Diet for gastritis - what can you eat and what is prohibited? Examples of products, menu
Dill is one of the most accessible and aromatic seasonings. It is used in cooking, cosmetology,
Photo hydrogen peroxide
Neumyvakin recommends: treatment of hemorrhoids with hydrogen peroxide and soda, enemas and external use
Treatment with folk remedies often suggests using a hydrogen solution for the treatment of chronic diseases. Can i
The benefits and harms of oat milk
Oat milk - a healing drink for health and beauty
Milk made from oatmeal is a very valuable and nutritious product, rich in nutrients.
How to treat ulcer bleeding and what to do with a bleeding gastric (duodenal) ulcer
If a bleeding stomach or duodenal ulcer opens, immediate medical attention is required
Which cookies are best to eat for gastritis?
Gastritis is a serious disease that forces patients to limit themselves in consuming certain foods. IN
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Erosive gastritis: treatment with folk remedies and important tips
Medicinal herbs for erosive gastritis Herbs are the best choice for those who are looking for the most
The benefits and harms of dates for the body of men and women
Useful properties of dates Dates are the fruits of a special type of palm tree. Fresh date - juicy berry
The drugs De-nol and Omez can be used simultaneously as part of complex therapy for peptic ulcers and some other gastrointestinal pathologies
Omez and De-Nol: how to take together and under what conditions
The drugs De-nol and Omez have different compositions and mechanisms of action. They can be used simultaneously
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Is it possible to eat ginger if you have pancreatic diseases?
Useful properties Ginger is a plant that is actively used in cooking and folk medicine.
Benign pancreatic tumor
Pancreatic tumor - causes, treatment, types
The pancreas is a complex organ in which benign and malignant tumors develop. Benign
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