Is it possible to eat cucumbers and tomatoes with gastritis?
Tomatoes and tomato juice for gastritis: recommendations from experts
The most important component of successful treatment of gastrointestinal pathologies is proper nutrition. In the phase of exacerbation of the disease
Sushi and rolls: features of use for gastritis
Rolls and sushi are still an exquisite and fairly new dish for us that has come
Is it possible to eat dried fruit compote if you have pancreatitis?
Pancreatitis is an inflammation of the pancreas that interferes with the healthy digestive process and normal
Bepanten for hemorrhoids: contraindications, what to replace
Doctors advise using Bepanten for hemorrhoids. Contains dexpanthenol dihydrochloride, which instantly eliminates inflammation
Potatoes for stomach and duodenal ulcers
Beat Colitis with These 6 Natural Remedies
Benefits and harms Potato juice has the following properties: anti-inflammatory; wound healing; antimicrobial; restorative (regenerating); painkillers;
Is it possible to eat sesame seeds for pancreatitis? — Diabetes
Sunflower is one of the common plants with value found in the seeds. For pancreatitis, doctor
Eating carrots for pancreatitis
What juices can you drink for pancreatitis and how do they affect the pancreas?
Vegetable growing » Carrots 0 1146 Article rating Kira Stoletova Carrots are useful in composition
Will mint be harmful for gastritis? How to brew and drink the herb, are there any side effects?
Mint is a plant unique in its aromatic and medicinal qualities, widely used in folklore.
plantain for gastritis
Plantain for gastritis: recipes, rules for preparing decoctions and infusions
Plantain for gastritis is widely used in gastroenterological practice. The main causes of pathology are various disorders
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The process of digestion in the human body: what the stomach, small and large intestines consist of
The path that food takes from entering the body to leaving the body is long and winding. To
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