Hepatitis A symptoms of jaundice
Symptoms of viral hepatitis A in children are signs of severe forms of the disease
A benign infectious disease with a cyclic course, which belongs to alimentary hepatitis, is called hepatitis A.
Normal and atrophied gastric mucosa
Restoration of the gastric mucosa in atrophic gastritis
Many diseases of the digestive system of the body develop due not only to poor nutrition, but also to
Feeling of fullness in the abdomen
Why does it suck in the stomach - the causes of the unpleasant symptom
Many people are familiar with the feeling of a full stomach. It seems like you ate very little, but your stomach is full,
Oil for gastritis: rules for use for medicinal purposes
Every second person has encountered gastrointestinal diseases in his life. Complex of inflammatory pathogenic processes in
Woman's stomach hurts
Treatment of cholecystitis with folk remedies: the most effective recipes
Causes of inflammation The causes of inflammation of the gallbladder are quite varied and depend on the development of pathological processes
Is Allochol effective for pancreatitis and other gastrointestinal diseases?
Allohol for pancreatitis: indications and contraindications, instructions for use, medical advice
Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) require a careful approach to complex treatment. Diet is considered the basis. Exactly
Intestinal enteritis
Bloating: causes, treatment and prevention
Sections and functions of the small intestine The small intestine is the longest part of the digestive tract, length
The stool is not dense. Ribbon stool: causes, treatment
Thin feces (ribbon-shaped) in adults and children: causes and possible diseases
Thin stool You already know from previous articles what a normal stool should be, and
Herbs for the liver and pancreas
What herbs to take for the liver and pancreas
7440 Diseases of the liver and pancreas respond well to treatment with an integrated approach. In addition
stomach pain
Characteristic symptoms of a gastritis attack and first aid
Gastritis can be acute or chronic. There are a number of classifications of gastritis depending on the nature of the inflammation
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