Pangastritis: why is this inflammatory lesion of the stomach dangerous?
Erythematous gastritis is a form of chronic inflammation of the stomach. It develops gradually, has its own
Eating beets for pancreatitis, recommendations from experts and methods of preparation
Digestive diseases are widespread, which is associated with an increase in toxic, drug and viral exposures.
About the diet if you have a hiatal hernia
What diet is suitable for a hiatal hernia, sample menu, permitted and prohibited foods
Diet for hiatal hernia is of no small importance for relieving symptoms and
Cholecystitis in children: symptoms, treatment, prevention.
The internal organs of our body are very sensitive to external influences. Children especially suffer from this.
Pancreatic ducts
The structure of the pancreatic ducts and their pathologies
The pancreas is one of the most important organs of the gastrointestinal tract in the human body.
How does the stomach hurt with gastritis and how to relieve the symptoms
Gastritis is an inflammation of the inner lining of the stomach. Depending on the severity of the process, it covers not
Medicinal herbs for the treatment of intestinal diseases
The resulting inflammation in the stomach negatively affects the concentration of released hydrochloric acid. Depending on the
Will they join the army with an ulcer: factors that are decisive for the commission
10/20/2019 Peptic ulcer is one of the most common and dangerous diseases of the gastrointestinal tract Ulcer
value of flax seeds
The best traditional medicine for atrophic gastritis
With atrophic gastritis, the cells of the stomach walls cease to perform their function, that is, to produce secretions,
esophagus pain
Esophageal ulcer - causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment
Ulcers affecting the gastrointestinal tract are becoming more and more common in people. For now
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