Data Comparison
Treatment of hemorrhoids with folk remedies during pregnancy
Over time, the joyful anticipation of the end of pregnancy may be somewhat overshadowed by various unpleasant diseases, which include
What are the benefits of melon for humans - 10 proven facts
Question: Good afternoon, recently I began to notice that after melon I have
Which cabbage is most effective for constipation: sauerkraut, stewed, sea or cauliflower?
It is quite difficult to surprise guests or family with the presence of stewed cabbage on the dinner table. And here
Which is better: Trimedat or Duspatalin? For pancreatitis? Reviews. Can it be used simultaneously?
Which is better: Trimedat or Duspatalin? For pancreatitis? Reviews. Can it be used simultaneously?
The use of antispasmodics (relieving spasms) is an important component in the treatment of all kinds of spasms and colic.
B vitamins
The effectiveness of colon cleansing with oatmeal: flakes, scrub, decoction, jelly
Metabolic and digestive disorders are common. The reason for this is poor environmental
Why pain under the ribs on the right can radiate to the back and what to do about it
Pain in various forms of cholecystitis Cholecystitis is an acute inflammatory process of the gallbladder. U
Hepatitis C carrier
Hepatitis C carrier: what is the passive state of the hepatitis virus
A person becomes a carrier of the hepatitis C virus when it enters his body. The pathogen is not
Diet number 5 for liver and biliary tract problems
When choosing a diet according to Pevzner, you need to be careful, because the diet table is aimed at losing weight
Gallbladder size: normal in adults, explanation, reasons for changes in indicators
The gallbladder is a small, hollow organ located under the lower part of the liver. It serves for
Use of ichthyol ointment for hemorrhoids
Detailed instructions for using ichthyol ointment for hemorrhoids
Ichthyol ointment is used for hemorrhoids as an antiseptic and disinfectant. In the photo: ointment
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