What is succinic acid: what effect does it have on facial skin, how to lose weight with its help


  • What is this substance
  • Why is deficiency dangerous?
  • How to deal with shortages
  • Benefits and harms
  • When to take
  • Succinic acid and pregnancy
  • How to take succinic acid correctly
  • Side effects and overdose
  • Is it possible to take succinic acid for children?
  • Physical exercise
  • Succinic acid for weight loss
  • Succinic acid in cosmetology
  • Homemade face masks
  • Rejuvenating mask for dry and normal skin
  • Mask for oily skin
  • Peeling with succinic acid
  • Succinic acid for hair
  • Nourishing hair mask
  • Scalp scrub
  • Succinic acid in cooking
  • Plant care


What foods contain succinic acid?

First, let's find out which products contain succinic acid. Its sources are:

  • The cheese contains succinic acid;
    black bread;
  • dairy products;
  • light grapes;
  • aged wines;
  • beer (brewer's yeast);
  • seafood (in particular, shellfish);
  • sauerkraut;
  • cheeses;
  • gooseberry;
  • turnip;
  • barley and sunflower seeds.

Under normal conditions, the synthesis of succinic acid in the body completely covers its needs. But with some diseases, increased physical activity, poor diet, premature aging processes and other stresses, a deficiency of this substance may occur.

What is this substance

The body receives succinic, or as it is otherwise called, butanedioic acid in the metabolic process, in the form of salts. It is produced in sufficient quantities to meet daily needs when a person is healthy. However, if he is constantly under stress, experiencing heavy mental or physical stress, the body may experience a lack of succinic acid.

Products containing succinic acid: barley, turnips, yeast, sugar cane, oysters, gooseberries, cherries, kefir.

Skin injection methods

It is most advisable to inject sodium succinate into the skin by injection. Intradermal administration allows you to directly influence the problem locally, effectively eliminating it. When administered intradermally, sodium succinate enhances metabolic and energy processes in cells.

The use of succinic acid salts for the face in cosmetic preparations for external use is not effective and is not advisable. Sodium succinate molecules do not pass through the stratum corneum of the epidermis and remain on the surface of the skin, without contributing to its rejuvenation.

How to deal with shortages

Its analog obtained during the processing of natural amber helps to compensate for the lack of succinic acid. It appears as a white powder and has a lemony taste. Most often found in tablet form, sold in any pharmacy.

You can also compensate for a deficiency of succinic acid if you include more often in your daily menu:

  • kefir, yogurt and other fermented milk products;
  • sunflower oil and seeds;
  • Brewer's yeast;
  • baked goods made from rye flour;
  • unripe berries (grapes, cherries, currants);
  • oysters;
  • old wines;
  • turnip.

Succinic acid: contraindications and side effects

Who is prohibited from using butane dioxide? It is recommended that people who have AIDS or the HIV virus, accelerated metabolism, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, epilepsy, cataracts, eye injuries, hyperactivity, glaucoma or other ophthalmic diseases not take the substance.

Among other contraindications it is worth noting:

  • hyperexcitability;
  • high blood pressure;
  • peptic ulcers;
  • gestosis during pregnancy;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • gastritis;
  • childhood.

You should not drink Yak during pregnancy, if you are prone to bleeding, or have various pathologies of the intestines and stomach at the acute stage.

Sometimes a person should refuse to use “amber” due to side effects. How does it manifest itself? Despite the fact that the substance is very useful for both an adult man and a woman, due to an incorrectly chosen dosage, the following may occur:

  • increased blood pressure;
  • difficulty sleeping;
  • hyperactivity;
  • development of gastralgia and similar conditions.

Also, when using a substance that is sold in pharmacies, a state of hypersecretion of gastric juice and constant tone of the nervous system may occur.

Benefits and harms

Butanedioic acid plays an important role in the Krebs cycle. Its essence lies in the fact that the body intensively produces energy and saturates tissues with oxygen. As a result, a number of biological processes begin to take place more actively.

Systematic intake of succinic acid makes it possible to delay the appearance of age-related changes, as it ensures the normal functioning of cells for many years.

Preserving youth is not the only task that succinic acid copes with. The range of its beneficial properties is wide:

  • normalizes the functioning of the brain and heart;
  • promotes rapid intoxication of the body;
  • reduces the risk of developing cancer and the growth rate of cancer cells;
  • strengthens the body's protective functions;
  • calms the nervous system;
  • increases appetite and improves digestion;
  • activates insulin production;
  • maintains optimal cholesterol levels;
  • increases working capacity;
  • normalizes metabolism;
  • helps overcome allergy symptoms.

Butanedioic acid has been studied extensively over the past 40 years. Clinical trials have proven that this drug cannot harm the human body if taken according to the instructions for use.

The role of sodium succinate in cosmetology

Sodium succinate has a number of healing effects on the skin. It is in demand as an active substance that can prevent premature skin aging.

Succinic acid is used for the face to solve many problems:

  1. Provides tissue lifting.
  2. Eliminates the effects of acne: scars, scars, potholes.
  3. Improves elasticity and skin turgor.
  4. Cleanses the skin from excess sebum and comedones.
  5. Eliminates age spots and spider veins.
  6. Improves complexion glow and eliminates puffiness.
  7. Able to resist inflammatory processes occurring in the skin.

In addition to all the involutional processes that take place in an aging organism, over the years its cells are not able to produce energy to the same extent. As a result, the body experiences a slow decline in many functions, which leads to its withering and rapid aging.

A substance that contributes to the normal maintenance of vital functions in the body is called ATP (adenosine triphosphate). Sodium succinate has a unique property: it stimulates the production of adenosine triphosphate (ATP). That is, to replenish energy in the cell and restore many functions in the body. In other words, sodium succinate is a powerful regenerating and restorative substance.

Sodium succinate has a powerful antioxidant effect. Free radicals are highly active, unstable molecules that can destroy and oxidize body cells, thereby causing numerous fatal diseases. Sodium succinate can effectively neutralize the effects of free radicals.

When to take

Succinic acid in medicine is a biologically active additive (BAA), not a complete medicinal product. Nevertheless, it has its own indications and contraindications.

Taking succinic acid begins when faced with:

  • signs of asthenic syndrome: nervousness, irascibility, increased fatigue, decreased performance;
  • sclerotic changes, including: temporary memory loss, rapid onset of fatigue;
  • ischemic conditions resulting from oxygen starvation;
  • diseases affecting the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • cholesterol imbalances;
  • insufficient secretion of insulin;
  • varicose veins;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • long-term adherence to a strict diet.

The drug is prescribed as an immunomodulator in the presence of respiratory tract diseases, acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections.

The acid is indispensable for those who suffer from cancer, due to its ability to suppress the growth of malignant cells.

Due to the high acidity level, the drug is contraindicated in cases of increased intraocular or blood pressure, gastritis, ulcers, and urolithiasis.

general description

Transparent amber glowing in the sun has always interested people. Healing and even magical properties were attributed to him, and they were applied to sore spots. You can laugh at our ancestors, but the healers of the past were very observant and often made the right conclusions. Powder made from this stone was previously used as a means of supporting the body's strength. Modern industry produces a product of its processing, which is called succinic acid. It is prescribed to children and adults for the treatment of a wide range of diseases.

Succinic acid and pregnancy

  1. Before pregnancy: Expectant mothers take succinic acid to prepare for a long period of bearing a child.
  2. During pregnancy: Taking the drug during pregnancy gives the body the opportunity to more easily cope with hormonal changes, strengthens the immune system, and reduces the severity of toxicosis. There are other beneficial properties of this drug:
      protects the fetus from lack of oxygen;
  3. cleanses the expectant mother’s body of toxic substances;
  4. reduces the risk of edema, as it has a beneficial effect on kidney function;
  5. ensures the supply of the fetus with the necessary elements;
  6. participates in the formation of strong immunity in the child.
  7. After childbirth: the body returns to normal faster if the woman used succinic acid in the first 2 periods. In addition, the drug promotes milk production in the mother.

The drug is contraindicated in gestosis, a pathological condition that usually develops in the second trimester. It is accompanied by high blood pressure, swelling, and the presence of protein in the urine. Provokes disruptions in the functioning of all vital systems.

During pregnancy, succinic acid is taken only under the supervision of a doctor.

Succinic acid - indications for use

Constant drowsiness, an unreasonable feeling of fatigue, nervous breakdowns, nervous tension, mild depressive states are symptoms indicating the need to take succinic acid preparations.

Using it together with medications makes it possible to speed up recovery, reduce the dosage of medications and reduce their number in the treatment of diseases:

  • diseases of the joints and spine;
  • heart failure;
  • diseases with circulatory disorders;
  • hypertension;
  • VSD (vegetative-vascular dystonia);
  • diabetes;
  • liver and gallbladder diseases;
  • bronchitis and bronchial asthma;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system (insomnia, stress, headaches due to nervousness);
  • decreased immunity;
  • colds, viral infections, respiratory diseases;
  • mercury, lead poisoning;
  • alcoholism and related conditions;
  • old age (acts as an antioxidant).

How to take succinic acid correctly

The dosage of succinic acid should be selected by a doctor. It depends on the condition of the body and the goals of treatment.

The daily intake for an adult can vary from 0.25 g to 1 g. A small dosage is usually prescribed for preventive purposes or for intoxication of the body. Large - to combat various diseases.

The daily dose of succinic acid is divided into several doses and consumed during meals with water for a month.

During pregnancy, the drug is allowed to be taken in the minimum dosage starting from the 12th week. The course lasts 10 days and can be repeated in the second and third trimester. The amount of succinic acid consumed during the entire period of pregnancy should not exceed 7.5 g.

The benefits of succinic acid for various diseases

Clinical studies have confirmed its positive effect on the treatment process, so it is used along with medications in medical practice:

  • Hypertension, atherosclerotic changes in the blood vessels of the legs:

Taking one tablet after meals up to two times a day allows you to reduce dosages, reduce treatment time, and reduce swelling (this allows, in some cases, to cancel diuretics).

To adjust the dose of medications taken, an examination is carried out after 2-3 weeks.

There is a decrease in cholesterol levels and normalization of lipid metabolism.

  • Heart disease (angina):

Dissolve the tablet - this will help stop the attack and reduce the frequency of taking Nitroglycerin and similar drugs.

  • Obliterating atherosclerosis, venous insufficiency:

muscle spasms occur less frequently and last less long, pain decreases, and your feet freeze less. Recommended dose: one tablet up to two times daily.

  • Osteochondrosis, deforming osteoarthritis:

pain symptoms decrease, joint swelling decreases, stiffness of movements decreases, general condition improves (one tablet up to two times a day for a long time).

  • Bronchial asthma, bronchitis:

attacks become less frequent, general condition improves (daily intake up to 1.5 g for a month).

  • ARI, cold:

preventive treatment reduces the risk of disease, and in case of disease, shortens treatment time and reduces painful manifestations.

Side effects and overdose

Spasmodic pain in the stomach, heartburn, high blood pressure are side effects that patients occasionally experience during treatment with succinic acid. These symptoms indicate that the drug should be stopped.

It is also worth remembering that this substance is not recommended to be consumed before bed, as it has a tonic effect.

Excess succinic acid does not accumulate in the body, so overdose is a rare occurrence. It can occur as a result of exceeding the daily dose of the drug several times. In this case, succinic acid can provoke inflammation of the gastric mucosa or damage tooth enamel.

Where can I buy

Purchasing this medicine does not pose any problem. Sometimes young parents doubt that they will be able to find this drug when the pediatrician prescribes it to their child. Succinic acid, meanwhile, is sold in every pharmacy. You can verify this at any time. The price is also good: a pack of 10 tablets costs 11 rubles. When compared with numerous dietary supplements, which often do not work at all, the cost is very low. The drug is very tasty, a little like citric acid. But before use, it is advisable to read the instructions.

Is it possible to take succinic acid for children?

Succinic acid is safe for children, as it does not accumulate in the body and has virtually no side effects. It is especially useful for weakened immunity, increased mental and physical stress.

The daily dosage of succinic acid for a child should be 2-3 times lower than for an adult. It is better to choose it with a qualified doctor. Also, do not forget that the product has contraindications.

It is not recommended to give children succinic acid in the afternoon, as it can cause increased nervous excitability and sleep disturbances.

Indications and contraindications for use

In the instructions for the drug “Succinic Acid” the indications for use are as follows:

  • Asthenia;
  • Hypoxia;
  • Increased mental and physical stress;
  • Diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • Venous insufficiency;
  • Bronchial asthma;
  • Osteochondrosis;
  • Cirrhosis, fatty degeneration;
  • Diabetes;
  • Intoxication;
  • Withdrawal syndrome.

Complex treatment of asthenia and the consequences of hypoxia includes taking succinic acid. This is due to the improvement of anaerobic processes in the cells of the body. Patients with asthenic syndrome get rid of chronic fatigue, their vitality increases, and their sleep improves.

By accelerating the delivery of glucose to the brain, performance during mental stress improves and concentration increases. Succinates, which accelerate the breakdown of lactic acid, help the body recover faster after physical activity and reduce muscle pain after training.

The medication, having an antihypoxic effect and stabilizing cell membranes, is used in the treatment of vascular pathologies (atherosclerosis).

For type II diabetes mellitus, the drug can reduce the amount of glucose in the blood and improve insulin production.

Succinates of succinic acid improve local blood circulation, so the indications for use of the drug are osteochondrosis and osteoarthritis. The therapeutic effect in this case is associated with the relief of inflammatory processes.

The antitoxic properties of the drug determine its use in case of poisoning with alcohol, toxic substances (lead, arsenic, mercury), and food poisoning. It also helps with a hangover, promoting the rapid removal of alcohol from the body.

Experts recommend succinic acid as a prophylactic against neoplasms, including malignant ones. It is able to neutralize free radicals and reduce the negative effects of chemotherapy on the patient’s body.

Due to its immunomodulatory effect, succinic acid is excellent for the prevention of ARVI. The beneficial effects of the drug on the nervous system, blood circulation and oxygen supply to the brain help patients cope with nervous tension, anxiety, and irritability.

Succinic acid accelerates the process of losing weight by removing excess fluid and accelerating metabolic processes. Has a rejuvenating effect on the body. The drug can also be used during pregnancy to prevent fetal hypoxia.

Contraindications to the use of succinic acid:

  • intolerance to components;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • glaucoma;
  • hypertension;
  • exacerbation of stomach ulcers and inflammatory processes in the intestines;
  • gastritis with high acidity;
  • gestosis during pregnancy.

Succinic acid for weight loss

Succinic acid can facilitate the process of losing weight. It does not have fat-burning properties, but it speeds up metabolism, promotes intoxication of the body and removes excess fluid, and relieves nervous tension. It works best in combination with dietary nutrition and an active lifestyle.

During weight loss, succinic acid can be taken in several ways:

  1. For three days, 0.25 g 30 minutes before breakfast, lunch and dinner, then one day of rest from the drug. The course consists of two such cycles.
  2. 4 tablets per day with food for a month.
  3. 1 g of acid diluted in a glass of warm water on an empty stomach. Course 30 days.

The optimal regimen for taking the drug must be chosen under the guidance of a doctor.

Instructions for use of succinic acid

The standard scheme for taking succinic acid in tablets is set out in the instructions for using succinic acid and is as follows: two tablets are taken twice a day during or after meals, washed down with water or milk. Since the dietary supplement combats drowsiness, it is recommended to take the last dose no later than six o’clock in the evening. Here's how to drink succinic acid on special occasions according to the instructions:

fight fatigue 1 tablet per day according to the scheme: 3 days of use - 1 day break
overwork 5 tablets once/day for three days in a row
hangover, poisoning 10 tablets one time
disease prevention 500 mg/day 2 weeks
cardiovascular diseases 0.5 tablets/day according to the following scheme:

4 weeks on - 2 weeks off

When purchasing powder, it is important to know that it is dissolved in a glass of water. Two doses per day are enough. The course lasts a month, after which there is a two-week break. YAK is also produced in ampoules - it is called Cogitum (the active substance is acetylaminosuccinic acid). The daily dose according to the instructions is 30 mg for adults, children under 7 years of age are prescribed 1 ampoule, and older adults - 2 ampoules per day. The solution is drunk in its pure form, although children can dilute it with water.

Composition of succinic acid

The main component of succinic acid is butanedioic or ethane-dicarboxylic acid (this is also the name of this active substance). In addition, the composition of medicines may include:

  • Aerosil;
  • calcium stearate;
  • potato starch;
  • sugar;
  • talc;
  • ascorbic acid.

Indications for use of succinic acid

From a medical point of view, Succinic Acid - the instructions confirm this - is a dietary supplement, but this does not detract from its ability to influence the body from a positive point of view. Indications for the use of succinic acid, and the instructions confirm this, are as follows:

  • alcohol intoxication;
  • angina;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • kidney inflammation;
  • hypoxia;
  • flu;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • insulin-dependent diabetes;
  • cardiac ischemia;
  • sleep disorders;
  • nervous tension;
  • ARVI;
  • acute respiratory infections;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • cold
  • physical fatigue;
  • chemical poisoning;
  • chronic bronchitis;
  • cirrhosis;
  • sclerosis, etc.

Side effects of succinic acid

Pain in the stomach and high blood pressure are the main side effects of succinic acid. Judging by the reviews, they appear rarely, but they do occur. An overdose of the drug can cause severe heartburn and cramps even in completely healthy people. For this reason, before using the drug, like any medicine, you should consult a doctor to prescribe treatment. You should not exceed the permitted limits; you must fully comply with the recommendations.

Contraindications to the use of succinic acid

Although the drug is almost harmless, there are also contraindications for succinic acid, which are indicated in the instructions:

  • glaucoma;
  • high blood pressure;
  • urolithiasis;
  • acute ulcer of the stomach and duodenum.

Succinic acid in cosmetology

Succinic acid is widely used for facial care. Based on it, professional brands create effective masks, creams, peelings that help:

  • normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands;
  • improve blood circulation;
  • smooth out wrinkles;
  • increase skin elasticity;
  • saturate the skin with oxygen;
  • accelerate cellular regeneration;
  • dry out the inflammatory element.

Regular use of products with succinic acid for facial skin, thanks to the exfoliating effect, helps reduce the number of blackheads, remove scars and scars.

The well-known Q10 (coenzyme) has properties similar in composition to succinic acid. Only Q10 is somewhat more expensive, as are creams based on it.

Coenzyme Q10 and succinic acid are antioxidants that actively guard the youth and beauty of our skin, prevent early cell aging, enrich cells with oxygen and slow down the aging process.

Succinic acid as a hangover cure

As the liver processes alcohol, a large amount of acetaldehyde enters the body. This toxic substance deprives cells of the ability to oxidize a number of essential elements. Succinic acid promotes rapid detoxification by neutralizing the effects of acetaldehyde.

In addition, succinic acid for a hangover:

  • promotes blood circulation;
  • activates the body's defense reactions to toxic substances;
  • has a beneficial effect on brain function;
  • improves well-being;
  • saturates cells with oxygen;
  • invigorates, stimulates mental activity;
  • enhances microcirculation;
  • restores oxidative reactions in muscles.

Succinic acid will bring tangible benefits if it is used both before the start of the feast and in the morning after a hangover.

Homemade face masks

To test the effect of succinic acid on your skin, you do not have to buy professional products. At home, you can prepare masks that are in no way inferior in their properties. They are used for rejuvenation, cleansing the skin of dead cells and smoothing the relief.

Masks with succinic acid are used in courses including 10-15 procedures. It is better to do them in the autumn-winter period to avoid the appearance of age spots on the face.

Masks with succinic acid are suitable for any skin type. The main thing is to choose the right recipe.

Rejuvenating mask for dry and normal skin


  1. 2 tablets of succinic acid and mummy.
  2. 10 drops of base oil (olive, almond, grape).
  3. A teaspoon of warm water or herbal decoction.

The tablets are filled with liquid and waited until they dissolve. To speed up the process, you can crush them first. Add any base oil to the resulting mixture and mix well. Leave the mask on your face for 20 minutes. Then wash off with warm water.

Mumiyo in this recipe enhances the rejuvenating effect of succinic acid due to its ability to activate the process of cellular renewal.

Mask for oily skin


  1. 25 g of white or green clay.
  2. 2-3 tablets of succinic acid.
  3. 2 drops tea tree, rosemary or peppermint essential oil (optional).
  4. A tablespoon of warm water.

Clay can lose its properties when in contact with iron. For this reason, it is best to prepare a mask from it in glass or enamel containers. You can mix the ingredients with a wooden stick or plastic spoon.

The tablets are crushed and added to the clay. The mixture of dry ingredients is diluted with water and two drops of essential oil. Mix everything thoroughly so that there are no lumps left. The mask is applied to the face and left for 20-30 minutes.

To prevent the clay from tightening the skin, it is moistened with a spray bottle as needed.

This mask makes blackheads less noticeable, evens out the complexion and reduces inflammation. With long-term use, it smoothes the skin texture.

Peeling with succinic acid


  1. 3 tablets of succinic acid.
  2. 25 ml water or milk.

The components are mixed and applied to cleansed facial skin for 15 minutes. Wash off with cool water.

Peeling with succinic acid helps exfoliate the skin, saturate it with oxygen and increase blood circulation. It can be used no more than twice a week.

Masks with succinic acid are not recommended for use on wounds, as this will slow down their healing process. Also, you should not use them if there are multiple inflammatory elements on the skin.

Product for skin rejuvenation, anti-wrinkle, whitening and hair. Feedback on application.

Benefits for the body

Before giving your child succinic acid, you need to understand what it is and how it affects the body. This is an organic acid that is found in every cell of our body. The body itself is capable of producing it. Succinic acid is involved in energy production, thanks to which you and I can live normally. Stress and illness lead to a decrease in energy production, which, in turn, leads to aging of the body.

An additional portion of succinic acid for a child and an adult can be very beneficial. This is not a medicine, but rather a stimulant, the use of which does not carry any risks. An increased concentration of this substance becomes a natural regulator for improving the functioning of the body.

Succinic acid for hair

Succinic acid does not give a pronounced result if used in its pure form for hair care. However, it can enhance the effect of shampoos, masks and scrubs on the scalp.

Nourishing hair mask


  1. 2-3 tablespoons of honey (depending on hair length).
  2. 3 tablets of succinic acid.

Honey is heated in a water bath or in the microwave. Add crushed succinic acid to it. The mixture is applied to the hair along the entire length. The head is wrapped in cling film, insulated with a towel and left for 30-40 minutes. At the end of the period, wash off the mask with your usual shampoo.

Succinic acid exfoliates dead skin cells, so the effect of honey on hair follicles is significantly enhanced.

Scalp scrub


  1. 3-4 tablets of succinic acid.
  2. 2 tablespoons fine table salt.
  3. 1 tablespoon of soda.
  4. Water.

Dry ingredients are mixed and water is added to form a thick mass. The resulting product is slowly massaged onto the scalp for about 5 minutes. Then the scrub is washed off.

The procedure helps to deeply cleanse the scalp and accelerate hair growth by increasing blood circulation after the massage.

Compatibility with other substances

When redermalizing the skin, sodium succinate is not used in its pure form, but in combination with hyaluronic acid. Clinical trials have proven the beneficial interaction of the two drugs in the process of restoring skin functions. This process is the basis of the injection method of skin redermalization.

While the succinic acid salt stimulates energy metabolism in the cell, hyaluronic acid organizes a tract for cellular movement, promoting the diffusion of proteins. As a result, cellular respiration increases and metabolism in the cell is activated.

Signs of deficiency

Typically, this supplement is prescribed to improve the overall health of the body. How do you understand that there is a deficiency of succinic acid in the body? Instructions for use for children recommend prescribing it in the following cases:

  • If a child is often sick, the functioning of certain body systems occurs.
  • Energy is quickly lost. As a result, there is a loss of strength, forgetfulness and chronic fatigue.
  • Meteosensitivity increases.

Succinic acid affects almost all organs. Its deficiency will lead to a deterioration in the functioning of the entire body as a whole. First of all, the immune system will suffer. This will affect resistance to various infections. Additionally, brain activity will decrease. In preschool and primary school age, every day matters. If a child cannot develop due to health reasons, he will lag behind his peers. If this continues for some time, free radicals will accumulate in the body, and this will lead to loss of energy and performance.

Reviews from doctors and specialists

Daria Pilyavskaya, nutritionist, Obninsk Traditional medicine does not accept the use of succinic acid for the purpose of normalizing body weight. Most often, doctors attribute positive results to the placebo effect. The fact that this dietary supplement promotes weight loss has not been scientifically confirmed. On the contrary, this substance is often prescribed to increase appetite, including for children who have difficulty gaining weight. Therefore, tablets can only be classified as drugs that mitigate the negative effects of dietary nutrition. They help restore strength and cleanse the body, but on their own (without diet and exercise) will be ineffective. Most of my patients who took such pills while following a diet noted that they had no health problems, did not experience negative emotional outbursts and the desire to “break out.” But in order for the weight loss benefits to really be real, before using this remedy, you need to consult a doctor.

Bogdan Lebedev, nutritionist, Moscow

Succinic acid is not a medicine or a vitamin, but a dietary supplement that is sold in pharmacies without a prescription. Therefore, many begin to take it uncontrollably, hoping for quick results. But before drinking succinic acid, you must check for contraindications and determine your individual dose. Only then can its negative impact and unforeseen consequences be eliminated. It should also be borne in mind that the tablets do not have a significant effect on reducing the thickness of subcutaneous fat. This is just an additional product that will help prevent sagging skin after losing weight, give an energy boost, relieve excessive psychological stress, prevent nervous breakdowns and depression. It is these positive aspects that will allow you to achieve better results in the fight against excess weight.

Can it be used by everyone?

In most cases, succinic acid preparations do not cause any side effects. The only thing that can happen when taking large doses is irritation of the gastric mucosa and the development of gastritis. Such drugs are not drugs and are considered dietary supplements. But succinic acid brings enormous benefits to the body even in small dosages. It is considered absolutely harmless and is prescribed to everyone. Only individual intolerance can become an obstacle to taking succinic acid. But like all other acids, it is not recommended for patients with stomach ulcers or gastritis. In addition, such drugs are not prescribed to patients with a persistent increase in blood pressure and a tendency to form kidney stones.

Danger level

The drug Yantarin is classified as hazard class 3 for humans and hazard class 3B for bees

However, this is precisely what shows (by contrast) how arbitrary the hazard classifiers are and how important it is when working with a drug to pay attention to the specific properties of its active substances (AI). misuse of the drug or extremely careless handling of it can cause severe poisoning. Which is not excluded, because

Amber is intended for use by unqualified users in private household plots. However, the toxicological parameters of succinic acid are comparable to those of... ordinary table salt: LD50 for rats orally 2.26 g/kg (!); for mice intravenously 1.4 g/kg. In human terms, this means that for severe poisoning with succinic acid, you need to eat it with spoons, but in reality this substance is not much more dangerous than food-grade citric acid

Which is not excluded, because Amber is intended for use by unqualified users in private household plots. However, the toxicological parameters of succinic acid are comparable to those of... ordinary table salt: LD50 for rats orally 2.26 g/kg (!); for mice intravenously 1.4 g/kg. In human terms, this means that for severe poisoning with succinic acid, you need to eat it with spoons, but in reality this substance is not much more dangerous than food-grade citric acid

Yantarine was included in the 3rd class for people, essentially, because the deliberate misuse of the drug or extremely careless handling of it can cause severe poisoning. Which is not excluded, because Amber is intended for use by unqualified users in private household plots. However, the toxicological parameters of succinic acid are comparable to those of... ordinary table salt: LD50 for rats orally 2.26 g/kg (!); for mice intravenously 1.4 g/kg. In human terms, this means that for severe poisoning with succinic acid, you need to eat it with spoons, but in reality this substance is not much more dangerous than food-grade citric acid.

Amber and bees

However, before spraying open ground plants with Yantarine, you need to notify nearby beekeepers (whose apiaries are in the protected zone, see below) 3-5 days in advance about the upcoming treatment. The fact is that the height of flowering of fruits and berries in beekeeping is the time when the day feeds the year. The restriction on the summer of bees for Yantarin is short-lived (also see below), but during a rush of honey harvest it can be critical for the profitability of the apiary farm. You need to respect beekeepers, if only because without pollination by domestic bees there will be no good harvest - the total activity of wild pollinators is no higher than 15-20% of that of the honey bee. That is why it is necessary to warn the beekeeper(s) to decide whether it is worth locking up the bees or whether it is better to migrate the entire apiary to a new place. It takes several days to find and move there.

Recommendations for daily routine

Pediatricians agree on whether children can take succinic acid. This is a natural, safe and very inexpensive immunostimulant. Today on the market it is almost impossible to find an analogue at the price. But the need for succinic acid depends on the energy and labor costs of the body. That is, in addition to the fact that you will give your child pills, you need to take care of other factors:

  • The child must eat well and regularly.
  • Be sure to follow the correct daily routine.
  • Physical activity is important and necessary, but too much of it can undermine your health. Therefore, the work and rest schedule must be carefully adjusted.

If you follow all these points, the absorption of acid will be complete. At the same time, its effect on the body will be the strongest.

Reviews and results of losing weight

Veronica, 29 years old, Balakovo

I recently learned how useful succinic acid is for weight loss, having read reviews about its use on a forum for young mothers. Women who, like me, were trying to find ways to regain their slimness after childbirth and breastfeeding, actively discussed options for how to take “amber” when losing weight. Some drank a solution, others took tablets. It seemed to me that the most effective method was to take this dietary supplement according to the 3/1 scheme, i.e., every fourth day, do not take pills and do unloading. I decided to try it - I followed a balanced diet for 3 days and drank succinic acid before meals, and on the fourth I switched to only kefir and apples. In a month I lost 7 kg, my skin began to look much better, I had energy, and my mood improved significantly. For a young mother, all this is very important, and for a woman at any age too. I recommend everyone to try it even for prevention.

Ekaterina, 54 years old, Sochi

For me, losing weight with the help of an amber supplement was a real discovery. It all started when a friend advised me to take these pills to improve the condition of my hair and skin, but not after meals, as in the instructions, but before main meals. I didn’t change my diet, but I started doing home fitness, which I couldn’t start due to lack of strength. Taking “amber” made me more energetic, I had a desire to act and train. Without changing my diet at all, doing light exercise for 20–30 minutes a day, taking 1 tablet of succinic acid 3 times a day, in a month I lost 6 kg, “shrank” by one size, gained radiant skin and more vibrant hair. This drug really works.

Vitaly, 32 years old, Vladimir

For me, the use of succinic acid resulted in an exacerbation of a stomach ulcer. But he himself is to blame, because he did not take into account the contraindications, and he had suffered from gastritis for a long time. Moreover, I chose the method of administration in a solution on an empty stomach in the morning. Therefore, I can’t say anything good about this product. But my wife also takes this solution for weight loss, without having problems with the gastrointestinal tract, and everything is fine with her. Noticeably slimmer and fresher.

Methods of application

The dietary supplement “Succinic Acid” is available in the form of powder, tablets and capsules. In addition, this organic compound is included in many vitamin and mineral complexes. Since its concentration in different dosage forms varies significantly, before taking this or that drug for weight loss, it is necessary to correctly determine the dosage and method of use.

When using amber powder, it must first be diluted in water. There are strict recommendations on how to prepare, how to drink and how many ml of this solution to take:

  • 1 g of powdered succinic acid should be diluted in 250 ml of cooled boiled water;
  • drink the drink 30 minutes before breakfast;
  • After taking, rinse your mouth thoroughly with clean water to prevent the destruction of tooth enamel by an acidic environment.

This method is not suitable for losing weight in the presence of gastrointestinal pathologies, since the acidic composition will irritate the walls of the digestive tract, aggravating the situation. In such cases, it is better to opt for tablets.

If capsules or tablets are used, the use of succinic acid for weight loss can be carried out according to two schemes:

  1. Take 3 tablets daily, one 30 minutes before each main meal, with a glass of water. Course duration is 1–2 months.
  2. The reception method is similar to the previous one, but according to a slightly different scheme:
  • You need to take 4 tablets a day (also half an hour before meals);
  • after 3 days of taking it, take a 1-day break;
  • the day of the break should be a fasting day with minimal physical activity.

Attention! The given instructions for using succinic acid for weight loss do not correspond to the manufacturer’s recommendations for taking this drug in the treatment of various diseases. Therefore, in the second case, the presence of contraindications must be taken into account.

The difference between the therapeutic and prophylactic intake of acid and its use for weight loss is how many tablets to take and at what time:

  • The manufacturer's instructions indicate a dosage of 0.5–1 tablet 3 times a day after meals;
  • for weight loss, you need to take at least 3-4 tablets a day 30 minutes before meals.

In any case, the last pill should not be taken later than 4 hours before bedtime. Succinic acid has an invigorating effect, so it can cause insomnia. If the rules described above are followed, the use of succinic acid for weight loss does not cause side effects and makes the weight loss process more comfortable.

For prevention purposes, the dosage is selected individually, based on individual needs for this substance. If after taking a warming effect is felt and slight dizziness appears, then this indicates the optimal dose.

Chemical composition

Pediatricians confirm that in most cases, succinic acid can be given to children without fear. Only rarely, if there are strict contraindications, should the course of treatment with the “sunstone” be postponed or completely canceled. The benefits of the drug are due to its chemical composition. Of course, a stone cannot be called an organism, but in composition it is close to a living creature. This is a combination of organic acids, many minerals and other useful substances. In other words, everything that is sold in beautiful jars for a lot of money.

The great advantage of the product is that, once in the body, it goes directly to the organ or system where it is needed in the first place. Those organs that need it are saturated with energy, while those that work perfectly are ignored. Therefore, succinic acid can and even should be given to children during the recovery period after a serious illness.


Chemical formula of succinic acid

In reputable sales brochures, Amber is positioned as a plant stimulant; sometimes - as a growth stimulant, which is also true to some extent. But succinic acid (formula in the figure on the right) is not an auxin-like compound and not a phytohormone at all. Its stimulating effect is of a different nature.

The vital activity of all living organisms is ensured by special substances, the so-called. high-energy (energy-intensive) – energy storage and transporters. Macroergic compounds of living beings are known about. 40. Of these, the most important is adenosine triphosphoric acid (ATP); The role of guanosine triphosphate (GTP) is also significant.

Macroergic substances are formed in organisms in three jointly acting ways:

  1. In the respiratory chains;
  2. Poxidative phosphorylation;
  3. The so-called general path of catabolism.

The general path of catabolism provides, in addition to direct energy carriers, substrate substances for mitochondrial respiration. In plants as producing organisms, the role of the general catabolic pathway is especially important. The central phase of this biochemical process is the so-called. the tricarboxylic acid cycle, or the Krebs cycle (after the name of one of the discoverers), or, not entirely correctly, the citric acid cycle.

Scheme of the tricarboxylic acid cycle on the general catabolic pathway

Succinic acid is one of the links in the tricarboxylic acid cycle (shown in the blue frame in Fig.

on the right), but the link is critical. Due to its relatively small molecular weight and simple chemical structure, the hydroxyl groups of succinic acid are chemically very active

But for the same reasons, succinic acid easily decomposes in light and air or is lost by plants through simple diffusion. To replenish its “unplanned” loss, the plant organism has to spend a good share of the energy received from light and nutrients.

Feeding plants with succinic acid releases this energy to activate life processes. Let us imagine, figuratively speaking, a goner smoked to the ends of his hair. And so, a certain pill appeared in pharmacies, the use of which clears his lungs until they are pink, like those of a strong baby. The effect of succinic acid on plants is somewhat similar to the effect of such a hypothetical medicine.

What about mushrooms?

In some manuals and product descriptions, succinic acid is credited with the properties of a fungicide or even a universal pesticide. This is not true. Plant cells are covered with an outer cellulose membrane on top of the cell membrane - succinic acid diffuses through it. Animal cells do not have a special protective shell - they are protected by the outer integument of the body, which provides the animals with mobility. But fungal cells are covered on top of the membranes with a continuous layer of chitin. Even the thinnest chitinous layer is impermeable to succinic acid, so it does not act on fungi by contact and is not absorbed by their hyphae. The correlation of the use of succinic acid on plants with the degree of their susceptibility to phytopathogens and pests is false, because the increased resistance of plants in this case is simply due to the stimulation of their vital activity by the drug.

For nursing mother

Many medications are prohibited during breastfeeding. Therefore, a young mother usually tries to consult a doctor before taking even the most harmless vitamins and food supplements. This is a very correct position. But succinic acid is not prohibited during breastfeeding. On the contrary, this will help maintain the mother’s strength and enrich the milk. Many mothers note that after a course of succinic acid, milk becomes more. This is useful for those who have reduced lactation.

Pros and cons of using

The effect of acid on a plant is more like a growth stimulator. At the same time, using the medicine as a fertilizer has additional advantages:

  1. Stabilizes soil microflora and helps plants resist diseases.
  2. The stimulating effect of succinic acid does not end there. The growth stimulator improves the plant's immunity and prevents fungal and bacterial infections from damaging green spaces.
  3. Reduces stress factors: pressure surges, temperature problems, drought or high humidity, lack of lighting.

Indoor flowers suffer the most from stressful situations. The soil in pots changes and is associated with human actions that are unpleasant for the plant. The roots are always damaged and exposed when transplanted.

It's difficult to experience so much at once. The plant experiences particular challenges during periods of drought or rainy weeks. Humidity and dryness of the air also greatly hinder the “green inhabitants” from growing and looking healthy.

The benefits and harms of succinic acid in the analysis are huge among the negative aspects: increasing the dose leads to unpleasant consequences. The plant should not be over-fertilized. But if it is necessary to combat chlorophyll, succinic acid becomes an emergency aid.

Price of drugs

The cost of the dietary supplement “Succinic Acid” depends on the form of release, the concentration of the active substance and the pharmacy markup. The average price of drugs varies within the following limits:

  • tablets 50 mg No. 10 – 15–20 rubles;
  • tablets 100 mg No. 10 – 25–30 rubles;
  • tablets 100 mg No. 20 – 35–40 rubles;
  • powder 10 g – 100–150 rubles;
  • powder 500 g – 2000 rubles.

Since it is quite difficult to buy powder, if you wish to use the drug in the form of a solution, you can crush a tablet with the appropriate dosage (100 mg).

When the need for acid increases

Indications include almost all age-related diseases, acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections. But there are other factors that increase the need for acid:

  • Spring or autumn colds. From the first day you notice a worsening condition, runny nose or cough, start giving your child acid tablets.
  • Sports loads. Today, children attend various sections after school. As a result, the body's strength is depleted. But that is not all. Muscles are subjected to serious stress.
  • Allergic reactions.
  • Heart failure. If a child suffers from this disease, then regular use of this supplement will improve their health.
  • Skin problems: various dermatitis and rashes.
  • Excess body weight.

If a person is completely healthy, these pills will not contribute to any changes in his condition. The reason is simple: succinic acid is sent directly to diseased organs, ignoring those that work optimally. Therefore, if at the moment there are no health problems, no increased physical or mental stress, then there is no need to take this supplement.

Composition of the drug

“Succinic acid” are tablets, reviews of which indicate complete safety even for long-term use, due to the fact that the composition contains exclusively harmless active ingredients. Among them:

  • succinic acid;
  • ascorbic acid.

The content of the latter is insignificant and is necessary for better absorption of the drug. Also, to create a more convenient substance for consumption, the following additives are included in the drug:

  • microcrystalline cellulose;
  • calcium stearate;
  • potato starch;
  • lactose.

The described elements serve as additional components in the drug and do not have any particular effect on the body of the patient who uses Succinic Acid tablets. Reviews indicate that all substances present in their composition are well tolerated while taking the medication.

Features of use during pregnancy

Even at the planning stage, both parents are recommended to take a course of succinic acid, thereby improving their health. The duration of the course is 30 days, after which you need to take a break. In general, it is better to agree on the duration of treatment with the doctor, since an individual treatment regimen is selected for each patient.

If there are no contraindications, you can take this supplement throughout your pregnancy. This measure makes it easier, helps to gently rebuild the hormonal system of a pregnant woman, reduces toxicosis, helps compensate for additional energy costs of the body, and reduces the risk of giving birth to a child with pathologies.

Foods containing succinic acid

Few people know, but the human body can independently produce succinic acid. And this dose is 200g per day. Additionally, it can be obtained not only from tablets and powder, but also from some food products.

  • drinks obtained by fermentation: natural beer and wine, kefir, yogurt;
  • Brewer's yeast;
  • unripe gooseberries, currants, white grapes, apples;
  • sunflower seeds;
  • seafood, such as oysters;
  • sauerkraut, turnip;
  • low-fat cheese;
  • alfalfa grass;
  • rye, barley.

In order to clearly understand how the process of losing weight with the help of this dietary supplement will go step by step, read the reviews of other people and study the before and after photos. It would also be a good idea to consult with a specialist before starting your appointment.

Interesting: Weight loss drugs: review

Succinic acid is one of the most affordable weight loss products. The main thing is to read the instructions for use before starting to take it so as not to inadvertently harm your body.

Have you ever drank succinic acid?

Every day

Without this substance, any organism cannot exist. And children grow quickly, and energy is spent accordingly. Clinical trials have shown the safety of using amber acid even in large quantities. Of course, it is better to follow the recommendations of your doctor. The body independently produces and consumes 200 mg of acid per day. It goes to maintaining life cycles.

The dosage of succinic acid for children is calculated based on body weight. It is very necessary for maintaining physical activity. Of course, this is very important for children. To calculate the required dosage, you need to multiply your body weight by 0.03 g. The resulting figure is considered an individual norm, which is recommended for daily consumption. And one more important feature. The use of succinic acid for children is also allowed because it does not cause addiction or allergies, because it is always present in the human body.


In fact, the list of positive qualities of the drug is very large. But now we will not consider all the beneficial properties, but only those that are relevant for the child’s body:

  • The drug is useful during seasonal colds and viral infections, supports the body during a serious illness and immediately after it. Of course, children are the first to suffer from illnesses. Therefore, succinic acid is indicated for children as an immunostimulant. In addition to all the advantages listed above, this is a natural remedy that is quite inexpensive.
  • The drug is effective for ailments of the musculoskeletal system, which are much younger today.
  • Amber acid stimulates metabolic processes and insulin production. This is very important in the treatment of diabetes.
  • Improves the functioning of the stomach and intestines.
  • Succinic acid is indicated for children who are registered with a neurologist and have various health problems.
  • Increases hemoglobin. That is, the drug can be taken to prevent anemia.

Characteristics and composition

Succinic acid is not sold in stores selling agricultural products. It is purchased at a pharmacy. The release form is different, but the chemical name is the same - butadienic acid.

The substance is used in practice as a medicinal form to restore the immune and nervous systems, filling them with energy. Has various areas of application. Doctors recommend using it for:

  • improving brain function;
  • to increase attention and concentration;
  • strengthening reflexes;
  • relieving stress from the body and nervous system.

The formula of succinic acid is designed in such a way as to relieve inflammatory processes and prevent the appearance of tumors, restore blood circulation and veins.

In a similar way, amber helps plants recover. The immune system is imbued, which means photosynthesis improves. It will help improve the condition of not only indoor plants, but also in the country.

Succinic acid is not a chemical substance, but an organic one. You can find it in cheeses, gooseberries and grapes. Sauerkraut has become a storehouse of this substance. Naturally, amber itself is the main source material for acid.

Modern science manages to obtain the composition of succinic acid using the formula of n-butane and benzene. By combining the two components, crystals are obtained and then ground into powder (white color). Taste: sourish taste. At the same time, the crystals dissolve well in water.

Auxiliary components are:

  • potato starch and talc;
  • aerosil and sugar;
  • ascorbic acid and calcium stearate.
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