Feeling of a lump in the throat with gastritis
Lump in the throat with gastritis Very often people experience the feeling of a lump in the throat.
Pancreatitis in pregnant women: symptoms and treatment, is it possible to give birth?
During pregnancy, the female body changes, which leads to an exacerbation of chronic pathologies. To those
German clinic Sachsenhausen Treatment in Frankfurt
Is it possible to remove the pancreas? Damage to the pancreas occurs due to poor nutrition, alcoholism, and overeating
relief ointment for hemorrhoids during pregnancy
How to treat hemorrhoids during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester
Folk remedies and disease prevention The 3rd trimester of pregnancy makes it possible to use various folk remedies
Prevention of the pancreas is a set of measures that must be performed in order to preserve the health of the organ for a long time
What to drink to prevent the pancreas
Prevention of the pancreas is a set of measures that must be performed in order to preserve it for a long time.
human lymph nodes
Inflammation of the lymph nodes in the abdominal cavity in children and its treatment
Abdominal pain (in the abdomen) is quite common in both adults and children.
Photo 101
Is it permissible to take hot baths if you have hemorrhoids?
Hemorrhoids - a modern disease Hemorrhoids are considered a disease of the twenty-first century, when on weekends
Composition soars
Which is better HYRABEZOL or RAZO - Comparison of drugs
Release form, composition and manufacturer The drug is produced only in tablets in dosages of 10 and
Treating hemorrhoids with aloe: 7 simple recipes
Aloe for hemorrhoids, how to use Aloe is an agave, an antioxidant plant. Contains group vitamins
Hemorrhoids 1st degree: clinical manifestations and treatment features
The initial stage of hemorrhoids is practically asymptomatic. The disease proceeds secretly, without acute manifestations. Hemorrhoids (“bumps”)
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