle.

Despite the obvious advantages of the method, there are relative and absolute contraindications to performing a cervical biopsy, as with all types of diagnostics in medicine. Diagnosis should be performed only after excluding acute inflammatory bacterial and diseases of the pelvic organs or after sanitizing the main foci of infection. When prescribing the procedure, the doctor will direct you to undergo a number of preliminary tests that are included in the standards of medical care.

As a rule, these are urine screening methods for identifying Treponema pallidum, viruses, B, HIV. The biopsy is performed in specialized inpatient (hospital) and outpatient medical institutions (clinics). The biopsy procedure itself lasts no more than half an hour, after which the woman usually needs a little more time for emotional recovery.

Why do

Naturally, before a biopsy, every patient, given the traumatic nature of the manipulation itself, is interested in the goals of the procedure. When contacting the clinic, a qualified doctor will definitely explain why a uterine biopsy is performed.

In some cases, the indication for the procedure is mandatory and even irreplaceable. It helps to identify a number of serious diseases in the early stages and predict the prognosis of the disease.

The procedure itself, due to the short time required for its implementation and high information content, is justified even taking into account the subjective feelings of the woman at the time of diagnosis.

It is worth remembering that a highly qualified specialist must perform the biopsy procedure on a girl, since significant mechanical trauma to the cervix leads to pronounced stimulation of pain sensitivity.

Immediately after completion of the procedure, the woman is given recommendations for a favorable recovery period. In most cases, a complication of the procedure is blood after a cervical biopsy. after a biopsy they can have varying intensity up to massive bleeding.

The natural state after a biopsy is minor bleeding and moderate pain in the lower abdomen, not exceeding in severity the phenomena during the period. This should not cause concern, but if anxiety persists, you can call your doctor and get advice. The maximum duration of such post-manipulation bleeding should not exceed 7-9 days.

If there is a change in blood color and smell, the presence of additional inclusions, pain, or increased body temperature, this may be a manifestation of complications during the biopsy. This clinical picture may indicate a secondary infection and requires mandatory consultation with a specialist.

Doctor's instructions after the procedure

In addition to following certain rules that were described above, the doctor may prescribe the following medications:

  1. For preventive purposes against infection that could enter the operated area, Ornidazole 500. Appointments are scheduled for 5 days, 2 times.
  2. Antimicrobial suppositories "Betadine". With regularity, 1 piece/7 days.
  3. After 2 weeks from the procedure, immunomodulators and a drug to accelerate tissue regeneration “Depantol” may be prescribed.

From reviews of patients at the antenatal clinic. Knife biopsy is an excellent and less painful diagnostic method that allows you to accurately determine the condition of the cervix and diagnose most diseases at an early stage of their course. But this method is still a surgical intervention. It is better to consult with several more specialists before deciding to take such a step. It is quite possible that a knife biopsy can be avoided.

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The reasons why they occur after a cervical biopsy are varied and quite difficult to predict.

Very often, severe bleeding after a biopsy results from ignoring the recommendations after the study.

During this period, a woman should not engage in excessive physical activity, lift weights, visit swimming pools, take baths; it is very important to maintain sexual rest and not use intravaginal products unless they are recommended by a doctor.

In addition, the cause of bleeding in a woman may be the inappropriate qualifications of the gynecologist himself. If the doctor was negligent in identifying chronic inflammation and somatic diseases of a woman, performed the procedure in the luteal phase of the cycle, did not pay attention to the pathology of the hemostatic system, or performed the procedure itself in a traumatic way, severe bleeding can become the main complication in the rehabilitation period after the biopsy. Therefore, it is extremely important to first make sure that there are no contraindications to this diagnostic method, and to carry out the procedure itself competently and carefully.

What to do after the procedure

To avoid a number of serious complications after a biopsy, every woman should know what to do after a cervical biopsy.

To minimize the risk of possible consequences, simple recommendations must be followed. The doctor who conducted the examination will tell you about them.

Basic rules of behavior in the recovery period after a cervical biopsy:

  • exclude sports and excessive physical activity;
  • you cannot lift weights weighing more than 3-5 kg;
  • For personal hygiene, use only the shower. It is not recommended to take baths, go to baths and saunas;
  • maintain sexual rest;
  • do not resort to using the intravaginal method of administering medications (douching, suppositories);

The duration of the recovery period is selected by the doctor individually for each patient.

If the doctor's instructions are followed exactly, the likelihood of negative consequences from a cervical biopsy is not high.

Prevention of complications after the procedure

After the procedure, performed in any of the above ways, it is important for a woman to remain under the supervision of doctors for two to three hours. This is necessary to provide timely assistance when bleeding begins.

The recovery period lasts from several days to a month, depending on the type of biopsy, the presence of complications, the individual characteristics of each woman’s body, etc. At this time, the patient is subject to a number of restrictions that will help avoid unpleasant consequences:

  • in the first two weeks you must refrain from sexual activity and physical activity;
  • you cannot take hot baths, visit baths and saunas;
  • It is prohibited to use tampons;
  • It is not recommended to do douching without a doctor's prescription.

Even such a minimal surgical intervention requires bed rest in the first days after the procedure. Since there is a high risk of bleeding during this time, you should not exercise. It is better to lead a passive lifestyle for some time and not neglect all the doctor’s recommendations.

To speed up the healing process, you may be prescribed auxiliary therapy.

Your doctor should warn you about the possible consequences of taking tissue from the cervix. Tell him or her about any unusual symptoms in a timely manner. It is better to play it safe once again than to miss the moment of development of the inflammatory process or other complication.

Bleeding after a cervical biopsy for several days is normal. If the amount of blood leaving the body is too large or the symptom persists for a long period of time, you should consult a doctor.

In what cases should you consult a doctor?

If you experience any undesirable symptoms after a cervical biopsy, you should immediately contact a specialist. It is worth remembering that minor bleeding and moderate pain in the lower abdomen after the procedure are normal. However, if these manifestations cause you significant concern, medical intervention is required.

Blood should not flow for more than 14 days after a cervical biopsy. A competent doctor, even at the stage of preparation for the procedure, emphasizes in what cases you need to consult a doctor if certain complications arise.

You need to pay attention to the smell. If there are sudden changes in these indicators, an urgent consultation with a gynecologist is needed. In addition, an emergency visit to a doctor will be required if elevated body temperature and general cerebral symptoms (such as headache, dizziness, nausea, vomiting) occur. As a rule, such a clinical picture indicates the addition of an infection.

If you contact the clinic in a timely manner, a specialist will be able to prevent the progression of the pathological condition, diagnose the existing complication and prescribe adequate treatment.

To treat patients, first of all, you should know what to treat. In order to make a correct diagnosis, there is palpation, examination and other methods. In modern medicine, the main examinations include a general analysis of urine and blood. This allows you not to miss the onset of a disease that reveals itself in some kind of analysis. But sometimes situations arise in which an examination can provide very little information. Practice helps to identify situations where an examination or smear of the cervix does not provide all the necessary information.

A cervical biopsy is a procedure in which a small piece of tissue from the cervix is ​​removed to make a correct diagnosis. Indications for such manipulation are abnormal colposcopic signs, a cytogram of smears taken from a woman, and mild signs of papillomavirus infection. Bleeding may occur after a uterine biopsy

, and for some patients such manipulation is generally contraindicated. For inflammatory diseases in the acute period, as well as for severe coagulopathies, this manipulation is not available. In order to take a biopsy, the patient's consent is required. If anesthesia is performed during such a diagnostic procedure, you should not eat twelve hours before the biopsy. The biopsy is not done just anywhere, but precisely in the area that is most suspicious during colposcopy. The biopsy is done in a hospital setting or in a gynecological office. The tool used to take the material is a scalpel. The doctor must clearly calculate the sampling site in order to capture the boundaries of the altered and healthy epithelium. The resulting material should be approximately five millimeters in depth and width. It is important to capture not only mucous tissue, but also connective tissue. If radio wave excision or a scalpel was used to take a biopsy, a suture is placed at the site where it was taken. If, when taking the material, a diathermic loop or conchot was used, then after the end of the manipulation a tampon is inserted into the vagina, which is moistened with a coagulant, or a hemostatic sponge is inserted.

The resulting material is immersed in a ten percent formaldehyde solution, and then sent for research. Along with the biopsy, a revision of the cervical canal is performed. This helps to exclude precancerous complications in the cervical epithelium. If it is not possible to see the entire pathological area, then there are indications for conization, that is, excision of cervical tissue using a scalpel or other instrument. After a uterine biopsy, sexual activity is possible after four weeks. The conization carried out extends the waiting period to six weeks. It takes so much time for complete epithelization of the wound and there is a possibility that bleeding will appear during this time. This bleeding is a complication after a biopsy and requires treatment by a specialist.

The nature of the discharge after a cervical biopsy indicates how successful the procedure was. Unpleasant sensations are considered normal for such an operation and represent the organ’s reaction to surgical intervention.

Cervical tissue damaged after a biopsy is a wound that heals and will make itself felt during the recovery period. Violation of the integrity of this organ is accompanied by secretions necessary for scarring and healing of the tissue.

What is a cervical biopsy and how is it done?

The narrow part located near the anus and bladder is the cervix. Its purpose in the body is to connect the vagina and uterus. When a biopsy is performed, the gynecologist takes a small piece of tissue from the surface of this organ from the patient.

After this, it is transferred to the laboratory, where a histological examination is carried out . As a result, the doctor makes the correct diagnosis, identifying erosion, inflammation, pre- or cancerous condition.

Who recommends a biopsy? Only a gynecologist, when he suspects damage to epithelial cells and sees irritation of the vaginal mucosa. He will recommend the procedure after a medical examination, tests and the absence of contraindications to it.

For example, the doctor will suggest another diagnostic method if tests reveal an acute process of inflammation or a disorder of hematopoietic function in the body.

Does it hurt or not?

Like any other operation, a biopsy is performed with the written consent of the woman herself . She often doubts the need for a cervical examination. A common reason heard in the doctor's office is fear of pain.

The gynecologist will not be able to convince the patient. Why? The fact is that each patient has her own pain threshold, and besides, a lot depends on the professionalism of the doctor.

Important! Gynecologists say that a cervical biopsy is a painless test. The cervical region of the uterus is devoid of pain receptors.

The procedure is short in time – 3-5 minutes. Anesthesia is not needed in most cases.

If the patient does not feel the pain itself, then unpleasant sensations (somewhat similar to those that occur before menstruation) will definitely occur. To minimize these, it is important to relax during the biopsy and not strain your muscles.

Cervical biopsy. Hurt:

Preparation for the procedure

A biopsy is a surgical operation , and a representative of the fairer sex cannot do without performing certain actions. What are we talking about?

  1. Analyzes. You cannot have an operation without taking a blood test, cytology or smears. A pelvic ultrasound and bacteriological cultures may also be required. Sometimes additional tests are prescribed. This is determined by a gynecologist.

  2. Writing a written consent for the procedure.
  3. Avoid food and water twelve hours before the biopsy.
  4. It is important to wait until your period ends and only then go for surgery.

Results are obtained ten to fourteen days after cutting off a piece of tissue from the cervix.

How does the intensity of discharge depend on the type of biopsy?

The days of the menstrual cycle on which the procedure is performed affect the amount of discharge. In the first half of the menstrual cycle, it is safer to perform the procedure, and the cervix will recover faster.

Discharge after a cervical biopsy can be of different volumes and colors. This depends on the instruments used to perform the operation and the type of biopsy.



  • a frequently used procedure that feels painless, so anesthesia is not needed;
  • A sample of the material is taken from the patient using a special needle;
  • a small wound remains that bleeds for 2 to 4 days.

Features of discharge:

  • small bloody spots;
  • scanty bleeding.


The manipulation has a number of nuances:

  • a painful procedure that takes place under local anesthesia using special scissors;
  • After the manipulation, a small wound remains, which bleeds for about 7 days.

Features of discharge: pink, pink-red discharge during healing time.

Radio wave

Specifics of manipulation:

  • prescribed to nulliparous and pregnant women;
  • The basis of this painless procedure is electric current;
  • After taking a sample of the cervix, the device seals the wound site.

Features of discharge:

  • watery;
  • less often - scanty bleeding for 3 days.


Features of manipulation:

  • a painful procedure, performed under local anesthesia or general anesthesia;
  • a non-traumatic type of biopsy: the wound obtained during the process is immediately sealed with a laser.

Features of discharge:

  • white, brown discharge for 7 days;
  • sometimes bloody discharge for 2-3 days.



  • carried out with a special tool in the form of a loop;
  • the procedure is painful, so local anesthesia is given;
  • Due to the use of electric current, the manipulation leaves a scar on the cervix.

Features of discharge:

  • bleeding 1-3 weeks;
  • pink and brown discharge.


A wedge biopsy is performed as follows:

  • the procedure is performed under general, epidural or spinal anesthesia;
  • the sample is taken with a scalpel;
  • After the manipulation, a large triangular wound remains.

Features of discharge:

  • heavy bleeding for 2 weeks;
  • discharge is accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen.


The manipulation has the following specifics:

  • According to reviews, this is a very painful procedure;
  • during the process, spinal, general anesthesia, and epidural anesthesia are used;
  • pain relief is given for several days after the biopsy;
  • During the procedure, a large area of ​​tissue is cut out.

Features of discharge:

  • heavy bleeding for 2-4 weeks;
  • Severe pain is also observed.

Curettage (scraping)

The manipulation is carried out in this way:

  • due to severe pain, intravenous anesthesia is performed;
  • They expand the cervical canal and take scrapings from the mucous tissue of the cervix.

Features of discharge:

  • scanty discharge for 5-10 days;
  • may smear as during menstruation.

The complete absence of discharge after curettage is a pathology in which it is necessary to consult a doctor.

Preparation for the procedure

Before the operation, it is necessary to carry out a number of preparatory procedures. This significantly reduces the likelihood of side effects and complications, and also has a positive effect on the reliability of diagnostic results.

Special preparation is carried out only if it will be performed under local or general anesthesia. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia at a reduced pain threshold. In this case, the patient must refuse food and almost all types of drinks 12 hours before the procedure.

If necessary, the patient may be prescribed cleansing enemas to prevent spontaneous bowel movements. Colon cleansing can be done at home, but it should be done immediately before visiting a medical facility.

Can only be performed during a certain period of the menstrual cycle. This is due to the fact that the procedure is effective only for a certain period of time, and in other cases it can give unreliable results due to changes in hormonal levels and other specific factors. Most often, material is taken for analysis at the beginning of a new cycle.

Proper preparation can significantly reduce the likelihood of side effects, including blood loss.

The nature of the discharge after a cervical biopsy indicates how successful the procedure was. Unpleasant sensations are considered normal for such an operation and represent the organ’s reaction to surgical intervention.

Cervical tissue damaged after a biopsy is a wound that heals and will make itself felt during the recovery period. Violation of the integrity of this organ is accompanied by secretions necessary for scarring and healing of the tissue.

What recommendations should be followed during the recovery period?

  • You can’t lift weights or play sports;
  • provide the body with rest for the first two days;
  • It is prohibited to visit baths and saunas;
  • do not take hot baths;
  • for discharge, you can use pads;
  • It is prohibited to use tampons.

Restrictions on sexual intercourse must be observed for 2 weeks after the manipulation, otherwise bleeding can be provoked.

Additional restrictions:

  • It is not recommended to drink alcohol as it slows down the healing process;
  • do not insert anything into the vagina (suppositories, ointments);
  • do not use blood thinning medications;
  • Douching should not be done.

To urgently stop bleeding, the doctor will most likely prescribe the drug Tranexam.

For what symptoms should you consult a doctor?

If you have any questions related to pain and the amount of discharge, you should consult a specialist.

Especially if the following symptoms are observed:

  • prolonged discharge;
  • heavy bleeding;
  • burning and itching;
  • elevated temperature;
  • change in color and nature of discharge;
  • abdominal pain;
  • intense and prolonged periods;
  • delay of menstruation.

Prolonged discharge

Allocations must be completed in accordance with established rules. If, with simple types of biopsy, the discharge should have ended in three days, but continues for a week, this means that the wound is not healing or complications have arisen.

Heavy bleeding

You should pay attention if the cervix is ​​bleeding. In a complex biopsy procedure, such as a wedge biopsy, heavy periods will be normal. Continuous blood of a rich red color indicates bleeding.

Burning and itching

Burning and itching are mostly symptoms of thrush. A doctor's consultation is required to confirm the diagnosis and find out what medications can be combined with rehabilitation of the body after a biopsy.

If the patient is already taking medications, it may be an allergy to the components of the drug. You should stop taking the medication before consultation.


A body temperature above 37.5°C that cannot be brought down is a pathology. An inflammatory process has begun in the body, which should be detected immediately.

When the temperature is low - 37 degrees, but lasts longer than a week, it is called subfebrile. It speaks of serious health problems. The problems may not be related to the cervix; a new inflammatory process has begun in the body.

Change in color and nature of discharge

Any change in consistency, color and volume of discharge requires attention. Poor blood clotting and infection will affect the structure of the discharge.

Dangerous symptoms:

  • changed the color to a more saturated and dark one;
  • there was an unpleasant smell of discharge;
  • purulent discharge began;
  • blood clots appeared on the pad;
  • yellow discharge with a pungent odor.

Abdominal pain

Pain in the lower abdomen should not last longer than the established norm. If painkillers do not help or help for a short period of time, this is the development of a serious illness.

If your lower abdomen is tormented by cutting pains, you don’t have to endure them. This may also indicate a viral infection that requires urgent treatment.

Intense and prolonged periods

The first menstruation after the procedure may be more intense than usual. A strong deviation from the usual volume and constant pain is a pathology. Menstruation is a difficult process for the female body; if the wound does not heal, bleeding may occur.

Delay of menstruation

Not a deviation. The body is busy healing the wound, the menstrual cycle has faded into the background. You can consult a doctor if you are concerned that you have not had your period for more than two months.

Reasons for delay:

  • woman's stress;
  • body stress;
  • tissue regeneration process;
  • inflammatory process;
  • infections;
  • pathologies (dysplasia).

Victoria Vladimirovna Nikitina on the Family Doctor Clinic channel about cervical dysplasia.

Pregnancy after cervical biopsy

Features of pregnancy after biopsy:

  1. After simple biopsy methods, you can become pregnant when the body’s rehabilitation is complete. This information can be clarified with your doctor after the procedure.
  2. If a large area of ​​tissue was taken for analysis, pregnancy planning should be discussed with your doctor. He may advise you to delay conception and sexual activity until your cervix is ​​completely healed. The recovery period will increase and additional examinations - ultrasound - will be required.
  3. During recovery, the uterus is most often incapable of fertilization. But if the patient becomes pregnant after the biopsy, there will be a risk of premature birth. Doctors put additional stitches on the wound to increase the chances of carrying a child.
  4. For nulliparous girls, the most gentle analysis methods are now used. If the procedure and recovery went without complications, you can become pregnant.

Strong experiences in girls cause discharge after a cervical biopsy. Bleeding may occur for some time after the procedure. How serious are these manifestations, is it necessary to worry about this, what is the norm - we will consider all the questions in detail.

Discharge after biopsy: norm and pathology

Normal consequences of the procedure

Cervical biopsy, as already noted, is traumatic. After the procedure, slight bleeding is considered quite normal. The degree, nature and duration of this phenomenon directly depend on the type of procedure and the amount of tissue taken for examination:


This is the most common biopsy and uses a special needle. The operation lasts about 10 minutes. No anesthesia is used. The procedure itself is not painful; the woman feels only a slight short-term tingling sensation. After it, light bleeding is considered normal.

Pink Bloody


This is a procedure performed using scissors with pointed ends. During this procedure, local anesthesia is used in the area of ​​the cervix. A natural consequence is considered to be pink discharge in women with drops of blood throughout the week.

Discharge with a drop of blood

Radio wave

The most gentle type of biopsy, which is often prescribed to women who have not given birth. After this least traumatic procedure, scant bleeding in a woman for three days is considered normal. You may also experience slight watery discharge on the first day after the procedure.

Light spotting


This is also not a very traumatic manipulation, however, the technique for performing it requires general anesthesia for the patient. Natural consequences of the procedure include white, pinkish or brown discharge throughout the week.


Smearing cream


A type of biopsy that is performed with a special power tool. It is performed under local anesthesia. Over the next three weeks, discharge mixed with blood is observed.


Mixed with blood


Wedge-shaped - used when a large area of ​​tissue is removed. It is performed using a surgical scalpel and only under general anesthesia or epidural anesthesia (for the lower part of the body). After this procedure, the woman experiences severe pain and observes heavy discharge. The latter worry for up to two weeks.



This is also a large area biopsy. It is done using general anesthesia. Discharge and pain are present for up to four weeks. After this procedure, the patient is often prescribed pain medications.

After the biopsy, greenish or brown discharge may also appear.



They will be considered normal if before the procedure the tissue collection site was treated with any medical solutions (for example, during colposcopy).

Pathologically dangerous discharge

As mentioned above, discharge after a cervical biopsy is a completely normal phenomenon. However, there are situations when such consequences become pathological and indicate the emergence of complications. So, you need to see a doctor if the discharge:

  • acquired a bright scarlet or dark color;
  • turned yellow two weeks after the procedure;
  • have an unpleasant odor;
  • come out in copious blood clots;
  • are purulent in nature;
  • observed for more than three weeks.

It is necessary to seek help, and urgently, when bleeding appears, as during menstruation.

A large amount of blood released may indicate poor clotting or non-compliance with the basic rules of the recovery period, which we will discuss below.

Among the main reasons for the appearance of bleeding or other dangerous discharge after this procedure, in addition to neglecting the basic recommendations of the doctor, are:

  1. Damage to the uterine walls during tissue sampling.
  2. Seam rupture.
  3. The beginning of the inflammatory process.
  4. Infection.
  5. Premature onset of menstruation due to hormonal or cyclic imbalance.
  6. Slow healing.
  7. Insufficient qualifications of the doctor who performed the biopsy.

Complications may occur if the patient has not been fully examined for various gynecological ailments. This is why initial tests are of great importance for the successful completion of a biopsy.

What is a biopsy

The invasive intervention is a simple gynecological operation performed on an outpatient or inpatient basis. The purpose of a biopsy is to collect cells and pieces of tissue intravitally for microscopic examination to determine the nature of the pathology.

Such a surgical intervention does not exclude the occurrence of various complications after the procedure. Before the analysis, the woman should be informed in detail about all possible consequences. Discharge after and slight bleeding in the first days should not disturb the patient. These symptoms are always present after such a diagnosis.

Laser biopsy


Another modern diagnostic method, it is performed with a special laser knife. It is not difficult to guess that with its help, not only a small area of ​​the mucous membrane is selected for diagnosis, but also treatment is carried out by removing the affected tissue. Like the previous method, it is practically bloodless and painless, does not lead to scarring, although it requires special expensive equipment.

Biopsy is one of the oldest and most effective research methods. Regardless of the equipment and methodology of the analysis, its results play a leading role in setting up the analysis.

Indications for the procedure

The main task of a biopsy is to identify the presence of atypical pathological cells in the tissues of an organ. The following deviations may be the reason for ordering an analysis:

  • dysplasia or;
  • oncology;
  • precancerous conditions;
  • infertility;
  • papilloma virus;
  • polyps or condylomas of the cervix.

An invasive diagnostic method is carried out in the first period of the cycle, 3-6 days after the end of menstruation. It is forbidden to do a biopsy at the time of maturation of the corpus luteum. In this case, the woman’s body will not have time to recover by the beginning of the next cycle.

The gynecological procedure itself lasts no more than half an hour under general or local anesthesia. Most often it is done on an outpatient basis. After the procedure, the patient needs to rest for 20-40 minutes, then she can go home.

In some cases, when it is necessary to take a large piece of tissue for analysis, the woman may be asked to go to the hospital for several days.

If the patient has had a cervical biopsy in the past and is planning a pregnancy, it is necessary to warn her doctor about this.

What may be an indication for the procedure?

A doctor may prescribe a knife biopsy procedure if the following pathologies are detected:

  1. Ectopia. Pathological changes are observed on the mucous surface of the cervix, which is located in the vaginal part. Particularly in need of a biopsy are erosions whose surfaces crumble or bleed when touched, and also have an uneven surface.
  2. Presence of dysplasia. A precancerous condition when atypical cells were found between the epithelial cells during previous tests. They cannot yet be called cancerous, but without timely treatment they tend to degenerate into malignant ones.
  3. Presence of leukoplakia. Leukoplakia appears in the form of coarsening, thickening or increased keratinization of the epithelium. It is diagnosed by white spots that have clear boundaries.
  4. The presence of genital warts are cone-shaped growths that are an infectious viral disease that is transmitted through sexual contact.
  5. The presence of polyps is a local growth of the mucous membrane of the cervical canal and cervix. Initially they form as benign tumors, but quickly degenerate into malignant tumors.

The following tissue changes identified during colposcopy may also be an indication for a cervical biopsy:

  1. During a visual examination, a specialist treats the cervix with an iodine solution. Iodine – negative areas (light areas) may indicate atrophy, leukoplakia or dysplasia.
  2. The doctor also treats with acetic acid. Whitened areas indicate the presence of dysplasia, infection with papillomavirus or leukoplakia.
  3. Damage to the epithelium often indicates oncological changes or dysplasia.
  4. Changes in blood vessels in the form of growths, abnormally tortuous capillaries or small veins and arteries that do not respond to the effects of acetic acid.

A biopsy procedure is also recommended in the presence of suspicious cells that were identified based on the results of cytology smears (PAP smear).

  1. The presence of atypical squamous epithelial cells. Referred to as ASC-US in the results.
  2. Presence of atypical columnar epithelial cells - AGC.
  3. Squamous epithelial cells indicating a precancerous condition - ASC-H.
  4. Changes in squamous epithelium - HSIL.
  5. Presence of changes in the cervical canal – AIS.


The stab biopsy procedure may be delayed or contraindicated. Contraindications may include:

  • early and late pregnancy;
  • the presence of inflammatory processes of the cervix and the uterus itself;
  • infectious diseases were discovered;
  • The patient’s body is severely weakened;
  • There are blood clotting disorders.

Knife biopsy refers to surgical interventions, and such procedures are not recommended in the presence of infectious and inflammatory processes in the body. This may affect the reliability of research results and lead to various complications.


Despite the fact that a biopsy is a simple and fairly quick procedure that does not require extensive invasive intervention, there are some contraindications to its implementation:

  1. Chronic inflammatory process of the pelvic organs.
  2. Violation of the hemocoagulation system.
  3. Pregnancy period.
  4. Various infectious diseases that can significantly distort the analysis results.
  5. Hormonal disorders.
  6. Weakened immunity.

Before performing a biopsy, the doctor must prescribe preliminary blood tests. When various pathologies are identified, their treatment will first be required. Invasive diagnosis is possible only after some time.

Failure to comply with these requirements can lead to the fact that the discharge after cervical invasion becomes intense and various complications develop. The woman will need medical attention.

Consequences of the procedure

Typically, patients notice discharge after a cervical biopsy. Is this the norm? As a rule, this is a fairly common phenomenon and should be treated not as a pathology, but as a healing process.

The discharge may vary in color and intensity and continue until the next menstruation. There is no need to worry too much about this.

Usually after a biopsy of the cervix. In this case, the patient notes a slight nagging painful sensation in the lower abdomen. According to doctors, this can last 5-10 days. As the tissues heal, the discharge becomes more scanty. After menstruation, the cervix is ​​completely cleared and bleeding stops.

Often the patient notices after a cervical biopsy. This is also normal and does not require seeing a doctor.

If the bleeding becomes profuse and becomes threatening, we can talk about the development of a complication such as bleeding. It is necessary to immediately contact a gynecologist if you have the following ailments:

  1. The discharge is not very intense, but lasts more than 3 weeks.
  2. Severe bleeding of a bright color appeared.
  3. The temperature rose to 38 °C.
  4. The discharge has acquired a foul odor.

Such symptoms indicate the development of an infection and require immediate medical attention. The doctor must identify the cause of the complication and prescribe treatment.

How many days does it bleed

If bleeding lasts up to 10 days, there is no need to worry. This duration is considered normal. In some women, symptoms may occur within 2 weeks. The discharge does not have a bright color, it is smearing. Their number is gradually decreasing.

If the symptom persists for 3 weeks or more, you should consult a gynecologist. You should also be concerned in cases where there is a lot of blood, it is bright red, the body temperature rises to 38°C, and there is an unpleasant odor from the discharge.

Why does bleeding occur?

There are many reasons for the appearance of heavy discharge after a biopsy procedure. Among them are the following:

  • premature onset of menstruation due to cycle failure due to stress;
  • poor healing of biopsy lesions;
  • possible rupture of sutures as a result of non-compliance with doctor’s recommendations;
  • infection of the uterus during invasive intervention;
  • complete disregard for doctor's instructions during the recovery period.

In addition, the reason after a cervical biopsy may be insufficient qualifications of the doctor. If the physician has not made sure that there are no contraindications to the biopsy, has not identified low-grade inflammatory processes in time, or has carried out a traumatic invasive intervention, bleeding can become the main complication in the postoperative phase.

Possible complications of a knife biopsy

A cervical biopsy is an invasive procedure, so infection cannot be ruled out during the period of its behavior. Also, the specialist may unintentionally injure the vessels in the walls of the uterus, which will lead to bleeding. Symptoms of these consequences appear in the form of bright red bloody discharge from the vagina, which does not stop after 7 days, an increase in temperature, and a pronounced unpleasant odor. In such cases, emergency medical attention is required.

A significant disadvantage of knife therapy is the risk of keratinization of sutures - keratinization or death of cells of the epidermal layer. This process can provoke the formation of cervical deformities, which in the future will become an obstacle to conceiving a child. A patient of reproductive age who plans to have children in the future should consult a gynecologist about this side effect.

A woman should not be alarmed if: scanty dark-colored discharge comes out of the vagina, body temperature rises slightly, and pain is felt in the lower abdomen in the first days after the procedure. Such symptoms are considered normal after a knife biopsy.

Recovery period

After the procedure, the woman is strictly prohibited from lifting weights, going to the pool or swimming in the sea. It is necessary to completely avoid sexual relations and not be excessively physically active.

To minimize the risk of complications after the biopsy procedure, a woman should strictly follow all recommendations prescribed by her doctor. They include:

  1. You cannot take a bath, visit a bathhouse or sauna. For personal hygiene, it is recommended to use only the shower.
  2. Do not use medications that thin the blood.
  3. Do not use intravaginal suppositories or syringes.
  4. Completely abandon tampons and introduce sanitary pads.

The duration of the recovery period is individual for each patient and depends on strict compliance with all the gynecologist’s instructions.

Recovery period

An excisional biopsy of the cervix is ​​performed on an outpatient basis, after which the patient can go home. The next day she can go to work, or she is given a sick leave for 1-2 days.

After conization, the woman remains under medical supervision for 1-2 days. She is issued sick leave for up to 10 days.

In the first days, you may experience mild pain in the lower abdomen and minor bleeding. Sometimes they have a greenish tint due to the treatment of the cervix with iodine solution. These signs last no more than a week. If pain after a biopsy causes discomfort, you can use regular painkillers. You can put a warm compress on your lower back or wrap yourself in a woolen scarf.

To prevent infectious complications, the doctor may prescribe certain medications, for example, Terzhinan vaginal tablets. They need to be administered at night for 6 days.

Other medications that your doctor may prescribe in the first days after the biopsy:

  • antimicrobial drugs Metronidazole or Ornidazole in tablet form;
  • rectal suppositories Genferon to stimulate local immunity;
  • Betadine vaginal suppositories.

Suppositories may be prescribed to speed up healing and prevent scar formation, for example, Depantol.

Women are advised to wear cotton underwear and use absorbent pads. You need to wash yourself daily with fragrance-free soap and dry the perineal area well. You can drive a car only after 24 hours.

What not to do after a biopsy: lift objects heavier than 3 kg, use vaginal tampons or douches for a week during an excisional biopsy or a month after conization. Sexual intercourse is not allowed for 4 weeks after the usual procedure and 6-8 weeks after conization. According to foreign recommendations, restriction of sexual activity after a puncture biopsy lasts only for a week. For 2-4 weeks you do not need to take a bath, visit the sauna or pool.

Healing of the wound occurs after 4-6 weeks, depending on the amount of tissue removed. After this period, the woman visits a gynecologist who examines the cervix using mirrors.

Menstruation after a biopsy occurs at normal times, since the procedure does not affect the hormonal status and condition of the endometrium. There may be a slight shift in the cycle associated with the patient’s emotional reaction or with the characteristics of the recovery period.

After the procedure, the woman is strictly prohibited from lifting weights, going to the pool or swimming in the sea. It is necessary to completely avoid sexual relations and not be excessively physically active.

To minimize the risk of complications after the biopsy procedure, a woman should strictly follow all recommendations prescribed by her doctor. They include:

  1. You cannot take a bath, visit a bathhouse or sauna. For personal hygiene, it is recommended to use only the shower.
  2. Do not use medications that thin the blood.
  3. Do not use intravaginal suppositories or syringes.
  4. Completely abandon tampons and introduce sanitary pads.

If all recommendations are strictly followed, the discharge after a cervical biopsy will stop in a week, the state of health will return to normal, and the woman will continue her normal life.

The duration of the recovery period is individual for each patient and depends on strict compliance with all the gynecologist’s instructions.

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